Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Hey ladies!

    Well you're right jb, it was a risky move going to work with all those temptations, but I popped in a piece of gum and we were so busy I didn't have a chance to really sit down. We didn't eat until like 2 so I wasn't hungry at all for supper until like 8 which isn't good, but I just had some very low cal soup and some frozen yogurt and it was all good! I live in Northwest Iowa lol!! Very snowy place right now. What about you, where do you live??

    Welcome MRobbins! You'll like it in here. These ladies are all so motivated! They keep me working :)

    Ah Grey's! Yes, Washington got canned for making lewd comments about T.R. Knight being gay and they fired him. Very sad, but if you're going to make the comments I guess, be prepared for the consequences. I didn't start the show right away either. Over the summer, right after my youngest was born, my husband and I caught up on all 5 seasons and then just started watching them now. I love it!!

    Katy- I do feel much better since my attack on food lol. I'll put in an extra workout today. I usually take off Saturdays but not after that screw up. Yesterday I wanted to make sure I got a small workout in before I left for work. Since my husband was at work, I had the kids. My 8 month old was so crabby so I just held him while I walked on the treadmill lol. A lot more work that's for sure, but hey it can't hurt!

    I'm so envious of those of you who get to workout so much throughout the day. I'd give anything to have more "Me" time to exercise. Oh well. Slowly but surely, it will all come off. Hope you had fun getting your massage jb. I'm so jealous!! I'll get one when I lose 15 pounds!! That's my goal :) Have a great day ladies!

  • kaytbognar
    What I thought was funny, and i might be wrong about it anyway, was that Washington's gay comment was before T.R. Knight actually publicly came out. Beautiful and psychic? Gosh, we'll never know. I've heard Washington's a big activist now for...some cause in Africa or something (clearly I pay attention, LOL!)

    Glad you held fast yesterday and are feeling better Mandi, way to go and resisting temptation! A massage reward at 15lbs is a great idea :) I'm so greedy with them, when I'm at home I try and get at least one a week (job perk, though, I can usually rack mine in for free/barter) a pedi, though, gosh...that'd be a treat and a half. I hope there are ways of getting more "you" time, to exercise or whatever you like! I marvel at all you momma bears working so hard at everything! Totally inspiring!

    I went looking for the meaning of life in the fridge again last night. I was doing so well all day, then I was waiting for laundry and Jose brought me coquito (dunno if I explained it, but that's basically a local drink, like coconut eggnog) and sangria. And then I had a glass of scotch and a glass of cognac with my girlfriend in TX over a skype vidchat (well worth it for how much I enjoyed catching up with her) and of course those four drinks had me a little buzzed, wondering "what does it all mean" and of course that question always leads me to the fridge. So silly.

    Anyway, today I started a no-binge 2 week challenge thread ( Pimp! Pimp!) to try and get myself under control. Also emailed my moms and told her she is now my official confessor. And, put a 16oz --MEASURED-- cap on how much I drink per week. Hopefully this'll help me get things in check and back on track.

    Also, hit to pool for just shy of an hour today, speed drills! Yay! I tweaked my form a bit and am FLYING now. So happy to be back in the pool on the regs.

    Have a gooder, gals!
  • LMS3386
    LMS3386 Posts: 16
    Hi girls! I'm Leah and new to this website, but I am finally ready at 23 (almost 24) to take my weight loss goals seriously. This site seems like a great way to keep track of my diet and make a support group to help motivate me to get myself where I want to be.

    My weight has always been an issue, but it's only recently within the last year that I've tried to make the necessary changes. I am 5'7 and 171 pounds, and my goal is to get down between 150 and 155. I have PCOS (polycystic ovarian syndrome), and a side effect of that is insulin resistency, so glucose (sugar) tends to sit in my body and get stored as fat instead of breaking down...which for a chocoholic with the world's biggest sweet tooth is quite the problem.

    I joined a gym in October of 2008, and was able to lost 12 pounds the first 8 months. My summer job was at a camp and I had to eat their food, and unfortunately gained it all back. I am making today my last "off" day and then returning to my gym hopefully 3-4 times a week starting tomorrow. I'm excited to finally change the direction that I'm headed in!
  • thica03
    thica03 Posts: 44 Member
    I'm 28 5'3 starting weight 198, I also want to get to 130's

    We can all do it, if we are determined....Good Luck
  • MreneCA
    MreneCA Posts: 42
    Roger Bannister:
    "The (wo)man who can drive h(er)self further once the effort gets painful is the(wo)man who will win."

