May Day Challenge!



  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I just told my cousin that I'm on MFP alot more than i'm on FB. I check in w/them every so often but I can't even think of the last time I actually posted a status update on there. I like being able to talk about weight (success and setbacks) w/o worrying whether the other person wants to hear it. At least here, everyone is struggling witht he same things so I don't feel like i'm being a burden.
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    So I think my hunger from yesterday as passed. I did listen to my body and went a little over on the Cal count, I haven't weighted myself in a few days so hopefully I am on the right track for our weigh in Friday.

    Last night I had to give in to the sweet monster, I had 2 van. cream filled cookiees:cry: and they were goood!!!!

    So 1 day no sweets, 1 day just a taste:ohwell:
    No fast food 2 days!!!!
    I am currently up to 1 hour 40 min of exercise and have my Jillian wii 2010 challenge tonight:bigsmile:

    got to work early and have an auditor here for the day, :noway: :noway:

    God Bless everyone on your journey today:flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    2day is a special day, it is a day that everything will go my way, 2day is the day that I was born, Its my birthday yall, I GOT IT GOING ON, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S BIRTHDAY!!! From January to December everyone has a day they wanna remember, whether turning 21 or 95, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, come on and get live, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!. I turned 37 today and I'm feeling and looking good.

    I began my day w/many text messages and phone calls with birthday wishes from friends and family. I went to the gym and ROCKED IT. I was able to burn 361 calories on the treadmill and 284 on the elliptical for a total 645 calories. After that I spent about 10-15 minutes in the sauna (pure bliss) and topped it off w/a banana & strawberry protein shake. I'm feeling real good.

    Have a great day ladies!
  • yharmon
    yharmon Posts: 68
    Happy Birthday!! I hope this is a great day for you!!
  • Ktbell626
    Ktbell626 Posts: 108 Member
    2day is a special day, it is a day that everything will go my way, 2day is the day that I was born, Its my birthday yall, I GOT IT GOING ON, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S BIRTHDAY!!! From January to December everyone has a day they wanna remember, whether turning 21 or 95, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, come on and get live, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!. I turned 37 today and I'm feeling and looking good.

    I began my day w/many text messages and phone calls with birthday wishes from friends and family. I went to the gym and ROCKED IT. I was able to burn 361 calories on the treadmill and 284 on the elliptical for a total 645 calories. After that I spent about 10-15 minutes in the sauna (pure bliss) and topped it off w/a banana & strawberry protein shake. I'm feeling real good.

    Have a great day ladies!

    Happy Birthday!!!

    You are such a inspiration!

    Checking in for the week, I have made it 4 & 1/2 days without pop, and I say 1/2 because any thing could happen this evening. 1 day fast food but other than that I have been really good. Classes are already starting to pile on the work and its only the second day. I'm right on track for this week, so it should be a good weigh in!

    Have a good day everyone!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    2day is a special day, it is a day that everything will go my way, 2day is the day that I was born, Its my birthday yall, I GOT IT GOING ON, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S BIRTHDAY!!! From January to December everyone has a day they wanna remember, whether turning 21 or 95, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, come on and get live, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!. I turned 37 today and I'm feeling and looking good.

    I began my day w/many text messages and phone calls with birthday wishes from friends and family. I went to the gym and ROCKED IT. I was able to burn 361 calories on the treadmill and 284 on the elliptical for a total 645 calories. After that I spent about 10-15 minutes in the sauna (pure bliss) and topped it off w/a banana & strawberry protein shake. I'm feeling real good.

    Have a great day ladies!

    Happy Birthday!!!

    You are such a inspiration!

    Checking in for the week, I have made it 4 & 1/2 days without pop, and I say 1/2 because any thing could happen this evening. 1 day fast food but other than that I have been really good. Classes are already starting to pile on the work and its only the second day. I'm right on track for this week, so it should be a good weigh in!

    Have a good day everyone!

    Ktbell, thank you for the birthday wishes and congratulations on being soda free for 4 days and working out. My hat goes off to all you college students b/c I know when I was in undergraduate and graduate school watching what I ate was the last thing on my mind. I know I gained the freshman 15 b/c of the late night snacking and eating whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. I'm proud of you along w/the other college students on this site for trying to make changes early in life.

