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"Eat More To Weigh More"



  • Angiesolomon
    Angiesolomon Posts: 144 Member
    BUT this post is in fun and games! I think the poster is well aware different things work for different people...
  • beansprouts
    beansprouts Posts: 410 Member
    Which is why they have a group set up. With numerous links, explanations, videos, etc. that explain the whole thing in great detail. If you read through their posts and materials, you might indeed find valid points of criticism (although I wouldn't call any of it "dangerous"). But to dismiss or mischaracterize the group solely based on the name is disingenuous at best.

  • Jules2Be
    Jules2Be Posts: 2,238 Member
    It'd good to be the king.
  • Shannota
    Shannota Posts: 308 Member
    You will lose weight and feel good but once you start eating like a frickin' pig again, you will pack on the pounds like you will never believe. My wife has a friend who used phentermine to lose weight. She looked awesome and I couldn't believe that she had ever been fat. She has gained 100 lbs since I met her three years ago. A starvation diet is great but it is more likely to fail in the long run. A moderate diet that involves exercise that is closer to your normal food intake after the diet is done is far more sustainable.

    Um, yeah...if you start eating "like a pig again" you are going to gain the weight back no matter how you had taken it off. "If you always do what you've always done, you'll always get what you've always got." Phentermine can be a good tool, when used under a doctor's close supervision, but it is only a tool. Of course you will gain weight back if you go back to eating like you did before losing. To think otherwise is ludicrous!
  • The whole eating more thing worked for me when I was heavier and had more weight to lose, but now that I'm smaller with a slower metabolism I need to eat way less to still lose. The whole "starvation mode" thing is a myth. Your metabolism never quits, ever. It does slow down as you lose weight, but that is to be expected because your body burns energy more efficiently when you're not overweight.

    However, I can see how eating more would work for a lot of people so to each their own. There is no one prescription for everyone.

    And I'm so sick of seeing people on here telling others that their diets are going to fail and they're going to gain all the weight back. It's just a cruel and mean thing to say to someone. What makes anyone on here the expert about everyone individual lifestyle and metabolism??
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    BUT this post is in fun and games! I think the poster is well aware different things work for different people...

    For the win!
  • iWaffle
    iWaffle Posts: 2,208 Member
    Love this!! ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ Congratulations on your success !! I am 5'1 You are an inspiration! I eat 1800 a day and am losing steadily. i will eat between 2000 and 2100 to maintain when im done losing!

    No. No you will not net 2000+ calories and maintain you weight. You're assuming that once you lose another 30 pounds that your body's metabolism will be the same. The less you weigh the less calories you need for maintenance. I triple guarantee you that you'll stall before you reach your goal weight if you continue eating 1800 calories at 5'1". I know it sucks for you smaller women but you can't eat the same amount of food that larger people eat and maintain a healthy weight. The math just doesn't work out in your favor.

    This whole "Eat more" is totally mislabeled. It really should be "Eat over 1200" but I guess mentally it sounds better to say "Eat more" because who doesn't like eating food?

    The whole eating more thing worked for me when I was heavier and had more weight to lose, but now that I'm smaller with a slower metabolism I need to eat way less to still lose. The whole "starvation mode" thing is a myth. Your metabolism never quits, ever. It does slow down as you lose weight, but that is to be expected because your body burns energy more efficiently when you're not overweight.

    That there is some truth. Preach! It totally sucks that I need 2500 calories a day for maintenance and you need probably 1000 calories less but that's life. We work with what we're given.
  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    This. ^^^
  • Bahet
    Bahet Posts: 1,254 Member
    If eating less "threw you into starvation mode" or "stalled your metabolism" as easily as some people here seem to think it does there would be no such thing as an anorexic. The key isn't eat more or eat less but eat BETTER. That doesn't just mean healthier foods but eat with better timing. I don't eat much. I never have. I'd get up, get DH off to work and the kids off to school then go about my work or cleaning or putzing around on the computer. Next thing I knew everyone was home asking "What's for dinner?" and I realized I had had some coffee (black, no sugar so no calories) and nothing at all to eat. I'd eat all my calories in one setting at dinner and I gained weight even though I was only doing about 1800 calories/day.

    Now I'm doing Medi-weightloss (not medifast) which is physician supervised and I do have an appetite suppressant. I'm supposed to take 3 of those a day but I only take 2 and even then I sometimes don't want the 2nd one. I'm much lower on calories but I eat 4-5 times/day. I've lost 50 lbs in 3 1/2 months. I still have a ways to go. Don't bother giving me this "You'll gain it all back!" BS. I'm not a kid. I'm not an idiot. I've learned what I did wrong. Growing up with the "Clean your plate" bit did a huge disservice to my generation. I don't do that with my kids and most of the younger generation I see aren't doing it with their kids either. I remember being punished for not being able to finish a Big Mac when I was a kid (and they were about twice as big as they are now). Thanks to Medi I've learned to eat in better ways. I've learned to think about food instead of just stuffing it in my face. I've learned that it isn't wasteful to throw out food if the only other option is to eat something you really don't want just to avoid throwin it out. My body is a temple, not a garbage disposal.

    I do fully expect that I will put on a few lbs once I reach my goal and start eating regular and without the appetite suppressant. I'm not stupid. I also know that I am completely capable of stepping on a scale and seeing if I gain and making changes if it starts to go up too much. But if I lose 100 lbs and gain back 10 I'll still be very satisfied.
  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    ...The minute that Ed stops exercising (but continues to eat at his higher caloric level)...He will blow back up again...(gain weight).

