I absolutely HATE dieting/exercise...



  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    I was under the impression that "clean" eating was eating things as close to their natural state as possible. I know I haven't been super strict about it. But believe me I'm eating MUCH MUCH MUCH healthier than my usual meat/potato breakfast/lunch/dinner. Yes, It's something I need to work on. But again I'm new to this...

    I'm new to this.

    I am NEW to this people.

    In case it was missed, please see my comment on page 2. Start there and make adjustments as needed.
  • amandagyeoman
    amandagyeoman Posts: 88 Member

    Sounds like you want a magic pill.
    So, blunt but realistic. Suck it up already. Or don't. Lose weight and be more fit. Or don't. It's your life. Is the cheeseball worth how crappy you feel and potential medical problems or not? How about a cheeseball once and while or a bunch whenever you feel like it? Why do you feel like it? Maybe you need to think about the root of your weight issue. I mean that genuinely. If you fill a void with food, you will keep wanting too until you figure out why. I read "Women, Food and God" by Geneen Roth ...which, I didn't think was very well written, but it did get my brain moving in the right direction.

    You know what else you'll probably hate? Feeling overweight and unhealthy. I know I didn't like it.

    Let me be blunt. I don't want to do pills or fad diets. Don't assume. I feel like being healthier YES. If I didn't, I wouldn't force myself to do something I hate 5 flipping days a week.Oh and please don't push your religion on me, I'm talking health not joining a cult.
  • What do you like to do? Read, crossword, watch TV, talk with friends... Find a way to work this into your exercise. Read or crossword on a stationary bike or exercise machine, listen to books on an iPod, get a treadmill for home and you can watch TV or talk while walking. Get a friend to exercise with you. Do active things with your BF.

    For other motivation, I focus on things I hate. I hate it when I go on vacation that involves physical activity (walking at the zoo etc) and I'm exhausted because I never exercise. I have shoulder and back pain partially because my muscles are weak. I hate taking my shirt off at the pool because my fat shows. I hate it that processed convienence foods are so available and heavily advertised so Frito Lay, McDonalds, and Coke are making millions at the expense of my health. Channel this into motivation to make healthy food choices and exercise.

    Are the food rewards you crave helping you reach your most important goals in life? Tie your dreams and aspirations into your diet and exercise goals. If you need it, write these things down and when times are hard get out your list and read it. You will slip up. When you do, don't beat yourself up. Focus on starting again with your goals in mind.
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I go to Curves. I do not have a gym membership because from past experience there are rude jerks there that make comments like "just getting around to your New Year's resolution"? Or "hey how about you run to McDonald's and let us get our real workouts in". So NO I don't have "Fitness Classes" I have circuit weight training. Yeah... really weird...

    I *hated* Curves with a passion. I lasted 6 months before I gave up out of sheer boredom. I do much better at a "real" gym. I also found that the gym itself made a difference. I went with one of my friends to what I call the "hot people's gym." Basically, where you need to be in shape before going. There wasn't a single person there that was out of shape and they all glared at us. So, I joined another gym and it was fine- more of a mix of people and no one gave a care if you were 120 or 520. When I moved, I was very particular about the gym I went to. I actually joined Anytime Fitness here (I bounce between the two locations that are near me) and it's the same deal; all ages, all weights, all fitness levels.

    That said, "working out" isn't for everyone. Just being active is a wonderful thing!
  • amandagyeoman
    amandagyeoman Posts: 88 Member
    UsedToBeHusky: I did see your comment and thank you. I'm just increasingly frustrated with these comments bashing me. How can anyone come on this website and feel intimidated by someone else, if we are all on here for the same reason. Why do people who seem to have their diet/exercise in check have to make those of us who don't feel dumb or lesser than them??!
  • Halleeon
    Halleeon Posts: 309 Member
    Best of luck to you on your journey!
  • postrockandcats
    postrockandcats Posts: 1,145 Member
    I was under the impression that "clean" eating was eating things as close to their natural state as possible. I know I haven't been super strict about it. But believe me I'm eating MUCH MUCH MUCH healthier than my usual meat/potato breakfast/lunch/dinner. Yes, It's something I need to work on. But again I'm new to this...

    I'm new to this.

    I am NEW to this people.

    Clean is eating no processed foods. :)
  • amandagyeoman
    amandagyeoman Posts: 88 Member
    What do you like to do? Read, crossword, watch TV, talk with friends... Find a way to work this into your exercise. Read or crossword on a stationary bike or exercise machine, listen to books on an iPod, get a treadmill for home and you can watch TV or talk while walking. Get a friend to exercise with you. Do active things with your BF.

