I absolutely HATE dieting/exercise...



  • janeite1990
    janeite1990 Posts: 694 Member
    This sounds mean and counter-intuitive, so ignore me if you want, but I found that the cleaner I ate, but better I felt about it all and the better the food tasted and filled me up. You have quite a few processed diet items in you diary. If you eat Baked Lays, you will still crave less nutritious foods. My suggestion is to keep the same moderate calorie deficit (I certainly don't recommend crazy restrictions on calories), but aim to reduce the Cokes and processed foods. There is nothing wrong with steak. Try some brown rice, quinoa, red lentils, salmon, chicken...but really spice it up and spend some time preparing it all to taste great.

    On the exercise, keep looking for something you like. Even if you do Curves half the time and Zumba videos the other half. Give yourself a break and enjoy something!
  • Rambo313
    Rambo313 Posts: 179 Member
    There are other things that we can reward ourselves with one of them not being food. Food is fuel and that is it.

    You don't seem to like working out so perhaps finding a new routine will work, If you do not like going to the gym there are many free online videos that you can do and workouts that require no gym equipment.

    Check out bodyrocktv.com or pinterest.com for some ideas. Working out is awesome, once you find something you enjoy. Also it would help if you didnt look at working out as a "chore" and more like something you do normally such as going to the grocery store..once it becomes part of your lifestyle and not something that you dread, things will change,
  • myofibril
    myofibril Posts: 4,500 Member
    Can I be blunt?

    You just need to get over it or accept the fact that you won't ever have the body or athletic performance you desire. When the psychological need for you to be healthy outrides the need for you to comfort yourself with food or an easy life you'll find it a lot easier and find creative solutions to your predicament.

    It could be worse though.

    You could have to walk over 20 miles just to get access to clean water and only have the luxury of eating one small meal a day.

    That would truly suck.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 245 Member
    Me and exercise you to have a love/hate relationship. I loved to hate it. After being asked everytime I went to the doctor if I had started exercising, and getting the lecture that I needed to, I finally started. You really have to find something you enjoy. I can't afford a gym membership. So I do water aerobics, walk or exercise video's at home. To change it up my cable also has exercise programs that I can do. And don't look at it as a diet. It is a lifestyle change. Many people break their diets or only diet for a short time. Since I have changed my eating habits I feel so much better. I still indulge once in a while per my doctor. He said you can't give up everything. Have your fried cheese balls and ranch once in a while. And no reason you can't enjoy a steak now and then. Moderation is the key. You can do this.

    ^^^ Exactly. Don't think "I can never have a cheese ball ever again". baloney. YOU choose when to have it. Just make it count. When you have a good relationship with food, when you're making great choices 99% of the time, and you are truly craving it. Then, you'll find you don't even like them. HA!
  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,267 Member
    Can I be blunt?

    You just need to get over it or accept the fact that you won't ever have the body or athletic performance you desire. When the psychological need for you to be healthy outrides the need for you to comfort yourself with food or an easy life you'll find it a lot easier and find creative solutions to your predicament.

    It could be worse though.

    You could have to walk over 20 miles just to get access to clean water and only have the luxury of eating one small meal a day.

    That would truly suck.

  • vtachycardia
    Try eating 'clean' 5-6 days a week and enjoy your cheese balls and what not once a week. In moderation. Don't have 50 of em. You'll have something to look forward to. As for exercise, find something you like. It exists.


    And I hate cardio, I love lifting and there are plenty of total body routines designed to complete in 30 minutes which will put you in the cardio zone and work muscles. So, less time, more gain, everyone a winner.
  • SoViLicious
    SoViLicious Posts: 2,633 Member
    It's not fun, but I like that i can get up without thinking about how. Also being more fit is good too.
  • Vansy
    Vansy Posts: 419 Member
    I'm a weird person that loves exercise and loves the feeling of being sore after an intense strength workout. I sometimes get in modes where I loathe running everyday, but I loe the feeling after a good workout. Leaves me feeling accomplished and stronger then I was before the workout.
    I fell off the wagen for a few months; but I'm back to where I love every second of my workouts and look forward to doing them daily.