    Don't give up! I watch the biggest loser when I feel that I need motivation :)
    I forgot to mention my height, I'm 5'7. Good luck this weekend!
  • aleefula
    yes well, that is life, i am in my late twenties, next year i will be 30, thus the decision to do something about it before it is too late. I feel what ur saying about our prime, but we have to also keep in mind that we have to lose wight healthily if we want to see our 30's so hang in there!
  • geekyjen
    geekyjen Posts: 103 Member
    Hey all, I'm pretty new here and so glad to see this thread. I'm 27, 5'2" and started around 150lbs.
    I realized, cliche as it sounds, that I am having a really hard times in relationships because I'm so unhappy with my body that I don't understand how anyone can like me. I feel like I'm using my weight as an excuse and I don't need an excuse.
    Here's to our prime!
  • gcgrl788
    Hey.. I'm 21, 5'4 and weigh 152. I would love to be anywhere from 120-130. I don't exactly care about the numbers as much as I care about my "pouch" on my stomach (and my love handles). I get self conscious about seeing my pouch and love handles under my shirts and tend to resort to wearing a sweatshirt or shirt that stays away from my stomach. I want to get fit, tighten up, and lose the pounds.
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Good for you Mandi for not indulging at work, that would be a tough one! I'm from Ontario, Canada...Far far away, lol!
    Sounds like you're feeling better Kayt, that's great! Good for you for setting some new goals, good luck on not binging!
    Welcome to the new people!
    Have a great weekend!
  • sheisjen902
    I'm almost 23, 5"5, and weigh 139 lbs. Packed on 10lbs in a year due to a serious KFC poutine addiction and new boyfriend. I've been sticking to a 1200 calorie diet and doing 45 mins of Tae Bo per day and already lost nearly 2 lbs in like 5 days (started at 141). My goals is 130lbs - regardless of how long it takes. I have D cups and wide hips so the 120's are probably out of reach.

    Didn't realize how many calories are in Vodka:( May have to let go of alcohol. *tear*

    I just created my MFP account - hoping it will keep me on track.

    Good luck all:)

    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    I know katy- the fridge seems to call my name too!!! Alcohol is a hard one to let go of for me, but I usually only let myself have a drink or two when we have company over. If I don't deprive myself or cut something completely out, that's when I don't want it as much. Good luck with your challenge! Well I'm jealous of whatever job you have that massages come as a perk! Very nice!

    jb- Brrr!! Does it ever get warm there ;) We think Canada and automatically I picture eskimos lol. So dumb I know!

    Welcome newbies! We will talk to you all tomorrow!

  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    PS- It's my weigh in tomorrow morning. Cross your fingers for me. I have been working hard!
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Oh and I meant to write kayt not katy----a little dyslexic there sorry! But I did notice! K for real I'm gone now!
  • ERGB
    ERGB Posts: 5
    Im 204 pounds, and I've been trying to lose weight since I was 16 and I'm now 22. I did it once, lost 23 pounds (didn't get to a goal weight but still) and gained it all back plus more (it always brings friends along lol). The hard part is that I'm comfortable around my bf the way i am (he met me when I was overweight so he doesn't know me any different).
    But yes, I am definitely a chubby twenty lol
  • ERGB
    ERGB Posts: 5
    oh i forgot to mention I'm 5'3" and I'm hoping to get to the 140s. I'm graduating this year and it'll be my 3 year anniversary with my bf so I decided to make 2010 my year, and I'm hell bent on getting into the 140s, if I don't get there, then as long as I get into the 160s or 150s, and then make it to my goal of being in the 140s in 2011 then I'll be happy, as long as I'm very much below what I'm at now. Oh and my name is Erika
  • kalikidd21
    im totally game too! my gain came from going from a spunky athletic teenager into college. i didnt do any sort of athletics on a regular basis (other than hockey in the winter) and at that i managed to aggravate an old foot injury. since then, i've been battling the bulge. im at 187 right now, and im shooting for 130 (if not lower). woohooo!!! sign me up!
  • Portcitymatt
    chubby twenty

    to many beer and pizza in college, not to mention dorm food which is nothing but fat and carbohydrates
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Mandi Americans always assume that it's always cold, but its probably warmer here than it is where you are! It's foggy and plus 2 celcius, which I think is around 35 Fahrenheit....and we have less than a foot of snow. And we have hot summers and warm springs...
    So I was pleased with my weigh in on Saturday, how about the rest of you weekend weighers?? I'm a pound lower than my lower number, lol! Which means I'm 205, 1 pound away from having lost 20 pounds, sweet!!
    Welcome to our new this group is getting really full!
    And LMS3386, I too have PCOS, so I feel your pain there! We can do it, we just have to work twice as hard! :wink:
    Have a good day all.
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • kaytbognar
    Way to go go go Jenn! I'm down about a pound from my last weeks weigh in, but i was bordering on sick yesterday, so I didn't really eat anything. Don't know for sure if the scale is an accurate reflection of reality :( Inches aren't expanding, though, all my measurements are now under 40 inches, so I feel like that's an accomplishment.

    Mandi, I'm a massage therapist myself so when I have colleagues (currently a lone-wolf so no dice) we usually trade to keep ourselves in working order. I think I miss that the most about not being home in Toronto.

    New faces, welcome! I am, in honesty, too lazy to skip back and grab all your names, but you're welcome here with our happy, shrinking (in literal size, not quantitiy) family :)
  • kerimcdonald
    Good Monday everyone!!

    Holy moly!! I don't post for a couple of days and there are so many new faces!! Welcome to everyone!! This a great thread with wonderful people and we are always happy to have more.

    Kayt and jbsweet and mandi- thank goodness for you guys! Giving everyone a proper welcome. You are all a great representation of this thread and what we're all here for. Sounds like you all did great this week with the scale as well.

    I won't lie, I was hoping for a bit more with all the elliptical time I've been putting in, but I did drop 2 pounds. The great news is so did my husband!! I feel like I dropped 4 since I spent the week pushing him as hard as I pushed myself.:laugh:

    See everyone later!! It's workout time and it's also my daughters 5th b-day so we have so much to do today and this couple of hours are huge for me. I have a lot to do, but I'm "paying myself first" so to speak, and getting some exercise time in!