30 Day Shred



  • I've been doing level one and two in one day, then on the next day I only do level one. Been doing it for a week(7 days) now and I get 2 rest days lol. Is anyone doing the diet as well?

    I don't know what diet goes along with the video, but I have cut tons of calories and am trying to eat as organic as possible. I can already feel the lag from junk food subside. I am using portion control and eating like 6 times a day, not even getting hunger pangs!
  • FitspoEm
    FitspoEm Posts: 94 Member
    im on level 1 day 3 (completed today)

    i had a rest day yesterday as my thighs were KILLING and today they were still feeling it - especially through lunges.
    im guna try my hardest to stick at it.

    if anyone wants to add me for motivation feel free :D

  • gaveruz
    gaveruz Posts: 47 Member
    wow, I restarted on Monday too!!!!
    Level 2, day 3 completed!
    I love it. Hope this time I seriously stick to it!!!
  • Maribethw
    Maribethw Posts: 7 Member
    I just did my 3rd day. I hate the butt kicks. I cannot do them at all. Hopefully they will get easier as the days go on. :)

    Omg! By the time the butt kicks come around, my quads are done for! haha.
  • Do you guys eat before you do the workout? If so, what? How long do you wait after you've eaten to start?
  • mariposa224
    mariposa224 Posts: 1,241 Member
    Do you guys eat before you do the workout? If so, what? How long do you wait after you've eaten to start?
    I never did (and still haven't with her other workouts I've done), but this is mainly because of my medications. I get up and take my Synthroid, which I have to take on an empty stomach. I drink a Crystal Light Energy (it has caffeine in it) before/during/after, just one bottle total there... Then I have a 1 scoop protein shake (just powder with 4 oz unsweetened almond milk & 4 oz water), though when I was doing 30DS I was doing a 2 scoop shake (double above), immediately afterward. I shower after that, get ready for work, get to work, have more water and have breakfast a couple hours later. That does it for me, but, as I said, it's mostly because that's how it works with my schedule. If I eat before I workout on Saturdays (which I do eat then sometimes), I generally wait at LEAST 30 minutes, sometimes an hour, before working out.
  • aylawill
    aylawill Posts: 65
    I just started yesterday with a group of friends. :) I usually just eat a banana before, since I don't want to eat too much. I'm already in relatively good shape, but haven't worked out for a while, so I'm incredibly sore today! lol I'm using 5 lb weights since I don't have 3 lb, and figured a bit more isn't going to kill me. :) Good luck, y'all!
  • I started ripped in 30( same concept) I started Monday yesterday I took off. I also started and never finish up, this time I'm determined!
  • I don't eat before because I don't have the time! I have dinner quite soon after though and I'm grateful for it! :laugh:
  • alpine1994
    alpine1994 Posts: 1,915 Member
    I just started this today after an epiphany to get healthy.

    Any tips?

    What was your experience?

    Anyone doing the shred now?

    Before and afters?

    More questions? lol

    Honestly it's the best thing I've ever done for myself. I'm on Day 7 of Level 2 (more than halfway done). I've lost about 7 pounds or so and a pants size, and really sculpted everything. Arms, shoulders, hips are shrinking, I see little abs peeking through! Thighs are REALLY shrinking and are getting muscle definition. I'm using it as a prep for P90X.

    I usually have been taking a day off per week for different reasons (back pain one day, too busy another day, etc.) and I try to supplement the workout with a 2 mile run a couple times a week, or a bike ride with the bf. I'm eating 6 high quality meals a day (sometimes I have bad stuff when I really want it by try to keep it in my calories for day), around 1400 cals a day which includes eating back my exercise calories.

    Definitely go for it! And stick with it! Jillian always says the biggest changes happens at the end of each set when you basically feel like you're going to die, so that keeps me going.
  • Do you guys eat before you do the workout? If so, what? How long do you wait after you've eaten to start?
    I never did (and still haven't with her other workouts I've done), but this is mainly because of my medications. I get up and take my Synthroid, which I have to take on an empty stomach. I drink a Crystal Light Energy (it has caffeine in it) before/during/after, just one bottle total there... Then I have a 1 scoop protein shake (just powder with 4 oz unsweetened almond milk & 4 oz water), though when I was doing 30DS I was doing a 2 scoop shake (double above), immediately afterward. I shower after that, get ready for work, get to work, have more water and have breakfast a couple hours later. That does it for me, but, as I said, it's mostly because that's how it works with my schedule. If I eat before I workout on Saturdays (which I do eat then sometimes), I generally wait at LEAST 30 minutes, sometimes an hour, before working out.