    For other motivation, I focus on things I hate. I hate it when I go on vacation that involves physical activity (walking at the zoo etc) and I'm exhausted because I never exercise. I have shoulder and back pain partially because my muscles are weak. I hate taking my shirt off at the pool because my fat shows. I hate it that processed convienence foods are so available and heavily advertised so Frito Lay, McDonalds, and Coke are making millions at the expense of my health. Channel this into motivation to make healthy food choices and exercise.

    Are the food rewards you crave helping you reach your most important goals in life? Tie your dreams and aspirations into your diet and exercise goals. If you need it, write these things down and when times are hard get out your list and read it. You will slip up. When you do, don't beat yourself up. Focus on starting again with your goals in mind.

    I totally focused my frustration into my workout yesterday and it really helped me meet my targets, so this is excellent advice! Thank you! My BF goes to school, so we really only have weekends to spend doing things together, we aim to do sports or hiking at least one day, the other is for rest. My girlfriends are all busy working moms. So I'm on my own M-F.
  • bcattoes
    bcattoes Posts: 17,299 Member
    I was under the impression that "clean" eating was eating things as close to their natural state as possible. I know I haven't been super strict about it. But believe me I'm eating MUCH MUCH MUCH healthier than my usual meat/potato breakfast/lunch/dinner. Yes, It's something I need to work on. But again I'm new to this...

    I'm new to this.

    I am NEW to this people.

    Just ignore the rude posts. You DO NOT have to eat raw or unprocessed foods to be healthy. There are plenty of healthy processed foods. You just need to read the labels carefully when buying processed foods, whereas fresh vegetables speak for themselves. Seriously, some people just make staying healthy way harder than it needs to be.

    ETA: I took a glance at the last few days of your diary and it didn't look bad. It's not a "clean" diet, but it did not look unhealthy. Except maybe for the Lime-a-rita. Those tasty little things are killers! (but I have them occasionally too) :drinker:
  • I have only posted 2 replys on MFP, I sometimes read peoples threads vicariously, usually not. I find MFP for excellent for tracking/reports/nutrition, etc. but really have not used the friends feature, yet. I have Facebook for that. LOL.

    Anyway your nice post hit a nerve, so here is my "2 cents"

    I too live in a rural area. We have 80 acres of very hilly woods in the Missouri Ozarks, in a cultural desert, but a beautiful area non the less. I'm from San Diego originally. I found that since I am a early morning person anyway, I just walk. I started dieting on May 5 at 5'7", 210 pounds, and a BMI of 32. I started 1,200 calories a day, in June added a multivitamin with iron, and calcium carbonate. Following MFP since May 25, I found my 1,200 calories was short on Iron and Calcium.

    I started walking one mile outside. I hate indoor treadmills, but I have one, as well as a home gym with a 200 pound stack. Our place is 1/4 mile by 1/2 mile, rectangle from the sky, so about 80 American football fields, but hilly. and we have a half mile gravel road to the "top" which is a two lane country road. Some of the ruts in our road are so deep, you can be the guy in 127 Hours for a minute.

    I set my alarm at 5:00 AM, get out of the house by 5:30 AM, and I walk 100 minutes, 5 miles a day, now since Mid-June. I have done 5 miles in as little as 96 minutes, and as long as 108 minutes. I started slow, as the gravel road has a 15% gradient to it...better than most treadmills. I only walk the 1/4 mile to our gate, as the next 1/4 to the blacktop has a 40% grade. I find I look forward to the isolation, I have triplets in the house, 13 year olds, Dad to two daughters and one son, going in the 8th grade on Aug 15. Also have a son, 20, a Junior at Mizzou.

    Anyway, I used to listen to my music, then suddenly I just wanted to hear the quiet noises of nature, listen to the wind, and I walk with our 2 dogs, a 11 year old Golden Retriever, and a 2 year old Australian Shepard Mix. Our 3 horses sometimes walk part of the way with me, that is a sight.

    On surprising things on this journey. I have way more energy now, I do not snore anymore, (confirmed by other), I no longer take Nexium, as GERD disappeared. I no longer have a fundal height of 7 months pregnant, more like 3 months. :-) Still have 20 to loose. My goal is 155 pounds, but I think I will go down to 145. I take a 40 Short in a suit, so I will try for a 40 Short -Athletic. I am currently between gigs, so I have time on my hands, but keep things busy. Oddly, my sense of smell has increased, don't know if that is from my body searching for food, LOL, or just less fat in the sinuses...but wow, can I smell the forest and flowers. I can tie my shoes as easy as my kids. I find that I am not hungry, at all, until an hour after my walks. I drink lots of water. I had a holiday on July 4 and my birthday, July 11 (Budweiser). Other than that. Water.

