

  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    Hi all!

    Wednesday is my favorite day of the week. It's the day my DH watches the grandkids. London - 4 and Jenson - 11 months. I always go into work and hour late so that I have some time to play with them as well. Jenson, who was the fastest crawler I have ever seen, started walking this week. I now understand why the good Lord doesn't often give babies to women of our age. Hard to keep up with him for sure! This weekend is their joint birthday party and I need to get London's new princes dress finished. Just the hem to go.

    Started the day off well, but started feeling poorly before I left the house. Breakfast just didn't set at all. Which means I didn't eat anything else until 1:30. Sticking to cottage cheese and yogurt for now, but I have dinner plans with a dear friend. We'll see how that goes.

    Disappointed that I have not been getting my 10,000 steps in. Tho I did get 10 flights of stairs yesterday. Picking up a bicycle this weekend. DIL is getting a new one. Looking forward to some rides. We have bike paths close to the house and a fabulous Metro Parks system. Problem is getting in and out of the park, REALLY steep hill. No way I will be able to ride it so I may have to get a bike rack if I opt for the park.

    Meant to take my measurements this morning, but totally forgot. I wore a skort the other day that could slide down over my hips without unbuttoning. Love that! And my rings are spinning, that's always a good sign.

    Oh Jan! I so understand about stuff just sitting there. I think we should all have to move every few years so that we can purge. We have company coming to stay the end of Sept. and I have so much cleaning to get done before then.

    Well, the day is going better. My tummy has decided to settle down. Good news is that carbs and calories should be on track today!

    Best to all,
  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Hello all, logging in early today as I seem to be a little late in the evening when I leave it.

    Thanks for the suggestions about adding calories - I do love cheese so will use that suggestion, already use olive oil and unfortunately hate peanut butter. Maybe almond butter will work - I'll check out the specs on that.

    Got up early today and did the breakfast smoothie and really do feel like I have good energy.

    Gini - I love Wednesday too, for some reason it just seems like a good day to me. Sorry to hear about your tummy - hang in there.

    To all of you with the crepey skin posts - I can sooo relate. Wings, thighs, forearms, I don't even feel they are mine and I'm sure it happened overnight. How unfair - my mind still feels like the 30s/40s but my bod is moving into the "senior" years. Does anyone have another word for senior - it just seems to span such a large age group - 60s to 90s.

    And to those of you with fur families, I have 2 ACDs and a Tortie cat (fills in the gaps seeing both of my girls are long-long distance now).

    Will check in later
  • mommie55
    mommie55 Posts: 23
    Hello everyone......It is Wednesday......my weigh-in day.....I was pleasantly surprised when I stepped on the scale........The support and encouragement I find when I read every ones posts ........on this site ...is helping to keep me on track.........I sluffed a wee on breakfast this morning.....I only had coffee.......just did not feel like eating.....but made up for it with Taco Johns for lunch ( Ouch).....I had a beef burrito with a small order of oles and water.....darn near died when I entered it and saw the calories I had consumed in one meal......almost 900.......I can see that going out to eat is going to be a problem with only 1200 calories a day allowed......
    I am off to clean my house...going to wash some walls and scrub a few floors....
    Have a great Wednesday ......and.......THANK YOU for keeping me on TRACK!! :drinker: Keep drinking :happy:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi to all my friends, new and old. Today was one of those hideous days at work with one meeting after another. I can’t stand meetings. I would rather you make a decision and tell me what to do. I promise to do it if I don’t have to discuss it for 4 hours! Plus there is always food, food, food and today was no exception, but I didn’t eat any of it. We also had an all-college cook out for lunch, and I didn’t go to that either. I ate my healthy choice meal instead. I feel good about those 2 decisions after the mega-meal yesterday! :happy: I didn’t log it because I had no idea what I had (we ate at an Ethiopian restaurant).

