

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Good morning all, this is a recovery day for me. Yesterday was weigh in and I was happy with the lose, today I weigh in and I lost 2 lbs (of water). I just hope that it stays until the next weigh in on Monday. DH has lost 8 lbs, so proud of him.
    Today I will go to the bank, do some cross stitch and finish my new book on strength training for women.

    Amanda- you should feel good that you are amazing, wow bright purple fingernails, I'm not that brave.
    Robin- can't wait to see the pics of the dog house.
    Laura- are there any kisses left on that new grandson?

    Check back in later---Tigress
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!

    Yesterday morning I was up half a pound, so I changed what I was eating, even enjoyed some wine last night (just 6 oz) and this morning I'm down a pound!! so I lost the half pound gain from yesterday and another half today! Woohoo!! Heading in the right direction nice and easy!!

    One a non-eating, non-workout note. My son's girlfriend is an artist. She paints and paints and no one has really seen or enjoyed her work except family. A good friend of mine who runs in the right circles of people in the know has seen her artwork and wants to help her set up a showing!! The girl is in seventh heaven and finally is feeling her art is being recognized. It's making life around our house much more peaceful!!

    I'm going to try a yoga class tonight. It meets once a week and would be a good add in for me.

    Getting ready for the gym and the treadmill and circuit.

    Jan solidly smoke free for 15 days! (glad no one minds me counting it off - hehehe)
  • mamacindy81
    mamacindy81 Posts: 649 Member
    Morning everyone;

    Well I'm finally back on track. I've been logging everything for about 2 weeks now and the scale is moving in the right direction. ( 3 pounds down although it doesn't show it because I didn't change my starting weight)

    I've gotten my exercise in and I have things to do around the house to keep me busy today.

    There are so many new faces on this thread.

    For those of you who don't know me. I'm 56, married 31 years, 2 children. I'm a CNA and do private duty elder care.

    Well that's enough for now.

    My goal for this week is exercise and log all my calories!

    Have a great day!

  • skinnybinside
    skinnybinside Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning!
    I just found this board and I think I would like to make it my "home" as I journey along!
    I have used this site before but as usual, I get side tracked and before you know it I stray! I am hoping that will not happen this time!
    I have had problems with my legs over the past 2yrs and I have not been able to do much in the line of exercise,this week though, I have started back at watercize and and a bit of walking. That and eating healthy iris giving me the boost that I have needed.
    I only weigh myself once a week and that will be on Thursdays, I find, that for me, wweighing everyday can be discouraging.

    Will definitely check back later!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Good morning ladies.

    I went to costco yesterday to get two new dog beds for the dog house. I don't think I mentioned that it si 6 feet by 3 feet and the front is 3 feet high. it is huge for a dog house but my boys deserve it. Dh even said it was big enough for him to sleep in for the times that he annoys me too much :laugh:

    the scale continues to slowly creep downward. I can't wait to get back down to my ticker so I can start posting losses again.

    Here's to a terrific Tuesday

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter

    PS Amanda, I named him Ritter because of the german chocolate company(since he is a chocolate lab) I guess its a fairly common german surname meaning "Knight"
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning! :flowerforyou: It's going to be another lovely, hot day here in Portland. The tomatoes are finally starting to ripen, and they are absolutely delicious. :love: One of the garden's most delightful fruits. Mmm-hmm.

    Nice to see you again, Mimi. I've been reading posts most days but haven't had much time to write. Welcome everyone new!

    I promised myself I'd do 30-40 mins of racewalking each weekday morning, so I'd better start getting ready. I waited too long to walk yesterday morning and about boiled to death out there! I have swim date at noon with a friend, we're going to float around on our inner tubes for an hour or so before I go to work. Ahhhh, can't wait.

    I leave you with this poem, I really like the message. We all need to remember these things don't we.

    Be Good To You!

    •Be Yourself...

    •Accept Yourself...

    •Value Yourself...

    •Treat Yourself...

    •Balance Yourself...

    •Bless Yourself...

    •Trust Yourself...

    •Love Yourself...

    •Empower Yourself...

    •Give Yourself...

    •Express Yourself...

    •Honor Yourself...

    ~~ Author Unknown ~~

    Let's make it a great day!

