What is your HONEST reason for losing weight??????



  • camiah
    camiah Posts: 146
    Because I got over my depression. I'm taking drugs, I take an iron supplement, and all of a sudden I have energy. I have the emotional wherewithal to do it that I never had before. The behaviors contributed to being fat and depressed are no longer tenable. I do not want to be that person anymore. I finally no longer despise myself for how I look. t I finally have the emotional strength to not wimp out when it gets tough, I have the physical energy to do the work--everything has finally come together, and I want it to stay that way. I don't want to be depressed again. I've been that way for most of my life, and eating and depression were a vicious circle of reinforcing behaviors. If losing weight and getting fit lessens the likelihood that I'll become depressed again, I'll do it.
  • musiche
    musiche Posts: 214 Member
    Hm... Originally, I just wanted to be more fit cuz I was having a hard time at work (landscaping/gardening).

    Hit the gym, started losing weight, and I got excited with the results. Then decided that I wanted this guy Dave to want me, who I had a crush on for the last few months and was my friend but not 'interested in that way'. I used his gorgeous face as motivation, lol, omg.

    So, I lost 80-something pounds and purposefully didn't see him for 6 months, and when we finally crossed paths... He was definitely interested!! LOL, it was AWESOME. And then I didn't want him cuz I felt like he was superficial *kitten* at the time and I was having way too much fun with life anyway.

    Ultimately, I was doing it for me to get the things I wanted in life, but alone the way I realized it wasn't a guy I wanted, it was the option to choose what guy I wanted, lol. And work and everything in life got easier as I got stronger. :) More energy, more fun, more happiness!

    That was my original and honest reason. Why do I keep this lifestyle now, and keep upping the ante? Because I want to be healthier, stronger and better. I already look good, so it's all internal now. I feel like I don't love myself and I'm not taking care of myself when I eat poorly and don't exercise. So, being active and taking care of myself helps keep me happy. And it keeps me from getting fat again (I gained back 65 and lost 65 once already, and I don't want to do that again!).
  • Ackter
    Ackter Posts: 3
    To not be fat and maybe even score once in a while.
  • Katie1951
    Katie1951 Posts: 314 Member
    Health - plan and simple
  • hbd512
    hbd512 Posts: 19
    To turn as many heads as possible! I know that sounds shallow but oh well. :)
  • zCarsAndCaloriesz
    Besides the obvious one about looking great, my dad's sister is morbidly obese with diabetes and loads of other health problems, i love her and all but I don't want myself to be in the same boat further down the line.
  • rebeccasedwards
    To enjoy shopping for clothes instead of it being a chore. To do things with my teenager like riding horses. To be healthier. Finally to look good driving my Challenger, not an old fat woman. :):smile:
  • Wabbit05
    Wabbit05 Posts: 434 Member
    I really want to LOVE my body. I want to feel sexy and fit.

    And make my husband look like a stud at the Marine Corps Ball in Nov.
  • brittanystcyr
    I don't want my daughter to grow up with a fat mom.
  • NotSoBigNeil
    NotSoBigNeil Posts: 215 Member
    I don't mind bein ugly.. I just don't wanna be ugly AND fat.
  • sunflowerfaith
    To have a hot body that compliments my "pretty face".

    Sick of hearing that I have a pretty face, hahaha.
  • elisa123gal
    elisa123gal Posts: 4,303 Member
    I want to look like my old self
  • brittanystcyr
    I want construction workers to holler at me.

    hahah me too!!!
  • tajmel
    tajmel Posts: 401 Member
    In order, and completely honestly:
    For my health
    For the sake of my children
    To feel strong and capable
    To look hawt :D
  • Ackter
    Ackter Posts: 3
    I don't mind bein ugly.. I just don't wanna be ugly AND fat.

    Very much this.
  • brittanystcyr
    i want to have amazing sex again.
    there i said it!
  • triciab79
    triciab79 Posts: 1,713 Member
    I felt fat and I really didn't want to spend the rest of my life dreading every social occasion where I would never look pretty enough. I wanted to cry when I looked in the mirror. What was worse was knowing other people saw me that way too. Men avoided eye contact with me. I was invisible to a large part of the population and it was heartbreaking. I know some people are thinking it was a confidence thing and that I wasn't being outgoing but thats not the case. I am naturally smiley and chatty around strangers and when they stopped chatting back it hurt. It is nice to have people be willing to engage in conversation with me again. When you are a stay at home mom sometimes the only adult you talk to all week is the person ringing up your groceries. It is incredibly lonely to not even have that conversation.
    1) I WILL NOT BE 300 POUNDS!!!! Not ever ever ever ever. no!
    2) being from a fat family and also having an over weight husband, I don't want my children to grow up thinking that they have to be fat because it's in their genetics. I want to be the example.
    3) I'm doing it the slow way because I don't have the 14k to have lap band.
  • katierechgomez
    It is mostly vanity--I want to look good naked, in a bikini, in skinny jeans, in anything!! When I look good I feel good. I also know I need to be more active and need to be healthier so that is a bonus to looking good. I don't want to be "skinny." I want to be fit and healthy and toned. I want to have and maintain a healthy weight, BMI and BF%. I want to have children in the near future, since I have been married over 3 years now and am 27years old. I want to be as fit as possible before I get pregnant so that I can continue my healthy habits during the pregnancy---and also it won't be as difficult to get back to a good, healthy weight once I have a baby. So overall, I want to look awesome, feel awesome and have more energy:)
  • wannaplay2505
    Was always tired, tired, tired. Went to the doc and was diagnosed as type II diabetic after routine checkup. That was a nice swift kick in the *kitten* for me to get my **** together. My numbers were so off the freakin' charts that they couldn't even be read until I got them in check. I was unhappy with myself anyway - not that I was obese - just extremely out of shape for me ... so this just gave me the motivation I very much needed.

    Anyways, I started out slow, started walking, then after a few months decided I was going to sign up for a 5k - I'm pretty goal oriented and that gave me something to work towards. Fast forward 10 months... I'm in better shape, the best I've been in for years. I've just completed my 3rd 5k. I go to Zumba regularly because I'm hooked. And go figure, as soon as I got my *kitten* movin' my numbers went waaaay down and my diabetes is in remission.