    When I hit 165, I am going to start using the home gym again, didn't want to have an MI on my journey, so with 3 months of Cardio behind me, I will add a workout.

    I sprinted the other day with one of my daughters who is 114 and 5'5" at 13, for 50 meters.

    I won.

    I'm 52.

    BTW, I was 145-155 until I was 38, same year the triplets were born, after my mom died.

    Then 175 till I was 48.

    The last 3 years has been full of personal life difficulties, and when I hit 210, I had some sort of "Forest Gump" moment, and just started, well, walking.

    When I hit my goal of 155, I am going to add the 40% grade hill out of our valley to my bucket list.

    I'll take friends...might be helpful.

    BTW, my doctor is in AWE of MFP, especially where you can follow nutrients for 3 months, and adjust things.
  • Christi6604
    Christi6604 Posts: 246 Member

    Sounds like you want a magic pill.
    So, blunt but realistic. Suck it up already. Or don't. Lose weight and be more fit. Or don't. It's your life. Is the cheeseball worth how crappy you feel and potential medical problems or not? How about a cheeseball once and while or a bunch whenever you feel like it? Why do you feel like it? Maybe you need to think about the root of your weight issue. I mean that genuinely. If you fill a void with food, you will keep wanting too until you figure out why. I read "Women, Food and God" by Geneen Roth ...which, I didn't think was very well written, but it did get my brain moving in the right direction.

    You know what else you'll probably hate? Feeling overweight and unhealthy. I know I didn't like it.

    Let me be blunt. I don't want to do pills or fad diets. Don't assume. I feel like being healthier YES. If I didn't, I wouldn't force myself to do something I hate 5 flipping days a week.Oh and please don't push your religion on me, I'm talking health not joining a cult.

    :laugh: Sorry if it came across that way. I'm glad you aren't interested in fads or pills.
    The main point is - it's about choices. That's all. It seems like you are defeating yourself before you've had much time to get started. I agree with some others that the best thing you could do is try to find a way to look at these changes as positive.

    All I was doing was recommending a book that helped me figure out what was at the root of my eating. If you don't have a use for it, fine. I'm an atheist...so hilarious on the cult comment. Also, I'm not a health nut...but thank you! :wink:
  • UsedToBeHusky
    UsedToBeHusky Posts: 15,228 Member
    UsedToBeHusky: I did see your comment and thank you. I'm just increasingly frustrated with these comments bashing me. How can anyone come on this website and feel intimidated by someone else, if we are all on here for the same reason. Why do people who seem to have their diet/exercise in check have to make those of us who don't feel dumb or lesser than them??!

    That's a good question. Everyone thinks that they have the right answers. Everyone thinks that anyone doing something different is doing it wrong. In my experience, you won't stick with this if it makes you unhappy. Taking control of your body is 90% diet, 10% exercise, but it is 100% mental. You have to find a balance between the mind and the body. Some people would rather fight the good fight against their mind, and they carry that fight mentality into this experience (and probably other parts of their lives as well). This site is meant for support, but for everyone, that word has as many different meanings as the term 'lifestyle change'. Kill 'em with kindness (as mom used to say) and try to get whatever benefit you can get from their comments and just ignore the negativity.
  • You have to start eating more calories, 500 is not going to do it. I look at dieting & exercise as a life style change, as with me too, I have health issues that demand I do something about it. I eat about a 1000 calories a day, feel good about my self, have started walking every morning before work and kids are up. It makes me feel great. And I can see the difference in my attuide and my energy level. There are so many different "exercises" and food choice's out there. Just have to find the one that fits you. Hang in there!!!
  • I'm not gonna lie - I bribe myself to eat right. We have a carefully planned rewards programme, and I get to buy cool stuff on the weekend (non-edible OR very healthy - but something that I can't usually afford) but ONLY if I was good all week.

    Totally works!

    'Cos I agree, its bloody hard and often just plain unpleasant!
  • amandagyeoman
    amandagyeoman Posts: 88 Member
    You have to start eating more calories, 500 is not going to do it. I look at dieting & exercise as a life style change, as with me too, I have health issues that demand I do something about it. I eat about a 1000 calories a day, feel good about my self, have started walking every morning before work and kids are up. It makes me feel great. And I can see the difference in my attuide and my energy level. There are so many different "exercises" and food choice's out there. Just have to find the one that fits you. Hang in there!!!

