

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Well, after saying I was going to veg or sleep, i got motivated and did the dog walk (absolutely necessary for the puppies) and then decided a bike ride would be nice. Actually feel better for the the exercise.
    Now I should be able to sleep well tonight.
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Hello Ladies,

    @Sasha good for you those puppies can really help get us moving.
    @Michelle congrats on the pool passing inspection
    @Jane glad your son is back
    @Barbie interesting highlights like keep it simple

    Today start out ok morning went find by lunch 3 of our clients went nuts got into a big fight big meltdowns the rest of the day was drama after drama. Took my daughter to her appointments just got home a few minutes ago. Heading to bed..

    Food is going ok under my goal not that hungry after dinner good but come like 10pm so hungry. I don't eat cause its too late drink water.
    Wishing everyone a good night
  • fitz1191
    fitz1191 Posts: 50 Member
    So many posts dont think I can keep up on all of it had a quiet birthday looking so forward to the beach this weekend Thank you all for the birthday wishes will update you on the trip keep it up you are all doing great
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Good morning ladies

    Fitz, hope you had a lovely birthday.

    DH and I left earlly this morning so that we could walk through Hyde Park on the way to work. It is a beautiful day and we both enjoyed the walk and chat.

    I'm determined not to let the 'non-working assistant' in the gallery get to me today. I've been here an hour and haven't seen her once, but can hear her talking on her mobile. Silly girl, it would be so much better if we all just did our own work and got on.

    There's a lot for me to do today, so I had better get cracking.

    Oh, by the way - it's 10:33 am and I've already consumed 3 litres of water! I forsee a lot of loo breaks today, which means extra exercise as I always use the loo that is up three flights of stairs from where I work.

    Have a good day my friends.

    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • bigpal
    bigpal Posts: 19 Member
    wow so much has happen in the weeks ive been moving we are in our new place and settled and im loving it have to get use to the country life again seem things are alot slower here but i know ill come to enjoy it in the end please pray for my husband he is not doing so well having back trouble and he has kidney trouble to and to top that off he has high blood presure and i mean high as in like 235/135 he has had high blood presure for years and doctors say its from his kidneys and family he takes 4 blood presure pills some of which he takes twice a day at his last checkup doctor told us he could kill over any time now and for us to keep this in mind because his body cant take it im hang in there havent done as good as i should but starting today im back on track doing good hope everyone has a great day keep moving and drink that water:wink:
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,174 Member
    :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad:

    Update on Dixie:

    I'm so sad to relay a message from Dixie that her husband passed away on August 18th. She wanted you to know and says she will be back here with us but not right now as she is in too much pain. She says she is not giving up as that's what her husband wanted.

    I told her we would be here whenever she's ready.

    Sorry, have to go now.....can't see the keyboard right now I feel so bad for Dixie.


    :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart: :heart:
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Haven't been on in a couple of days, we are having a new roof put on the house, and I have been busy getting ready for the art and craft show. I thought I had more gold sets made than I did so I've been working on those. I still have earrings and dangles to make. I've been staying on plan and not over eating.

    Dixie you are in my prayers. Thanks for the update Lin.

  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Thank you for letting us know Lin.

    Dixie - I can say nothing of any help but will say a prayer for your husband and another for yourself. Love and hugs.
    Amanda x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Thank you Lin for letting us know about Dixie, I just sent her a message:cry::cry: :cry: :brokenheart: .

    Most of us start out as strangers here, yet we all become good friends, when one hurts we all do.

    Hugs to all,
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Oh what a sad morning with the news of Dixie's dear husband passing. My heart breaks for her. I noticed she'd been away for a few days and was beginning to wonder if everything was ok. I completely understand the devastation and pain she must be experiencing, as I lost my first husband unexpectedly in '97. There are no words to describe.

    Lin, thank you for relaying the message. Please let Dixie know we're sending love, encouragement and big hugs.

    :cry: jb
  • Laura80111
    Laura80111 Posts: 958 Member
    :flowerforyou: Happy Thursday All,

    Gardengail- so glad your hubby has a new profession. My hubby changed professions about 15 yrs ago and got his Masters in HR but it seems that it's still hard for him to get that elusive job:grumble: I just keep hoping that some day something will come up.