    DH is off crutches today. Kinda gimpy, but he’s doing fine. He has a check up tomorrow morning. Benny Beagle’s lab work all came back normal except for one liver enzyme which was nearly normal. It originally was “incompatible with life high” and has slowly come down. So 2 more months of medications and the $3/can dog food. At least he eats it now! :happy:

    Glad everyone got a kick out of my DH wedding story and the others. He is a classic…almost like Yogi Berra with all the crazy things that come out of his mouth! :tongue:

    Welcome Betty: I never eat white flour; it’s all whole grain. I’m not sure if you can do this with food allergies, but I use truvia instead of sugar for almost everything.

    Mimi: aren’t weddings grand for all sorts of weird behavior!??? :noway:

    Michele: I love Richard Simmons. I heard an interview with him yesterday on the radio. Part of it was his class. He had one lady there who was 90. It sounds like they were having a blast. :heart:

    Lizmil: maybe you should change your nic to queen of the flashlights! I hate holding flashlights. You can never get them in the “right” spot, even though the “right spot” keeps moving. :tongue:

    DeeDee: hope you had a good night’s sleep and woke up today refreshed. I have been thinking of microdermabrasion too. Glad to hear about your good results. :wink:

    Schoolmom: I too have about 100# to lose. My advice is to take it slowly. You didn’t gain all that weight in a week, you won’t lose it in a week. Drink your water; ½ ounce for every pound you weigh.

    Lila: I would only weigh once a week. You might need to set your alarm so you are eating on a schedule.

    Linda: your question about decreasing stress has been a biggie for me. I wish I had the answer. Your day at the beach sounds awesome; wish I had come!

    Jan: so many victories for you! Congrats! :flowerforyou:

    Donna: only 1 pound left? Wow how fantastic. Good news about hubby and the bell ringing. What a cool tradition. :flowerforyou:

    Cindy: that is so neat about your son’s wedding date!

    Janehadji: Being introduced as Becky was way too funny to be mad! :tongue:

    Tigress: that is funny! All my relatives called my brother “Sonny” when he was growing up. He’s much older than I am, and because my dad was in the navy, I hardly ever saw my relatives. So we had a big family reunion and everyone kept asking me how Sunny was. I just kept saying “I don’t really know”. I was sure getting a lot of odd looks. Finally I had to ask and boy was I embarrassed!

    Laura: I bet you are so glad that baby is finally here and is healthy!

    Janie: thanks for your inspiring words and for explaining the friending technique!

    Gini: rings spinning and clothing falling off…always a good sign!

    Crepey skin people: I refuse to admit I need to join your group! :tongue:

    Everyone else I missed or who is new: keep up your good work and keep letting us know about your victories! Keep your fingers crossed for rain here tonight! We need it and actually have a chance for once. Take care, Meg AKA Becky :drinker:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    finally got this stupid fitbit to work, but I lost all of my steps and everything for the day before it started working :mad: :grumble: :cry: Well there is a fresh start tomorrow. And Meg just because you won't admit to crepey skin doesn't mean it ain't there. :ohwell:

  • HisPixie
    HisPixie Posts: 55 Member
    My daughter's wedding is Saturday. I have a beautiful gown to wear. For some reason, I'm munching!! OK, I guess it's stress. My ex-husband's entire family will be there, of course, and my new husband (married last september) will be meeting them. Of course, I want to look nice! I'm baking cookies for the reception and that is certainly counter-productive!! I'm going for a walk now, lol...
  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    FitBit was anonomously returned to my desk at 1:00 this afternoon. It came to me with 12,000 steps on it yesterday (I lost it at 6:00 in the morning so it wasn't me who put them on it) and it had 2500 steps on it from today. That is not someone keeping it at their desk to return to me. Well at least I got it back and I feel so much better.

