
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,582 Member
    :mad: Ack! Did NOT stay within calories yesterday. Forgot to count the 2 cookies that sneaked into my mouth.
    What's done is done. The daily average is still below. This week I learned how quickly a few tortilla chips or a 1"x1"x2" piece of baby shower cake can sabotage a whole day. AND that the day can be salvaged by going halfsies on remaining planned meals.
    New week starts today.

    Renny :wink: Knew it was possible to have some wine yet stay within calories. Woo Hoo!
    Carol :tongue: "terrible for back, knees and breathing" You're RIGHT that's great motivation.
    Susan :laugh: Belly dancing, Biggest Loser-that's a winning combination. YAY!
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Renny - I would love to go to Jesus Christ Superstar. I loved that movie version.

    Bierocks are a German sandwich of sorts. They are bread dough, filled with a hamburger/cabbage/onion mixture, then baked. I love them. We made 26 dozen yesterday, and will meet on the 23rd to make another 9 dozen, and 15 dozen ham and cheese pockets. As you can see, when we took orders, the bierocks are much more popular than the ham and cheese. We are selling them, trying to help pay off the loan for building our church.

    Got to go get ready for Sunday School. Have a blessed day!
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Renny, most people here believe that a little wine is good for you. Red wine especially. Yes, kids grow up so quickly. My oldest turned 41 on the 4th.

    :flowerforyou: smwert, good luck in all your challenges. This may be the inspiration that you need to lose.

    :flowerforyou: Carol, I used to be able to lose weight easily when I was young, also. So much harder once we reach menopause.

    For a weekend, I am doing quite well.
  • RebelRenny
    RebelRenny Posts: 1,073 Member
    So although I have always been a very SLOW loser, I have a great motivation for doing so. This program is giving me the tools, the insight on what works and what doesn't, and the support of all of you who share.
    Thanks to all of you, Carol

    :flowerforyou: Carol, welcome to our MFP community. Support is very important in the weightloss/fitness journey, and these ladies are very good at that support. I think at our age, I would venture to say that most of us are in the "slow loser" category:grumble:

    :wink: Knowing how good my DH is at hiding things, I asked him yesterday to hide the scales (we have 2) for a week. I want to weigh-in no more than once a week, and it is very tempting to hop on it every day. In general, there is too much daily fluctuation, and I don't want to be consumed with the scale. :wink: So that part is now covered off. lol :bigsmile: Here's hoping that he can find the scale for next Saturday morning!! :wink: Let's face it, he's hidden things before, not to be found until years later!!! Aaahhh, but he's a good man, memory or no memory, I'm hanging on to him. Besides training a new DH at this stage would be waaayyy to tiring :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :heart: Hope you will all have a wonderful and healthy day :heart:
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    Thanks for all of the exercise tips. Even with a cast I can see I can still hit the floor for a workout. You are all so inspiring. I completed week 2 and didn't see a loss this week. Lost 5 on my first week so no griping from me. I know how hormones, salt and the least little thing can affect weightloss. I have been obsessive about weighing in the past and trying to establish a weekly weigh-in instead. I chose Sun. to keep me accountable for the weekend. Hope everyone enjoys this beautiful Sunday. Do something kind for yourself today....
    One day a time,
    Sharon in IL
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187

    I had wine tonight, a little too much. :wink: But having been pretty active today and otherwise eating healthy I remained within my calorie intake. Yay for me. :bigsmile:

    Hello ladies!

    Rebelrenny - I too love a good glass (or two) of wine. I found a way to 'trick' myself into having fewer calories while still getting the taste of wine. It's a wine spritzer. I know it's been around for a while. However, I put 2 oz of white wine in a wine glass and fill it up with a diet sparkling grapefruit soda. It has that nice tang that you get with the wine but it has the bubbles that make me think of champagne, lol. Anyways, it's only 52 calories versus if I had a 5 or 6 oz glass with a higher calorie content.