    I eat the recommended amount on MFP. I just try to subtract 500 from that and my that my goal between what I eat and my exercise.
  • VeggieKidMandy
    VeggieKidMandy Posts: 575 Member
    i think of it as mind over matter. If you tell yourself enough times that you are EXCITED to work out or happy you dont want that junk in your system, enough times...you will start to believe it. And when that doesn't work for me , I go to Dr. Oz's website and read the risks of obesity and scare myself so I actually do eat straight and workout regularly.
  • amandagyeoman
    amandagyeoman Posts: 88 Member
    I was under the impression that "clean" eating was eating things as close to their natural state as possible. I know I haven't been super strict about it. But believe me I'm eating MUCH MUCH MUCH healthier than my usual meat/potato breakfast/lunch/dinner. Yes, It's something I need to work on. But again I'm new to this...

    I'm new to this.

    I am NEW to this people.

    Just ignore the rude posts. You DO NOT have to eat raw or unprocessed foods to be healthy. There are plenty of healthy processed foods. You just need to read the labels carefully when buying processed foods, whereas fresh vegetables speak for themselves. Seriously, some people just make staying healthy way harder than it needs to be.

    ETA: I took a glance at the last few days of your diary and it didn't look bad. It's not a "clean" diet, but it did not look unhealthy. Except maybe for the Lime-a-rita. Those tasty little things are killers! (but I have them occasionally too) :drinker:

    The Lime-a-ritas were pressure from my BF parents! I don't drink often. They do...
  • LaDonnaF
    LaDonnaF Posts: 53 Member
    Am I the only person who constantly feels like this is a punishment? The feeling that I've lost that freedom to eat my beloved fried cheese balls and ranch, or a nice steak? I leave work every day and go work out. Yes, I've just started like a little over a week ago, working out again. I have heard the "you'll feel different when you see results". But this isn't my first go at this. I feel like I leave my job, to go to another job (lifting/cardio). Only to reap no rewards of foods I once enjoyed because I need to be eating clean. I have my reasons for doing this - my health, my very supportive boyfriend. But everything just sucks when 4pm rolls around and I'm actually dreading leaving work because I have to go exercise. Yes I know I should find something I really enjoy. I live in a very rural area. It's at least an hour to civilization. My options are limited.

    I just can't help but to feel like I can't be the only one that doesn't truly enjoy this. But I'll keep doing it alone if I have to...

    Highly doubt you are the only person that feels this way... or at least does when they start out. The first thing you should realize is that it is NOT a punishment and you are not relegated to certain foods if you want to be successful. There are healthier recipes out there for your fried cheese balls (bake?) and ranch dressing.. Steak is not something you shouldn't eat either.

    What you should focus on is moderation and definately look into some healthy recipes for things you love. The more you tell yourself know the more likely you are to "cheat" and binge on foods that aren't great for you and then you're back to square one and most likely feel guilty and yell at yourself for having fallen off the wagon/failed. I've discovered a love of cooking I never thought I'd have (hate doing dishes!).

    In terms of motivating yourself at the gym.... if you don't like Curves why pay for it? You can invest in some low weight dumbells (5-8) and do bodyweight exercises at home - you do not have to join a gym to lose weight; particularly if you find yourself not going because you are alone and don't want to, etc.

    Find things that you don't mind doing that get your heartrate up and go from there. Google is your friend if you're looking for exercises to change up your routine and keep you from getting bored. Definitely use these forums too... or bodybuilding.com (I use this a lot for nutrition information, new exercise moves, etc.)

    Good luck!

    Just an FYI.... when you put your goals into MFP it subtracts that 500 (or whatever it is for you) calorie deficit from your BMR and provides you the TOTAL calories for consumption each day. You do NOT subtract 500 from what MFP tells you your TOTAL is for the day. If your total is 1200 then that means your BMR is 1700 (what you would eat to maintain body function in a coma). When you input an activity (running, walking, etc.) it ADDS calories onto your TOTAL for the day because you're already at a deficit.

    You should NOT be eating less than 1200 calories.
  • cpaman87
    cpaman87 Posts: 193 Member
    I have added bicycling to my routine. I can spend a long time on the bike and it is still fun. An hour at the gym and I have had enough. You need to find the right exercise for you.
  • JenMull44
    JenMull44 Posts: 226 Member
    Buy a bike :-))

    YES ! Great for rural locations.