    Keep up the good work.
  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    Hey all,
    Confession time. I didn't do TERRIBLY on Sat. night at my inlaws party, but I didn't stick to the plan either. I was better on Sunday though, went a little over calories, but not too bad. But then YESTERDAY I was STARVING and I went to visit my best friend who just got engaged and we ordered pizza and I ate 2 pieces of pizza with ricotta cheese!! SOOOO bad but SOOOO good!! I'm really trying to be better today. I also forgot about the sweets challenge yesterday and ate one mini sncker bar. But I'm going to cut them out for the rest of the week so hopefully I will meet that challenge!
    GOOD LUCK this week everyone!!!!!!!!!!!
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    I FAILED the sweets challenge. Had a tootsie pop sucker...why, why, why do I sabotage myself????? :grumble: On a good note, I got in a really good workout (50 m inutes worth which NEVER happens) so maybe that cancels out the sucker?:ohwell:
  • amboardman
    amboardman Posts: 144 Member
    I FAILED the sweets challenge. Had a tootsie pop sucker...why, why, why do I sabotage myself????? :grumble: On a good note, I got in a really good workout (50 m inutes worth which NEVER happens) so maybe that cancels out the sucker?:ohwell:
  • annerssju
    annerssju Posts: 111
    2day is a special day, it is a day that everything will go my way, 2day is the day that I was born, Its my birthday yall, I GOT IT GOING ON, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S BIRTHDAY!!! From January to December everyone has a day they wanna remember, whether turning 21 or 95, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, come on and get live, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY, IT'S MY BIRTHDAY!. I turned 37 today and I'm feeling and looking good.

    I began my day w/many text messages and phone calls with birthday wishes from friends and family. I went to the gym and ROCKED IT. I was able to burn 361 calories on the treadmill and 284 on the elliptical for a total 645 calories. After that I spent about 10-15 minutes in the sauna (pure bliss) and topped it off w/a banana & strawberry protein shake. I'm feeling real good.

    Have a great day ladies!

    Happy birthday!! Sounds like you are celebrating it in a FANTASTIC and HEALTHY way! GO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    I really want to thank everyone for the birthday wishes. I had an absolutely wonderful day and athough I'm a bit sore from my intense workout today I feel good overall in body and spirit. 37 is feeling real good right now, I just hope it stays like this the entire year (smile).

    By the way, I went to the Cheesecake Factory for dinner and because I checked out the nutrional informations prior to going I was able to eat a nice hearty meal AND remain well w/in my allotted calories. I ate the Black peppered shrimp dish which consists of spicy shrimp, white rice (I asked for brown but that don't make it), black beans, plantains and a mango salsa. There was a total of 1100 calories for the entire meal (and they give you ALOT) so before I even took my first bite I asked for a to go box and placed half of eat in the box and placed it to the side.:smile::smile: :happy: :smile: :happy: I only drank water and I didn't even have a desire for cheesecake.

    Chocolickkyss: 3 Sweets: 0

    Chocolickkyss 3 Fast Food: 0 (hope the cheesecake factory doesn't count as fast food)
  • lisawest
    lisawest Posts: 798 Member
    Happy Birthday Chocolickkyss!

    I feel like it hasn't been a good day. When I look over everything, I'm under my calories, and the family and I went on walk OUTSIDE, sounds like a pretty good day. So why do I feel like it's been a bad day? Today was the warmest it's been in quite awhile, so we took advantage and went for a walk. I'm just down, I guess. Don't really have a good idea of why. Tomorrow I get to stay home with my baby boy, since daycare is closed until Thursday:ohwell: Hopefully that will pep me back up.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Lisa sorry to learn that your spirits are a little down. Please remember that "this too shall pass" but in the interim don't let it get you side tracked. Look at all the positives: under calories, exercised and spent quality time with the family sounds like a VERY GOOD day!

