

  • madgoth
    madgoth Posts: 60
    Thanks for your support. I had a dreadful day, but I got lots of water in, and I am proud of myself for posting all the things I ate even though I was embarrassed to do it. Tomorrow is better.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Why did we change and add part 2? I'm new to this and just wondering.

    Never mind, I figured it out.:blushing:
  • Daisylou76
    Here is the new thread girls:
    By the way has anyone tried the SixWeekBodyMakeover and if so did it work for you.I saw a commercisl about it but I am sort of skeptical.Any input would be great!!!

    I did the challenge a few years ago, it was pretty low calorie, but I did lose a lot of weight on it. You can ask me for any specifics if you like :)

    I would love to be part of your group, you all seem really supportive.

  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Cals - 1482 way under again
    exercise - 50 min on wii
    Water - nada - i will get back on this tomorrow..it is harder for me to do when i am not on a work schedule
    Proud - i didn't snack all day today when home with my baby.

    Did my biggest loose wii...i am really tired of those lounges , my knee hurts i just do them modified to what i can do. I really hate the cal burn on that game, can't wait to get my hrm. I did 20 minutes and says i burned 40 cals...i don't think so.

    i had a tough day today..i think i am doing okay about my dog, and then i break down and cry..i feel like i am being such a baby , i just can't help it.

    HOpefully i will be better tomorrow, and hoping daughter is better and does fine at day care and that my older ones fits she was throwing tonight dont continue to the morning.

    it wasn't real, but you know how on dig scales the numbers go up and down before they land on your number ...today i had got on at one point and i saw a 279 , it iwas breif but it has been a very long time since i see that number and to see it is insight is encouraging.

    Hubby keeps telling me that i am looking good (he says my butt and legs look thinner). I work from home so not like i see anybody that could notice or not. I see my mom and sister every few weeks, they know that I am loosing weight and i usally tell them how much i lost, so not like a shock or anything.

    I am seeing my husbands family this weekend. His brother , sister and sister -in-law i haven't seen since July (when i was about 305 or so )..I am not sure if they will notice or not;...would be nice if they do though :)

    I see people i work with every once in a while ...i am hoping one day when I see them they are like wow you lost a lot...i think it just does a lot for your ego.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Welcome, to all the new faces. You are going to love it here:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    bluenote, how nice !!! That would make my day. Boys, NEVER say nice things like that. I know I have 4 Brothers:laugh: My younger brother use to call me fat all the time(110-115 pounds). Then I really did get fat and he quit calling me fat.:laugh: :laugh:

    I volunteer at my childrens school since forever. Most of the teachers know me. A lot of the children know me, it seems when kids know you they tend to be more forgiving about ya being fat. Well, this has not happened in a long time but it happened today. I HATE this because it hurts my children. Today a boy let my 8 yo know she has a really fat mommy. I HATE that the bad choices I have made hurt my little ones. :cry:

    Calories- under
    water- yes
    exercise- No

  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Checking in!

    I ate ever last one of my exercise calories today :embarassed: But I think it's good to shake things up a little and all this exercise I don't want my body to panic and think it's getting starved... yeah... that's my story (thank god it's not "no excuses" week:ohwell: )

    Calories - just under counting exercise:smile:
    Water - did it!
    Exercise - 55 minutes on the elliptical machine and a 40 minute walk at lunch:bigsmile:

    Proud - that even though I was running super late this morning - I still went out into that FREEZING garage and worked out on the elliptical machine! (as much as I whine about the cold garage - it's nice because I get so HOT - just my fingers FREEZE!)

    Now off to be for a little sleep :yawn:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member

    I volunteer at my childrens school since forever. Most of the teachers know me. A lot of the children know me, it seems when kids know you they tend to be more forgiving about ya being fat. Well, this has not happened in a long time but it happened today. I HATE this because it hurts my children. Today a boy let my 8 yo know she has a really fat mommy. I HATE that the bad choices I have made hurt my little ones. :cry:

    oh momma - I am soo sorry that happened.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1400. I love this number. I've decided it's perfect for me on days I exercise quite a bit. I'll try to keep it at 1210 (MFP's rec.) when I exercise 30 min or less.
    Exercise: 90 minutes stationary bike. I didn't feel like running tonight, so I hopped on my bike for another hour instead.
    Water: 104 oz.
    Proud: Today my bf told me my belly had disappeared. :happy: Last night, he kept talking about my butt getting smaller... and he kept making sad faces. :laugh: I told him he's just going to have to get over it because it's going to get much smaller than it is now.

    I broke the sugar challenge today for frosted chocolate mini wheats with hot milk. Mmmmmmmmmm! Worth ti! :laugh:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    I volunteer at my childrens school since forever. Most of the teachers know me. A lot of the children know me, it seems when kids know you they tend to be more forgiving about ya being fat. Well, this has not happened in a long time but it happened today. I HATE this because it hurts my children. Today a boy let my 8 yo know she has a really fat mommy. I HATE that the bad choices I have made hurt my little ones. :cry:

    Calories- under
    water- yes
    exercise- No

    Yo Momma2four - I'm proud that despite all of that you are DOING SOMETHING ABOUT IT!!!:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: You're HERE with US and you're showing your children the power CHOICE to make your life BETTER and do the right thing! :heart: :heart: YOU ROCK!:heart::heart:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    i had a tough day today..i think i am doing okay about my dog, and then i break down and cry..i feel like i am being such a baby , i just can't help it.
    Our big sweet (not so smart) mastiff girl was trying to balance on the couch with us tonight while I read a 'Percy Jackson and the Olympians' book to my husband (yeah - we're that dorky that I read him books at night by the fire - KID books at that!) And the mastiff (Mrs. Fig) fell off the couch on her head.:indifferent: The point is it was sad/funny and I kept thinking about you and what you were going through today and my heart aches for you and your family.

    What was your dogs name? I have a couple of pictures of Figgy as a puppy in my photos - can you post one of your dog? I really can relate and I am so sorry you have to go through this!
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Hi im newish onto this site. Umm...i weigh 260 pounds. I am 16 years old and a junior in high school. I went through a depression around 5th grade when my sister was taken out of the home and i just never lost the weight instead i gained. My sister is bipolar and suffers depression and my younger brother though he is 16, is only mentally 8 and is causeing a lot of stress in my family right now with how he is. Though i am not blood related to either of them (all of us are adopted) i love them the same. Many people think im the only "sane" one in my family (besides my mom and dad of course). Of course it puts pressure on me, but it has also made me the very understanding person i am today. I gained 20 pounds this past year, and now i want to lose it all. I want to lose it because 1. my mom is look obsessed. I know she means well, but as a kid she always pressured me because i weigh too much. But now she has given up on my weight and i want to make her proud. ...number 2. prove to myself that i can be skinnier. ...number 3. Make my ex boyfriend regret cheating on me. ...and number 4. just for myself :) ...well yeah..thats about it.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    awwwwe Thanks everyone. I am doing something about it. I am looking forward to being a lot smaller when my little guy starts kindergarden in Aug.

    Renea_Kay, I have a 16 yo. daughter. I know you can lose the weight. You have youth on your side:flowerforyou:
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Hello to all the newcomers! We are a pretty chatty group here, and try our best to keep each other motivated. As for tips, biggest one I can think of is log everything. Being more aware of the calories you take in is really important. Another thing that helped me is to start off slow. Take a walk a few days a week, drink a little more water, lower your sugar and sodium intake. You don't have to go all out at first, small changes make a difference.

    zora - that is is awesome!

    momma - One of the reasons I am sticking to my weight loss is for my kids, so I understand how that comment must have made you feel, but you have to be proud of the changes you are making!

    littledebbie - I am so sorry about your dog. Your not being a baby at all, this is one of your family members that has passed, its ok to mourn.

    mstahl - Good for you for going out into that cold garage and exercising!

    my check in -

    calories - slightly under and I ate my exercise calories
    exercise - 20 min on the treadmill (ran 15/20 of the those minutes!!)
    water - 88oz
    proud - I was going to go over my calories today, I had it logged and everything...but I made myself go jump on the treadmill for 20 mins, and then cut down on my dinner serving and made it!
  • jennbarrette
    jennbarrette Posts: 409 Member
    Renea_Kay - Welcome! That is awesome that you are taking charge of your health when you're still in high school. I wish I would have started eating healthy and exercising then! Let us know if you have any questions. We weigh in on Fridays, and check in (when we can) daily on if you met our calories, water, and if we got in some exercise. Also, we like to post something we are proud of for the day.
  • Renea_Kay
    Renea_Kay Posts: 189 Member
    Thanks for explaining! ...so todays check in:
    Calories: under :)
    water: under :(
    Exercise: 45 mins but didnt burn all the calories i wanted, cuz im getting sick