    Maybe try something more fun...like a Zumba class or aerobic exercise class or dance classes or something .There are plenty of ways to make "exercise" seem more like a fun time then actual work.
  • vtachycardia
    "You could have to walk over 20 miles just to get access to clean water and only have the luxury of eating one small meal a day."

    True, but as my mum says, "but I don't live there" could argue long and hard that her who lived through the Second World war and rationing became one of the people who truly went beserk at the end of rationing. Mental impact is mental impact, walking in another persons shoes is great for empathy but less practical for the psychy.
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,229 Member
    If it feels like a punishment, then you are doing it wrong. Eat the foods you want in moderation and find exercises that you enjoy.
  • newhabit
    newhabit Posts: 426 Member
    i did feel like that but now i don't. i've realized that if i want to look a certain way, there is a price. otherwise i can just go back to how i looked before and learn to be happy being overweight. i know that sounds harsh but i've realized that the only way for me to keep maintaining my weight at age 33 and a sedentery job is i have to exercise and eat right. i found some things i like to do and that's helped but it is not always going to be fun. some days i truly enjoy exercising and look forward, other days i want to eat all the old stuff i used to (and in the same quantities) and not exercise. it's a trade off. i get to decide how i want to eat and exercise and based on that decision, my body looks how it does. there are very few people in the world who are so gifted that they dont' have to exercise to maintain their body. even supermodels, most of them, have to work out and eat right. not that we shoudl strive to be like that, but any effort into one's appearance requires we do somethign. maybe think of it this way, if we want to look good we ahve to do our hair, makeup, pick the right clothes, seek proper medical and dental care, this is just another part of our appearance we shoudl maintain.
  • BirdieNYC
    BirdieNYC Posts: 26 Member
    Join Netflix. I'm serious! I pay $8/month and have the app on my iphone. I watch the worst TV ever at the gym and it makes the minutes go by like that, so much so that sometimes, i stay on the elliptical longer to finish an episode. I've watched The Hills, The City, 90210, Felicity, and the list keeps going. There is never an end to the content you can consume and it kind of makes the pain of the gym go away until it becomes a habit. Try it, it might just make it more bearable.
  • ErinBeth7
    ErinBeth7 Posts: 1,625 Member
    I've felt like that over the past 6 months. It waxes and wanes for me. Switching things up helps me feel like it is less of a burden. I hope you can find something to alter your routine and make it less odious!

    This is me too! Luckily, I don't mind going to the gym. It motivates me even more now that I have to pay for a membership. Before, I was a student and we had free use of the rec center. Now, I'm accountable for the gym. I have to switch up foods or I get so bored. I too hate having to eat less of the foods I love (pizza, beer, fries, etc).

    I agree that you should find something enjoyable for exercise. I like lifting weights, so that is what I do and then add about 20 min of cardio onto it. I'm not a huge fan of cardio, but it is good to get some in. I usually have to be watching something to finish my cardio. I can't blatantly stare at the wall do the treadmill or elliptical. That is so boring!
  • eganita
    eganita Posts: 501 Member
    Maybe try working out before work? That way, you won't have to dread it after work and will be free to do whatever you want, once you get out of the office!

    Or, maybe try some classes at the gym or rec sports leagues? I started playing hockey a couple of years ago and LOVE IT (and usually burn at least 500 calories in 60 minutes of playing). Another idea is trying something like the Jillian Michaels 30 Day Shred -- it's only a 20 minute workout but I think it's pretty effective!
  • alawilliams
    Am I the only person who constantly feels like this is a punishment? The feeling that I've lost that freedom to eat my beloved fried cheese balls and ranch, or a nice steak? I leave work every day and go work out. Yes, I've just started like a little over a week ago, working out again. I have heard the "you'll feel different when you see results". But this isn't my first go at this. I feel like I leave my job, to go to another job (lifting/cardio). Only to reap no rewards of foods I once enjoyed because I need to be eating clean. I have my reasons for doing this - my health, my very supportive boyfriend. But everything just sucks when 4pm rolls around and I'm actually dreading leaving work because I have to go exercise. Yes I know I should find something I really enjoy. I live in a very rural area. It's at least an hour to civilization. My options are limited.

