
  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Welcome to the new gals. This is a very supportive group of ladies.

    Today is a high carb day for me and I'm starving! Well, I THINK I am. One look at my diary would tell you I've had plenty to eat. I have a snack scheduled in 32 minutes,can you tell I'm anxious? It may or may not be true that carbs make you hungry, maybe something to do with insulin levels (?), but I've had lots of protein and some veggies too. Oh well, WATER, WATER, WATER until 3pm.

    Quilt guild meeting tonight and we go out afterwards. A couple of the ladies always have dinner (at 10 p.m.) I usually get something and take half of it home. Not really on my plan for today so I may just get iced tea. Better make sure I have enough for dinner so I'm not tempted. Back to that issue with planning again.

    Kate - I hate it when the coffee doesn't help! Tho I have to say it doesn't seem to have much effect on me. I can usually drink it late at night and still go to sleep.

    Kathy - glad the foot is doing better. Not being able to take care of things for yourself is no fun.

    Robin - I have a chocolate lab too. Quite a unique personality. He just won a $100 gift card from EarthFare. They had a contest wanting to know your pets favorite summer activity. I sent them a story about how he helps me harvest the garden and he won! They're going to post it, along with pictures of him stealing tomatoes, on their blog.

    Sending good wishes to you all,
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Gini-That's cool about your dog winning the contest!

    Kate-The cookbook I just started trying recipes from is "Taste of Home Comfort Foods Diet Cookbook"-everything I've tried so far has been quite good and flavorful as well as healthy!
  • mommie55
    mommie55 Posts: 23
    Afternoon Ladies ....I would like to share a recipe that I found for an....Awesome...Pick me up......Only 33 calories an 8 oz. glass

    2 cans (5.5 ounces each) Low Sodium V8® 100% Vegetable Juice
    1/2 cup drained sliced peaches in juice
    1 teaspoon lemon juice
    1 teaspoon lime juice
    Crushed ice
    lime slices

    Put the vegetable juice, peaches, lemon juice and lime juice into a blender. Cover and blend until the mixture is smooth.
    Pour the juice mixture over the crushed ice into 3 (8-ounce) glasses. Garnish each with a lime slice.

    thank you for allowing me to share
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Gini - thanks for the welcome; that was a cool story about your dog and winning.
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,029 Member
    Warning rant ahead

    I am soooo angry and bummed. My Fitbit fell off this morning when I was moving a box of notebooks. Someone found it and left me a note at my desk to see if it was mine but then he set it out for all to see since he wasn't sure it was mine. Basically right before I found out and ran over to get it someone else took it. Stupid thief. They can't use it unless they already had one and have a charger base for it. Most people didn't even know what it was. I just don't get why someone took it. I left a note asking for it back but I doubt I will get it back. I felt naked all day and today and tomorrow are my 15,000 steps and 25 ish flights of stair climbing days and now I can't track it.

    Rant over. frustration firmly entrenched.

    I hope you all had better days.

