Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 1st Weigh in Jan.



  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Down a pound from last week. Weighing in at 227 this morning. How the heck are you gals losing more than 2 lbs a week?! Tell us your ninja secrets.
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    Great Job Everyone!!!

    251 this morning.... that is a 7lb loss since starting back to MFP last week! I noticed on the days I truly make sure I drink my water and drink a little extra that I do not have trouble staying within my calories... I had one day over and that day I drank only 2 cups of water. So my goal this next week is to stay on top of the H2O!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Lost 6 pounds since joining 1 week ago! I weighed myself 3 times just to make sure it was right, and it was the same each time! 281.5 from 287.5 last week. :happy:
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I can't see my ticker. Where'd it go?? :sad:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    I ate it. Sorry, but nothing else sounded good for my morning snack.
  • Weighing in today at 247 down 1.5 from last week!!! People need to tell there secrets on how they lost 6 and 7 pounds last week?!?!?!
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    I don't really have a secret. Maybe because it was my first week, and just cutting my calories down caused that reaction. I'm sure the weight loss will slow down though and not every week will be like that for me. You should still be proud of your loss!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Awesome job everyone!

    No secret here either I think it is just because I just started and soon my body will level off and be a lb or two a week.

    For those people that have been doing this a little bit longer how much did you lose your first couple weeks?

    Hugs everyone!
  • Ok so my weigh in this morning is 296.5 I am down 14 pounds this since I started 1/2/10 I know most of that was water weight so next week it should be way lower then that. and I am ok with that
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    thicansxy, that's AMAZING! Way to go!
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    hiya everyone, ur all doin great, iv yet to weigh myself today cos i was thinkin bout it n i only started on monday so i dnt wana b disappointed if there isnt much change yet so my official weigh in will need to b sunday.x

    honest im not just chickenin out lol:laugh:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    i've lost 1 pound..considering everything i'm happy with that!:smile:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    I hope all of us will be someones inspiration, my little brother is mine. Today has just been a bad day for me in general. I feel hungry and nothing seems to do the trick. If I eat something it makes me hungrier. I also am on here more then facebook now. So my mom is starting to kick my butt on my games but thats ok this is more important.

    Today I had a talk with my husband and let him know that I felt like he wasnt supporting me like I thought he would. So I am hoping it worked. Just a few people know I started the year out on a mission to eat healthier. So I dont have much support so you girls are a big part of my support group.

    So tomorrow weigh in..... ? I am in Washington so it might be later then some of you.

    We are all on the same journey and its comforting to come here and find people who are positive and have an interest in our success. :flowerforyou:
  • I am SO PROUD of EVERYONE! I went from 306.4 to 300.8, so that's 5.6 pounds for the first week and brings me tantalizingly close to the 200s. (Thicansxy just leaped right on down to the 200s in one week, so a special hurrah for that accomplishment!)

    Losing 5.6 pounds in a week on 1800 calories and no exercise makes me feel like I was okay in raising the calories a bit, but on the other hand, thicansxy probably ate the least calories and lost that astounding amount... hmmmm... will have to experiment in future weeks, I guess!

    I wish there was some way we could keep a group chart of weigh ins, that would be fun and motivating.
  • Way to go thicansxy!!! You did awesome this week. So did everybody else! I am proud of our group accomplishment.

    I am disappointed in myself because I have yet to weigh myself since I started on Monday. I feel like I lost weight too, so I don't know how to log that. My starting weight has not been recorded this time around. I went from my old number I had recorded on MFP, and know I had gained since then. My scale has been crazy (even with changed batteries), so I will be taking my weight at my sister's tomorrow.

    Any suggestions on what to log for weight? I want my ticker to reflect this week's loss. I was under calories all week by about 250 or so. I am aiming for 1850 cals a day and have been getting between 1500-1600.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Hopeful, I think if you edit your profile you can change your current weight. So you can plug in your start weight. Then when you weigh in at your sister's, you can click check in on the "My Home" tab and put in your new weight.
  • Hopeful, here's what I would suggest if you want to monitor weight... if the system will let you do this, that is. Weigh at your sister's tomorrow, and then add 5-6 pounds to that and call that your starting weight. Hopefully you can retroactively make an entry, or edit a previous entry. Does anybody know?

    (I guess Trish may have already answered this above... ?)
  • Thanks. I am going to try that today. I just wish I know how much I lost. I know the first week is always the most... Oh well.
  • Hi everyone! I am looking forward the weekend when I can really control my food and my exercise. I had an ok week but it was mostly and eye opening exerience. I have one more dangerous meal and that is tonight when I go out on a date with my husband for my birthday dinner. We are going to a new place so I don't know what I will eat of how bad it will be. I am planning on making sure that I get a salad at least to try and fill me up with good stuff and the rest of my meals during the day will be low so I save as many calories as possible.

    I hope everyone has a great day today!!
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Is this new place new to you or a completely new non-franchised chain? If it's a new chain restaurant, you can probably look up their nutritional info for their menu online.
    If they don't have that, then... IT'S YOUR BIRTHDAY! ENJOY IT!!

    Happy birthday. :)
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