Slim in 6 group starting monday morning, 1/11/2010!



  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    I usually work out around 10 a.m. Pacific time. I was a little earlier today because I had an appointment at 10:45. No sweat if you can't work out at the same time. Just thought it would be nice to send an invitation! I'm pretty hit and miss with that. :tongue:
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    I can never workout at the same time every day I need to work out when my baby is napping. Oh how I love nap time. But dose any one know what the calorie burn on phase 2? When I went to put it for my exercise log there was no record of it.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    I can never workout at the same time every day I need to work out when my baby is napping. Oh how I love nap time. But dose any one know what the calorie burn on phase 2? When I went to put it for my exercise log there was no record of it.
    I just count it as "Aerobics, general." I enter the Slim & Limber as "Stretching, hatha yoga."
  • oatmealie
    oatmealie Posts: 9 Member
    So the workouts are free online? 'Cause that sounds perfect!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    No, the workouts aren't free, but you can log your workouts online while you're doing them by joining Beachbody for free at and be eligible for daily prizes for logging your workouts. The Slim in 6 program costs $59.85, and it's worth every penny!

    You get:

    * Start It Up!
    * Ramp It Up!
    * Burn It Up!
    * Simple Steps to Success! guidebook
    * Step-by-Step Nutrition Guide
    * Motivational calendar
    * Tape measure
    * Slim & 6-Pack
    * Slim & Limber
    * 6-Day Express Diet Plan
    * Cardio Core! Express
    * Slim Training Band
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    Ok, so heres the deal.
    I bought this program one sunday morning back in late summer from an info -mercial.
    My resolve must have been weakened and motivated at the same time? Curious
    The thing is, I have never put them in the DVD player, haven't even looked at them!

    Now I'm afraid, I'm very afraid.

    I am desperate to get the exercise into my plan. It is always the very last thing to fall into place with me.
    I hate to be sweaty and I end up talking myself right outta it.
    So instead of doing my WOTP tape for 35 minutes, I can start this instead?
    If I'm gonna get sweaty I would rather do something that is sure to get results.
    I will be 2 days behind the rest of the group but thats better than being weeks behind, right?
    Six weeks should take me right up the the week of my 50th birthday, Feb 18th so that should get me moving.

    Can you die from quads on fire?
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    Ok, so heres the deal.
    I bought this program one sunday morning back in late summer from an info -mercial.
    My resolve must have been weakened and motivated at the same time? Curious
    The thing is, I have never put them in the DVD player, haven't even looked at them!

    Now I'm afraid, I'm very afraid.

    I am desperate to get the exercise into my plan. It is always the very last thing to fall into place with me.
    I hate to be sweaty and I end up talking myself right outta it.
    So instead of doing my WOTP tape for 35 minutes, I can start this instead?
    If I'm gonna get sweaty I would rather do something that is sure to get results.
    I will be 2 days behind the rest of the group but thats better than being weeks behind, right?
    Six weeks should take me right up the the week of my 50th birthday, Feb 18th so that should get me moving.

    Can you die from quads on fire?
    Don't be afraid! I'm 49 too, so if I can do it, you can do it!

    Some things I learned along the way that may or may not help:
    • It's harder than you think it will be, but it gets easier than you expect.
    • The abs and leg lifts are easier without shoes.
    • If you can't keep up, just do what you can and try not to get discouraged.
    • Don't think of it as being something you do for six weeks and then quit. But you can ease off and customize it for an everyday workout. Alternating between Ramp It Up / Slim & Limber and Slim & 6-Pack / Cardio Core Express / Slim & Limber was very enjoyable after four weeks of Burn It Up.
    • Do the Slim & 6-Pack three days a week.
    • Do the Slim & Limber all six days. (Note: It's a treat, not a chore.)
    • Don't be discouraged if you don't lose a ton in the six weeks. I lost only 6 pounds but continue to lose today.
    • What you put in your mouth is hugely important. Diet is the biggest key in the weight-loss equation. Using MFP's food diary will be a great help here.

    Holler if there's anything you think I can help with!
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    P.S. I have learned to LOVE squats, and I'm not even being sarcastic!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Squats are annoying, but if you have proper form they're not too too bad. Lunges on the other hand make me hate everyone I see for the next hour or two. I can barely walk after doing them, my legs get sooo loose and shakey.

    Todays workout was a lot longer than I expected, and I had to cut it short :(. I'll have to get up about a half hour earlier if I'm going to fit it in. I wasn't expecting 2x as long as start it up :)

    On the upside I managed to repair the exercise bands I had on hand so I didn't have to spend anything on hand weights!

    Side note: never EVER buy any golds gym exercise equipment from stores. I had these fitness bands and the clasp that holds the band on to the handle broke when I was trying to attach them. It makes me concerned that doing something which puts no stress on the clasp would make it break. I'm kinda glad I never got to work out with them... I'd hate to have one of those bands snap when fully stretched out.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    I'll be doing Ramp It Up and Slim & Limber today. I love that combo!