    Today is DH birthday so we are having steak, shrimp and asparagus for dinner.

    hope you all are having a wonderful Wednesday

    Robin, Bodi and Ritter
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Hi all Happy Wednesday! I was going to post last night but I played tennis with my sister after work and by the time I came home, showered and had a bite to eat I was done! We actually played 2 sets (a first for us) I won 5 games...of course she won 12!! But we have a lot of fun and our mantra is "we are up and we are moving"....she lives in a condo complex and we walk back from the tennis courts there always seem to be people out that want to know who won...I have a feeling we provide the evening entertainment!!:laugh:

    I took a day of rest today...will do some kind of workout tomorrow..probably the recumbent bike.
    Have a good evening.hugs and highs fives and prayers for those who are struggling
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    Welcome to everyone who is new here. I know you'll love it and continue to come back. You'll get lots of support, motivation and good ideas on this site.

    I tell ya, yesterday the Wii said I gained 1.5lb, today it says that I lost 2lb. Like I say, you can't go by weight day-to-day

    Donna - when I'm exercising at home and just in my underwear, the skin really seems to hang over my underwear so I understand how you feel. Avoiding pushups sounds good to me, but they really are good for you to do. Congrats to your husband. I didn't know that UofP has a bell! The first time I saw the bell was when a friend of mine finished her chemo but that was in Michigan. Have a great vacation

    Well, the electrical inspector was here. What an inspection .... lol He came to the front door to announce himself. About 5 minutes later Vince went out to see if he had any questions, and he was gone! Vince called the general contractor to tell him that the inspector was here and we found out that we passed. I have a feeling that he just looked at the trench, said "that's deep enough" and left. Probably didn't want to get dirty....lol

    Did Richard Simmons Sweating to the Oldies 2 DVD today. I'm not crazy at all about that DVD. One interesting thing is that you can see how much younger he looks in that DVD versus STTO5. Tomorrow I'll do his Totally Toning DVD then return them to the library.

    Went a bit of food shopping today, we needed ice for the workers tomorrow. Later I have senior bowling.

    AGGGGG.....when we give Loki his a.m. med, I prefer to just put a keychair on the knob to the cabinet where it is kept. Then, when he gets his pm dose, it just gets taken off for the next day. To me, that would be so much easier. I can tell at a glance if Vince gave him his med or not. Vince wants to make up a sign that says "Loki am med" on one side and "Loki pm med" on the other. To me, I can see where that can be confused, only one letter off. You can't tell what was done by just glancing, you have to look carefully at what the sign says. Vince feels that he'd rather have something in writing. I don't know what we're going to do, I really don't like his idea. I do wish he'd give my idea a chance.

    Another AGGGGG.....I went to the senior bowling, Vince stayed home to answer any questions the electric inspector may have had (only he didn't have any) and then cut the grass. Anyway, after bowling Vince calls me to ream me out about how the flowers for the funeral that I ordered (I asked him to order them but he didn't want to) got there 15 minutes after the service had started. Now if it had been him who had ordered them and screwed up, it wouldn't be half as bad (to him, anyway). But let it be me and I get reamed out. He said that he thought that since I used to be a secretary for a CEO (that was 28 years ago and we didn't have computers) that I would be used to this. This is the first time I've ever done this. It just burns me up silently that his attitude is "if you can put if off to tomorrow, why do it today", even the kids say "if you want something done, ask ma". But let me make one mistake!!!! I called Penn (his father passed away) and apologized, he said that it was fine that I shouldn't feel so bad. When Jessica left I gave her a zucchini chocolate bread and a banana bread to take. She couldn't get over how much food there was! Of course, when there's a funeral, people bring food. She did say that at first she felt funny about bringing the breads, but afterwards she was glad because so many people brought food. I couldn't send anything that needed refrigeration. When Vince's father passsed away, I never heard of this, but they didn't have any kind of viewing or funeral service, nothing. Just creamate his body and then we flew out to MO to bury the ashes. When his mother passed away about 6 years ago -- same thing. I asked that the ashes be sent to his cousin in MO (who at the time was an undertaker). To this day Vince hasn't buried them! I knew that would happen and I just didn't want someone's ashes in the house. When my father passed away, I had the viewing and the funeral on the same day, he wanted to be creamated and buried at a Veterans Cemetery. I picked the remains up on a Mon and on Wed. we had the service. I remember asking Vince to go with me and his reply was "I have something called a job, it's just ashes" and I told him that I needed to do this for me and if he didn't go with me that was OK. In the end, he did, but he wasn't very happy about taking a day off from work.

