What is your HONEST reason for losing weight??????



    IUSE2BAHEAVYHITTER Posts: 105 Member
    too look sexy, i was tired of hearing your cute to be a "big girl"
  • tanith88
    Because I don't want to feel like a blimp anymore also I am worried about the long term toll my weight is taking on my health and I want to be around for my daughter.
  • freckledrats
    freckledrats Posts: 251 Member
    1. I want to feel better every day.
    2. I want to be stronger, so that when I run around the office with heavy equipment, no one will doubt I can handle it.
    3. I want to look better, shed the flab.
  • sarahelen1
    Because I dont feel Cute at this weight!! And some say..."its only 15-20 pounds" well thats A LOT to me and my clothes look like Sh1T!!! Thats why, I want to bring my sexy back!!!
  • TriciaLashua
    I don't want to die lol I am almost 40 with 2 teens and 2 toddlers. I'm overweight and just diagnosed with type 2 diabetes as well as gastric paralysis as well as....you name it! My husbands mom died of a heart attack at age 50. I want to watch my children grow.

    And of course, I am tired of being fat and want to look good. I don't want to be the old fat mom who cant do anything.
  • KeishaK89
    #1) I hate having a BMI above normal.
    #2) vanity
    #3) health- there is a history of diabetes in my family
  • jazcndoit
    jazcndoit Posts: 79 Member
    To finally feel comfortable in my OWN SKIN!
  • staceyanne1
    To look sexy(ier) naked :D

    Same !! My Partner is sooo skinny ... I swear people wonder why she's with me .
  • Stinkytoe
    Because I actually care about my health.
    Also, it may be a little messed up, but, I get a strange/morbid satisfaction when I see someone gorging them selves to death and I realize that I am not apart of that anymore. Sometimes, I wish I could help people from eating like that now though. Because, when I see someone eating like that it is like a little voice in my head saying "NO! STOP IT! YOU ARE GOING TO KILL YOURSELF".
    I do not want to be an obese American stereotype.

    Also, I totally wanna have more sex.
    ... I miss being able to do the splits.
    (these last two may or may not be related)
  • Presleyforpresident
    1. to look HOT
    2. to not completely hate myself anymore
  • raygunn_viola
    raygunn_viola Posts: 88 Member
    get rid of the freshmen 50 that has stayed around a few extra years...
  • KiltFuPanda
    KiltFuPanda Posts: 576 Member
    To be as strong as I can possibly be, and LOOK like it! And I don't mean ripped - I mean Magnus Ver Magnusson level of definition.
  • dodihere
    dodihere Posts: 490
    My husband met me and married me fat. I want to be smokin hot for him because he loved me fat.
  • gillz89
    gillz89 Posts: 81 Member
    This sounds really bad but my real reason for losing weight is that......

    I don't want to end up looking like my mom. She is fat and gross and disgusts me. She always complains about it but doesn't do anything about it and I have resolved that I am (was?) fat but I was going to change so that I didn't end up alone like her.
  • cirhossa1
    After losing my husband to cancer, I realised I wanted to be there for my children and my grandchildren, losing weight would help my body and health (and hopefully my family too)!!
    I also like how I'm looking x
  • FCHW
    FCHW Posts: 35
    to look bomb in the mirror
    i want everyone to stare at me in my bikini
    i want to be able to do a bikini competition one day
    i want to be fitsporation ;)
    i want to finally for the first time ever be in the healthy range of body fat and BMI standards.
    I want to be able to wear anything, not just certain brands.
    i want to be a BEAST in the gym :):)

    etc etc
  • WhitneyT586
    WhitneyT586 Posts: 279 Member
    To shove it to those who didn't give me a chance because they didn't like the way I looked back then. 10 year high school reunion is in 2 years... Hah. I'm planning to be 120 pounds lighter than I was the day I graduated. I don't want them to recognize me.

    That, and I really want to be healthy. :)
  • brentdaniels
    To never again have someone refer to me as "big guy"

    To never again be used as reference in a story...as in "He/she was huuuge, he/she would have made YOU look small" It happens...A LOT.

    I want to get dressed without breaking a sweat.

    I want to stop hiding from mirrors.

    and many,many more.
  • OkobojiMomma
    So my husband wont want to leave me

    To love myself again

    To set a good example for my daughter

    To show off the new me to all the *****es who ****ed me over:)
  • kristen_lynn
    kristen_lynn Posts: 75 Member
    To be absolutely irresistible to my husband, and so he'll feel proud of me when we go out together. I don't ever want to meet the stereotype of getting married & letting yourself go. I plan to "date" my man for the rest of my life...

    Nothing beats hearing his reaction when I walk by him in a thong... I'll never give that up!