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • mrspurrnandez
    mrspurrnandez Posts: 5 Member
    Hi Everyone,
    I hope you don't mind me joining. I read most of the posts and you all sound like a great ladies and I am so encouraged and motivated by a lot of your posts. I am 53 years old, married no children but I do have "fur" children. I work at a local college in a health center and love it. I believe working with these young students keeps me young! :) Since November of 2011 I have lost 25 pounds. I need to lose about 20 more pounds to get to my healthy weight. I am currrently experiencing a plateau, actually it has been a few months. I have tried upping my water intake, different exercises, ect. I am hoping to get off this plateau soon! :) I love to surf and boogie board thankfully I live close to the beach. I just started back to swimming laps. I always feel so refreshed when I am in swimming in the ocean or pool. I do go to a gym here in town for some fun exercise classes or to do weight lifting. By all means I have a long way to go but I feel so much healthier with the weight loss thus far. My cholesterol has gone back to normal (one of the main reasons to get healthy) everything seems to get better when I go to the doctor for check ups. The best compliment I got was from my doctor and how happy he was that I had lost weight and my chem panel was looking so much better! My husband is awesome and my main supporter. He eats what I eat and helps cook and plan meals! He has lost 15 pounds! I am looking forward to reading your posts! I love motivation. Nice meeting you all!
    Take care and all of you have a great week!
  • JNHeff
    JNHeff Posts: 131 Member
    Hi y'all,
    it's been an emotional day for me. this is the first time in 35 years that i have NOT been at my job on the beginning day of school (for the teachers, not the kids),
    right now, i am on med leave. i had thyroid surgery the week after school dismissed, and my voice is about 45% back. the surgeon assured me that it WILL return, but it will take time, the mass of my thyroid was a rather large one.
    right now the main issue for me is arthritis PAIN. i fell in february, was told in ER that it was a bad sprain (knee)-- go home, elevate & ice, and stay off of it for a few days. i did. for a whole week, then went back to school, using a walker. went back to my doc in march, he said that sprains can take a long time to heal. back to school i went. in april, i had an mri, and found out i hac a BROKEN tibia, and a torn meniscus (knee cartilege), well, NO WONDER it wasn't much better! my doc (who is wonderful) sent me to an orthopedist, who said i was NOT ready for surgery, and gave me a steroid shot in my knee. it felt REALLY GOOD for a few days, then right back to the pain. i went back to him in early July, and he gave me a different shot-- synivisc. again, it felt GREAT for a few days. now that i've been on the walker for so long, it has aggravated my arthritis. i'm in more pain now than when i initially fell. now it's BOTH knees, wrists, hand grip, R shoulder, and lower back. my doc has me in physical therapy now, and i am VERY encouraged that it WILL help. (i've been a total of 3 times, and yes, it's VERY painful, but i DO feel better the next day.) i'm trying my 3rd nsaid in the morning. the first one was great, but not covered by my insurance, and i can't afford it-- had samples. the second one just wiped me out, and i just can't sleep ALL the time, and be a zombie-head for the next day and a half. they SAY "third time's the charm" (i don't know WHY) so i HOPE the new med will help me deal with the PAIN.
    i'm really NOT a whiner; but this has really laid me low. i'm sorry: this is prob waaaay TMI. bottom line: i haven't been able to MOVE very much this year, and my weight is UP. i need to lose it, simply to function and be healthier. i have a good 150 pounds to lose. a daunting task. i would appreciate your prayers and support and encouragement. i'm going to need a LOT of it.
    2 Qs: (1) how do you get "friends" on here? and what does that mean? (new to this)
    (2) what is NSV? i've enjoyed reading some blogs and your messages-- they DO encourage me.
    please know that i will support you to the moon and back: we're in this together, and we ALL need a positive word each day!

    thanks for letting me ramble (and vent). this old Southern elementary music teacher/pianist is really gonna miss her kiddos at school! take good care of yourself: as the old L'Oreal commercials used to say: "YOU'RE WORTH IT"

    peace, love & music,
    Janie :flowerforyou:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hey ladies! Hope your day has been a good one. I went to a refugee program that included trips to several sites where refugees can get services (My students work extensively with refugees). One of the coolest was an apartment complex that has a community center, library, after school program with tutors, parenting classes, etc. The schools even email the program director about what work the kids are doing so the tutors can really help them. It was a great day including an Ethiopian lunch. The only problem is I am absolutely stuffed 4 hours later! I ate way too much. We didn’t get our lunch until nearly 2 and I was famished.

    I was good and planned ahead. They were serving us breakfast and I took a granola bar and only ate fruit. But lunch was also provided at this restaurant and I was so hungry, I ate everything. Then we got back to the college we started from for “networking” and they had these cookies that were at least 4” in diameter. I took one to split (I rarely eat any sweets…really don’t like them) and was busy yakking away and ate the whole thing. UGHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Now I feel like I can hardly move :sick: LOL

    Speaking of moving about, DH is down to one crutch! YAY.

    Jan: If you are stuffed, I say stop eating! I don’t eat mine back because I already have 1900 as my goal and that’s plenty. That’s wonderful about your son’s girlfriend but even more wonderful that you have made it through 15 days! :flowerforyou:

    Jen: good for you to make working out so regularly. I get up at 5 to go to work already, so that’s not gonna happen here, but I sure do admire you!