    This has nothing to do with EM2WL, if he did less exercise he would (or at least should) reduce calories accordingly.

    Your saying if you eat more energy than you use you put on weight,...............we all know that.......it; has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
    Yes. So the slogan should more correctly be "Exercise more to weigh less." That's really what this site is all about (and correctly so; healthy weight happens with healthy moving bodies).

    Of course, saying 'eat more to weigh less' has a bit more draw power... ;)
  • SmartAlec03211988
    SmartAlec03211988 Posts: 1,896 Member
    Wasn't losing weight on 1700.

    Upped to 2000, lost 40 extra lbs.

    Definitely don't weigh more. :P
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    ...The minute that Ed stops exercising (but continues to eat at his higher caloric level)...He will blow back up again...(gain weight).

    This has nothing to do with EM2WL, if he did less exercise he would (or at least should) reduce calories accordingly.

    Your saying if you eat more energy than you use you put on weight,...............we all know that.......it; has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
    Yes. So the slogan should more correctly be "Exercise more to weigh less." That's really what this site is all about (and correctly so; healthy weight happens with healthy moving bodies).

    Of course, saying 'eat more to weigh less' has a bit more draw power... ;)

    A sign "Free Buckets Of KFC and Gravy" has draw power... doesn't mean it's good for my diet...
  • thelovelyLIZ
    thelovelyLIZ Posts: 1,227 Member
    The issue here is that "more" is relative. If you're eating 500 calories a day eating more is probably going to help you lose weight. If you're already eating at a maintenance level though, eating more is obviously going to make you gain weight.

    Besides- weight gain is not always a bad thing. I started eating more after eating at about 1300 for several months and I gained a few pounds- of MUSCLE. I look much more toned and fit, not to mention my measurements went down. So I'm okay adding a few extra pounds if it means I'm smaller.
  • WendyFitMomCHANGED
    WendyFitMomCHANGED Posts: 311 Member
    Everyone keeps mistyping it as "Eat More To Weigh Less." Silly people.
    You're welcome for the correction.

    Why don't we call it "Eat the right amount to Weigh the right amount" ............ Then everyone's happy. I think you have to find the right amount of food for your body type and everyone's different.
  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    ...The minute that Ed stops exercising (but continues to eat at his higher caloric level)...He will blow back up again...(gain weight).

    This has nothing to do with EM2WL, if he did less exercise he would (or at least should) reduce calories accordingly.

    Your saying if you eat more energy than you use you put on weight,...............we all know that.......it; has nothing to do with the topic at hand.
    Yes. So the slogan should more correctly be "Exercise more to weigh less." That's really what this site is all about (and correctly so; healthy weight happens with healthy moving bodies).

    Of course, saying 'eat more to weigh less' has a bit more draw power... ;)

    A sign "Free Buckets Of KFC and Gravy" has draw power... doesn't mean it's good for my diet...

    Yup, I'm in your camp. ;D
  • dlwyatt82
    dlwyatt82 Posts: 1,077 Member
    I'm probably just feeding a troll here, but it's pretty obvious what is meant by that "slogan". Many people go way overboard with their diet changes, cutting their calories down to a point where the weight loss may slow down, and it's certainly hard to maintain. They're not saying to eat more calories than you burn in a day. They are saying to stop being an idiot trying to live on 1000-1200 calories/day, and pick a reasonable deficit.
  • Nukkers
    Nukkers Posts: 139 Member
    I think it's all about what works for you. MFP set my cals at 1200. And I was miserable. I'm bi-polar and certain foods keep my hormones in check. I don't want any **** about that either, do your research. The point is, I was moody and extremely hard to deal with. Not to mention constantly starving. After reading IPOARM, I uped my calories. Not to 1800, I tried but I am quite happy at 1500. I eat 5 meals a day, including the foods I need to balance my hormones in addition to my meds. And I am quite happy. To each their own I guess.
  • Troll
    Troll Posts: 922 Member
    Youre right.....if you work out like a wimp. and if you say, "oh no, i lift weights x days a week" youre either lying or not lifting enough. i can lose weight without feeling like my stomach is eating m other organs.
  • MelissaGraham7
    MelissaGraham7 Posts: 406 Member
    For me, when I weighed 256 pounds and was fat, of COURSE I had to eat less to weight less. As others have said, that is why I was fat. But, what did happen is that once I have gotten within 20 pounds of my goal, I have hit a plateau that has lasted for 1 year. So, at this point I must eat more, oddly enough, and change my exercise to some strength training, etc. So, some correctness to both sides. Of course you can't eat MORE to weight less if you aren't working out etc. It IS about a calorie deficit so people don't need to be stubborn on refusing to see the wisdom. What many are saying is that once you have gotten the bulk of your weight off, the rest is simply not going to come off willingly by conventional methods and you are going to have to get creative and many do that by eating MORE calories "THAN BEFORE" those are the 2 key words that are missing from the formula. They do not mean to eat more than you burn. They mean, eating more than the almighty 1200 calories or less. Eat more than that and go to strength training and some muscle building, body shaping when you are within 20 or so pounds of your goal. We, of course, sadly, do not burn calories from arguing....or wait....do we??? :tongue:
  • Atarahh
    Atarahh Posts: 485 Member