    I just can't help but to feel like I can't be the only one that doesn't truly enjoy this. But I'll keep doing it alone if I have to...

    I to \HATE working out... So to loose I have made it a daily challenge to see what is the most foods I can eat with the lowest calories. Actually it's a game I play I think. But here I am with 35 lbs down with very little exercise. In fact my weekly exercise consists of mowing my yard and cleaning. So find what you can do that makes your day something to look forward to.
  • KellyUK1987
    I didn't like exercising. But now, I look forward to it, so that I can input it onto MFP and see how many calories I'm burning.

    I think you need to change your attitude towards it. Don't see it as 'dieting and working out' view it as losing the fat, looking better. You're one step closer to wearing those jeans, or dress or something.

    I find exercising makes me feel good, which is really helping with my depression too.

    I also agree to the 30 Day Shred - I'm doing this. It's only 20 minutes of work out (a little intense though) but it's a great feeling when you finish it.
  • StephanieEmpson
    How amny calories are you allowing yourself per day?
  • Faintgreeneyes
    Faintgreeneyes Posts: 730 Member
    Here is my .02. I subscribe to the IIFYM (if it fits your macros). I eat whatever I want (this includes ice cream) but I make sure that it fits into my daily cals and try to hit my macro levels (carbs, fat, protein). This way I never feel like I am not "allowed" to eat something, because as with most things, when someone tells you that you *can't* have something you want it that much more.

    Also you should be looking at this as a lifestyle change and not a diet. Diets are extreme and not sustainable. At some point your going to eat carbs again, going to eat over 500 calories, eat something besides a juice/shake drink- and all the weight comes back. Temporary fixes do not work. Changing how you eat, how much you eat (portion control) and what you eat will have the biggest impact, and help you keep and maintain your weight loss.

    So, do I try to eat more fruits, veggies, whole grains, and protein- you betcha. But do I allow myself to have chocolate, or cake, or ice cream when the need arises, yup! Perhaps looking at food this way as opposed to what you can;t have will make this whole step not seem so dreadful.

    Also, exercise does get better/easier the more you do it. Find something that interests you whether its running, biking, Zumba, kick boxing, it will make working out seem less like a chore.
  • b1g_tun4
    b1g_tun4 Posts: 48
    I used to wonder why in the heck do these people seem to be enjoying eating right and exercising. This SUCKS!

    Then one day I was reading some stuff. We do healthy things because we love ourselves. I obviously wasn't loving myself too much when I weighed 350lbs and would stop at Popeye's for a 10 piece and eat the whole thing and chase it with some Ben and Jerry's. So I prayed that I would love myself more and enough to enjoying doing healthy things. I started going to the gym with a different attitude. It's not I GOT to work out it is that I GET to work out. This shift in attitude has made all the difference in the world to me. It was a gradual process over the last three years but today I enjoyed my healthy breakfast and gym time.

    "to love oneself is the beginning of a lifelong romance"
    -Oscar Wilde
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    For weight loss you can eat whatever you want as long as you create a calorie deficit. So, I assume you are eating clean for health. You don't need to eat clean all the time to be healthy. You can still have fried cheese and ranch occasionally, just don't eat it every day. Losing / maintaining weight does not need to be all salads, raw veggies and fish.

    Just eat a variety of vegetables, fruits, whole grains and lean proteins. If you stick to that for most meals, you occasionally splurge on things you love that may not be great from a health perspective. You can even eat until you just can't eat any more occasionally without gaining weight or ruining your health.

    It's really not necessary to be so strict all the time. Enjoy food and enjoy life, because you never know how long it will last.