    Gail: Hobbies???? What the *** are those? LOL. :laugh: IF (and that’s a big if) I have time, I enjoy gardening, reading, & crafts like needlework and scrapbooking. I really wish I had more time. In fact, that is one of my long-term goals, to figure out how in the world to have “me” time.

    Michele: that pool is coming along and soon we will all be over enjoying it with you!:laugh:

    Mimi: I loved that quotation from the “book-with-the-inadvertently-naughty-title”. That is so funny that mfp censored it. :tongue:

    Amanda: school holidays still or just now? Our kids go back to school tomorrow. I love that you wear bright purple nailpolish!

    Cindy: good to see the weight going! I’m a nurse and admire you for your work with elders.

    Robin: can my kids sleep in the dog house too? :happy:

    Laura: your grandson is adorable! Congrats!

    Janehadji: Your house does sound crazy! That’s a lot going on. Weddings have a way of being beautiful no matter what goes on….well usually LOL. I’ve been to a few where there should not have been alcohol. OK, so here’s your laugh for the day. At my DH’s boss’s wedding, we were sitting at a table with 4 other couples, none of whom I knew. So DH went to introduce me and said “This is my lovely wife Becky.” I said “BECKY!!!!!! Who the *** is BECKY?????” Dead silence. Everyone is staring at us. Then he says (now he’s sweating) “Um, errr I mean this is my lovely wife Margaret”. I said “MARGARET!!!!! Since when do you call me MARGARET???” Now people are looking back and forth at us like we are playing ping pong. Really sweating now, he says “OK, I thought you’d want to be formal. This is Meg.” OMG it was so funny. That was 10 years ago and when I call him at work, if someone else picks up the phone, I still say it’s Becky calling and they announce it on the intercom. Enjoy! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Kate: wow hope your day got better. I never recover when I start out that way.

    Kathyszoo: I love anything from Taste of Home!

    Janie: wow you have really been through the medical ringer. I sure hope you are feeling better soon. I actually don’t know how to do a friend request, sorry. NSV is Non scale victory, so something you are proud of (a victory of sorts) that does not involve weight. It could be a complement, getting some old clothes on that used to be tight, getting through your whole workout, whatever. I’ll be interested in hearing how to ask people to be friends too. :flowerforyou:

    Welcome to all the newbies. To the rest of my friends, take care and enjoy your evening. I know I have missed a lot of you, but I keep getting interrupted! Drink up! Meg
  • Hello Ladies I am new struggling to loose 15 lbs I will start tomorrow my problem is I am an emotional eater for sweets anyone cutting white flour and sugar that is what I know I am allergic to wheat . Read some of your mails you sound to be a really great group and fun thanks and wish to get encouraged by all of you betty
  • yoyonomore55
    yoyonomore55 Posts: 350 Member
    Robin- I had my fitbit for all of 48 hours when I lost it. I sent an email to the company and they replaced it for free very quickly. I love mine- find it very motivating to keep me moving. Maybe they will replace yours if you let them know you lost it. Good luck.
    Deb A
  • Megblair, you have me laughing with the thought of your husband introducing you as, "Becky." :laugh:

    I still kinda like thinking about my nephew's recent wedding where the evil MIL told the pastor at the rehearsal dinner not to say anything religious during the ceremony because her friend was an atheist. She also, on the wedding night, pulled the wedding couple out of their room (it was a B&B) to get them to confirm that alcohol was not to be served after the wedding was over. This was a seriously non-imbibing crowd who just planned to relax with a glass of wine in the B&B's living room. I'm still shaking my head over it.

    Gini, lots and lots of vegetables and a boat load of fruit works for me. It's amazing how much you can eat and still stay within your calorie goal if you're not eating calorie-dense foods.