    That's awesome, msarro, that you repaired your bands and didn't have to buy weights. If you do end up having to get bands, the ones from Beachbody are really good. Of course, I don't use mine much. I prefer the weights. But it's nice to have them if a friend comes over to work out with me.

    Have a great workout today, everybody!
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    Ive done 6 days total of slim in 6.. disc 1.. ummm start it up?? And it is getting easier yetttt im still pretty much feelin dead at the end.. haha... I WATCHED ramp it up? today.. while i was on the elliptical, something to watch I guess, to see what i was getting into...

    and 47 minuttess?!?! anddd im just really scared...

    Is ramp it up much harder then start it up?? When should i be switching to ramp???
  • lemonllama
    lemonllama Posts: 124 Member
    Hehe slim in 6 ad is right there
  • jbuffan218
    jbuffan218 Posts: 275 Member
    I just did my first day, start it up.
    Made it all the way through without a rest, didnt go real deep on squats and can only do 8 pushups, but hey at least I made it all the way through.
    How are you logging this in your exercise?
    When I put in Slim in 6 , no results.
    Thanks for any hints or advice.

    P.S. Six weeks will be my birthday week, so thats my motivation to not quit.
    I would like to look healthy and on my way to fit at 50 !!
  • FabulousFifty
    FabulousFifty Posts: 1,575 Member
    OK. I did my second Slim N 6 Workout today. Not too bad for a lady in a cast. Pretty hilarious I might add....oh well. Do I get an "E" for effort! Good job to the rest of you. You are inspiring! Keep it up!:flowerforyou:
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    Great job, everyone, on your workouts today! Ramp It Up is quite a bit more challenging than Start It Up. If you can get all the way through Start It Up, then you can start Ramp It Up as soon as your second day. If not, I'd do Ramp It Up for a week and then try Start It Up. The really hard part, in my opinion, is moving up to Burn It Up. It's 59 minutes long, so it's not that much longer than Ramp It Up, but the pace is considerably faster. I challenge anyone to do it without cursing at Ms. Siebers at least once! Anyway, the more experience you can get with Ramp It Up, the better off you'll be when it comes to doing Burn It Up.

    I log my SI6 workouts, including Slim & 6-Pack as "aerobics, general." I log the Slim & Limber ones as "stretching, hatha yoga." I don't know how accurate that is, but it's what I do.

    The most important things are consistency (doing it every day you're scheduled to do it) and doing your best, whether you can do it all or not. Hang in there!
  • msarro
    msarro Posts: 2,748 Member
    Sorry for no posting today, I'm having a little trouble adjusting to ramp it up (I won't lie). Its kicking my butt but I'm getting stronger. Today I have a minor excuse... had a very deep cavity filled at the dentists office, and between the pain and painkillers I really wasn't much good at exercising. I got about half way through before I collapsed on the couch and it was lights out.

    I'll give it another go tomorrow :(
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    That's a pretty good excuse, but I'd really encourage you to go all the way through it today, even if you have to pause during some parts. You're missing some good stuff if you're only doing the first part of the workout. And it does get better!
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Has any one tried her Slim Series workout I am thinking of ordering them for when i am done with Slim in 6. Just want to make sure they are any good first . How long do you stay on ramp it up? Right now I was planing on doing it for 3 weeks and 2 weeks of burn it up. I don't have the workout calendar they sent with the workout anymore.
  • PJilly
    PJilly Posts: 21,734 Member
    I haven't tried the Slim Series. I've thought about it, but I'm still getting really good workouts from what I already have.

    If you log on to WOWY, you can have it automatically fill out your workout schedule for you for Slim in 6. Here's what they suggest:

    So they have you moving to Ramp It Up after only one day of Start It Up, and then moving on to Burn It Up at Week 3 and doing that for four weeks. If you can do that, more power to you. I think that's overly ambitious for a lot of people, and I think it's better to work out at a level you can at least somewhat feel like you can master before moving on to the next one, however long that takes. If you do it consistently five or six days a week, you WILL get there.

    If you don't have a Beachbody membership, you can sign up for free right here:

    I'm doing 6-Pack, Cardio Core Express, and S&L later this morning. That is, if the power doesn't go out again. We're having a heck of a windstorm here in the Seattle area, so it's a little iffy.

    Happy Friday, by the way! :happy:
  • Fancy_Nancy2
    Fancy_Nancy2 Posts: 545 Member
    Well I did Start it up for a week and now I am on Ramp it for a week and I know I am not ready to move up yet I am still having a hard time with the part where you are on your knees and push up. The rest of the work out is going pretty well for the most part still can't do the running. I am B.F my little girls still so when I run the girls just shake a little to much. For anyone who is B.F and is big chest will know what I mean. I will aim for starting Burn it up on week 4 that way i can try to get 3 weeks of Burn it up.