For all the committed folks... Do you schedule exercise?



  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    YUP, leave work, go straight to the gym. No stopping else where, no thinking twice about it.
    I just do it.
  • Skych123
    Skych123 Posts: 96
    oh yah, trying to plan my meals and plan what to work out that day.

    usually before bed i'll map out my workout for the next day - then change it if i do better or worse as I'm workin it.
  • mamakjknows
    Definitely scheduling things makes it easier. I've committed to working out 5 days a week and on 4 of those 5 days I have a class that I pay for so I make sure that I don't miss! I only joined a gym that is midway between work and home so I have no excuse to just pass by :)
  • kjordan0
    kjordan0 Posts: 3 Member
    I find scheduling it helps make sure I do it. I like to find training plans that have a structure and a goal. Right now I am on a 10 week running plan on TrainingPeaks to get me to run a 5k.

    Sun: Short Run
    Mon: Cross Train (swim, weights, yoga, anything that gets you moving)
    Tue: Easy Run
    Wed: Rest
    Thur: Long Run
    Fri: Cross train
    Sat: Rest

    That way I know I have a plan I'm trying to stick to and if I skip a day it messes up the plan for the rest of the week and I also know when my rest days are. I find it easier to keep other things from getting in the way of the workouts because I know specifically when my rest days are going to be and can schedule non-gym stuff on those days.

    I also have a couple workout "buddies". We don't meet and workout at the same place/time, but we are sticking to the same schedule. Nothing gets your butt to the gym at the end of the day like knowing one of friends is already bragging about having completed his/her workout for the day, how far they ran today, etc.
  • savnicolee
    savnicolee Posts: 7 Member
    I just look at my food diary, and I realize, hey, if I want more calories to eat today, I can just go for a walk or exercise! Or I'll look at results of a program thread on here, such as insanity or 30 day shred, and become inspired enough to start trying it. Also, I have a tumblr blog about fitness and it is really inspiring, honestly that's what has got me so far.

    I don't schedule or plan, because I like having the satisfaction of "Wow, I just did something when I could have sat here and watched tv all day. Kudos to you!" Not feeling like I completed my plans of the day.

    I also get bored with workouts and I can't do the same thing for too long, so I like to mix it up frequently. I focus mostly on my food intake and try to exercise at least 20 minutes a day, or burn at least 200 calories. And so far that's been working for me. :)
  • runwaymom
    runwaymom Posts: 2 Member
    For me, a change of approach worked. Instead of viewing it as another obligation or task to check off, I needed to be motivated by something. When I was younger, it was about getting the perfect looking body. After realizing that comparing my body to others' was
    Failing me, I found my kids were a great motivator :) I want to be around a looooong time for them. So when my alarm goes off, and I'm tempted to ignore, I think of it as time invested in myself for their sake. Another thing I remember is that I will ALWAYS feel tired when I first get up. ALWAYS. No matter how much sleep I've had. So I can't use that as an excuse. This is just what worked for me. Everyone has to find what will keep them going, so don't give up! Obviously, you care enough, or you wouldn't be asking for advice. Remember that :)
  • SouthernSkylark
    SouthernSkylark Posts: 128 Member
    I have an 8 week training schedule, after the 8 weeks has gone I will re do it with different goals to creat some diversity. :-)
  • Brandon74
    Brandon74 Posts: 453 Member
    I wouldn't say I schedule my workouts in a calendar, but I do make the effort to go to the gym in the evenings during the week. It may not be at the exact same time, but I go. As for weekends, I am at the gym when it opens at 8AM on both days, and that's on a consistent basis.
  • Peeriegemgem
    I have a plan in my head of what I want to have achieved by the end of the week. I don't commit to a set rest day, I let my body ease off when its telling me its had enough. I think if you exercise at similar times each day, you settle to it much easier. Also I'm tough on myself, I won't let myself eat tea or settle down to the tv until the workout is complete. A little self discipline goes a long way - its accepting that a workout is as much a part of life as the sleeping and the job.
  • stocklori
    stocklori Posts: 9 Member
    just find the time and do it. i always dread doing it but as soon as i am done, i feel so happy that i persevered. you can do it, too.
  • Shausil82
    Shausil82 Posts: 218 Member
    I follow the P90X schedule. My health isn't always the best and I may miss a workout or two here and there, but, I do bring my A game when I do my workouts. Mondays and Wednesdays, I work out around early afternoon. Tuesdays and Thursdays, I work out first thing in the morning. Fridays, it depends on when I'm working. Sometimes I do it early in the morning, sometimes I do it early afternoon. Saturdays, I do it whenever I want. Sundays, I don't do anything.
  • DoxieLove10612
    DoxieLove10612 Posts: 145 Member
    Every day after work om the way home and on Saturday as soon as I have my house cleaned I am out the door. sunday is off day
  • draculaspointer
    draculaspointer Posts: 106 Member
    Im pretty obsessive about scheduling it. I have my runs scheduled on the calendar for the next 5 months and Im 95% on doing them. (I cut one short due to bad weather). I also have a speadsheet with all the exercises I want to do and have weekly goals and monthly goals. If I miss one of those goals the spreadsheet tells me "Goal not reached, keep working". Sometimes this leaves me on the last day of the month making up some missed situps lol. But yes, its all scheduled. But everything else in my life is too, so why not this?
  • rybo
    rybo Posts: 5,424 Member
    Daily routine. Has been since college. After class was track practice or my own workout.
    Then after graduation to the real world, after work was straight to the gym. Now after work is off for my run. When I get thrown out of my routine things get weird.
  • Legs_McGee
    Legs_McGee Posts: 845 Member
    Yes. Although all my workouts are either runs or scheduled classes at the gym, so it's easy. And I run with a friend so she'll beat me if I don't show up on time.
  • DargoMack
    DargoMack Posts: 75 Member
    I write in my calendar when I'm scheduled to work out and what classes I'm taking. I also write the classes I like to attend in my calendar. I always checked it off when I'm done. It's just like my daily to do lists..

    If something comes up, I go afterwards. It takes something pretty drastic for me to miss a workout that I've scheduled (and paid for) already.
  • danabromley
    danabromley Posts: 87 Member
    Yes exercise is now part of everyday for me. When I have my grandbabies its a little harder some days but I do at least get out for a walk.
  • cybelenoire
    cybelenoire Posts: 36 Member
    I have a big blotter sized calender with workouts and dance practice written in bright colors. It is hanging where my purse and gym bag hang so I can see it every day when I leave for work or go out of the house. I have a cork board by my bed and every workout gets pinned on it so I can take stock at the end of the week.
  • chrisdavey
    chrisdavey Posts: 9,834 Member
    M/W/F = lift heavy *kitten*

    Other days, nothing scheduled but I generally get out and about and do something as I'm an office worker. Don't like sitting on my *kitten* all day and definitely feel better when I move around a bit.
  • ZeroWoIf
    ZeroWoIf Posts: 588 Member
    I only schedule myself to eat 1 gram of potassium per meal. Advised by Chris Davey of course! Circulation is rocking man!