    Gini - I'm sure youll love your bike.

    Lila - I don't like peanut butter, either. I think it must be the consistency because I like peanuts by themselves. Now peanuts in cakes or cookies -- no way!

    mommie - many times going out to eat with a budget of 1200 calories doesn't have to be a problem. Eventually, you will find out what to order at places, what's going to be low in calories (if you haven't check the restaurant's website). It all comes together, trust me. And even then, sometimes we mess up, it happens. But when it happens, we just pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and continue.

    Meg - yea on your decisions! I'm proud of you, girl

    Robin - glad you got you FitBit back. Happy birthday to you dh

    Here's hoping everyone has a great evening.

  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Hi everyone. I lost track of you for a bit. Life got me sidetracked. Work is hectic, my youngest son just bought his first brand new car, oldest son and girlfriend hit a rough patch, and daughter, well she is a girl.
    Love them all, it is fun to watch them get thru life.
    Brother in law was sick, spent Sunday in ER with him. We had a really long and nice talk. I sure hope I helped him a little.
    Hubby has to go to his moms for two weeks, that means I am stuck with FOUR dogs. I'm gonna need you all, because they are going to drive me nuts.
    Oh well, hope everyone is doing okay, need to get ready for bed, it's been a long day.
    God bless.
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Just finished reading all of today's posts. We are a busy group.

    Wednesdays are always busy--work, dinner, church, choir practice.

    I feel bad. Didn't get any walking in today :cry: I'm having some sort of problem with my foot so I decided to give it a break today. It was fine when I went to bed last night but when I got up in the middle of the night it was hurting and continued all day. Hopefully it will be better in the morning.

    I'll try to check in earlier tomorrow but for now I need a little shut eye :yawn: :yawn: :yawn:

    Goodnight ladies.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,992 Member
    :bigsmile: Robin, glad you got your fitbit back....maybe the person who "borrowed" it was inspired to get one of his own and will be forever grateful to you.

    :bigsmile: another busy day with two line dance classes, a lunchtime appointment with one of my business clients, endless dog walking, and an hour to work in the yard.

    :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :heart: :heart: :heart: Barbie
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    This is just my second day on these boards. No one knows me yet and I don't know anyone. I've been doing this for a full week now. After day two I saw a 4 pound loss but I know that a few always drop immediately so I will be very happy when I weigh in tomorrow to still have the 4 off.

    I realized today that back when I was 30 I was appalled because I had reached 140 pounds, joined Jenny Craig and got back down to my 125. Now at 53 I will be thrilled to get down to 155. I haven't seen the 160's in over 5 years. Have to say though I think I look as thin at 150 now as I did at 125 back then.