    :smile: jb
  • fonitoni
    fonitoni Posts: 98 Member
    I have hit a weight loss plateau but I also must admit that I have not been doing enough cardio in between my strength training. My monthy weigh-in at the gym is this Friday so I'm hoping a little effort before then will make a difference.
  • lorigreg
    lorigreg Posts: 61
    Linda Sundance: Thank you for what you said about eating healthy but not depriving yourself of any foods. I am 55 years old and have been dieting off and on since my first baby was born back when I was 2 months shy of being 19. Before then I weighed only 99 pounds. I'm 5'2". Been overweight since I got pregnant. So I tell people this is just baby fat. LOL My weight is finally going down with using the MFP. Yes, it is going down very slow but that is how I will finally be able to keep it off. I am also doing Zumba which is helping me with energy. So many people say to me, "How can you be dieting if you are eating THAT?" If I deprive myself, then I will end up eating too much of THAT. So moderation and exercise. :flowerforyou:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,187 Member
    Good day to everyone - as usual I LOVED reading all the posts from the past day or so. I draw some strength and motivation from what you write. THANKS!!

    I am looking forward to seeing a picture of that completed luxury dog condo Robin. Nothing is too good for the dog kids.

    And Jan, I think we are all happy to hear from you regarding your running ticker on the smoking cessation. You're doing great.

    Amanda, wow, posing for pictures. You are certainly a lovely lady and it's nice to be appreciated yes?

    Barbie, you are my hero for daily steps!! I started on MFP and finally got a Fitbit only to find out my average daily steps was 1,100. Yeah, not 11,000, just 1,100. I am working on this and hope someday to get to 10,000 a day. I look at what you accomplish and am amazed.

    Jane it sounds like you still have a lot to do on your new home but you will do it and we all hope you enjoy it.

    Dixie, have I missed your posts lately? I hope you and your DH are doing well and the trips aren't too taxing.

    Michele, 2:30 to leave for the airport. Was that AM? If so, ouch. Looking for more updates on the pool.

    And now I've run out of steam, need to get a few things accomplished here and off to do some errands. It is almost cold here this morning and don't want to miss any of this great weather.

    Wishing everyone healthy happy days. :drinker:

  • lentigogirl
    lentigogirl Posts: 299 Member
    For my fellow newbies who've asked, in addition to this wonderful monthly conversation, there are a few groups for women over 50. I like Women of a Certain Age but there are others as well.

    I couldn't figure out why no one was posting here any more. DUH!

    Tuesday smooches to all...
  • blessedgrandma
    blessedgrandma Posts: 1 Member
    :smile: Saw this group and I'm 60 so decided I would like to get in. I love looking at the progress people have made and see the encouragement being given. :smile:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    It's gonna be a beautiful Tuesday:flowerforyou:

    Thank you everyone for the kind welcome to our newest grandson, Andrew James arrived @ 9:57am Sunday August 12 was 19" and 7lbs 9oz he was bigger than his two brothers at birth but still looks pretty small to all of us:bigsmile: We are just so glad he is here. DIL & #2 Son had decided on a water birth so he was born in the bathtub and boy are they clean when they are born that way:wink: The hospital was so busy that DIL never was moved out of the Labor & Delivery room and they discharged her yesterday afternoon. We are hoping to head over and see all the boys when I get off work.

    Well because of Sunday being a "hospital & Grandson watching" day we didn't get in any exercise and then yesterday I stayed home in the morning to help hubby with the other two grandsons and came to work after we had lunch. By the time I got home I was totally exhausted so no exercise yesterday either:blushing: Today should be a normal working day and I have my salad and chicken for my pocket sandwich and hoping that when I get home the weather cooperates and we can get in a bike ride.

    It sounds like several of you have posted losses:drinker: Congrats to you.:flowerforyou:

    Even though I was only off yesterday morning you would think that I'd been off for several days my desk is truly piled :grumble: and I need to get it totally cleared up.

    #2 Son is on his way and I will have to take a break to take him to the airport, he's headed to Las Vegas to visit with Son #1 and DIL #2 will fly out on Friday to spend the weekend with Son #1 & DIL...they should have a good time. We are hoping to go visit them over Labor Day weekend...I'm so ready for a long break from work.

    Everyone have a great day and let's keep logging all that food, water and exercise so we can have the healthier lives that we deserve:flowerforyou:

  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    My daughter's wedding is just over two weeks away, and I'm officially in "panic mode!" I keep waking up in the middle of the night, remembering things that aren't done and haven't made it onto my list. Then I can't remember them again in the morning when I want to write them down. I keep telling myself that the wedding will be fine, even if nothing else gets done, but I want it to be perfect, of course. Work is keeping me busy, too. Also, my husband is moving his business' location over the next two weeks and my son is returning from overseas. My daughter is moving out-of-state right after the wedding. We're all going crazy right now! I'm looking forward to a week in Vail when this is all over.

