

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,976 Member
    I have a few questions.... Would love some input....
    Question.........Which is better....Real Butter....or Margarine....when you are dieting????...I have heard the butter is but would like some input from other dieters.
    Question........do you have to exercise every day to lose??......Or is the smart thing to do ....to skip a day to allow muscles to heal???? I am starting a new Exercise program and have been warned it can be really hard on my body .....would like some input
    Question.......Is drinking Green tea the same as drinking water when counting fluids for the day???....:drinker: ...I drink a lot of green tea...plain ,no sweetener, or lemon:drinker:
    Any help you all can give me would be appreciated
    thank you for letting me ask :happy:

    :flowerforyou: butter is better than margarine, but the best thing is to use neither and use your calories for something with some nutrition

    :flowerforyou: if you are doing a serious weight training program then you need to skip a day in between to let your muscles recover.........I walk every day and dance several days a week.

    :flowerforyou:water is the best herb tea is the second best but decat green tea would be a close third.

    :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: one of the great benefits of the Isagenix program I use is that I don't have the cravings for all the food that's full of calories with little or no nutrition.

    :heart: :heart: :yawn: :yawn: Barbie.
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    On the butter subject, I use Smart Balance Omega, not because it's better than butter, just less fat. I use it very sparingly, 1/2 teaspoon on steamed veggies. I'll be buying real butter tomorrow, however, for our guests who I'm sure will want to roll their corn on the cob in fresh, creamy butter. I haven't done that in ages, but I'm rather looking forward to it! :blushing: I picked the corn today and put it in the fridge, it's nice and tender, bi-color, delish!
    Great day today, hubby and I took care of our gardens and harvested some beautiful bell peppers, eggplant, corn and squash. Yum. I'm in veggie-heaven. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    Have a nice evening!!

    :smile: jb
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello my dears!

    What a lot of posts I have missed, and how I am looking forward to getting back in touch with you all and meeting the new folks who have signed up.

    I've been out of internet reach for a month! A month! It nearly killed J'boy (he's 14) but DH and I loved it. To keep him sane we did stay in a few campsites with internet access, but most of it was campfires and starlit nights. I have honed my backgammon skills to J's delight because he usually wins. We've been at our cabin on the lake, and on a road trip to Hood River in Oregon. The boys (J and DH) took windsurfing lessons and spent many hours splashing around the river. I rested my foot and built up my walking muscles.

    In the last week or ten days I have not been counting calories, and I think I've gained a few pounds (cheese and crackers with my wine), but no where near as much as I've lost in the last year so it's still a win for me. The only disappointment is I lost my record of days on MFP, so ended up a couple of weeks short of a year. I know how to loose it, so it's time to get back on track. Tomorrow I'll make an appointment with Tia the Trainer at the gym and we will be back on track.

    Hasta pronto,

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Its me I 'm back

    @Dee Thanks for being so open. That takes courage
    I am coming to terms with a lot the reason is to accept and move forward. I have been. Each day I see as a gift blessing and a victory. It. Is. A choice. Also taking charge of your health very powerf
    ul. @ Michele so you just lay your fruit veggies cut up flat on a cookie sheet and lay it flat in the freezer?

    I have caughup on. Everyone posts. So. Enjoy reading them.
  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Thank you everyone for the birthday wishes! They made me feel supported and happy. What a great way to begin my 55th year of life- trying to improve myself, with kindness and self love. Thank you all for being here and helping me be successful in this weight loss journey! :heart: :heart:

    Kathy – your zookinesis DVD sounds interesting. I still have to get to the local library and check out some low impact exercises. Knees can’t do much of anything! :wink:

    Cindy – hope your ankle is ok, good for you mowing the yard. Now, if we looked at all the house work/yard work form the idea that these chores are CALORIE burners, maybe they would be more fun to do! Lol :drinker:

    Janice – Welcome, come and read everyday especially when you need some extra support. I always come and read if I am hungry and I know that I have already fed my body nutritionally. The support and the messages from all these lovely ladies feed my mind so I am not feeling that hunger, that I think is a physical hunger. Wonderful support here! :smile: :smile:

    Megs- well are you ready for this next week back at school? I hope you were able to plan your meals for the week. My girls would have the same reaction if I had to give my DH a bath. EWE,GROSS!! Hope the meetings will be slowing down soon as school gets going full force! Hope DH will be back on his own soon, that will free up some of your time! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    DeeDee, hope you had a great time with your DGD, I am sure she loved your meal, most kids love mac and cheese. She was probably just happy to be with you! Please send the rain to So.Cal. It is so stinking hot here that we can use some rain! The golf cart, my girls would love to do that. I am sure that was an awesome time. :bigsmile:

    Janehadji hope everything is rolling into place for the wedding! Good for you not eating the guac and chips. I would definitely have a hard time with that also! :happy:

    Gardengail –Folkfest, sounds like the local crafts fair. Many good items and ,then a lot of junk. Hope you have a fun time, walking and burning those calories. That is interesting that you get your boss lunch. Is that a favor or is that part of the job requirement? :noway: :noway:

    Jan- congrats on keeping smoke free. You are doing a good job and this will make such a difference in your life! You go girl!! :drinker: :drinker:

    Michele- glad to hear the update on the pool. We could of used one this week, with the temp over 100 degrees and high humidity. The weather in So , Calif has changed that I can’t stand the months of july,aug, sept , oct. It is so blasted hot and humid! :tongue: :tongue:

    Barbie, I hope you had an awesome time at the fair. Are you done with the dances at the fair? I will tell my sister to look out for you there! I am going to buy the book you mentioned-strong women stay young. We belonged to the local y, but I would rather be walking or working out at home.For me it is more of a time issue with going to the gym! :wink: :wink:

    Lin –thank you for the birthday wishes! Hope your allergies are better and the scale was moving in a healthy direction! :drinker:

    Amanda- London back to normal yet. Your grandbabies sound like some wonderful children. I was looking at your new ticker. Wondered how tall you are?. I wanted to get an idea for myself as far as the time it might take me! :smile:

    Tigress-would also love to see your jewelry. :wink:

    Mslindasue- congrats on 1 year smoke free. I have over 100lbs to lose. Come back to this site everyday and read and chat. This will keep you so motivated and on track. The support you will find here will help you on this journey, we are all on the journey together! :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Purplefluffie- you can lose the weight, take a look at the weight lost on this blog. I have a lot to lose too, but I don’t think of the huge amount of weight I have to lose. I think that I have today to feed my self nutritionally and work towards of losing from 0-2lbs a week. Not a big goal ,but a goal that is obtainable and reward able each week. If I had to look at the entire weight that needs to be lost, I would be so DEPRESSED, but that is not a healthy way to help myself. You can do this , just come back here everyday, read and chat and vent if you need to too! We are all on the same journey to make ourselves healthy and learning how to provide self love and kindness to ourselves! :drinker: :drinker: :flowerforyou:

    Yoyonomore55 –congrats on the last few lbs. Make sure you are eating enough calories to burn those calories off. Eat full grain carbs , and you should still lose those pounds.

    Lizmil- my niece lives in Coeur d’Alene. I haven’t heard about any fires there. Maybe because there are so many fires in So. Calif now. We want to get a second home in Idaho or Montana for the summer as the summers here are turning just like Arizona! I hope you get some rain soon. :happy:

    Another yearol- Faye- where did you live in Alaska? I lived there as a child when my Dad worked for the FAA. I had a blast as a kid, but I know my mother hated it! We had to fly to Anchorage to go to the dentist etc. Grocerys had to be flown in and we had a one room school house. The town was mostly a FAA outpost with the local native tribes. I would love to go back and visit! The town is Mc Grath Alaska. It is northwest of Anchorage. Hope all goes well on your drive with the truck and trailer! :drinker:

    Micki- hope you had a good time with you DIL and grandkids. You probably got some exercise when you were with them. The family visit is good exercise for the mind, it will give you a happy soul and you will feel better and refreshed for spending time with your family.

