MFP and disturbing posts



  • MuddyEquestrian
    MuddyEquestrian Posts: 366 Member
    shinelikevega I don't understand your whining, everyone does what they want to, and it's their bodies, so why would you care so much? Don't just play the goody shoes madam.

    And by the way I am eating healthily, when I am maintaining my weight. No, I don't care what you think of my own methods for my own body, and to be honest I don't think other people do too. And if you care too much about what other's eat you need to get a life and take care of your own body.

    I am sorry if this hurt anyone, but the truth remains unchanged, mind your own diet.

    ^in regards to this. I am by no means "playing goody shoes". Good for you for eating healthy and maintaining your weight! I'm glad you can do this in a healthy way. I still stand strong against promoting ED's and "pro ana". This is not a DIET it's a deadly disease. So as long as people are still killing themselves over something that once afflicted me as well, I WILL care.
  • BinaryPulsar
    BinaryPulsar Posts: 8,927 Member
    I just want to add some info that some of those pro-ana groups are actually run by adult men that for some reason want to support young girls in slowly starving to death. It's so sick.
  • i actually just deleted a friend mere seconds ago for having some ED issues.
    i'm basically 90% recovered from EDNOS and BED and her posts and food diary were becoming very triggering.
    even though i know what these people are going through, i tend to completely shy away from even offering a hand of support to listen to their weight issues because i'm terrified it might spin me back down that path.

    that being said, i find it disgusting that people who have never gone through anorexia, bulimia, or EDNOS are trying to judge these people and think they know everything about this mental illness. if you've never had it- you don't know *kitten*, and i personally believe that.

    but i agree with everything you've written!! xx
  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    Heartily agree with the OP, and with this:
    i have deleted quite a few anorexics, and i too (a long time ago) was anorexic. I know from going through it that ANY attention whether it be a pat on the back for eating too little and encouraging you or people harping on you to eat more (you'll show them). Deleting them sends the strongest message... that you're not willing to play.

    I think many recovered anorexics have an instinctual edge in understanding what motivates anorexic thinking/behavior.
  • slkehl
    slkehl Posts: 3,801 Member
    I'd also be willing to bet most of the pro ana's aren't 18 or over.
  • clogwog65
    clogwog65 Posts: 6 Member
    I truly agree with you. They are putting their health at risk as well as their looks. No point being "skinny" if your hair falls our and your teeth are brittle and rotten.

    I have type 2 diabetes so it's even more important that I make sure of the nutritional content is right. I really believe if your no getting the right nutrition you will continue to be hungry.

    The sadness thing for me is that when I was 20 and a size 10 and thought I was so overweight, now I'm 46 and a size 18 I'm finally getting comfortable with my body. Such a shame our body images can get so perverted.
  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    I totally agree. I think alot of people do not look at the food diaries. THey just see the completed under calorie intake. and send the good job. I have actually unfriended people for doing just that to me. I am still battling, my min. intake is 1200, Dr wants me at 1400. I want my friends to tell me I have done a good job when I reach 1200. not when Im under.

    Uh-oh...For personal reasons, I'm private on this site, and with one exception, have friended only people I know in real life. But we've congratulated ourselves several times for being 'under the calorie goal'. I thought that WAS the goal--to try to hug that recommended net calorie quota (for my age and lifestyle, the site calculated 1200). I mean, the newsfeed never announces, "So-and-so has completed her food and exercise diary and was OVER her calorie goal." So it seems the newsfeed itself congratulates the person for staying under and not going over--like positive behavioral feedback.

    It also has never occurred to me that I'm supposed to read my friends' food diaries, let alone withhold my congrats if I thought their food choices weren't the best. I've never read someone's food diary on here. To be frank, keeping my own food diary is so excruciatingly mundane, I'm not really inclined to read someone else's.

    I suppose it's probably a good thing I've not friended dozens of people on here, or I might've inadvertently insulted them with my congrats on what I've always interpreted as positive newsfeed feedback... :embarassed:
  • Well said. I did struggle with eating over 1000 calories for quite a while but now I've started eating more I have so much more energy. I hated it when I only managed to eat 600 calories and people said good job. Even I knew it was no good. It can be hard work to eat so much some days but it's worth doing!
  • RubyRubixcube
    RubyRubixcube Posts: 258 Member
    oh your are definitely not the only one feeling that way! I was so glad today when someone in a different timezone commented on the fact I hadn't eaten dinner ( it was only lunch time where I am)

    However I sometimes think that people say "way to go" & "great job" to people suffering from an ED without realising the person isn't on here to lose weight... I feel alot more people should be reading their "friends" profiles, than just increasing friend numbers for their own encouragement
  • charduck01
    charduck01 Posts: 5 Member
    Slow and steady wins the race ;)