    Mimi SVQ
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,474 Member
    Started out the day by getting up at 1:30 to leave here at 2:40 to take Jessica to Greensboro airport. Got home around 5:30 and went back to bed. Then woke up and did "Party off the Pounds" DVD by Richard Simmons that I got out of the library. What do I like about his tapes? I guess it's just my age, but before I know it I'm saying "is that the end?" I guess I get so involved with the songs. I like the fact that he has different types of people in the backgrounds -- 30 year olds and 60 year olds. There are some people who can really shake things up and some people who can't. I like the diversity. I like the fact that there's mini-breaks between songs so that you can get a drink of water. What don't I like? His cueing. He tells you to do a certain step when it starts, not when it's going to come up (like "next is a grapevine"). I really need to do his tapes not so much following him but just keep moving. I like the fact that I really sweat and drink lots of water. Honestly, I think I'd buy his tapes but only if I got them at a really good price. Tomorrow I'm going to do a "Sweating to the Oldies" tape by him. Usually on Wednesdays I go to water aerobics but these tapes need to be returned to the library and I do want to do them before the week is over.

    Today is a pretty big day with the pool. Originally I said that I'd go to mahjongg, but I didn't realize how interesting this all is. The electrical inspection is "running 2 to 3 days behind". Please don't ask me to explain that one. It's not like there's a whole whole lot of construction going on right now. But whatever....we're just waiting on that. In the meantime there are two electricians here right now, they have all the equipment out on the pads for the inspector, they're going to put together the water slide. This is really interesting. Update: they pulled the wire thru the conduit (that was quite interesting), just about everything is hooked up - all the pumps, etc except, of course, the things for the spa which isn't in the ground yet.

    mimi - so glad you're back, you were sorely missed. I may not have said anything, but I sure thought it!

    Amanda - you mentioned your dd's German boyfriend. That reminded me of something. Last year we took a sheriff's citizens academy class. Basically, it's to show you different aspects of the sheriff's dept. Anyway, one of the talks was from the K9 unit. I never realized it (but it makes a lot of sense), when they give commands to the dogs, they give them in German, not English. Another time we went to the range where the sheriff's practice shooting. I really liked shooting the rifle, not so much the glock (too much of a kickback). But that automatic! Now THAT was neat. Do you usually get sick like that? How horrible! That's neat that that gal wanted to take your picture. You ARE an amazingly pretty woman.

    Jan - fantastic on not only your son's girlfriend's talent being recognized but on the not smoking. LOVE reading your success

    Lin - yup, that was 2:30 in the a.m. to leave for the airport. Needless to say, when I got home I went right back to bed.

    Welcome skinny! We'd love to have ya. Tell us more about yourself. I agree with you, weighing yourself every day is really not very indicitive of an actual gain/loss. There are so many vaiables, one of which is hydration.

    lorigreg - I, too, have "babyfat", even tho my "baby" is 28! I've found that by eating whatever your body craves, eventually you get to the point where you want just a really little bit of what you shouldn't have, and then probably don't even want it at all (right, barbie?).

    A hearty welcome to everyone new. So glad you decided to join us on this journey.

    jane - you have a lot on your plate right now. Can you maybe keep a small notebook next to your bed and when you wake up thinking of something that you think needs to be done, jot a note about it. Actually, YOU think it needs to be done, I bet the guests won't notice. Congrats on the super weight loss

    rrphillips - I had to laugh when you said to Jan "gluten or crabs". I know what you mean, but it still brought a smile to my face!

    Faye - nobody is worse with directions than I am. How I wish the GPS would tell you how to get to the road that it indicates! I have trouble just getting out of the driveway!

    Kate - love the name of your kitty! Yuk hearing the dead battery alert

    Oh, Robin, that's horrible about your FitBit. Some people.......

    Marisa - welcome to a great group!

    Janie - I'm sorry you're in such pain. Really hope the med helps with your pain.

    I don't log my exercise, just note it; so I usually don't eat back those calories. However, I snack a lot and I'm always figuring that these exercise calories will compensate for what I nibbled on.

    I really enjoy x-stitch and now crochet. I really would like to find more time to do these. Between my love of cooking/baking and exercising, it seems that I just can't find that much time. Where DOES the time go to?

    elisitananava - I, too, love sweets, fats and sweets are a big downfall for me (like when I'm making something and mixing butter and sugar together). tonight I made a banana bread for our bunco Tuesday. One thing that someone on here suggested to me and I find that it really does work is I had a plate of veges and had vinegar on them. The person here (I don't remember who it was) suggested apple cider vinegar, but I've found that even plain old white vinegar seems to cut the desire, which, for me, is good.