    Lila- interesting that your daughter is going to the Netherlands to study. Are the classes in dutch or English? What a wonderful experience for her. :happy:

    Gettinginshape56- I had to laugh when you wrote about getting on and off the scale to “believe” the weight loss. I do the same thing.Lol
    :laugh: :laugh:

    Jen, what did you mean about telling your mother not to look? Maybe you told us in a older post, but I didn’t read it. I love to garden too, but my DH has not kept up the yard and there are spider everywhere and big alligator lizards. I did plant a few zucchini plants and tomato’s. We should have some zucc’s in a few weeks.:drinker:

    Drkatiebug, just think of all those calories you burned doing the house work. It’s a whole new way of looking at house work now! Lol :laugh: :laugh:

    Jb we had a community garden in Alaska, it is a great concept. I have no clue how to fix eggplant. Especially in a way that picky kids will eat- any suggestions? :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:

    Caroljrrn- any loss is a step in the right direction. Congrats. One day at a time, one pound at a time. Glad you are here, just keep coming back every day. :drinker: :drinker:

    Jane- I am so happy for you! I am so glad that you moved and now you can be without the negative environment that you were not appreciated it! Yes! :drinker: :drinker:

    To all the new ladies, welcome !!!! This is a great place to be as long as you come back and share with us. :heart: :heart:

    I read everyone's post. Sorry if I missed you. I am thinking off all of you and praying that you have an awesome week, caring for yourselves!
    Log, exercise and drink that water- just dont drink all the water before bedtime like I did last night!! Lol Get a good nights sleep! Hugs:flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
    Linda Sundanceb
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Well, I can't make jambalya any more. I eat to much last night. My sugars are alright this morning, but my weight went up 3lbs!!!:sad: I know it's not real, but today is my weigh in.
    That little toy that monitors your sleep is the Fitbit. I have one, I like it, but I love gadgets.
    Yes, some art and crafts shows are very expensive, I am always shocked at the prices people ask for their stuff. I've had other artists tell me I don't charge enough for my jewelry. I just feel they are envious, they aren't selling. I tell them that I don't make jewelry I can't afford to buy myself. :happy:
    The commericals on TV of the poor dogs and cats that are abused, I can't stand to watch those. I know it is to get me to send money, but I would send my whole paycheck. I already give, and they make me cry, I can't watch animal planet either because it makes me cry.
    Today is a walking day, I had a recovery day on Sat and then went to the Mall with my friend and walked around over 10000 steps and 6 flights of stairs. Not much of a recovery, so I took Sun off.
    Got to get breakfast ready and then go walk. Tigress
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Monday!

    One more pound gone-Yay!:happy: Just wanted to pop by and say good morning!

    Linda SundanceB- There's a short Zookinesis clip on youtube it you want to check it out. You pretty much can't get any more low impact that this, which is why I can do it at the moment. I'm sure you really don't burn many calories with this workout especially since it's all done in a chair but I don't do it for the burn. For me, it's pefect at the moment and gets me moving a little so I don't stiffen up

    A big welcome to all the new people!

    .“Believe in yourself! Have faith in your abilities! Without a humble but reasonable confidence in your own powers you cannot be successful or happy.”

    ~ Norman Vincent Peale
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Good Morning Everyone (or afternoon/evening)
    Last time I visited here, it was not a good day for me. And my weekend was not either mainly because this whole thing had me disappointed and unmotivated.
    I have a better mindset this morning, but am just going to take it one day at a time.
    And I will strive for doing better, not great, not perfect, just better. I am tired of kicking myself in the *&^, because I have a piece of SOMETHING.

    So everyone, have a good day and think positive!!
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Ok, time to vent for a minute! I just logged my exercise for today (ahead of time) and was going to up my chair exercises to a full hour. Big plans - was even going to add in upper body strength training with weights and bands! Before I could get up to pop my DVD in, my Yorkie went to jump in my lap and yep, you guessed it, missed and landed smack on the pin in my toe!:sad: :sad: After calling my hubby with tears in my eyes, next call was to doc. Waiting to hear back from him and praying it didn't get messed up. On Friday everything was perfect when they did x-rays!! Now, I don't know but guessing exercise isn't happening anytime soon. Oh well, guess I will drink my water :drinker: and wait. I don't even want to take a pain pill in case I have to drive myself to the doc. Sorry for the rant-thanks for listening!