    I am so proud of myself today. DH decided to make a big pancake, egg and Canadian back bacon breakfast, with 100% pure maple syrup (of course). As he was busy in the kitchen I logged my breakfast ahead of time. I started off with logging what I normally would chow down on and (shock/gasp) it was.....750 calories! Yikes. So, I knew I had time to tweak what I was about to eat. So, I managed to bring the calories down to 500. Okay, I was happy with that. So when breakfast was ready, I went to the kitchen, got out the measuring spoons I needed, sat down and put on my plate exactly what I had pre-planned. When I was finished, I realized that I not only satisfied with what I ate but also with how much I ate.

    After I cleaned up the dishes and tidied up the house, I bundled myself up and went for a one hour walk outside. It's another beautiful day here, the sun is shining, no wind. When I came back from my walk, I checked my monitor and was thrilled to see that I burned off 300 calories. Woo hoo!

    Now I have all this extra energy, off I go to do laundry and vacuuming.

    Have a healthy and happy day all you wonderful ladies!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    SusyQ- The closer you get to your goal the harder it will be. Your BMR will have changed from when you began. Have you checked it lately? I know what you mean about exercising in the winter. It is harder. Hang in there spring is right around the corner.

    Debbie – You are so brave walking in the cold. I envy you. I used to walk year round, but the last few winters have been too much for me. Woo! Woo! On the 6 lbs lost.

    Cindy – Glad to hear your exercising again. I love my bread machine too! The smell of it makes the house warmer. Have you ever seen any rye or pumpernickel mixes?

    Sheilajane – way to go for a whole hour on a treadmill. Do you ever feel like the Jetsons? That’s my kind of music – rocking to classic! lol

    Kathy(pmjsmom) – 5 inches in 2 weeks – that is awesome!

    Weebles – 5 pounds – that’s fantastic.

    Becky – zumba sounds like a real calorie burner.

    Welcome Siobhannerstor – I up my steps at work by not using the closest bathroom. I go to one on another floor. It sounds silly, but it gets steps in there. Also, I found a walking buddy at work. When ever we can we walk around for our breaks. Every little bit helps. Glad your found us.

    MacMadame- 30 miles! U rock!

    I’m glad to know that I’m not the only one with a special purse for the movies. Mine is large and pink.

    Mary – Now I want some Bierocks! I haven’t had them in years.

    I know I missed a few people on responding individually. My apologizes. For some reason my screen just keeps popping past a few of the posts. It sounds like we have more new people - welcome and we are all in good spirits despite some ups and some downs.

    Yesterday we finally made it skiing. Let's just say here that it was a wonderful cold day. I will post later about that and a few other good things going on.

  • sheilajane
    sheilajane Posts: 133 Member
    :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: Exermom: Great !! Another Southern Gal !!

    :grumble: :grumble: Okay, I've been racking my brain......Several of you refer to someone (husband, maybe) as DH. Can't figure that one out. .....Darling Husband maybe ???? Don't laugh at me !! I'm not too good with all these email / text message abbreviations.

    Today is my one day of relaxation. I won't exercise when anyone is at home. They'd laugh at me dancin' on the treadmill. Nor would I let anyone see the "get-up" I exercise in !!!

    Hubby wants to take me to Outback Restaraunt tonight. Hope they have salmon...........:heart::heart: love that salmon !
  • AHealthierSuzyQ
    AHealthierSuzyQ Posts: 698 Member
    Still cold here, but the sun is out. :glasses: AMAZING how much that effects my mood!

    Hubby is awol with the next door neighbor so I'm gonna hop on the treadmill until he gets back. Don't usually get to do exercise on a Sunday...

    Thanks for all the encouragement, ladies! :love:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Good evening all....HELP is anyone else having trouble logging food? I keep getting this weird message...

