Its 2010...Please Join Me



  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    Hey when i said I love the faces I was refering to the smiley faces on your post, not meaning your huge purple ball I like that to though,lol SO please only post your beautiful face if you want to do not feel like you have to for me I finally justy put my pic up when i joined this topic. :) Of course I am angled just the right way in that pic so you dont see my double chin! lol
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
    Hi everyone. Nice to see all the new comers welcome!

    Haha Myth i guess thats what i get for saying i like your seperate response to everyone now everyone is doing it....I had 3 pages to go through....:noway:

    Well i went to New york for the day.....I did well with my calories. However I was up for 30 hours straight as I live in vegas and it was a day trip. I allowed my self an extra 350 calories since i had no sleep for 30 hrs my body was hungry and i felt i needed it....what is everyones opinion on how I handled that?

    Also my sister is angry that I went to see a doctor for my weight and here is why..
    She has p.c.o.s whick makes you gain weight and throws off your body and hormones. Her doctor put her on phentermine after months of test. I saw a deifferent doctor and she gave me the medicine very fast but after blood work and an ekg ofcourse.
    My sis is telling me when my body gets immune and the medicine doesnt work then what....i dont know what to think the pills are just appetite supressents and seem to be working.

    Also she said that shes read several articles and talked to her doctor and everytime shes always heard that anything under 1400 calories is dangerous. Im eating 1240. I cheated and got on the scale this am instead of friday my weigh in day because i did so well in new york i wanted to see....well it went up two pounds....:mad: i was very sad... thats what i get for cheating and getting on the scale. When I told my sister she said my body is holding on to the food because i am not eating enough and once i went over my 1240 it stored it....she told me to try 1400 and see. With weigh in in 2 days i dont know what to do. What is everyones opinion?
  • Hi Thalia,

    I wouldn't worry much about the 350 cal extra consumption or even the fact that the scale tipped up a couple of pounds.

    Quite some number of diet attempts have made me a believer in the theory that the scale isn't always the right thing to look at, nor is a weekly weigh-in the best measure of diet success. For instance, week 1 you may lose 5 pounds, week 2 you may ended up gaining a pound etc., but if the overall trend in a month is downwards, that's what counts. So, assuming we haven't significantly changed the diet pattern and exercise pattern, it just means that we ought not to get exhilarated when we lose more than we planned and also not get depressed if we gain instead of losing in a particular week.

    Diet pills - I guess its an individual thing...but I'd like to keep away from those as much as I can. I haven't started on those and don't ever intend to. The fact that the body responds to simple diet and exercise means that it doesn't need anything more than discipline and resolve. But, that's just my two-pennies.

    Cheer up. Hope this helps.

    Best regards,

    - n.
  • Oh ...and the 1400 calories seems like a good idea.
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    I think the 350 calories was fine. Your body needed it. Could you be retaining water because you were up for so long? I know that happenes to me. Watch like sat morning your weight will be down,lol. I have been eating 1200 or around there for years when i want to lose weight. As far as dangerous, I say it depends on the person. Under 1000 for me I think my boday goes in to starvation mode but that is through trial and error over the last 4 and 1/2 years that I figured that out. I say listen to her but follow what you t hink is bst for you it is your body you will/ do know about. Good luck and by the way you stink for going to new york I soo want to go! lol
  • klkelley
    klkelley Posts: 122 Member
    Thanks I appreciate the support. It is surprising what a few pounds can do to you.
  • amarek
    amarek Posts: 16
    Hello. It's 14 days late, but I will join you too :) I have not had a chance to read everyone's post in this thread, but what I have read is inspirational. My goal weight is 150 and I have a long way to go, but that can't discourage me. I I love this site! It's very helpful on my I-touch as well. So easy to add foods, weight, etc... I really like he daily dietary summary. It really makes you focus on what you eat and to strive to get all vitamins and minerals my body needs. I have never concentrated on that before. Looking forward to succeeding with all of you!

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    Welcome! I like the thing it says whenyou say I finsihed logging today as well. The first time I clicked it I was like ohhh in 5 weeks Ill be that?? It was a little more motivating. :) Good luck and take it one meal one day one minute at a time if you have to, but you can do it!
  • amarek
    amarek Posts: 16
    Thanks! This will be the year for me!
  • chipgal
    chipgal Posts: 140 Member
    Myth, I have triple chins right now when it gets to a double I can face a camera. The logo is from my company.

  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    like I said I posed myself so you cant see my double chin ROFL
  • AmyNVegas
    AmyNVegas Posts: 2,215 Member

    That is my issue, I know what to do and how I just have to do it! GOod luck :) NOt to mention Amy 40 pounds gone is a lot! WTG!

    Thanks Myth! That was just last year, all together I have lost 187. I was 535 at my heaviest in 2001. It is a real battle but I am going to win it!
  • NewBeginning2010
    NewBeginning2010 Posts: 235 Member
  • Amy-- wow!! you are a real inspiration to all of us :flowerforyou:

    and ugh what a day for me today! i had to go the the dentist's at 7:10 in the morning so i wouldn't be late for an exam at 8:30... i didn't get to eat breakfast! so then i couldn't eat for 30 mins after, AND i couldn't eat til after the exam. fast forward to 10:00am, and i felt like crap! plus, i had pictures for a band i had to take. needless to say, i was NOT looking my best lol. i tried to eat but for some reason my stomach hurt like heck and i couldn't get more than half a muffin (a healthy muffin :wink: ) down... i felt so bad that i had to beg to take my next exam early (something i would never in my life do) just so i could book it home and lay on the couch!! i'm really wondering why i feel so horrible today... ohwell. the only good thing is i have 1,000 calories still, so i'm sure when i can eat again i can stay in my calorie range haha!

    hope everyone has had a better day than me lol :tongue:
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    I am soooo tired!!! this has been such a busy week!!

    Roll on weekend!!!!

    hmmm I should get some exercise scheduled into this weekend, Im heading away to stay at a friends place. Its a birthday event so there will be lots of food!!!

    I must practice my 'say no to food' muscle!!!!
  • Jaymie
    Jaymie Posts: 235 Member
    Hope your feeling better EEK!!

    Im just putting my feet up.. have just had a busy week.. need some time out this weekend.
  • Hi everyone
    I started on Dec 26 the day after my Birthday. I started at 202.2 and so far I lost 10 pounds.
    I am eatting way more freash veges ,frult and whole grains.I am drinking herbal tea like
    ginger instead of coffie .I chose to avoid red meats this year and eatting more fish ,chicken or vegatable
    meals .I am drinking only water and staying away from soda .and every morning I work out on the wii fitness and I
    also just joined a Gym. I would like to lose 70 pounds
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    OMG Amy 187! You are an inspiration and today I will need it! :) WTG!
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member
    Eek, better you then me at the dentist, I would have had an anxiety pill just to go. Sorry you had a crapy day and I hope you did good on your exams. :)
  • Myth
    Myth Posts: 285 Member

    Can I have one of those muscles please?? I dont have one and it owuld come in handy. :)
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