    Hope everyone's day starts better than mine!!!


    P.S. No Benji (my Yorkie) did not get in trouble-in fact I gave him a hug and now he's curled up sleeping peacefully!
  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Good moning Ladies,

    Oh Esther I hear you! This morning was weigh-in for me and I haven't lost a pound. Utter chaos this week and while I am good during the day, its the evenings when I am alone and thinking.. and getting upset....I am grazing. Three bad days have undone me, at least I didn't gain any back!! Someone is supposed to come from HO tomorrow and sort out things but the damage they have done already has left us at half staff and the rest of us are ready to walk out at a moments notice. It is a shame really, we all love our jobs but the the powers that be must be drinking funny water!! They are becoming infuriatingly disrespectful of their employees. My hubby is urging me to leave as well.

    More garden bench time this morning before work, deep breathing and decompressing while I have my coffee.

    I have started picking my tomotoes finally, so juicy and sweet, what a change over those tasteless things from the stores. I really do need to spend more time out here, time to start putting some of the plants that are past their glory to bed. I am never ready to do that, last night I picked the last of the beans and pulled the plants. I have a few bags of beans in the freezer which always pleases me. I pulled the pepper plants too, not one pepper appeared (too wet?).

    I haven't had time to read everyone's post, just his page this morning.

    Kathyzoo- congratulations on the wieght loss, sorry about your toe! ouch!!
    Tigress - I hear you! I love things with a lot of flavour too. Lets get back on the path together.
    Sundance - a belated happy birthday!
    Lizmil - great message!

    My coffee is ready, I have a place in the sun that is calling my name and I have a mission. I need to pick myself up, dust myself off and get back on the path.

    Enjoy your day,
    Choose happiiness,
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,147 Member
    Good day – sorry I’m way behind now. I’ve read everyone’s posts and am so happy to have you here; your stories help keep me going each and every day. Thank you. :flowerforyou:

    :sick: Kathy – OMG, I am so sorry about your toe. I hope the toe, although painful, is still properly aligned. Oh goodness.

    :glasses: Esther50 – yes, I agree with you, one mistake is nothing more than a mistake. We cannot let lack of perfection derail us right?

    :glasses: Tigress – I’m hooked on my Fitbit too. I don’t care about flights of stairs at this point but I sure watch the step counter now. Also I log my sleep each and every day and I get a kick out of the little messages the device flashes at me when I pick it up.

    :glasses: LindaSundance – I was giggling as I read your post about drinking the water before bedtime. I often drink another 1 -3 cups of water before going to bed. I know what you mean!

    :glasses: Nancy – welcome back and I hope your appointment with Tina the Trainer goes well.

    :glasses: Jb – had to move past your post quickly---it was making me hungry. I’m a veggie fiend!!

    :glasses: Barbie – good advice on butter/margarine issue. August 20th already, not too many weeks left before your DH is home again.

    :glasses: Lila – I hope you enjoyed the salmon. Is this going to become the ladies over 50 who eat salmon thread?

    :glasses: Jan – hoping your day back at work is a good one.

    :glasses: Michele – hope there is progress on the pool this week.

    :glasses: DeeDee – catching up with friends at Starbucks is the best. I didn’t do that but I stop for a little cup of coffee to take home yesterday on my way home from the store.

    Once again, sorry to not respond to everyone individually. You ROCK ladies!! Here’s to a healthy and happy week for all of us.

    :drinker: :drinker:
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Good morning lovely ladies! It’s another nice day here. Too bad I have to work LOL. I hope to have a productive day today. We had an interesting breakfast this morning. 15 year old made a “peach French toast bake” which was pretty good. It’s one of those things you make the night before with bread and eggs and milk, etc., and then bake the next day. It has possibilities….I am going to tweak it with egg beaters and lite cream cheese and see how that goes.

    DH is at work today trying for ½ day. We’ll see how that goes too! Had a nice walk last night…a bit over a mile with the dog then watched baseball the rest of the evening. That’s sort of my Sunday evening ritual, at least during baseball season….baseball, do nails, make menu for next week. I have such an exciting life!

