Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 1st Weigh in Jan.



  • Weighed in this morning and am down 3.5 pound since last weigh in. Total of 9 pounds since starting

    Remember how I had said I thought my scale was off, Well it was by alot I felt so bad I thought I was doing so good but a little fast now I realize slower is probably better anyways.
  • marlemcdougal
    marlemcdougal Posts: 17 Member
    I hope everyone had a great week. My new weight is 302.5 down from 305.5. 3 lbs :happy: I've recently started having to go into work at night, so I've had a struggle with all the candy sitting on peoples desks, but still managed to keep within my calories most days. I also decided to only eat my excercise calories if I'm hungry. I usually eat about half of them everyday. You're all an inspiration on drinking water. I'm really trying to do better, but rarely end up drinking more than 64 ounces. So my goal next week is to drink all my water.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    I hope everyone had a great week. My new weight is 302.5 down from 305.5. 3 lbs :happy: I've recently started having to go into work at night, so I've had a struggle with all the candy sitting on peoples desks, but still managed to keep within my calories most days. I also decided to only eat my excercise calories if I'm hungry. I usually eat about half of them everyday. You're all an inspiration on drinking water. I'm really trying to do better, but rarely end up drinking more than 64 ounces. So my goal next week is to drink all my water.

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter

    Great Job!

    My secret to drinking water is that I keep a case of water in my car at all times. I commute 32miles each way, so I have plenty of time to drink two bottles on the way too work and two bottles on the way home. That way I am sure to get my water in for the day. Then I drink about 3-4 bottles while I am at the gym, which are extra.
  • Hi Everyone... bad week for me. I gained this week. I was bad about eating out at lunch ... not organized and didn't plan... and it shows :mad: I have no one to blame but myself as I have to do this for me and I have to take responsibility.

    Great job everyone else ... keep it going!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    How is everyone doing? We are heading to the camping show today and will be eating out at Sonics. I have googled their menu and found the least calories and the healthiest thing to have. I have also planned the rest of my meals around that. You can still eat out you just need to plan ahead. I will also get exercise calories to use today so that is also a plus! Cheers!
  • Hey everyone I know I haven't wrote on here for a couple weeks but thought I needed to share with people who would understand. Last Sunday I told my husband I really needed to have a good week to keep me on track so he told me if I lost (when I lost) my next 10 pounds he would pay to get my hair cut so I told him I would have a 5 pound lost week, I have been eating right , working out and drinking lots of water and couldn't wait until Sunday to get on the scale so this morning to my surprise I was down 6.2 pounds from 251.6 to 245.4 I'm so excited I just needed to share!!! Keep up the good work everyone :)

    Looks like I'm a lot closer to getting my hair done then I thought!!!!!
  • Way to go!!! That is wonderful. What are you going to have done?
  • color/red and blond highlights cut and style and shampoo Im getting pampered lol at this rate I can get my hair done next weekend!!!!!
  • color/red and blond highlights cut and style and shampoo Im getting pampered lol at this rate I can get my hair done next weekend!!!!!
  • Don't worry DavesGal. It's another week to make good choices. Thincansxy-slower is better and stays off more often! With us and our lifestyle changes, we will all keep it off this time!!! Good job to everyone this week. Let's keep up the good work.
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    waaaay too busy with company and stuff to check in last week, and i'm late this week too. sorry. i have kept good eating habits, but some exercise has suffered since my schedule was different.

    start at 240.2
    Jan. 7: 238.4
    Jan. 15: 235.2

    i managed to get to 3 water aerobics classes this week, but still need to get back to strength & weight training this week.
    sounds like you guys are making great progress. -katie
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    Someone mentioned that they thought we needed a chart, so i thought i'd give it a try. it isn't really my thing, so it isn't the best (i'd be glad to let someone who knows what they are doing help). My wonderful husband helped with getting this started.

    Please forgive mistakes. i tried to look back through our posts. Some of you never have given a weight, i can't measure 4 lbs lost against 0. some folks haven't weighed in since they first posted. And some had a different number one week to the next.

    So, bear with me- kindly post the correct information and i'll to get the chart corrected or you added to the list.:flowerforyou: katie

  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Neat chart, Katie! Thanks for doing that. I'm hoping to be 223-222 next weekend, though it will take a miracle with AF on her way into town. Definitely down to 220 by Feb 5th!

    Someone remind me to call my diabetes doc on Tuesday to find out when my next checkup is. I can't wait to gush over my progress!
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    hiya weighed in today lost another 2lbs and thats with u know what due lol

    start weight 260
    last week 255
    this week 253...woohoo!

    great chart btw x
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
  • Hey awesome chart!!! when I started after christmas I was 254.4 and today I'm at 245.6 hoping to be down to 242 this time next week! Just bought a tredmill that will be delivered on Tuesday so here hoping I have the motivation to jog on it!!! Keep up the good work everyone :)
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Neat chart, Katie! Thanks for doing that. I'm hoping to be 223-222 next weekend, though it will take a miracle with AF on her way into town. Definitely down to 220 by Feb 5th!

    Someone remind me to call my diabetes doc on Tuesday to find out when my next checkup is. I can't wait to gush over my progress!

    Oh i forgot to report i lost 2.5 lbs a week ago and havent weighed myself for this week yet will do that monday..i almost hate to get on the scale because what if i havent lost a pound:sad: But thats been part of my problem, not wanting to face how fat i am, so i will get on that scale tomorrow:noway:
  • hateras
    hateras Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in.... According to my Wii Fit plus, I should be 129lbs which gives me 100lbs to lose...... Will work towards the 10lb goal by 1/31...

    Did the Wii this morning and believe it or not, was breaking a sweat... My thighs are killing me...:wink:
  • Nice chart! 1/1/10 I was 245, 1/8/10 242, 1/16 244 :(
    It is a new week now. My husband made a turkey over the weekend and some wonderful homemade turkey soup! This will be great for lunches.
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Just got my weekly report from my HRM. Worked out 3 hours total for the week (6 workouts), and torched nearly 2,000 cals. Scale this morning said 224.6. I was just curious where I was at since AF is due this week, meaning it will probably be a while before I see some real movement again.
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