Something nobody knows about you........



  • Glamorous_RN
    I volunteer spare time doing crisis counseling to save people from committing suicide.
  • RiverMelSong
    RiverMelSong Posts: 456 Member
    I am skeeved out to the point of panic attacks by wet and gritty locker room floors. Just the thought of putting my bare feet on a dirty, wet tile floor makes me feel nauseous. I literally wear flip flops right up to the very edge of the pool because I won't even walk on a wet pool deck.

    Yep! I cant STAND to get ANYTHING on my feet. I always wear something on my feet, even in the house, if I get crumbs or dirt on my bare feet, im like....PUUKKEEEEE. lol

    I'm sooo happy I'm not the only one with this ''problem''! xD
  • Ayla70
    Ayla70 Posts: 284 Member
    I've lived in 34 different places, including 2 countries.

    I suffer PTSD and currently don't work because of it.

    I will advocate for animals, children and people with a disability to the point of being taken to court, but I have no self belief.

    I volunteer at my local animal refuge several times a week, and believe I get far more out of it than I put in.

    I was once (before I developed PTSD) invited to the Mayor's Xmas party for my good work in the community.
  • Sister_Someone
    Sister_Someone Posts: 567 Member
    Even when it's scorching hot outside, I'm not able to sleep without a very thick blanket on.

    If I forget my watch at home, I'm capable of turning on the spot and going back for it even when it means I'll be late to wherever I was going in the first place. However, I can forget my phone and survive the day just fine.
  • Percyjs
    Percyjs Posts: 31 Member
    I have a genius level IQ and have no social skills. But, no one knows that because I mimic and predict the behavior of everyone around me. I use my smarts to fake social skills lol.

    this fascinates me...I bet you are one interesting person. More so than you realize?
  • still_crafty
    still_crafty Posts: 692 Member
    I'm not really a b!itch . . . I just play one in your life.
  • Alzzak
    Alzzak Posts: 89 Member
    I maintained a 3.5 gpa, hardly studying, though out my college days....
  • LivvyLinde
    I have a navel piercing. I'm probably the last person that people would expect to have an unusual piercing-- totally a typical clean-cut good girl type :)

    It's fun to twist stereotypes sometimes!
  • Crochetluvr
    Crochetluvr Posts: 3,143 Member
    You'll have to wait till my book comes out. :happy:
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,709 Member
    If I tell, then somebody will know............................

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • chocl8girl
    chocl8girl Posts: 1,968 Member
    I am the most anti-social person that I know. I don't even think I like people at all. But I have a lot of musician/art friends/acquaintances and go to ALL of their gigs and hug and smile at everyone, while inside I am trying to hide in a hole.
  • LivvyLinde
    haha, I'm a bit the same way... :P
  • Jacwhite22
    Jacwhite22 Posts: 7,012 Member
    I'm not really a b!itch . . . I just play one in your life.

    I already knew
  • havingitall
    havingitall Posts: 3,728 Member
    I have an irrational fear of leaving the closet door open in the bedroom when I go to bed.... I completely blame it on my brothers... they rigged our bedroom door so they could open and close it from their beds (I'm the youngest of five boys)

    I can't sleep with the closet door open either. My husband laughs at me and tells me he won't let the monsters get me.
  • Faye_Anderson
    Faye_Anderson Posts: 1,495 Member
    I am skeeved out to the point of panic attacks by wet and gritty locker room floors. Just the thought of putting my bare feet on a dirty, wet tile floor makes me feel nauseous. I literally wear flip flops right up to the very edge of the pool because I won't even walk on a wet pool deck.

    Do you realise what people do/shed in pools :sick: :laugh:
  • Bronx_Montgomery
    Bronx_Montgomery Posts: 2,287 Member
    I have very very vivid dreams. There are times that they tend to be full length "movies" that my brain has created. (not movies I have seen..Movies that I have created) Sometimes the same "movie" plays again in my head as if im making changes to it. STrange
  • SPNLuver83
    SPNLuver83 Posts: 2,050 Member
    I absolutely CANNOT go to sleep in a room that has a turned-off TV. We used to have a TV in our bedroom and when my husband was out of town I would either have to leave the TV on all night or cover it with a blanket. I ended up making him take it out.

    When I was younger I was watching an episode of "Unsolved Mysteries" and there was a story about a "ghost face that appeared in the TV". Pretty sure that's what triggered this lol.

    O, and anything that has a ton of tiny holes makes me ridiculously sick to my stomach.
  • Mina50
    Mina50 Posts: 3
    Options it. i needed a laugh today!
  • silico
    silico Posts: 88 Member
    If I tell you, everyone will know...

    ^ This
  • JamesterCK
    JamesterCK Posts: 109 Member
    I'm sort of still scared of the dark; I also have to close the closet door when I sleep, and no matter how hot it is in my room I always pull the blanket up over my head. Not sure how that's going to help me if someone breaks in, but it makes me feel better. And I still sleep with the blanket I got when I was a's seen better days, lol. I tuck it under my head and I've done that for so many years that I have serious trouble sleeping on just a pillow.