    Carolyn: I have heard of skinnytaste before, but have never been on there. I guess I’ll have to check it out!

    Lin: that salmon worked its wonders! Congrats on your loss!

    Debbie: can you find something nice to do for yourself when your house gets too quiet?

    Lila: the salmon worked for you too! I put it on the menu for Thursday, the night before weigh in! Congrats! I love that your furry baby eats all the garden stuff (I know it frustrates you probably, but I had a laugh)…I had a beautiful strawberry garden once and our dog went out and cleaned it up! That is one of my favorite memories of that dog, who is long gone now.

    Laura: allergies can be so annoying. Hope yours go away soon.

    Liz: your positive outlook is so refreshing!

    Micki: your hiking sounds great. Glad you had a nice visit.

    Tigress: I’m keeping my fingers crossed for your weigh in!

    Gail: let us know how your salmon experiment went!

    DeeDee: don’t you just love those napping days! I love to curl up with anywhere from 1-4 animals on my lap and just snooze away!

    Kathy: be careful in that tub! And you will have to post your salmon results too! AYE AyeYIIIIIIIIIIIIIi. Your poor toe!!!!! I hope it feels better soon!

    Michele: thanks for the info on freezing. I know the ice will make things soggier, but I’ve had frozen beans that didn’t seem that way at all, but I sure can’t accomplish it!

    Jan: 19 days and counting. You are doing so well!

    Barbie: good advice as usual. I love butter and always ate it instead of margarine, but now I use that smart balance. It’s not as good as butter though. At least butter is “natural”. I’m so old I remember when margarine couldn’t be yellow; it came with a package of food coloring and you had to add it. That was a rule dreamed up by the butter people LOL.

    Linda: I guess I’m as ready as I‘ll ever be! My main class doesn’t start until 10/15, so there’s some time for that, but I had to pick up an extra clinical group for another course which really is eating into my planning and work time! I brought a healthy choice lunch and fresh mozzarella cheese along with fresh garden grape tomatoes for lunch. That will help make up for the 460 calories from the peach thing I had for breakfast! Hope you are doing well too!

    Kathy: great job on your loss!

    Kate: such a nice thought…a place in the sun with my name on it. I am going to remember that when I am stressed and cranky!

    Lin (and Linda): drink drink drink….piddle all night long, at least that’s me!

    Well we are so chatty and I am sure I have missed some of you. I need to get this posted and get back to work. Maybe I can actually accomplish something today! Take care! Meg :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou: :flowerforyou:
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: It's Monday and it's sure to be busy,

    DeeDee- It was good to read that the Salmon did for you what it seems to do for me...I have no idea why but everytime I eat it the scale moves down...it could just be it's time for it to move but for whatever reason I just keep eating it:wink:

    janehadj- practicing on how to have the hair the day of the wedding is a great idea. Yep if you want to have some of those special treats you have to plan for them, sometimes I plan days ahead so that I can have a special meal. On Friday after our bike ride hubby wanted Chinese food and I told him yes, then he kept asking me if I wanted my favorite egg plant and I told him since he will be eating the left overs he better get things that he knows he'll eat...so no egg plant and I did keep the portions small and I didn't eat any of the leftovers on Saturday:bigsmile: yep it's all in the planning:wink:

    Tigress- I love chicken wings but it's another one of those foods I have to plan for because I can eat a LOT of them:blushing:

    Gardengail- my #1 Son introduced me to fried green beans when we were visiting him when he was stationed at Ft Hood in Texas...they were so good...they are so bad ...but back then I wasn't watching what I was eating and healthy wasn't part of my life at that time:wink:

    lizmil79-hoping you are still okay with those fires burning there in Idaho:flowerforyou: I think all of us in the whole US are praying for rain and those of us in the West especially to help with the fires.

    Faye- I agree about when things are discontinued. My favorite color lip paint and my lip therapy that I use in the evening were both discontinued and I found them on Amazon and bought quite a bit so I have a small stock pile:bigsmile: You take care on that drive, I'm sure you can do this:drinker:

    Michele- WOW starting to fill the pool, that sounds like great progress, you will be in that pool in no time:flowerforyou:

    Jan- on Friday the elementary & middle school that I drive by on my way home from work their parking lots were overflowing so I'm sure they were having the teachers first day too:wink: It helped me remember that I have to change my drive to work as there is a high school right there too and so this morning I had to by pass all of that, too many cars and student drivers:laugh:

    Micki- hoping you had a good time with the grand kiddo's, I know that one of the things that make me hesitate to move is that the grand kiddos are only 15 min away and I love that I can see them so often:love:

    Barbie- I too weigh myself morning & night...I look at it as a way to "know" my body. It never upsets me when I see it move a lot in the evening as you are right it's usually sodium related:drinker:

    Lila- I think all of us are glad that we are in a day and time that we have all this electronic stuff so we can keep in touch with family and friends around the world, hey we wouldn't even know about you if it weren't for MFP and computers:flowerforyou: reading in the hammock:love: sounds like my kind of afternoon.

    Linda- :flowerforyou: HAPPY BELATED BIRTHDAY:flowerforyou:

    Amanda- Your ticker was impressive before you corrected it now it's OVER THE TOP IMPRESSIVE:love: You are truly an inspiration to all of us.:drinker:

    just finished page 8:noway: we are quite a chatty group.

    After our bike ride and dinner Friday night I talked hubby into going to the Mall to find me a new cover for my phone as the one I had broke about two weeks ago. I found a cap with the Broncos logo in pink and got it, found some new sparklie hair clips and got them and found a hot pink cover for my phone. We went into Nordstroms and went to the make up counter as I have been looking for tiny spatchas to get the make up out of the last of the jars and the girl gave me six for free...so our night out was a total success:drinker:

    Hoping you all are having a good Monday, I will have to read the next page a bit later...have reports to do for the boss so he can turn them in to the lawyers for his Chapter 11 (this is not my favorite day of the month:grumble: )

    Keep logging that food, drinking that water:drinker: and moving your body.

  • ShawnaElston
    ShawnaElston Posts: 32 Member
    Good morning, everyone. I've gone back and read, but I'll start from this morning as I'm sure you all have better things to do than read a novella. This is such the right place for me; I'm very happy to have found it. I tried WW in the past, but I didn't seem to connect. I LOVE MFP! I have a long way to go, but I think this is my moment.

    Yesterday I made breakfast, lunch and dinner for the next 5 days, put it into canning jars and sealed them with the Food Saver. I have found I do so much better when I don't have to think about what I'm going to eat during the week, and don't leave so many options available. We had company for two weeks and a hosted a big family reunion, so it was a challenge. I know what you mean about getting back on the "path."

    ~Yardtigress - I love jambalaya and know I would have difficulty stopping, but I think there are worse things to overindulge with..I also make jewelry and know what you mean about the prices. My biggest reward is seeing people wearing and enjoying it. It is very gratifying.

    ~Kathyszoo - Congrats on the loss. OH WOW! I hope your toe is ok...

    ~Esther50 - Hope your Monday goes better. One day at a time is a great thought. Sending positive thoughts your way!

    ~Kate - I think I need a garden bench, yours sounds wonderful. I had a bad garden year (too wet) and am planning to pull it all except for the flowers this weekend. Hope your day goes well and that "path" is brighter!

    ~Lin - Nice to meet you, yours was a very uplifting post.

    ~Meg - Your breakfast sounded great, but your lunch sounds marvelous. Great choices...

    ~Laura - A fellow Broncos fan! Awesome!

    I hope everyone has a great Monday and will be back soon. Thanks for being such a great, positive group. It is a wonderful thing you all do!.


  • anotheryearolder
    anotheryearolder Posts: 385 Member
    LindasundanceB – I smiled when you asked where I lived in AK – I wish that were the case.

    You must have read a comment I made about a 2 month long trek we took from FL to AK. We were in the Kenai peninsula for 6 weeks and had a wonderful time. Our base for most of the time was in Hope. It is a tiny community with a couple campgrounds and a working gold mine. DH and I both fell in love with the place and wish we had gone there for a visit when we were younger. I'm sure we would have stayed.

