where are my nerds?!?!?



  • whoviangleek

    Here here!
  • caraiselite
    caraiselite Posts: 2,631 Member

    nerdly friends are great.
  • whoviangleek

    <-- total nerd.

    I bought a t-shirt last week with some Jawas carrying away a Dalek for scrap parts.

    Then my friend and I discussed the relatively inarguable implausibility of that.


    The poor Dalek!
  • LishaCole
    LishaCole Posts: 245
    I'm a Brony, Trekkie, Browncoat, still a Harry/Hermione shipper, love theonering.net, a fan of Rimmer on facebook, and named one of my daughters after Kahlan Amnell.

    Love it.
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    I'm a big-ol-nerd like you, who's married to a real genius and that's what makes him a nerd. Pretty sure my son is turning into a really smart nerd. There's still hope for my daughter, but at 2 I'm sure we will turn her into a nerd too!

    NERDS Unite! :glasses:
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 574 Member
    I have LOTR, HP, and Terry Pratchett covering my shelves. I still have the graphing calculators from when I attended high school. I have Godzilla vinyl figures on my shelves. I have dressed up my son as Mothra for Comic Con.

    I am a nerd in a jock's body.
  • thinkucantell
    Here I am! Here I am!
  • thecrass
    thecrass Posts: 79 Member
    I'm a total nerd and proud of it, be it A/V equipment, computers, gaming, films and tv even music it all seems to fall into the heavy nerd category :-)

    Actually even my cats have nerdy names, Zeniba - Character from Spirited Away, Jack & Zero (brothers) from nightmare before Christmas. And Ziggy - after David Bowie not that geeky i guess lol
  • angeljamin
    angeljamin Posts: 234 Member
    I have LOTR, HP, and Terry Pratchett covering my shelves. I still have the graphing calculators from when I attended high school. I have Godzilla vinyl figures on my shelves. I have dressed up my son as Mothra for Comic Con.

    I am a nerd in a jock's body.

    LOL! Between my husband and I we have 3 calcs from HS! He actually helped create the slide case for one of them!
  • liamsgma711
    liamsgma711 Posts: 4 Member
    Science fiction/fantasy books. My kids are totally into anime and manga so I have been learning a LOT about Hetalia recently. :) I have read LOTR several times, started when I was about 13 with that and I am almost 45. I have read thousands of books. I read every night to help me fall asleep. It takes my mind off of everything. I need some new book titles as I have little time to browse on my own. Recently my 17 year old has been picking books out for me. It is a good thing we tend to read some of the same stuff. I have also had my 12 year old pick books out for me.
  • markymarrkk
    markymarrkk Posts: 495 Member
    I hate it when people call themselves nerd because they enjoy pop culture.


    HAHAHA ^ THIS !! I'm a science nerd with fascinations with Quantum particle physics, time travel paradox's, light speed travel, and and and... Conspiracy theories!!! especially science related, ancient aliens, government cover ups that involve illuminati, NWO and secret societies. that's some real nerd ****
  • stork32
    stork32 Posts: 36
    I got a Ron Weasley's wand for Christmas. An Authetic one with the paperwork involved and everything.

    Im a harry potter FREAK.

    As well as all the percy jackson books, hunger games.

    Grew up on Star Wars. LOVE IT
  • oonegative
    Nerd'N it up right now ..!Did somebody write nerds are a pop culture??!
  • b1g_tun4
    b1g_tun4 Posts: 48
    I used to consider myself more of a Geek than Nerd because I am an IT Consultant but my interest in technology has waned. I hate Star Trek probably from being forced to watch it as a child along with 50's musicals. But I am a retired Geek because I really don't give a care about technology anymore. I just use it to make money so I can be outdoors. Give me sun, sand, saltwater...fishing pole...kayak...SUP. That's what I love...

    Great article about this subject:
  • Eleisabelle
    I was a nerd and a geek and etc. before any of it was cool. I liked school and was good at math, science, literature, languages; and I still research trivia and love just KNOWING stuff; not to mention that I'm a singer, with particular interest in jazz, opera, and art song (new releases--feh). Oh, and I do all the computer/technology fixing and figuring out for my parents and in my own home, even though I had no real computer training background--I think that pretty solidly covers the nerd part.

    Geek? Well, LOTR, Piers Anthony, Pratchett, Gaiman (the graphic novels FIRST, thank you), WOW, Trek, Star Wars, Firefly, Dr. Horrible... we can keep going, but I don't see much point).

    I mean, I make up GURPS characters just for fun, no game in mind. That's gotta count for something.
  • MaybeAMonkey

    ^^ This is me, right here! ;-)
  • amandamaedchen
    I collect comics, write a cyberpunk blog, and go to HeroesCon every year :>
  • boonognog
    boonognog Posts: 55 Member
    Me! I have read the Hobbit (back in high school) but never read the Lord of the Rings trilogy. Must do that... Huge fan of all things LotR. Grew up reading COMPUTE! Magazine for fun, and took all the BASIC program samples for the cool Commodores and Apples and rewrote them to work on my much geek-ier TI-99/4A.

    I've taken years of music theory and have a degree in vocal performance, with 2 years graduate study in choral conducting (grad assistant) before I quickly realized (after the first semester) that I didn't want to be broke my entire life. So I followed my second heart string... Now I'm a tech support team lead.

    Cheers, everyone!
  • oOMusicBabii
    I hate it when people call themselves nerd because they enjoy pop culture.


    I thought I burned that photo from high school lol

    It's sad the nerd/geek has become a chic thing...I'm pretty sure most of us remember (/still deal with) being the odd one, the freak, the outsider and the loner because of our interests.
  • whoviangleek
    Only thing that I haven't gotten into was Dr. Who which my nerd card has been threatened multiple times for not viewing.

    DO IT!!!! I absolutely adore Dr. Who!