    Anyway I weighed 180.2 earlier this week and 180.4 this morning. I am seriously hoping I am 179.8 or less tomorrow and then hope I NEVER see the 180's again. My all time maximum weight was 193 a few years ago. I know I'm rambling but it's after 10 and I am old :-)
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    Janehadji: Your house does sound crazy! That’s a lot going on. Weddings have a way of being beautiful no matter what goes on….well usually LOL. I’ve been to a few where there should not have been alcohol. OK, so here’s your laugh for the day. At my DH’s boss’s wedding, we were sitting at a table with 4 other couples, none of whom I knew. So DH went to introduce me and said “This is my lovely wife Becky.” I said “BECKY!!!!!! Who the *** is BECKY?????” Dead silence. Everyone is staring at us. Then he says (now he’s sweating) “Um, errr I mean this is my lovely wife Margaret”. I said “MARGARET!!!!! Since when do you call me MARGARET???” Now people are looking back and forth at us like we are playing ping pong. Really sweating now, he says “OK, I thought you’d want to be formal. This is Meg.” OMG it was so funny. That was 10 years ago and when I call him at work, if someone else picks up the phone, I still say it’s Becky calling and they announce it on the intercom. Enjoy! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Thank you for a much needed laugh! I'm glad to hear that your husband is still with us after that -- you are obviously a forgiving woman! LOL
  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    Oh gosh this was so funny to read and I just had to share my stories ...2 to be exact kinda similar...I am engaged to a wonderful man now just 5 months now...and the other day we had some couples over at the house and he went to introduce me to one of them and he said this is Peggy...and I looked at him and he said Oh I mean this is Jeannie (his ex wife was Peggy) and his friend said I think she deserves the whole house with new carpeting !!! We were just talking about it sev minutes before this event!!haha
    Then a week later I had stayed with him at his moms (visiting for the weekend) and we were getting ready to leave and I grabbed a cup out of the cuboard to poor myself some coffee to take with me on our morning car ride and as I was getting into the car ...he said Oh honey you dont want to take that cup....and I said why not and looked at it and there low and behold was the picture of him and his EX- wife Peggy.....he went in promptly and got me another cup....and his mom found it in the garbage later that day ...haha...he was divorced 2 years ago (married 20) so I guess its time to replace some coffee cups ...haha
    Love u ladies...I am going to be 59 in Sept and hoping to loose 15 lbs..... we are to be married next June...and hopefully will have new carpeting by then also!!!!
  • mimi7grands
    Skin? Oh yeah. If anyone feels bad about their skin, take a look at mine. On second thought, don't. I wouldn't want you to go through that. :laugh: I've lost more than 100 lbs over the last 12 years and still have 50 or 60 or so to go.

    I was blessed with thin skin and fragile capillaries. Nothing, I mean nothing, is pretty. I can cover it up pretty well but having a nice bod cannot be my motivation.

    So, what are my motivations? Hmm....

    Definitely looking better in clothes is one of them. I never knew how I really looked in the old days until I didn't look that way anymore. Denial is an amazing thing. Now I can look at my photo and like what I see.

    Feeling better is huge too although I've been plagued with achey joints the last few months. Imagine how I would have felt if I still carried around that extra 100 pounds.

    Getting healthier motivates me too. My cholesterol is better. (I just had it checked...I said to the nurse practitioner, "Yikes, it's gone up. It's almost 200." The nurse practitioner replied, "Yes, but look at the ratio. You have almost as much good cholesterol as bad! Your cholesterol levels are great.") My triglycerides couldn't be better. My BP is way down (no more meds) and my glucose was never bad but it's better now.

    Thank you for reminding me of my motivations for losing weight. It's easy to lose sight of them in the ups and downs of every day living.


    Mimi SVQ

    p.s. I'm not wearing the Sister Veggie Queen crown very comfortably today (no veggies!) But I did stay on target with calories and I will be back at it tomorrow.


    p.p.s. I had to come back in here to edit this. I realized that "losing weight" really wasn't the right term. "Eating healthier" would be more accurate. Losing weight is one of the benefits but I don't think cholesterol, etc. would have improved as much if I'd still been eating the old way - not many fruits or veggies, lots of processed foods. Now, I rarely eat anything that comes from a package.

    I thought it would be harder to eat this way but it's not. I spend a little time cutting up fruits and veggies. That's about it. I usually put a dollop (or 2 or 3) of yogurt on my fruit. That's a meal and I love it! I sometimes use the veggies in a salad (especially in the summer) and sometimes roast them at a high temp for a short time. They taste wonderful - so different from the fresh frozen veggies my mom used to fix. "Fresh frozen?" :tongue:
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    This is just a fly by as I have a lot of work to catch up with. Yesterday I spent the day in bed, apart from the times when I had my head over the loo upchucking (sorry - TMI) I'm still a little shaky today but at least I don't feel at death's door.