    Keep logging your food, exercising and checkin in w/your MFP friends. Hope tomorrow is a better day!
  • aisser
    aisser Posts: 232
    Happy Birthday Chocolickkyss

    Today I logged in all my food
    stayed under my limit
    went to linedance class that is 1& a half hour class
    drank my water all 8 glasses
    went to see my brother he had a bad fall about 7 months ago fell 2 stories onto concrete he was at work
    my daughter took care of the horses today so I could spend time with my brother
  • msh0530
    msh0530 Posts: 1,675 Member
    Hey, all! Just wanted to say hi - it's been a very busy day, and the rest of the week looks the same. Got my exercise in and ate well under my calories. Hope all are hanging in there!
  • kath711
    kath711 Posts: 712 Member
    Happy Birthday Chocolickkyss. I will also be turing 37 this year (still considered the "mid 30's").:laugh:

    Played soccer tonight and stayed within 100 of my calories so pretty good.

    January can be a hard month to get motivated with short days, bad weather and getting back to routine after holidays so hang in there lisawest!!

    January can also be frustrating when you have to wait for a treadmill with all the New Year's resolutions in effect as I had to do Monday. Good to see people getting out there trying though!
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    Meet my Jillian challenge last night, and I eat WELL!!!! under my cal count after all my exercise for the day:love: Is that really good though?????

    Worked out this morning again, Have breakfast and lunch planned, not sure about dinner, I have a very busy night...

    Looking forward to seeing the scale move down Friday...

    God Bless everyone and enjoy your day:flowerforyou:
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Yesterday I started the day w/so much energy but today not as much. I didn't sleep well at all which has been a constant problem over the last year or so but for some reason I thought it was improving, Hah, the joke was on me. I went to bed by 11 pm but was up by 3:30 and tossed and turned until about 6:30 til I finally said forget it and turned on the morning news. I knew if I didn't get the workout in w/in the next hour I would try to talk myself out of it so I threw in my Biggest Loser "Power Sculpt" dvd and did the best I could do. While I really didn't want to work out I did put much intensity in and when I was tired of doing squats and lunges (I have a bum right knee and those exercises kill sometimes) I jogged in place or did jumping jacks while holding 5 lb weights. Fifty minutes later (5 minute warm up, 40 minute workout, 5 minute cool down) I was done and glad I sucked it up.
  • Chocolickkyss
    Chocolickkyss Posts: 3,654 Member
    Today is marks the midway point of two of this week's challenges (No sweets and No fast food) and I was wondering how everyone is fairing? If you have been successful this week what have you done to stay focus or curb the urge to splurge?

    Also, I was wondering if anyone have any ideas for next week's challenge? Just to recap what we've done thus far: 5 days of 30 minutes or more of exercise, posting weekend meals early and reporting whether we stuck w/the pre-planned meals, no sweets and no fast food.

    While I've not had any sweets I can't really offer any suggestions b/c I don't keep sweets in the house (most of the time) and I haven't really had the urge to eat sweets (YET)!
  • ourgang
    ourgang Posts: 229
    So far I have done great with no fast food, 3 days down and 3 to go.. no problem there
    Sweets I have had 2 van cream filled cookies, and the last 2 in the house are CALLING MY NAME!!!! I almost throw them away last night just so I won't eat them, then I said I could have them after Friday so I didn't :bigsmile: :bigsmile: Maybe my hubby will eat them and then they will stop calling me!!!!

    For next week maybe everyone can choice one or 2 food choices they just can't stop eating and forbid them for the week. My down falls are BBQ potatoe chips.. Now I won't even buy them, but hubby likes them and they show up every so often and let just say I will eat the entire bag:noway: :noway: Other things I have been able to change on a slow pace is no white breads, only wheat or grain now, and just switched to brown rice, have only done wheat pasta for a while now,

    I know maybe a min of 5 veggies a day!!! yea I like that one better. I am good with 1-2 fruits a day, but only get about 2 veggies, sometimes more when I do salads.... Just some ideas....

    Pizza hut is calling me today.....How do I forget about the craving????? Their salads are good and if I get a personal I will eat half for lunch and half for dinner since I am running so much tonght. But then I guess I would have had fast food this week, can't do that:grumble: I'll stick to my lunch and hopefully hubby makes extra dinner I can grab and run with tonight:indifferent: