

  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    @janehadji - So happy for you that your son is home safe and sound. Spent a summer in Israel once, and it is so strange to see the army teenagers with guns strapped on. :-/

    @ginib - love, love Costco salmon grilled on wet cedar plank (we've been awaiting their cedar plank shipment; theirs are also less costly than at the grocery store). I sometimes enjoy a dijonnaise sauce on mine (dijon mustard mixed with lowfat Hellman's mayo), although my husband seasons it so well, it really is fine just plain, too.

    @Laura80111 - (and kathyszoo, michele, megblair1...etc!) thank you for your response to my little NSV; agree with ginib that these long posts are not 'too long' at all, but very sweet. It takes a lot of time to respond to all the posts!

    Good luck with your goals, today, all...
    ~ PS
  • ginib
    ginib Posts: 62 Member
    PS2CR - go to your local HomeDepot or Lowes and buy cedar fencing and cut it into smaller pieces. It's something like $2-3 a board. Surface is rough, but that doesn't hurt the salmon! Way cheaper than buying the boards they actually sell for grilling.

  • ShawnaElston
    ShawnaElston Posts: 32 Member
    Good afternoon!

    25 pounds down since June 8...yay!

    I read a great article about 6 Nutrients for Faster Weight Loss here... http://www.womenshealthmag.com/weight-loss/the-vitamin-d-diet. I then looked up foods with the highest levels of each of these nutrients... Salmon is just right up there in several categories. My goal this week is to find or come up with recipes which will incorporate each of them every day.

    A few have mentioned they do not like salmon; if you like lobster, you might want to try this... Bring 2 cups of water, 1 tbsp of vinegar, 1/2 tsp of salt, 1/4 to 1/2 tsp of sugar and 1 1/2 tbsp of Seafood Seasoning...I use Old Bay and skip the extra salt. Bring all of that to a boil and drop in your fish. Simmer for 1/2 hour. It is easy and tastes great. I use it to make seafood salad or just put on salad. Of course, there is always the typical lobster with butter option.

    ~Mommie55 - Glad you are getting more sleep. Sending good thoughts for you, your son and his family. Your exercise was great. I appreciate your posts.

    ~Gini - I hope the bike and the shopping lifted your spirits. Good news about the current job even if it is a temp. Yard work can be great exercise. Your salmon sounds yummy...Hope your day is going well.

    ~Mimi - I tell people who have teenagers that one day all the trials will be worth it and you will forget about them when you have grandchildren. They are our reward for having teenagers. Good for you and your family to recognize the need to eat healthier when together.

    ~Kathy - Hope your today is better than yesterday. Your poor toe is taking a beating...it makes me cringe just thinking about it. You will be happy with the 15 pounds when you are able to get around...it is quite an accomplishment.

    ~Judy - I'm so with you on the menopause thing. Sometimes I don't even recognize myself. I do have to say that changing my diet has helped with the symptoms, though. My DH noticed, even. Did I mention my DH is a saint? :)

    ~Carolyn - Great post! So succinct and uplifting!

    ~Fitz - Happy Happy Birthday! Sounds like your pledge to yourself is the best birthday present you will receive this year...although your weekend sounds a close second.

    ~Micki - 50 LBS! AWESOME! Such a momentous milestone and you did it. Congrats! Sending good thoughts your sister's way.

    ~Debbie - What a fabulous goal for the marathon...I hope you post how your progress goes..

    ~PS2Cr - So glad you have your rings back...you sound so happy!

    ~Jane - So happy for you to have your son back! Sorry for the Dr. visit not going your way. Good thoughts for a successful PT this time around.

    ~DeeDee - Hope you are feeling better!

    ~Esther - I have had an issue with eating all the calories as well...it seems like too much food. Your last paragraph was excellent...

    ~Barbie - I didn't see your resolutions yesterday. I love them, they are so varied and cool. I also have a huge rock garden which needs some TLC right now. Carrying rocks can be good exercise.

    ~Liz - Good job with redoing the recipes. It can be hard to eat right when you also have to cook for others and they are not quite as willing to have what you cook.

    ~Nancy - Thanks for sharing your salmon prep. It sounds great! I think it may be part of my next week's lunch or dinner.

    ~Linda - Sometimes I go to bed just to avoid eating something..especially after a bad day...does anyone else to this?

    ~Rediup - I don't think this group will kick you out. It is a 50+ group and besides, 60 is still very young. Great job with the 20 lb loss!

    ~Michele - You don't have to keep changing the water, it will still be much cooler than the contents of your pot. Pumpkin, sunflower and watermelon seeds are very high in protein as well as containing tryptophan which your brain converts to seratonin. When I quit smoking 4 years ago, they really helped me. I also find that they help me focus when I have a large project to finish.

    ~Amanda - Sorry about having to work with someone like your coworker. Conflict is so draining and stressful. Your lucky DH! I'll bet he definitely gets you that jewelry when he sees what you have done for him. What a great idea. Try some seeds for the seratonin. I've been thinking of trying to fix my own so I can cut down on the sodium.

    ~rpphilip - Congrats on your weight loss!

    ~pkw58 - I have Wii fit envy...hopefully Santa will bring one this Christmas...Thanks for the mybarre3 idea. It looks great. Sometimes I think I live in a bubble.

    ~Lin - Hope you have a great day!

    ~Meg - I'm glad you lived through yesterday as well. The Food saver with the jar attachments is on foodsaver.com as well. I think it was around $120, but so worth it.

    ~Laura - Congrats on the loss. Good job at keeping up with the exercise and I LOVE your long posts! Please keep them coming.

    I hope everyone is having a great day...and find inspiration somewhere like you have inspired me. Thanks so much!


  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    Back from visiting with my friend (we always talk longer than we plan to) and have run a couple of errands. Now I’m hoping the internet cooperates with me and I get something written and posted without a hitch (that’s one thing we were discussing this morning---her family has the same company for broadband and they have been having problems as well the last few weeks).

    LindaSundance – some time to sit down with a cup of coffee is so peaceful. I love it and try to do so as often as I can. My favorite is the Sunday paper and fresh coffee!

    Kate – sorry about your friend’s illness. I don’t know what else to say really. Just do your best and I hope you can get some sleep. (And congrats on avoiding those chocolate chips.)

    Laura – I’m also on the salmon bandwagon. I had a wonderful loss last week after having a serving but then I also got lots of activity, drank loads of water and ate well all week. I’m going to try again this week—salmon is on the menu for lunch tomorrow. And the bike rides sound wonderful. I’m near a walking/biking trail here but this section of the trail is very close to a busy road and it smells of vehicle exhaust. Gack.

    Meg – your life sounds extra extra busy right now! I hope you find food options with less sodium. I sure do my best to avoid as much of that substance as possible. It doesn’t do me a bit of good. And I hope your husband is doing well and can gradually get back to more hours of work.

    Janehadji – congrats on your son getting home safely. And best wishes for the wedding going well.

    Salomesalone – the soup sounds wonderful. Do you freeze some for later or doesn’t the recipe yield that much?

    Mommie55 – sleep, sleep, sleep. It’s wonderful stuff and definitely good for your health and for weight loss. I’ve found with fibromyalgia and menopause that it is also quite elusive. Here’s to more restorative sleep for all of us.

    Gini – what type of bike is it that you are purchasing from your DIL? Road bike? Mountain bike? Hybrid? I hope you love it and you wear it out from riding so much!

    Mimi – yes, yes, and again yes. It seems when family or friends get together the healthy aspect of the food is the least important! Everyone wants old favorites and delicious thing in general. It would be better if we all could think of our health and well-being first.

    Judy – oh yes, happy menopause to you. Isn’t it all a joy? Glad you work in an air conditioned place but sorry the RAID is failing. Sounds like a lot of work. May the computer gods be with you.

    Carolyn – hold on---no paperwork at home! Isn’t it true that work can totally takeover our lives? Take care, get some rest and be well!

    Fitz1191 – I hope your weekend with family is stupendous. Please let us know.

    Micki – sorry to hear about the stress your sister is enduring. Just sorting through things can be so difficult. All best wishes go out to her and to you.

    DebbieD – wow, how wonderful. Training for a marathon---I am so impressed by your motivation. Excellent. Keep us updated!

    PS2CR – Woot! Lovin’ your NSV. Good for you. You must be smiling for certain.

    Jane – I’m sorry to hear you did not progress as you’d hoped. Hoping the upcoming PT sessions will bring you strength and the results your doctor wants to see.

    DeeDee – feeling any better??

    Esther50 – thanks for the wise and encouraging words. We all need those each and every day.

    Barbie – you are so sensible in your approach to eating and exercise. You are an excellent example!

    Liz – sounds like your daughter has you on a timer! I hope you can replace your laptop soon. Also hope you can find some recipes to please your family.

    Mazaron – hope you can convince DH to replace the grill. We’ll all support you in the contention that it’s at least as important as a power washer!

    Michele – sounds like excellent progress on the pool. Hope inspections and continued construction fly along quickly!

    Kathy - you are doing so well at getting activity even with the toe issues. Excellent.

    I’m on board with pretty much avoiding bread. Again, I’m celiac so I have to purchase very expensive bread but I find certain foods just trigger me to overeat---it’s like there is no way I’m going to have just one serving. Bread is one of those. Also rice, potatoes, pasta, and almost any bakery product—they all can cause me to eat waaaaay to much. I guess that shows I don't have much control but I do to the extent that I hardly ever eat any of those things. I only have control over one thing that I love and that is high cocoa chocolate---either 86% or 72%. I can have one little piece and that’s fine; it’s all I want. And ladies I have a tiny bit almost every evening. I build it into my plan every day and eat it after my supper and enjoy the heck out of it. My guilty pleasures now----dark chocolate, coffee, and a smoothie. Oh how life has changed.

    Looking forward to everything you have to say today and tonight.
  • ShawnaElston
    ShawnaElston Posts: 32 Member
    I'm so sorry, Janemartin92 and Janehadji...I wrote to you as the same person because that is what I'd written and you are quite different. I'm sure you will be glad to know that as well...HA! It won't happen again. So sorry...

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    So many posts and so many people I feel a bit overwhelmed. Busy with work and still trying to complete the darn doghouse. DH got so sick last weekend nothing got done. (I cleaned house instead:bigsmile: )

    Yesterday I had my work health screening. My numbers were all bad except glucose. I know this. I am 20 pounds overweight right now and so my BMI is not good, my cholesterol etc. I don't need some young thing telling me what I need to do.... she says I should get out and walk ( I respond that I average over 10,000 steps a day and climing 20 flights of stairs) she says I should eat healthy food and drink water ( I say I eat around 1450 calories, no processed food and I drink a minimum of 2 litres of water) She just stares at me and now because she doesn't know what else to say. :noway: I know what to do and I am doing it. It really annoyed the crap out of me. :grumble:

    I hope you all have a great day.

    Robin Bodi and Ritter
  • slsdoc
    slsdoc Posts: 3
    I just love to read all your posts and learn about all the cool 50+ ladies here. I joined this site back in the early spring (or maybe last year, not sure). Anyway, I really didn't do anything with it, but now I want to take advantage of all the wonderful things it has to offer. However, I want to give back, too.

    I finally got serious about losing weight in June and since then I've actually seen a difference and feel good about it. I've dropped 2 sizes and I can actually cross my legs like a lady without having to hook my foot on the chair in front of me to keep it from popping off. (Some of you know what I mean.)

    I have been going through clothes all day. I'm bagging the big ones, hanging the ones that fit and setting aside, close at hand, the ones I'll be wearing next month. It''s exhillerating and daunting. Nobody should have as many clothes as I do. And I will soon be rid of many of them. But it's also giving me an opportunity to bless several ladies with new clothes that fit them. God is amazing the way He works things out.

    If I haven't bored you, please send a friend request. I would love to get to know some (or all) of you.
  • mimi7grands
    On this thread, I said I wished we had two tickers - one to show the weight loss since starting MFP, one to show total weight loss. A couple of you advised me to update the beginning weight. So I did! I also updated my current weight so I am now an honest woman.:happy:

    It's all just "paper" but it sure feels good to remind myself of where I started. I wish I could say I suddenly dropped the weight I show as "lost." The truth is, I've gained more than 20 lbs over the last few months. :grumble: Those have gotta go. But I still feel good about how far I've come.

    And...drum roll...I'm on track again after 4 days away. I got right back on track this time. That's a first. Thank you MFP and thanks to all my MFP friends!

    Robin, you're doing the right things. A lot of our numbers have to do with genetics, not with what we're doing or eating. The main thing is to keep going. Imagine if you weren't doing what you're doing!


    Mimi SVQ who's back with a vengeance
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    So many posts and so many people I feel a bit overwhelmed. Busy with work and still trying to complete the darn doghouse. DH got so sick last weekend nothing got done. (I cleaned house instead:bigsmile: )

    Yesterday I had my work health screening. My numbers were all bad except glucose. I know this. I am 20 pounds overweight right now and so my BMI is not good, my cholesterol etc. I don't need some young thing telling me what I need to do.... she says I should get out and walk ( I respond that I average over 10,000 steps a day and climing 20 flights of stairs) she says I should eat healthy food and drink water ( I say I eat around 1450 calories, no processed food and I drink a minimum of 2 litres of water) She just stares at me and now because she doesn't know what else to say. :noway: I know what to do and I am doing it. It really annoyed the crap out of me. :grumble:

    I hope you all have a great day.

    Robin Bodi and Ritter

    You gotta love those young things telling us what we should and should not be doing:wink: They think it's all new since they came on the scene.

    Robin your telling her gave me a smile:happy:

  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    Just popping in at the end of my work day...

    Gini- I just love home made salsa:love: When we used to live in small towns in Oregon when the kids were small I used to can a lot and salsa was one of them....the family still asks when I'll do it again and that was over 20 years ago:wink:

    janehadji- so glad your son is home and safe:flowerforyou: I'm sure that is a great relief to you and your hubby...now for that wedding:wink:

    Kathy-:laugh: forgot you were 52 and thought you were 20:laugh: I think that happens a lot to many of us...I know I feel the same inside I just don't understand how the outside wrapping has managed to change that much:blushing:

    PS & Gini- explain this Salmon cooked on a cedar plank...is it BBQ? Baked in the Oven? What:huh:

    Shawna- you are amazing losing that much since June:drinker: I'm sure there's an award somewhere for you for accomplishing that in such a short time:flowerforyou:

    Lin- boy do I agree with you about bread...and I sure do have a problem with sourdough...and wouldn't you know it my boss gave me two loaves of it today:grumble: now I'm going to have to do some serious planning ...extra exercise because I do so hate to waste food:ohwell:

    slsdoc- Welcome:flowerforyou: this is the best place for encouragement:flowerforyou:

    Mimi- Your ticker change is AMAZING:drinker: I never realized you had lost that much...so glad you were able to jump right back on after your time away with the family, that's always the key when you are away to get right back at it and I do know how hard it is sometimes to do that...but I always have to remind myself that this is a life style change because I really do want to be around a long time for my grandchildren:wink:

    Well everyone have a good evening, will be heading home shortly and then hoping to get in a walk although it's pretty dark out there right now...might be rain...we can hope it would be so good to see some:happy:

    Remember if you put it in your mouth log it, drink plenty of water and then refill your glass with more:drinker: and let's keep moving our bodies...those clothes are calling us that have been sitting in our closets just waiting for the new us:wink:

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Found this article on Livestrong,com though everyone should read it. :drinker: :drinker:


    Read more: http://www.livestrong.com/article/557773-the-forgotten-keys-to-fat-loss/#ixzz24Jk294Br

    It doesn’t matter how many days per week you work out, nor how hard you work out, or even how long you work out; when it comes to the battle of the bulge, your day-to-day nutrition is going to be the “x” factor. It’s as simple as that.

    by restricting calories too much (for too long) and focusing on quantity of exercise rather than quality – is the exact opposite of what you want to do.

    : the real keys to fat loss. Retain your muscle by moving around and lifting heavy things, and let calorie-smart eating take care of everything else.

    Made me realize that calories are more important in the factor of weight loss, than quantity of exercise! A good read!