    One funny thing to add about the weighing every day. I don't change my ticker as I'm consistently below what it says by two or three pounds. Anyway, I weigh most days and did so on Tuesday and again today. Well, despite no being able to eat yesterday and just having sips of water, my darling scales say that I'm a pound up since Tuesday. It just shows that we shouldn't attach to much concern over minor changes on the scale.

    Must push on but will pop back later to catch up with you all.

    Love to everyone
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Donna:smile: glad hubby is off the chemotherapy!!! Have fun at the beach!!!

    Lin:smile: is your Internet working now????

    Cindy:smile: how special that wedding day will be!!!

    Jane:smile: thank you for that info., I might check into later this year.

    Tigress:smile: loved your story!!!

    Doco48:smile: welcome to the greatest group of women!!!!

    Laura80111:smile: I'll take every ounce lower my scale will give me:laugh: !!!! Glad little one is doing good!!!

    Janemartin:smile: girls night sounds like so much fun!!!

    Kathy:smile: I LOVE that quote!!!!!

    Maddalen:smile: Welcome to the group!!!

    Jan:smile: smaller size clothing sure gives us a boost, it's a great motivator!!!

    Gini:smile: I'm still working on my 10,000 steps, here lately it's not been so good:ohwell: .

    Mommie55:smile: if I know I'm going to go over on calories, I usually try to get in an extra walk.

    Meg:smile: I'm with you on meetings, boy do I ever get tired of them, takes forever to get done what I think could be done in half that time!!!!

    Hispixie:smile: stay calm and stay focused. I'm sure you will be a beautiful and confident mother of the bride!!!!

    Robin:smile: yay, the FitBit is back! At least whomever had it felt guilty enough to bring it back!!! Birthday dinner sounds yummy!!!

    Jen:smile: 2 sets of tennis sounds like exercise to me!!!!

    Michele:smile: 5 min. Inspection????:ohwell: Men, they seem to think women are supposed to do everything right the first time, what to do, just roll your eyes and keep on loving him.

    Esther50:smile: life keeps me sidetracked a lot too:ohwell: .

    Micki:smile: hope your foot feels better today!!!

    Barbie:smile: looking forward to hearing all about the performance on Sat.!!!!

    Wessecg:smile: welcome to the greatest group of women!!!! I would love to weigh what I did at 30!!!! I remember weighing 125, and thinking I needed to weigh 112:laugh: :laugh: :laugh: , I would just like to see 140 now!!!!

    Jeannie:smile: funny story, you do deserve new carpeting!!!

    Mimi:smile: congrats on your lab work!!!!

    Amanda:smile: glad you're feeling better today :flowerforyou: .

    Sorry if I missed anyone!!!!

    I have one meeting this morning, and hopefully it will only be an hour or so long, and then I'm done for the week:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: !!!!!!! I think I may go shopping for myself, I need a few more shirts that are not hanging off me!!!

    Hope everyone has a wonderful day!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: and log your food!!!!

  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Thursday,

    Just wanted to pop by and say hi and mark may place. Frustrated with immobility with foot and dealing with repairman for central air. Long story and too tired to even vent. If I had to do it over, I probably would not have the surgery. Hopefully it'll be worth it in the end. Once again, I enjoy reading everyone's posts!

    Hope everyone has a productive day!

  • skinnybinside
    skinnybinside Posts: 8 Member
    Good morning!
    This evening is my WI and I am looking forward to stepping on that scale! Never thought I would be saying that! The reason it's an evening WI is because I am with a group of ladies who are all on this healthy journey together! There is nothing like support when you are doing something in your home that no one else is doing! This board is great, as you see that you are not alone, and it's here to read or post whenever you need that little push!
    Yesterday I did 65 min in the pool and did some walking....I haven't moved much all summer due to leg problems and then a heel spur!
    Well breakfast is over now for a nice walk on the beach!

    Enjoy you dat everyone!