    Calendar Date Select error, prototype could not be found. Please make sure that application layout includes prototype.js
    (.g.<%=javascript_include_tag:defaults%>)*before*it includes calander_date_select,js(.g.<%=calander_date_select_includes%>)
    I can't pull up a smiley or food HELP.....LOL LOL LOL
    What the heck is this all about? I think this computer is possesed
  • Swissmiss
    Swissmiss Posts: 8,754 Member
    :flowerforyou: Sheilajane...You are right. DH is Darling Husband. I just find it easier to type it all out instead of trying to think of the abbreviation.

    :flowerforyou: LaurelFisher, is your log set on the correct date? I have never seen that message but I thought maybe you need to change the calendar. Let us know if you get it figured out.

    :flowerforyou: SuzyQ, I also do not do much on Sunday. Good for you !!!

    :flowerforyou: Debbie, thanks for the recipe for a healthier wine. Would this also work with a red wine?

    I am into the second week of Jillian Michael's detox and cleanse. I am beginning to feel it. My stomach seems to be flatter.
  • :smile: G'afternoon ladies! I have done almost zero exercise this week. I've had a sore throat and coughing all week. I actually headed to the treadmill today thinking I really feel OK, but changed my mind thinking maybe a red throat wouldn't appreciate my efforts. We'll see what that means in the am on the scales.

    I've almost become a lurker here as I read the posts throughout the day since I'm at the computer most all day. Just seems I, personally, never get around to posting. I do enjoy everyone's comments and it is most certainly quite the motivation. I can relate to so many of your struggles.

    Looking forward to the show on TLC tonight about the Hudson landing.
  • Hi everyone! Today is my first day on this site and I joined on the reccomendation and encouragement of my son who is dieting with his fiancee for their wedding in June. I would like to be apart of your group as I need the support and good tips and advice from you and I will try to do that for all of you too! I want to lose 571/2 pounds. I have already lost 56 pounds and it is getting harder and harder for me to lose. It is so slow
    !! I am not excersing or drinking enough water and I know those are both key. I am going to try to excersise 3 days a week for 30 min. and drink 8 glasses of water a day. I will be eating 1200 calories or under each day also. I started today Jan. 10th. I need to measure today also and then I am Onward and Upward!!
  • DebbieW
    DebbieW Posts: 187
    Hi everyone! Today is my first day on this site and I joined on the reccomendation and encouragement of my son who is dieting with his fiancee for their wedding in June. I would like to be apart of your group as I need the support and good tips and advice from you and I will try to do that for all of you too! I want to lose 571/2 pounds. I have already lost 56 pounds and it is getting harder and harder for me to lose. It is so slow
    !! I am not excersing or drinking enough water and I know those are both key. I am going to try to excersise 3 days a week for 30 min. and drink 8 glasses of water a day. I will be eating 1200 calories or under each day also. I started today Jan. 10th. I need to measure today also and then I am Onward and Upward!!

    tootsie1110 - Welcome to this site. Believe me when I say that all of the 50+ women here are very friendly, encouraging and inspiring. The only thing I want to say is that you do not want to deprive yourself of the required calories by too much. You will have your body thinking that it is going into starvation mode and it will be difficult to lose weight. You need to eat enough to be able to rev your metabolism and burn, burn, burn those calories. Remember that this is a lifestyle change that you have to be able to sustain for the rest of your life. If you starve yourself you risk binging later on. Good luck with your weight loss journey.

    As I said to a friend on this site, "life is a marathon not a sprint".

    Swissmiss - you are very welcome about the "recipe" for my white wine spritzer at only 52 calories. I haven't made a red wine spritzer yet. However, when I was in the grocery store yesterday, I noticed a diet sparkling cranberry soda. I was actually thinking of buying it to try it with a red wine.

    Good luck and let me know if you try it or something similar and how it tasted.

    Bye for now.
  • drvvork
    drvvork Posts: 1,162
    Hello everyone,

    I've been nosing around the site for the last couple of days as a newbie and would like to get envolved with your group. I've been struggling with my weight for years. I'm trying to take control over my life and figure if I can tackle and win this battle then possibly the rest will fall into place. I've yo-yoed and became extremely obese (the normal doctor scales could not give a reading). I've kept working at it and it is coming off but then some weight comes back because I slip. I'm hoping I can find the support from 'real' people who know what it is like. I've picked up insight and possible fun angles to keep on track. It looks to be a great site - and board. :happy:

    Thank you,
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    I'd like to echo the comment about making sure you get enough calories everyday to keep your body from thinking it's going into starvation mode. This site recommends a minimum of 1200 calories a day. Unless your under doctor's orders to come under that, I'd be sure to eat the 1200.

    My day skiing with my teenage children - even though skiing is a down the hill sport, I've never been to a ski area that did not have steps from the parking lot UP to the lodge and slopes. Yesterday was no exception. There were 4 flights of stairs. I was able to walk up the whole thing in one shot without having to stop for leg pain or to take a breather. It really made me committed to keep exercising and loosing the next 20 pounds. Last year I couldn't go from the very top to the very bottom without having to rest my legs. This year I could buzz all the way down without any problems. Being able to do something I love that I thought I'd never be able to do again is just such a wonderful feeling. This is probably the last year that I will be able to beat the kids down the hill. They are both taking after me with a natural ability to ski, but unlike me, they have less fear of going fast and falling. lol After all, I do have to show some sense for my age!

    I logged just 2.5 hours of actual ski time and it was well over 900 calories even logging at a light effort. I went over 1300 calories yesterday, but with a 900+ margin, I was well under for the day.

    This may sound childish, but I can't wait to go again!

    Welcome to our new friends, Betty and Tootsie!

    Have a nice Sunday all,


    PS: Yes, I am in pain today from a few unused muscles.
  • firetuck
    firetuck Posts: 87 Member
    tootsie - I echo the tip on eating at least 1200 calories a day - and making sure that they are quality calories with protein and fiber to help you stay full. You'll learn a lot from the posts on this site so read as many as you can from all different topics.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend - if not - this moment is ready for you to re-commit. It's a great thing to start feeling strong and watch your body change. Hang in there everyone - spring is on the way!
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    Somebody PLEASE Help me.........I cant figure it out. I keep getting that stupid message aboutCalendar Date Select Error etc. etc. I am so frustrated. I want to log my food and exercise and it won't let me. I can't even open Add Smiley to put on my crying face. Does any one have ANY ideas on what to do? I tried changing the calander and time....to no avail. I am gonna go exercise and check back later, Rose
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Somebody PLEASE Help me.........I cant figure it out. I keep getting that stupid message aboutCalendar Date Select Error etc. etc. I am so frustrated. I want to log my food and exercise and it won't let me. I can't even open Add Smiley to put on my crying face. Does any one have ANY ideas on what to do? I tried changing the calander and time....to no avail. I am gonna go exercise and check back later, Rose

    Sorry for your luck Laurel, I've never had that trouble but hopefully someone not as technically challenged as i am can help you:flowerforyou:
  • LaurelFisher
    LaurelFisher Posts: 407 Member
    THE SMILEYS ARE BACK yea:smile::laugh: It's me again...:heart: I just finished the LS Walk Your Belly Flat, boy I love this one.:love: It has all the moves I love and just Leslie none of the other people there for her to talk to. It makes the time go by much faster and no distractions.

    :sad::brokenheart: :sad::brokenheart: :sad: I still can't log my food or exercise so I am going to try and send a message to the powers that be and see if they can help me. :cry: :cry: I get another message when I try to go back, that says "the page has expired' and I may have to reinstall the program. :huh: So I am sending my message and going to bed:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :heart:

    Dag Gon It the Smileys are gone again... I think there are Gremlins in this daggone computer
    Welcome tootsie, Carol, Betty, and tearose.......I feel like I am in the movie "Where The Boys Are"...you know when every morning she wakes up and there is a new person there. It is wonderful to have so many different ladies from so many different places. I am so anxious to get to know you.
    Night All, Rose