    Be back tonight after work. Hugs Linda Sundance :flowerforyou:
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    @ Laura80111 - my DH was also under/unemployed for a prolonged time and he ended up getting a pharmacy tech certification from a local college and really enjoys it. He isn't working full time, but enough to keep him happier and more motivated. After many years in IT and some in retail, he seems to like this quite well.
  • PS2CR
    PS2CR Posts: 98 Member
    @SundanceB - I know I shouldn't be relieved at the Livestrong study you mentioned (nutrition more important than workouts) but at my age, sluggish as I am, I find it easier to control what I eat than to have a strenuous workout every day. ;) Thanks for that.

    @ Laura - the cedar plank is soaked in a baking dish or tray in clear water for maybe 30 min. to an hour (put a glass on top to weigh it down) while the salmon is marinating. For marinade, hubby likes to use 1) mango, orange, lime juice, or Kern's nectar (apricot or papaya), 2) white wine, and 3) a little bit of teriyaki or teriyaki ginger glaze--a 3-2-1 ratio as listed. Dump marinade off; put on wet plank skin side down, and top with dijon mustard, honey, and lime glaze in descending amounts (or Helman's Dijonnaise) and sprinkle with tarragon.

    Grill on wet plank over high to med high heat, 15 minutes +/- (watch carefully so as not to overcook). Salmon should be moist and flaky, easy to break apart along the layers.


    Marinate the same way, but make a citrus salsa topping:
    Diced mango, tomato, red onion, green and/or red bell pepper, mixed together with a little bit of honey and lime juice (maybe 1/2 T of each) and 1 tsp. of olive oil. Grill the same way. Top with cilantro and a wedge of lime.

    My hubby is a great chef and I am a lucky wifey. ;D

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    DeeDee – so sorry that you are still under the weather. Sending wishes for you to feel back to good tomorrow.

    JaneMartin02 – also so sorry to hear you are not where you want to be pt wise. Hang in there, you know you can do it.
    Barbiecat – I like your idea of a “gratitude list” – I’m going to use that one every morning to remind me of all the great things that are in my life and in the world.

    Rediup – welcome to the 60’s (I am too).

    Oooo, I had forgotten about planked salmon, I don't have a BBQ anymore - do you think it would work in the oven?

    To all the rest, thanks for all the nice long posts, I love reading them and it keeps me feeling motivated when I hear of all the ideas and exercise going on.

    I have been under the weather for a couple of days now – caught some kind of bug (we seem to have passed it around the office), so whatever goes down comes back up quickly. I just went to bed and tried to sleep but even that backfired and I ended up reading half the night trying to get sleepy again and take my mind off the cramps. I keep putting the water in, and finally it is staying down so I guess things are getting back to normal. I logged everything I ate but I’m not sure it’s valid…..lol.

    Anyway, short post, I just want to curl up and sleep for a while. Will check in again tomorrow.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,974 Member
    :flowerforyou: I read an article about keeping weight off for good and wanted to share the highlights with you. All these principles apply whether you are at your goal or still approaching it.
    *stick to a low glycemic index diet
    *keep working out
    *track your weight and daily food intake
    *remember why you want to stay slim
    *enlist the help of family and friends
    Most good ideas are simple and these are very simple.

    :flowerforyou: I just made a huge pot of oatmeal to keep in the refrigerator for snacks......now all I have to do it put some oatmeal in a glass dish, heat it in the microwave for a minute or so and add some of the applesauce I made last fall.

    :flowerforyou: the big problem with sodium is that to be really healthy it's best to keep it below 2000 mg a day, but unlike nutrients (protein, carbs, fat, fiber) the amount doesn't increase if your calorie goal increases so even when exercise allows you to consume more calories, the sodium allotment remains the same. :sad: :sad: :sad:

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington


    August Resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    *100 Warrior III poses or squats a day
    *17,000 steps a day
    * finish the rock project in the yard
    *Act the way I want to feel
    *Come from a place of love
    *Don’t take things personally
  • Esther50
    Esther50 Posts: 252
    Just got home from exercise, this is the tough part, I have to get in over 600 calories to get to 1200.
    I'm thinking frozen greek yogurt is in my future:smile:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,140 Member
    So many posts and so many people I feel a bit overwhelmed. Busy with work and still trying to complete the darn doghouse. DH got so sick last weekend nothing got done. (I cleaned house instead:bigsmile: )

    Yesterday I had my work health screening. My numbers were all bad except glucose. I know this. I am 20 pounds overweight right now and so my BMI is not good, my cholesterol etc. I don't need some young thing telling me what I need to do.... she says I should get out and walk ( I respond that I average over 10,000 steps a day and climing 20 flights of stairs) she says I should eat healthy food and drink water ( I say I eat around 1450 calories, no processed food and I drink a minimum of 2 litres of water) She just stares at me and now because she doesn't know what else to say. :noway: I know what to do and I am doing it. It really annoyed the crap out of me. :grumble:

    I hope you all have a great day.

    Robin Bodi and Ritter

    Robin - this sounds so familiar. When I had a corporate job these annual health screenings weren't mandatory but you got a "discount" on your medical premium for participating. Gosh, they told me I didn't have a normal BMI. Wow, what a surprise. I weighed a lot less then, did lots of exercise everyday, worked with a personal trainer and just couldn't get my weight down to normal. They wanted to call me every couple of weeks. Yep, that would help wouldn't it......they knew me so well. Ha.

    Hang in there. You are doing all the right things!

  • LadyBeryl
    LadyBeryl Posts: 344 Member
    Popping in to say - HI!!!

    After hurting my heel with workouts, I decided to get a Magnetrainer bike. After a few sore-knee days, my body is adjusting nicely and I can do 10 miles each day.
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,384 Member
    Amanda - I, too, can't believe that it's ALREADY August 22. The year is just going by too fast!

    rpphillips - fantastic weight loss! I knew that I gain after that carb bing last night, but I was surprised that it wasn't nearly as much as I had anticipated. That's good.

    Gini - so glad you can stay there until you find another job!

    jane - what a relief your son is back!

    Shawna - thanks for the tips about the pumpkin and sunflower seeds. I know that I looked around here, and not one store sells unsalted pumpkin seeds, not even the only health food store. I'll have to check out the sunflower seeds. Glad I won't have to change the water, I didn't think I would have to at least for a while.

    We passed the bonding inspection for the pool, the inspector will have to come back out to make a bonding inspection for the spa. Only one guy was here today, but he did a lot of small things that needed to be done. Put stickers on things, put in the autofill, lots of other little things. Tomorrow they'll PROBABLY position the slide to see where the pipe needs to be and then he said something about the footers for the wall. Not sure why he would have the concrete truck come here twice, but I guess he knows what he's doing. Vince had to "play" with the remote and found that at the remote you can only turn the lights to the pool on and off. However, at the control panel, you can change the colors.

    Got up, had breakfast, went to exercise, did some food shopping, stopped at the pharmacy to pick up Vince's prescription, then I got so very tired. Must have been because I was up so late last night. I took a nap and woke up just in time to get to bowling. Good thing Vince didn't go -- we would have been bowling against him! This is the last game for the summer league. Next week we have our organizational meeting (where we find out which team we are on, etc) and start bowling the following week. After the meeting, we usually practice bowl (so the other members of my team can see how much I s***), then the Newcomers are having their coffee and conversation. I used to go all the time, but now that I'm doing the bowling, I really don't have the time. However, that one I may be able to make. If Vince can go to the meeting, maybe he'll go to the coffee, too. I don't know why, but I'm just so tired right now.

    Did an hour of deep water aerobics today. Found out that they hired this lady to teach the deep water and the next class. I still miss Sheryl! She seemed to be able to do her job for 27 years and my understanding is that she didn't make a lot of money. But she was also the type of person who would tell you the truth, even if what she had to say wasn't what you wanted to hear. I think that had more to do with why she was fired than anything else.

    slsdoc - you aren't boring at all! I don't know what it is, but I'm just so tired. Welcome to you and everyone else who is new.

    Robin - you go gal!

    Did an hour of water aerobics. Tomorrow I'll do Jari Love Slim & Chiseled DVD.

    Gonna get to bed. Just fell asleep at the computer!

    Hope everyone has a great evening.

  • jeanniebeanie59
    jeanniebeanie59 Posts: 141 Member
    nice to read all the posts..just joined last week...I will be 59 ...Sep 1st...so hope I loose the weight before my 60th.
    Keeps me motivated...love this site!
    You really are a lovely group of ladies!!