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening. The guy will be here tomorrow to pick up his excavator and that's all, but they plan to be here Thurs and Fri. He says that Fri. I can use the pool (althou there won't be any decking). I'm not holding my breath -- probably because I've been disappointed too many other times that I'm afraid to get my hopes up.

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,
    Want to just thank everyone for your kind works of encouragement and support.
    Everything is back to our normal. Overall a good day. Was able to get a walk in via walking the dog. It is encouraging walking her just calming.

    @Meg. Hope things become less stressful for you. I know what its like to feel our calendar runs us and things get in the way of what we enjoy.

    I am sorry I am not responding to everyone. I do read all of the posts.

    My DH has a project to do and needs me to help
    I guess I get to hold the flashlight. Yep :) let the fun begin. Have a good evening.
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good evening beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    It has been a very busy day, started at 5:30 this morning and right now I'm just exhausted:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: .
    I would love to comment on everybody, and maybe tomorrow I'll be able to.

    Barbie:smile: thank you for letting me know how to use the edit button, maybe it won't make me nearly as mad when I hit the reply button before I'm ready!!!

    Robin:smile: I'm so sorry someone stole your FitBit:angry: you wonder if they even have a clue as to what it is.

    Welcome to all the newbies:flowerforyou: , I look forward to getting to know you. This is a great group of women!!!

    Well, I hear my bed calling my name:yawn: :yawn: :yawn: .
    Hope everyone has sweet dreams, until tomorrow....

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 17,134 Member
    :flowerforyou: extra busy day today.....two visits to Jake where he is house sitting.......a visit from a friend.....a long phone call from a friend with a crisis....endless dog walking......line dance practice (our performance is on Saturday)

    :bigsmile: Mimi, I'm so glad to see your smiling face and hear about the progress of your life.

    :bigsmile: Robin, so sorry about your fitbit...a few years ago when my phone that was also my pedometer got dropped in the washing machine and didn't work any more, I felt like a friend had died and then felt guilty for being so attached to a "gadget".

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • Hi everyone! I am new to MFP and have a bunch of weight to lose. Anybody need to lose over 100# or has anyone lost a great deal of weight? I could really use some advise right about now ;)
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello all, this is kind of late I guess for posting but it's been a busy day. And I feel guilty because I didn't get exercise in - other than walking the dogs which is a given. (And they don't walk very fast either.)

    I really enjoy reading all of your posts, I'm starting to feel like I know a few of you already.

    I'm having a hard time actually eating 1200 calories a day. I think over the years I have destroyed my hunger trigger by eating very irregularly. Any tips out there for me? I really don't even notice that it's lunch until it's about 2 pm and everyone is back from lunch at the office already. Maybe I should set the alarm on my iPhone:ohwell: I think weighing myself daily isn't so hot either - I feel okay that I haven't gained but discouraged that I didn't lose either. Advice???

    Going to bed, to sleep, perchance to dream (well, to read anyway).
    Night all
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Try Cymbalta. If it is covered for you, it works great for me. It melts away my knee,hip and back pain. I could not live without it. Give it a try if your doctor agrees.

    I can relate to all your aches and pains. When one joint is out of wack, it affects all the other joints,especially if the problem has been going on for awhile.

    Welcome to the post, Praying for you. You found the right place to be! :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Linda SundanceB
  • trixiemou
    trixiemou Posts: 554 Member
    Morning, I am new to this and have been looking for you since the last one reached its 500. Dont understand where you were or is that another 'sign' haha.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    oK Ladies,

    Just a quick check in. Took the girls to the beach today. It was a nice day and enjoyed the fresh salty air. We were there for about 4 hours. We took sandwiches and water. Planned the lunch and we walked on the beach. I came home and worked my four hour shift and now I am wiped out!:yawn: :yawn:

    I did read all the posts and welcome to all the new ladies. :drinker: :drinker:

    Meg, you should write comedy!! You keep me laughing with your DH stories! :laugh: :laugh:

    Ladies, how do we decrease all the stress we take on....good thing to think about!

    I'll be back tomorrow, sweet dreams ya'all :wink: :wink:

    Linda SundanceB :heart: