Favorite Motivational Quote



  • super_monty
    super_monty Posts: 419 Member
    one of MFPs, has "Let's do this ****", just makes me laugh love it!!!!
  • chocolateandpb
    chocolateandpb Posts: 438 Member
    Nothing tastes as good as skinny feels

    I HATE that saying. It's such crap. I ate French fries the other day (something that only happens a few times a year) and I actually said "whoever said 'nothing tastes as good as skinny feels' clearly has never had piping hot, super salty, fresh French fries." :tongue:

    I workout so I can eat the treats I love (in moderation) and stay in shape! I loooooove food.

    But I digress. Carry on. :smile:
  • oddree80
    oddree80 Posts: 71 Member
    Keep you face towards the sun and you will never see the shadows. - Helen Keller

  • graciousdove
    graciousdove Posts: 28 Member
    These are wonderful! Thanks for sharing!
  • MrJase
    MrJase Posts: 88 Member
    "You need a dose of Man the fu*k up!" I get this especially trying to get that last rep squatting
  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    My favorite is: "If it is important to me, I will find a way. If not, I will find an excuse."

    What is your favorite quote that keeps you going?

    wow ! MY Dad use to say to me" if it is important to you , you will remember to do it ,and if not you will forget or find an excuse!"
    and also "eccuses are a dime a dozzen , you can always find one if you don't want to do something."
  • megsi474
    megsi474 Posts: 370 Member
    "However vast the darkness, we must supply our own light."

    "Two tears in a bucket, motherf*ck it."
  • "It never gets easier, you just get stronger."

    "Whether you think you can, or you think you can't, you're right." H. Ford

    "Do not pray for an easy life, pray for the strength to endure a difficult one." B. Lee
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    "Move your bloomin' *kitten*!" - Eliza Doolittle "My Fair Lady"

    "But I escaped from the reality
    Escaped from all the pain
    I said to myself
    'I'll be my ideal self some day
    Though I'm far from that now'

    After such excuses, my eyes were opened
    What I could do was only to live in the present time" - Ayumi Hamasaki "Walking Proud"
  • kitigonkukoo
    kitigonkukoo Posts: 218 Member
    "the only person you have to be better than is yourself, from yesterday."
  • BigAlfrn
    BigAlfrn Posts: 173 Member
    "do it before i effin kill you"

    my mom during my teenage years
  • Asha0714
    Asha0714 Posts: 88
    "Where you are is a great place to be. Because from where you are, you can go anywhere you decide to go. When you live in the past, you get stuck in a world that no longer exists. When you live in a fantasy of denial or wishful thinking, you sever your connection to the very reality that can move you forward. Here and now is where you are. Here and now is where you can be your best. Here and now is full of opportunities and brimming with possibilities. Here and now your actions have consequences and you can control those consequences by wisely choosing those actions. Here and now you have power, the power to change your life. You may not have chosen where you are right now. Yet that really doesn't matter. What matters is what you choose to do now that you're here. You are in a great position right here, right now. As soon as you accept, acknowledge and appreciate where you are, you can begin to move to precisely where you would like to be. Make the most of your good fortune right here, right now."
  • mistigoodwin
    mistigoodwin Posts: 411 Member
    "You Don't Get What You Want, You Get What You Work For"!!
  • Prudiddy
    Prudiddy Posts: 262 Member
    Here's mine: God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, the courage to change the things I can, and the wisdom to know the difference!
  • M77308
    M77308 Posts: 183
    "Do not reward yourself with food. You are not a dog. "
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    "I have ___?___lbs to lose, but I have far more to lose if I give up on myself."--Me, Myself, and I

    Oh, yes, and I almost forgot the best one of all:

    "Do or do not, there is no try."--Master Yoda
  • Asha0714
    Asha0714 Posts: 88
    I'm always on Pinterest looking for motivational quotes... Here are some I really like:

    1- "Because your body is a temple, not a trash can."
    2 - "Eat for the body you want, not the body you have."
    3- "If you don't want to keep starting over, stop giving up."
    4- "Do not reward yourself with food. You are not a dog!"
    5- "There are 7 days in a week and 'Someday' isn't one of them."


  • Hold your head high gorgeous, they will kill to see you fall.
  • jcstanton
    jcstanton Posts: 1,849 Member
    "do it before i effin kill you"

    my mom during my teenage years

    No motivation like the threat of being murdered by your own mother. LOL
  • simonlcube
    simonlcube Posts: 73 Member
    I like this one:

    Those who think they have not time for bodily exercise will sooner or later have to find time for illness.  ~Edward Stanley