    EXACTLY!!! I love this!!!
  • RainHoward
    RainHoward Posts: 1,599 Member
    oh your are definitely not the only one feeling that way! I was so glad today when someone in a different timezone commented on the fact I hadn't eaten dinner ( it was only lunch time where I am)

    However I sometimes think that people say "way to go" & "great job" to people suffering from an ED without realising the person isn't on here to lose weight... I feel alot more people should be reading their "friends" profiles, than just increasing friend numbers for their own encouragement

    Hey, yer kinda cute, wanna be on my friends list??
  • sweetpea1076
    sweetpea1076 Posts: 10 Member
    Well said! Although I need to lose 4 stone (well, only just over 3 now!) I would not say I am actually on a diet, I have just changed my eating and exercise habits. It's all about being healthy. I decided that I would cut out chocolate altogether because although I could allow myself a small amount of chocolate each day I know what I'm like, and I can't eat a small amount, I end up eating the whole bar. So I haven't touched chocolate for 4 and a half weeks now. And guess what? I don't even crave it anymore! Also, I know I would not have the self dicipline to get up earlier each day to exercise so instead of sitting on the settee watching breakfast TV I sit on my exercise bike getting fitter! The first day I could only manage 7 minutes, now I do 20 minutes (weekdays) and 25 or 30 minutes at the weekend. My only problem is, I don't find it difficult to keep under my calories, carbs and fat but I often go over on my protein. Is this bad do you know? BTW, would love to add like minded friends, so please add me if you want.
  • I eat below my calorie goal every single day. I only get between 500-700 calories a day...on a good day! So, if you just look at my food diary alone, I guess some of you wouldn't decide to be my friend and support me because of my low caloric intake. What you might overlook in my food journal, which I keep open for anyone to look at, is that I have been going to the Metabolic Research Center since March of this year and I am on THEIR plan. I, by no means, have an ED. I exercise and do not eat back my exercise calories either. I follow MY food plan. It works for me. I started out at 220 and last week weighed in at 161.

    Not everyone who has a low caloric intake has an ED or is eating unhealthy. We still need support as well as anyone else. There are people on certain plans whether it be Metabolic, NutriSystem, Weight Watchers...ect. that might be on a plan that will have you on a very low caloric intake.

    I go to regular physician visits. My blood work is better than it has been in 20 years and I am not losing muscle from eating so few calories. My physician is very happy with my progress and tells me to keep doing what I am doing.

    I just want you to be aware that there are other reasons why someone would have a low caloric intake other than an ED.

  • I mean if someone came to you and told you "I want to commit suicide" would you congratulate that?

    Congratulate - no, but do whatever you feel like, it's not like I don't care, but it's your own life. If you don't care no one will.

    Wow. Just wow
  • Wow - judgmental much? Personally I try to encourage people to eat well and be healthy. I don't judge them for eating too little, or judge them for eating too much and making themselves obese in the first place.

    If something doesn't appeal to me whether it's a post, a personal diary, or whatever, I just move on. Life's too short to worry about what everyone else is doing and whether it is "good" for them or not.

  • kingofcrunk
    kingofcrunk Posts: 372 Member
    THANK YOU. I completely agree, it makes me sick to my stomach to see so many people being misinformed about health and weight loss.

    Sick to your stomach?
  • dawndw
    dawndw Posts: 203
    I so agree!!! This is MFP "My FITNESS Pal" emphasis on the word Fitness. ED's are a serious issue I know first hand. I wish there was a message board for just ED's I think it would help. And actually have someone monitoring the forum who has some knowledge of the problem. It is a touchy subject and saying the wrong thing can set a person with ED over the edge.
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    I know! I just had a girl post that since she accidently binged today she was going to start "fasting". Another person was like " me too! i know what you mean". What?!
  • BelleHeart
    BelleHeart Posts: 281 Member
    I'd also be willing to bet most of the pro ana's aren't 18 or over.

    Yes they are. There are woman almost 45 on here struggling with it. Anorexia has nothing to do with age.
  • LosingWeight4Good
    LosingWeight4Good Posts: 156 Member
    I can't imagine a 300 calorie day. I think I get 300 calories from just looking at a dessert recipe. LOL
    What does 300 cals even look like? A half of a tomato, a couple romaine leaf, a basil leaf, four cucumber slices, a radish with 5 drops of olive oil?

    On the other hand, they probably can't imagine what a 3000 calorie day looks like either. I remember those days. x sighs x

    On the bell curve of life, they are the one side and I am the other. But maybe...just maybe...we are all looking for support. Maybe we are all looking for someone else out there who can identify with how hard it is to break bad habits and start new healthy ones. Looking for someone willing to text a quick note to say wtg or r u insane? Looking for the perspective of someone from the other side of the bell curve.