    Oddly enough DH also worked for the FAA as a controller and had an opportunity once to transfer anywhere he wanted and we chose FL. Had we known then what we know now, it would have been AK. We had just had a terribly cold winter in IL and thought north Florida sounded good. It's not crowded like the rest of FL and the fishing is great here. We like it here but AK would have been a much better choice – hunting, fishing, hiking and the beautiful scenery. I know the tundra can get monotonous but it sure was beautiful where we were. :love:

    Laura – Thanks for the vote of confidence. I will do okay on the drive, but let's just say I won't be in my comfort zone. I'm not the best at reading road signs at a distance and my sense of direction doesn't exist. :indifferent: Me and my little PT cruiser do a lot of turn around do-overs when I'm in unfamiliar territory. That's not so easy in a full sized pickup with a 10 foot trailer on behind and no trailer backing skills! :ohwell:

    It's getting ready to rain again here, so I best get myself to the gym now. It was not that long ago we were praying for rain like a lot of the rest of the country. Last summer we were plagued by fires and now are finally getting an abundance of rain. I wish we could share with those who are desperate for it.

    Water bottle is in hard. Phooney, I didn't make it; it just started to rain.

  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Got in my walk today, I need a new fanny pack/water bottle carrier mine is about to fall apart. In Georgia if you walk in the spring and summer you better be carrying water, alot of water. Lots of people quit walking when the temp gets high, I just wet my clothes and keep going.

    Shawna-Yes I love it when people like my designs enough to buy and wear them. I do about 6 shows a year, I used to do more but the economy needs to come back some more for that. What medium do you use for your jewelry?

    Laura- when I buy chicken wings I vaccum (sp?) seal 4or 5 in each packet so there are only 4 or 5 to get out and eat. And no taking out more than one packet. DH doesn't eat them, so I can't say they are for him.

    Meg-thanks, but I have the up movement on the scale, I'm not going to let it derail me. I weigh in everyday so I know I didn't really gain 3 lbs from last night.:sick: So I will just pull up my big girl pants and move forward.

    Lin-Yes I like the sleep tracker on my fit bit, Saturday night I wanted the steps so I marched in place to go over 10000, so I got in activity. I'm between 92%-96% efficeny on my sleep. I find when I sleep between 71/2 to 8 hours I feel great, any more or any less and I don't feel good.

    Well time for lunch. Tigress
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Ok, popping in one last time today with an update. Didn't have to go back to dr.- just said go back to ice and elevating. I did get a bit of chair exercise in, mostly stretching and yoga poses, which I couldn't hold as long today. Toe threw me off my game. Time for my peach and more ice. I just wanted all of you to know that you're the reason that I stay positive and don't throw in the towel. MFP says I joined in 2011 but just briefly. I hadn't really made the commitment until I started again this June and all of you are to thank for that! Finding this thread of great, like minded women, who are all going through challenges at this stage our our lives, had been a real lifesaver and blessing for me.:heart:

  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    Good mornin to all the ladies here...Mondays are so hard...dont feel to motivated but am forcing myself off to the gym...its a hot one today ...might get a walk in but most likely it will have to be the treadmill in the gym.
    have to loose 10 lbs...and its hard to get it off....but the lbs just creep up a little by little....dont like it..so here I am
    Have a great Monday to everyone...
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Oh, it's really good to be home! I have spent the morning cleaning camping gear and doing laundry. Now, that does not sound like fun, but it is because we've been on the road for a month and it feels great to get organized. I am pleased to report that my planters survived the drought and I still have fresh herbs, lavender and ornamentals to play with.

    Today...back to logging the food and counting the calories for real.

    Tomorrow...back to work for a teacher professional development day!

    Wednesday...back to the gym for a session with Tia andTrainer.

    Friday...manicure and pedicure (have to look good for the first day of classes!)

    I am catching up on posts and new folks. So fun to read all your news and encouraging words.

    Hasta manana,


    PS - photo speaks a thousand words of how I spent my summer!
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hang in there, Kathy - keep up the ice and the chair exercises. Your upper body will be buff by the time your foot is healed.