    Proud- I got on the scale and looked down and thought that isnt right...but nope i checked on all the scales in the house...im actually losing weight!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    Issue- my sister is going back into her depression :( and my brother has been caught stealing from and lying to the family.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Renea_Kay - Welcome! That is awesome that you are taking charge of your health when you're still in high school. I wish I would have started eating healthy and exercising then! Let us know if you have any questions. We weigh in on Fridays, and check in (when we can) daily on if you met our calories, water, and if we got in some exercise. Also, we like to post something we are proud of for the day.

    Renea_kay - Welcome !!!! It is great you are taking charge of your weight at 16...I wish i had :( I was an overweight kid who grew into a overweight teenager who grew to a even more overweight 20 something , and now at 34 i have had enough...wish I hadn't wasted all these years.

    You can do it !!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    i had a tough day today..i think i am doing okay about my dog, and then i break down and cry..i feel like i am being such a baby , i just can't help it.

    It's okay, Deb. Allow yourself to grieve this way. I had to put my 11 year old cat down Nov. 2008 and for weeks or maybe even months after I would just burst into tears randomly. Several times I had to pull over when I was driving because I couldn't see through the tears. It's hard.
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    i had a tough day today..i think i am doing okay about my dog, and then i break down and cry..i feel like i am being such a baby , i just can't help it.

    It's okay, Deb. Allow yourself to grieve this way. I had to put my 11 year old cat down Nov. 2008 and for weeks or maybe even months after I would just burst into tears randomly. Several times I had to pull over when I was driving because I couldn't see through the tears. It's hard.

    Thanks everyone. It just is soo much harder than i thought it would be.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    momma2four: proud???? Let me remind you of all you have to be proud of. 40 POUNDS LOST!!! YOU ARE BEING ACCOUNTABLE, YOU ARE PUTTING THE MILES ON YOUR EXERCISE, YOU ARE NOT ALONE just to name a few. I'm sorry that your feelings were hurt. All of us in this group could beat ourselves up over that one. Your kids love you no matter your size, and your size doesn't matter to them. Put away the guilt, you have not hindered your children's growth, happiness or well being. You have earned Mother of the Year in my book. You are doing great!

    awestfall: PLEASE CLEAN MY HOUSE!

    coloradogirl: I had a skinny comment today also. It feels good! You will get more and more comments. It does help reinforce all your hard work.

    bluenote: What a great moment. Thanks for sharing.

    mstahl: Did you have any luck on the hunt? I'm afraid we would go hungry if I had to clean a deer. My son brought home a little buck this fall. Venison is the only meat he will eat. Pickiest eater I have ever know and he lives with me, go figure.

    Welcome to all the new gals, it will be nice to get to know each of you.

    Still feeling like I have a 5 pound brick of cheese in my head but I am planning on getting in two miles of Leslie Sansone tomorrow. The more days I take off the harder it is to stay motivated.

    Calories: over 120
    Water: close
    Exercise: no
    Proud: Today I was at a funeral held at our church and a friend I hadn't seen for a couple of months said "you're getting all skinny."
    Me and skinny have never been in the same sentence. I remember being like 128 and I was the big girl.
  • snowflakes
    snowflakes Posts: 640 Member
    I started my last post over and hour ago and got side tract, by the time I finally posted I found that I had another page to read.

    Renea_Kay: glad that you found us. I want to suggest that you renumber your reasons so that number one starts with you. If you will do this, reasons 2., 3., and 4 will fall into place as a bonus. You can do this.

    Jenn: 15/20 were running.... WOOH HOOW. That is amazing. The day I post that I ran you will all faint, or maybe I'll faint and you will all be shocked.

    lildebbie: It is very normal to grieve for awhile. Many happy hours are created by the furry critters in our lives.

    Hope I didn't overlook anyone. I am going to have to start taking copious notes to keep up with you all. Take care all.