    I also take Synthroid...... *twilight zone theme*
  • Today was day 3 of level one of 30ds and oh my gosh!! My butt hurts sooooo bad. My husband thinks it's hilarious that every time I go to sit I have to pretty much flop down because it hurts like crazy to do a controlled landing. I have been walking 2 to 3 miles a day, 5 days a week since February, but have only lost 13 pounds or so. I'm hoping that Jillian will help me kick-start my weight loss again.
  • JamieCRodriguez
    JamieCRodriguez Posts: 88 Member
    I just started this today after an epiphany to get healthy.

    Any tips?

    What was your experience?

    Anyone doing the shred now?

    Before and afters?

    More questions? lol

    I just finished the 30 days. I didn't take before & after pix but I wish I had. It is a great progression, your strength increases tremendously. 1 week into level 2 I decided to do level 1 for a bonus workout. I couldn't believe how easy it was. Be prepared, level 2 is rough at first; lots of planks. But, level 3 is great so once you get through level 2 you'll be home free. I went down a size and a half and have lost about 25 pounds. (but I also quit sugar and am eating low carb). Good Luck, stick with it and keep me posted on your results!
  • TurtleTape
    TurtleTape Posts: 254 Member
    Monday I started it again. I started it earlier this year and got to day seven of level one, I think it was, before some serious life changes hit and I stopped. Just in those few days, though, I went from only being able to do maybe half of it to being able to more or less fully keep up, even doing actual (from the knee) push-ups rather than the stupid rocking things I had been doing in the beginning. It was amazing, felt so proud of myself when I could go the whole way down in the push-up instead of halfway. Today was day two and I intend to see it through this time. I don't use weights, my arms seem to be plenty of weight for me >.< I plan to do it again once I've finished and add weights, though.

    My first time trying, I was so sore the second day I could barely walk, but this time starting was much easier and there was very little pain, I must have done something right over the summer for it to be such a noticeable difference in first days.
  • I failed and didn't do it last night. I physically couldn't, my muscles are in agony from the first night. Hope it will get easier today and will push through and do it tonight
  • Sarah_Super
    Sarah_Super Posts: 25 Member
    Day 3 workout due this afternoon. My muscles say no, no, no, NO! Wondering if I should push through the pain?

    Annoyingly, my 'exercise hives' seem to have come back too ... reminding me why I usually stick to swimming. Does anyone else suffer from this? http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Urticaria#Exercise_urticaria

    My Dr advised taking antihistamines shortly before the workout, but the make me sleepy =/
  • WOW just gave level 2 a go after feeling really chuffed I did level 1 :smile:

    OMG:noway: :noway: :noway: :noway:

    level 2 is hardcore my body is in shock :laugh: :laugh:

    respect to you guys on L2 and L3 :wink: :wink:

    :laugh: im gonna sit on the sofa and rest now :laugh:
  • :happy:
  • helenlp83
    I failed and didn't do it last night. I physically couldn't, my muscles are in agony from the first night. Hope it will get easier today and will push through and do it tonight

    Im on day 7 L1 and my legs are still ache a bit ...
    look at the pain as a good thing see it as your body getting strong :smile:
    or just do what I do and cry and shout at the TV in pain but smile afterwards :smile: :smile:
  • I wish now I had done it last night to try and loosen my muscles up a bit because today if I sit for too long at my desk my thighs are siezing up. I will be doing it tonight and working through the pain. I will be getting toned while I'm doing it and it will help me to lose weight!!!! :wink:

    I wrote myself some goals earlier with regards to weight/size/fitness. My long term goals are big so will seem a long way off but some of the smaller ones are achievable. One of them in the fitness coloumn is to complete 30 day shred!

    I can do this and by God I will!!!!!