Overweight and obese children!!!



  • 21June
    21June Posts: 99
    Most parents do the best they can.
    Yes they think they're doing the best they can and are probably doing their best. It seems that it is a combination of a healthy diet and plenty of exercise, plain and simple! I'll give you an example of the way some people are...... I have seen a lady get in her car whilst we're walking to school and she is dropping her kids off at the same time as we are arriving. Just trying to recall that I also think I saw her arriving back home when I was on my way home on foot so she hadn't even gone to work! We live about twice as far away from the school as they do! I'm no martyr and I do use the car sometimes but how can you excuse that???
  • 21June
    21June Posts: 99
    From what I see kids don't go out to play anymore, they don't run around, ride bikes etc. they are stuck in front of a telly or pc screen.

    Agree with you, I have 6 kids, my youngest daughter who is 3 is the most active, the others spend their non school time on the pc, watching tv, or gaming, so this summer holiday I have made the rule that they come off after 2 hours for a hour, and jump around on the trampoline, or go to the park , it doesn't help that we live in a town with very little entertainment.
    Times have changed, for the worse sometimes, I have even seen workout equipment being sold in childrens sizes and colours!!
    It doesn't help that healthy food is more expensive than bad, fast food.

    Were you a fat kid?

    Nope, skinny til my mid teens, when the lure of the canteen chips and sausage rolls caused me to gain my weight, plus 8 pregnancies, and a total lack of self control and willpower, since joining MFP, I have learnt a lot about nutrition, and am passing it on to my kids so they have a better understanding of what food does to your body so they don't get to where I am now.
    Well done and keep up the good work! :smile:
  • 21June
    21June Posts: 99
    Most parents do the best they can.

    Or what they were taught to do by their parents which may not always be the best thing.
    Totally agree with you there!
  • 21June
    21June Posts: 99
    I, too, see so many children who are overweight and/or obese and many times it is not b/c of health problems! Unfortunately, too many parents have forgotten that they are the parents and allow the children to rule the household. The children yell at them and tell them what they will and will not eat and the parents go along with it. HELLO...that IS NOT acceptable!!!! :mad: Stop trying to be their friends and be their parents! Help them to become responsible adults. They learn from the adults in their lives!!!!! Okay, I'll get off my soapbox and let it go. I've been an educator for over 30 years and I've seen too much of this role reversal stuff and I guess I'm just tired of it. Sorry!!!! :smile:
    Don't apologise and thanks for your great contribution! :smile:
  • dadzpeach
    dadzpeach Posts: 174 Member
    An acquataince of mine has two boys, one is 6 the other 5. The 6 year old weighs about 75 pounds, he is average, he plays outside a ton. The 5 year old is about 4 inches shorter and weighs 120 pounds, the mom says he will not go outside, he won't eat anything that's not fast food. The family as a whole eats out 2 meals a day and drinks sweet tea or soda and both parents are very overweight. I understand that it is their children and none of my business, but it worries me that this child will get diabetes or have other very serious health problems. It also hurts me that they make fun of their overweight son, and tease him.. I know from experience that that will stay with him forever.

    Anywho, What can I do? He's not my kid, therefore none of my business.
  • rocksyraeis
    My daughter is 20mo and weighs 23-24 pounds her dr says shes "petite" she eats six meals a day and runs all the time! She dances and sings and chases her brother (yorkie poo 4 pou ds and has more personality then most people!) at first her old dr complained saying she was too thin and not fat enough.

    I believe, in america anyways, drs either have too much to say about weight or too little when its needed. Its ridiculous to think they though she was too thin with as active as she is i also give her vitamins and she does yoga (tries too) with me hah ask for starving children i yelled at the dog the other day about a goldfish he refused to eat that had fallen on the floor! I was all "there are starving stray dog outside that would LOVE floor goldfish now eat it!"

    My fiance laughed and said im getting my practice in haha
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Most parents do the best they can.

    Or what they were taught to do by their parents which may not always be the best thing.

    The best they can with the knowledge they have at the time. (I did say MOST parents)
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    Worth a read:

    " Think about this for a moment: you let 16 people gorge themselves on a daily excess of 1000 kcal for 8 weeks and what you get is one whose weight remains virtually the same,
    while another gains more than 9 pounds,
    and all the other 14 show up anywhere in between those two."
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    @suziecue66.... Yes... Some people do "fatten easily" :indifferent:
  • suziecue66
    suziecue66 Posts: 1,312 Member
    @suziecue66.... Yes... Some people do "fatten easily" :indifferent:

    Thanks. Just seemed people ignore this fact.
  • dreamsofescaping
    dreamsofescaping Posts: 206 Member
    Lol well at first I was like :noway: that hurts haha but then my logic kicked in and there is no beating around the bush your right lol the truth hurts and how else could you have worded it? It's true. I think a lot of it has to do with genetics. My moms side is thin or slightly overweight but I don't really know my natural fathers side except they have thyroid problems and I know my natural father had a quadropal (errm spelling) heart surgery (although he is not very big) for some reason I was jinxed with this curse of looking at something and gaining 5 pounds lol. I chalk it down to I must have been a skinny person in a past life and made fun of bigger people so this life time I chose to be a bigger person so I know how it feels to be made fun of and I won't do it in the next lives to come lol.
  • claw0416
    Okay..we have been in the same battle as most of the posters on here..Please see my blog on what we have found for our kids to help with a healthy active live style..It has made such a difference int he past 2 months..