    I want to lose 30 lbs., but set an initial goal of 10 lbs. before the wedding. I'm at 9 lbs. off, so getting close! I've also just finished my third fractional laser treatment for the wrinkles -- need to look good for those photos! It's supposed to take 6 months for the end result, so I don't know how I'll come out, but I do see some difference in the bags under my eyes and in the softening of the labial folds.

    @Megblair1: Thanks for your posts -- I enjoy reading them. You are so positive for so many people!
    @Laura80111: Congratulations on the safe arrival of Grandson #3! I'm so glad he has arrived and everyone is doing well.
    @Kathyszoo: Congratulations on your loss -- that's fabulous!
  • mimi7grands
    Good morning. Starting off with fruit and yogurt. Yum.

    Amanda, very nice compliment! You have made an amazing change. Purple nail polish? Yes!

    Laura, I forgot (at least I think I forgot!) to say congrats on the grand. Being a grandmother is about the best thing going.

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Hi. Just looking for a board where the woman are my age. Hope to get a friend or two just started the journey with similar goals to mine. I'm 53 and have been struggling with the same 30 or so pounds since about age 45. I have a hugely busy life with 2 mid-life crises children (11 and 12), a 17 year old step-daugher (who is the world's most perfect daughter), a husband, a full time job and 7 horses. Just started this week and of course saw that intial jump loss. Expect it to be a lot slower going forward.
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Hi All,

    Finally got things going and elevating the good old foot! Started the day fighting with my bandages because overnight everything moved and shifted, so had to rewrap.:grumble:

    Finally able to be mobile enough to cook again! Trying some new recipes from Taste of Home Light Cookbook, Last night dijon mustard chicken breasts (169 cal - and everyone, even picky hubby loved) and tonight a beef roast that I just finished putting in the slow cooker with tons of fresh veggies!

    Mimi-Glad your dad is doing better-it's quite scary when your parent takes a fall, esp. at his age! My dad lived to be abt 90 and before he passed, we always had to keep an eye on him because he was always teetering. It does bring up fond memories of him though and I miss him.

    Robin-Great doghouse you're building!

    Skinnybside-I have foot/knee problems & also like water exercise but since I'm pretty immobile right now, due to recent surgery, I've come to really enjoy chair exercises-there are several on youtube to check out if you're interested.

    Jb-I read your post wrong at first and thought you said "tornadoes are starting to ripen" and couldn't figure out why that warranted a smiley face:laugh: Love your poem! Great inspiration!

    Janehadji-Congrats on your daughter's soon to be wedding! I'm sure it'll turn out beautifully-try not to stress to much and enjoy it (I know easier said than done) and I bet you"re excited to see your son.

    Hope everyone has a great day, be kind to yourself and don't forget the water:drinker:

  • rpphillip
    rpphillip Posts: 230 Member
    Hi ladies,
    Hope everyone is doing great. I have been busy filling in at work; we are short staff due to some illness.
    And then when I am home I am busy with grandchildren, or trying to get caught up on all the stuff that needs to be done there. I have done kind of so so on my food, but I am getting all my walking in. The Kids and I took the dog for a walk and stop to play at the park for a short while. The dog and I were done after the walk back to the house. The dog looks so sad after the kids go home. It’s like he is board.

    Amanda: It is so nice of your DS to do the garden for you, I know you will enjoy you visit with him.

    Lixmil79 : it sounds like you may have won more than one battle , not only helping your child , but also in not letting the situation control what you do after it is over. I am sure that all the stress of the day probable did have something to do with your not getting enough sleep, but you can celebrate the fact that you did not make it worse by overeating. A high five to you! Hope to day is a better day.

    Laura: Congrats on Grandson # 3 , so happy to hear all is well. Sounds like you are keeping the other 2 grandsons busy. I do love having my Grandkids over to visit. What a blessing they are.

    Dee Dee: Hope you can do something for yourself while you are busy getting all the stuff you need to get done! I will be thinking of you.

    Yardtigress: I love your screen name. Congrats on the loss you are doing great. Hope you have a wonderful day.

    Mo8distel: Welcome! I joined for the same reasons, all you have to do is check in . you will find a lot of help here from all these wonderful ladies .

    Jan: sounds like you have a good plan, Gluten or crabs. Is a big challenge for me as well. You will find your balance. Have a good time at the gym. And Congrats on the 2 weeks smoke free! That is great.

    Kathy zoo: whoooo Hoooo ! Lost 2 pounds that is wonderful so happy for you.

    Carojrrn: I just park farther away from the building and walk in for my morning exercise, I believe it has helped , just an ideal if the treadmill does not work out.

    Ginib : planning my meals is something I need to work on also, I love that you dance when doing house work. I use to do that to, I think I will give it a try again. Thank you for the reminder. Hope you are having a wonderful day!

    Jane: so happy to hear the move is going well and it is nice to have a place where you can be yourself. I am so happy for you.

    Barbiecat: in a way I hate it when my hubby is gone, and on another hand I do get a lot done when he is not around, funny how it works that way. Hope you have a wonderful day!

    Welcome Judy happy to have you join us, you have a great smile!
    well I will stop here and get some work done, will try to check baclk later , you all have a great day
  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    Janehadjl – We vacation at Crescent Beach which is on the east coast of Florida about an hour south of Jacksonville. They have beautiful beaches and great fishing too.

    Arewethereyet – It sounds like we were on the Florida beaches at the same time, just a good ways apart! I hope you had a great time too. I agree it was hot, but the sea breeze made it just about perfect where we were. Now if I could just find a way to get that breeze inland where it's desperately needed!

    Laura – Yay! Andrew James finally put in an appearance! Sounds like you will have a hard time not chapping his little face with kisses.

    Mimi – Nice to hear from you again. I am not down to my ticker weight either but I'm closing in on it. You will too, I'm sure.

    When you speak of your elderly parents it takes me back to when mine were dealing with the challenges of aging. Glad to hear your Dad is mending from his fall; it isn't easy watching your parents get frail.

    DGS spend the past weekend with us and is headed off for his first day of his senior year today. Just where does the time go??? He has always been my buddy and I am trying to get used to the idea that in a year he will most likely be out of reach most of the time. He has had his eye on a military career since he was just little and now it's almost here...

    I am busy weeding the garden, going to the gym and sifting things that we need to take on our trek to Idaho and other points west. I have a couple weeks to get ready, so I'll make it.

    The part I am not looking forward to is driving the truck and trailer from here (north Fla) to Indiana to meet my DH. He will be there with a friend for a Nationals drag racing event, so instead of him driving back home I am going to meet him there and then we'll go west. The problem is, I'm not so good at directions. Hopefully I don't end up in Maine instead!

    I best get moving.

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Hello, hello, hello,

    Please tell me it is a good morning, it must be, right?.

    I think I am in trouble, I am so exhausted I can fall asleep with my morning coffee still in my hand. I can hardly think straight and I just want to stuff something in my mouth that will solve all that.... dum de dum dum.... dangerous territory!

    Being semi-retired, I usually work 2-3 shifts per week but at present have had to work 10 days straight and the rest of this week is looking just as evil. I thought I could do it but found I am a little too decrepid at the moment for that kind of abuse. We all are. Everything hurts! Yesterday we sent a message to HO to solve the problem or they would have half a dozen large blobs of jelly roiling around on the floor of little use to anyone.

    Everything at home is falling way behind and that bothers me. Between the heat and the work I am not feeling quite myself. Even our kitty, The Royal Miss Cinnamon Buns (CB) is taking advantage and getting a lot more lap time. I am on my third cup of coffee (normally a one cupper) this morning and feel no livelier than I did when the fire alarm started squealing its dead battery alert at 7am this morning. I been sitting here for several hours (slightly comatose) and haven't had breakfast, can't figure it out yet and have no clue about the other meals either but I had better hurry, I leave in an hour for work again.

    I apologize for whining first thing in the morning for in my heart I know I am blessed with all that I have. I know this too shall pass but I have every wish to enjoy each precious day of our short summer here in Northern Alberta. I just need a little energy and inspiration. heeheeheee. What a wimp!

    Is there a 'best' cookbook for flavourful but light meals???

    I promise to be more upbeat on my next posting but I need to jump into a cold shower now if this day is to ever get started!!

    Cheers my lovelies,
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Oh my golly, I love how everyone shares so lovingly with each other. It is wonderful! I've been on a weight loss roller coaster for a couple of years. Started back in 2010 here and WW; stayed on WW until my doctor told me I am prediabetic. Now I am here tracking the food and putting the daily total on WW. My goal for August/September is to learn all that I can about diabetes so that I can do my best to keep it in check - that will take losing weight seriously.