    PS2CR- your Salmon cooked by your hubby sounds wonderful:love: Thanks for the plank info.

    Lila- :flowerforyou: hoping you are feeling better today. Isn't it amazing how exercise does make us feel better:happy:

    Barbie- thanks for that list, I can see where I fell off the wagon last year...maybe if I'd read something like that I would have gotten my act together sooner:blushing: I now realize that logging daily, exercise at least 5 days a week and continuing to get on the scale is what it's gonna take to make this change permanent...of course having you for an example helps too:flowerforyou:

    LadyBeryl- sounds like you are getting in some good exercise now:flowerforyou:

    Michele- loved hearing that Vince was playing with the remote...it's such a guy thing:wink:

    jeaniebeanie- in the next year you can accomplish that goal, just keep logging your food, moving your body and drinking that water...it can be done:flowerforyou:

    Liz- I work in a one gal office (just me, the boss and his son) and when I hear about drama in other offices I must say I don't miss it:noway: I do miss having someone to take a brake with but I will settle for the peace in the office over drama any day:bigsmile:

    Amanda- hoping that your day goes well inspite of your co worker. Drinking all that water, then the flights of stairs to the loo good exercise...I drink plenty all day but I just walk out of my office and there is my purple w / flowers little girls room- when we moved into this office the boss told me I'd get my own restroom and I decorated it to my preferences and made it to girly the guys don't even think of going in there:wink:

    Lin- Thanks for the update on Dixie:brokenheart: Let her know we are praying for her and we are here for her when she's ready to return send {{hugs}} her way too.

    bigpal- glad you are back and getting right into it...sorry about your hubby and his physical issues:flowerforyou:

    I don't know why I let my hubby talk me into eating what I know is NOT good for me...but I do...it tastes good during and then afterwards the body tells me "what were you thinking eating that":noway: Too much sodium last night and will have to drink extra today to help wash it away.

    Had a lovely walk in the wetlands at the Resevoir last night, came upon a buck standing in the walking path he stopped to stare at us for quite a bit before he bounded off to join his pal in the wooded area...and that's why I love going to the resevoir for our exercise:happy: Then on the way home about 5 blocks from our house there is a field and we saw people parked and taking pictures so we pulled over and there were 5 deer (3 of them bucks with hugh racks) so I pulled out my phone to take a few pictures...it just amazes me that I live in the city and get to see these beautiful animals:bigsmile:

    I had forgotten my salad yesterday for my lunch so the first thing I did when I got home last night was write myself a note so I wouldn't forget it today...I remembered and will have all the eating on track today.:happy:

    Everyone have a great day, drink plenty of water, get in some form of exercise and log that food...do all this and you will be getting to your goal in no time:drinker:

  • junekaatz
    junekaatz Posts: 119 Member
    Our thoughts and prayers go out to Dixie. ♥
  • mimi7grands
    Aww, Lin, thanks for passing on the news about Dixie's husband. I am so sad for her. Dixie, my thoughts and prayers go out to you. Warm hugs from me. :heart: :heart: :heart:

    I just received my book from Amazon (I got it used for, basically, the cost of shipping - I like that!), A Complaint Free World (How to Stop Complaining and Start Enjoying the Life You Always Wanted). I don't think of myself as a complainer but I can already see myself in some of what the author is saying. Hard work ahead!

    I had the most amazing salad last night, and so simple: A huge bowlful of romaine lettuce and heirloom tomatoes, sweet onion, red bell pepper, a few kalamata olives (about 4!), some avocado, an ounce of grated parmesan cheese, and a couple of ounces of sliced smoked fresh turkey kielbasa (no nitrites/nitrates) from Trader Joe's. The dressing was simple too: a tablespoonful of cold-pressed olive oil (I probably could have used 1/2 a T), rice wine and light balsamic vinegars, a little mustard, and a little Italian seasoning. Mixed it all up and, Yum!

    I was full, full, full (lots of lettuce and tomatoes!) and a very happy camper. I stayed on track and enjoyed a wonderful meal. I think I'll make a salad like that to share at our family Labor Day get-together.

    Speaking of family get-togethers, I'm getting mixed reactions to the idea of serving healthy food when the family gets together. You probably knew that would happen! The idea of food (rich, sweet food) as celebratory is firmly entrenched. I did get some support though. I won't try to force the issue but will quietly lobby for moving toward a Mediterranean-style diet.

    My sister, Peggy, had her first appointment with the rheumatologist. She told her that the only proven triggers for rheumatoid arthritis flares were red meat (which includes pork) and sugar. Interesting, huh? I'm happy to report that Peggy is feeling much better after starting on Prednisone. There are risks of course but it's wonderful to see her not in pain after 2 months of feeling pretty awful. (At one point, she said the pain was about an 8 on a scale of 10, with 10 being reserved for childbirth and torture!)

    Red meat and the increased risk of death from eating it has been in the news lately. In case you missed it (warning - long quote ahead), here's what CNN had to say a few months ago about a recent Harvard study:

    "Want to live longer? Trade some of the red meat in your diet for fish, nuts, whole grains, and other healthier protein sources, Harvard researchers say.

    That's the conclusion of a new study, published this week in the Archives of Internal Medicine, that found that the risk of dying at an early age -- from heart disease, cancer, or any other cause—rises in step with red-meat consumption.

    Eating too much red meat, which is high in saturated fat and cholesterol, has long been seen as unhealthy, especially for the heart. The new study, however, is the first to estimate the effect of swapping out red meat on a person's lifespan.

    Using data from two long-running studies of health professionals, researchers tracked the diets of more than 121,000 middle-aged men and women for up to 28 years. Roughly 20% of the participants died during that period.

    On average, each additional serving of red meat the participants ate per day was associated with a 13% higher risk of dying during the study. Processed red meat products -- such as hot dogs, bacon, and salami -- appeared to be even more dangerous: Each additional daily serving was associated with a 20% higher risk of dying."

    Here's the URL in case you want to read more: http://www.cnn.com/2012/03/12/health/red-meat-shorten-lifespan/index.html

    Yikes. This gives me a whole new perspective on red meat - also on nitrites and nitrates.

    There's so much we don't know - and so much seems to change. But a 20+ year study of that many people is convincing.


    Mimi, who comfortably wears the SVG (Sister Veggie Queen) title this week.
  • janehadji
    janehadji Posts: 206 Member
    Thank you for the kind words about my son getting home safely. I appreciated them!

    Shawna -- don't worry about mixing up names! I'm glad you "talked" to me at all.

    Slsdoc -- good for you! I also have way more clothes than anyone ought to. It's good to bag them up and donate them to someone who can make good use of them. And it's nice to make room for new ones, too! :wink:

    Michele -- who know that putting in a pool was such a long process! I'm learning as I read your posts. I hope you get to start using it soon.

    Dixie -- I'm so sorry to hear about your husband's passing. I know that words can't change what you're going through, but please accept my sincere condolences and prayers.

    Bigpal -- that's scary about your husband's blood pressure. I hope he gets it under control soon. Glad you got moved!

    Laura80111 -- one of the great things about Colorado is the wildlife! I have a lot at my house, as we're the only house in the neighborhood without dogs. The epitome was one day when I looked out the window to see a large buck deer with a full rack sleeping on my deck next to the grill. I didn't realize they could do stairs! :smile:
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Wow Mimi - you're doing amazing. It has to be exciting to realize that you'll be under 200 pounds soon!! I am so glad you didn't give up because you gained some back.
  • ShawnaElston
    ShawnaElston Posts: 32 Member
    Hope every one is having a great day!

    Today is my TOPS meeting. The thing that helps me the most is being held accountable for my weight every week. There are only 7 of us...but they are a great group of women. Most of them have been going for over 30 years. WOW! They remind me of a the benevolent aunts with a side of onriness. The leader never has control of the meeting and they all talk at the same time. It is actually quite funny... When I first joined, I walked in and they were so excited. I had to get weighed and that was recorded, then had to fill out a form which also included my weight. By the end of the night, each one of them had figured out an excuse to see my card to see how much I weighed. My favorite was, "well, I better have the card so I can write down her number in case of an emergency. What if we all get killed, how can someone contact her to tell her not to come to the meeting?" :bigsmile: It didn't bother me, because it is pretty obvious why I am there.

    ~Robin, Bodi and Ritter - Hi, I love your pic. Hope your day is better...it sounds as if you are doing what needs to be done. Bodi and Ritter, hope you are helping out!

    ~SLSDOC - Cool thing about your clothes and great job on the loss. I sent a request.

    ~MiMi - Fabulous loss. WOW! You have come so far and are now back on track which is what matters. Thanks for sharing the article...your salad sounds YUMMY!

    ~Laura - Love your last paragraph. I do have some favorite clothes waiting for the return of me. I just couldn't get rid of them. I do love all the wildlife in Colorado...

    ~Linda Sundance - Thanks for sharing the great article!

    ~PS2CR - Thanks for the cedar plank explanation, I will be trying that this weekend. It is great to have a chef in the family!

    ~Lila - Hope you are feeling better. You did a great job with the exercise despite the fact you were under the weather.

    ~Barbie - Excellent list, even for still in the "losing" mode. I keep asking myself, "Would you rather eat or drink ______, or be thinner and healthier, again." Great idea with the oatmeal snack...

    ~Esther50 - Great job with the exercise..

    ~Ladyberyl - Hi! 10 miles is wonderful...good job!

    ~Lin - Hope you are having a great day.

    ~Michele - Hope you got caught up on your rest...you sounded as if you were exhausted!

    ~Jeanniebeannie - Great goal for your 60th!

    ~Liz - Hope you have a drama free day today!

    ~Fitz - Have a wonderful, relaxing weekend with your family.

    ~Amanda - Great job with the water and going up all those stairs to get rid of it. Hope that assistant comes to her senses soon..

    ~Bigpal - Sending thoughts for your husband and for you.

    ~Tigress - Great job staying on plan while you are so busy!

    ~Janehadji- Got it right this time..:wink: I am partial to Colorado...even though I live in beautiful Pennsylvania now. We still go back every year.

    I hope every one has a great day and stays "on the path." I do not know Dixie, but am so sorry for her loss and hope she well be back when she is ready. Thank you for all of your posts...they do keep me motivated. I'm so glad I found this thread.


  • debiw1234
    I am so excited to have found this board. I am 55 soon to be 56 (Sept. 12), married for 37 years, 4 children and 8 grandchildren. I live in TN and recently retired from the non-profit world although I have started my own business as an independent beauty consultant with Mary Kay which is bringing a lot of stress trying to learn everything and with stress comes eating and with eating comes weight gain. Last October I started WW and lost almost 40 lbs. but I have gained back 6 lbs. and if I don’t do something I will gain back the rest before Christmas…so here I am…looking for support. I need to lose about 75 pounds on this journey but I want to do it the healthy way without deprivation but moderation.

    Thanks for listening!

  • rjadams
    rjadams Posts: 4,060 Member
    Hello ladies,
    Last night I made a beautiful smoky maple salmon filet and served it with asparagus and I made a quinoa pilaf. It was sooooo good. I would eat salmon everyday if I could afford to. At least I get it once a week. (I only eat pacific wild salmon) I hope that we catch a few next summer when we go back to Alaska for our vacation.

    DH had never tried quinoa before. He said it was okay and that if I wanted to put it in our dinner rotation that would be okay. I had made a big batch of the pilaf to bring in to work for lunch to eat with my grilled chicken breast. Yummy!

    I hope you all have a wonderful day.

    Lin - thanks for the update on Dixie. My heart breaks for her.

    Laura - I love your tales of the deer. We used to see them all the time in our neighborhood but they have built up so much around us now I don't see them as much but in June when DH and I went to a B & B in Port Townsend we were out walking and basically came nose to nose with a few bucks and even a fawn and doe. I have never been that close before. (about 4 feet away) It was amazing.

    Mimi - you are sister vegie queen again with a vengance.

    Love to all.

    Robin, Bodi boy and Ritter bit.
  • dolentet
    Hello Everyone, I'm turning 50 in November and I need to lose at least 25lbs before my birthday. Overall I need to lose 50 - 60 pounds. I'm feeling old when I think about turning 50yrs old. I know that sounds crazy. I hope everyone has a wonderful day.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Good morning friends. I hope everyone is having a fabulous Thursday. I’m working in my office again; I need to get my course ready for October because I still have to be ready for my 2 courses in the spring before they start. With these accelerated classes, everything has to be done beforehand or it doesn’t get done. I’m further ahead than I usually am at this time. Last year I really updated all the classes in this course, so it’s been pretty smooth going so far. :smile:

    Spoiler alert: I am going to rant and rave for a while now, so if you don’t want any more emoting from anyone today, skip the next couple of paragraphs!:explode:

    I am so frustrated with my kids I hardly can see straight, mostly the 19 year old. :explode: If I didn’t explain before, we adopted them from Russia when they were 9 & 13. They had been in an orphanage for years as their parents were drug addicts, drunks, and mom was a prostitute. When they came they didn’t speak English and they were way far behind in development, in fact they were developmentally 2 and 5. The 9 year old was physically incapable of bathing herself and would throw herself on the floor and have kicking and screaming temper tantrums. They didn’t know how to use a toothbrush or toilet paper. It was quite interesting for a while! They have really done well especially considering where they came from.

    The problem (well the one I am so frustrated with) is the 19 year old who is totally oblivious (to the point where it’s dangerous) and is an eternal victim. She will not take responsibility for anything. Things just “happen” to her. She has broken about 1/3 of my dishes, my cuisinart, trampled my plants while watering them, ruined the (new) carpet in her room, and the other day got hair dye on the bathroom cabinet. :angry: :angry:

    She has been dying her hair and I helped her the first time and warned her that the dye is permanent and she needs to look at the floor, sink, cabinets, etc after she gets the dye on her hair because if she cleans up a spill right away from those hard surfaces, it will come off. Well 3 nights ago I saw a whole area of hair dye on the cabinet in their bathroom. That was bad enough (our house is only 6 years old), but she will not take any responsibility for it, no apologies, no “Oh my gosh….!” No “I will not let this happen again”…Nothing. I am steaming at her and have given her several chances to talk about it but she won’t (actually she rarely talks, which is another entire issue) so I told her no more hair dye. So now she is mad at me because I banned the dye! UGH We are both so frustrated and nothing we do seems to get her to improve this problem. She’s even in counseling and nothing changes. :mad:

    OK done screetching! :laugh:

    Laura80111; another salmon victory! Congrats on your loss!

    Gini: I like to use cedar parchment paper to wrap my salmon and get that nice cedar smoke. Your salmon is >$20 a pound?!!!! OMG I’d never buy it at that price. It’s usually around 10-12 here.

    Janehadji: glad your son got home ok. 200 pounds of luggage? What did he bring home, a bride??? :laugh:

    Shawna: thanks for the info on the food saver. I will check it out. I too like the long posts people write; it does take time but they are so meaningful.

    Lin: what kills me is the bread in things like subway. The bread I buy is pretty healthy and doesn’t have that much sodium. I don’t eat that much of it, but I sure couldn’t give it up! I love your idea of a tiny piece of dark chocolate at the end of the day. I’m going to start doing that too! :love:

    Robin: that burns me up too when it happens! You are already doing all these great things and it’s too bad these people don’t know more than the basics. We have the same health screening here and I get the same advice even though I say I eat <1800 cals, exercise 5 times a week, etc. I guess they have a script and that’s all. The only original one is once I was told to drink more beer to raise my HDL! I said now that’s some advice I can live with! :drinker:

    Slsdoc: my legs do the same thing! That was a great description! :ohwell:

    Mimi: welcome back! Great job on your weight loss! Thank you for the information on red meat and proteins.

    Linda: thanks for the article link and information!

    PS2CR: I have tons of salmon recipes, but your marinade sounds fabulous. Thanks for sharing. :happy:

    DeeDee: are you feeling better?

    Lila: hope you feel better soon too!

    Barbie: good advice. I usually am under 1500 mg of sodium a day, but it’s those little “healthy” treats like subway that get me every time!

    Michele: passed inspection! You’ll be swimming before you know it!

    Lizmil: don’t you just hate all that drama??? :glasses:

    Amada: new pic! I’m sending you patience to deal with the new girl!

    Fitz: glad you had a great birthday!

    Carol: glad your move went well and your new place is nice. So Sorry about your hubby; kidneys and blood pressure are always a problem. Sending you good thoughts! :flowerforyou:

    Lin: thanks so much for the update on Dixie. We will all be here for her when she is able to return. That sure went quickly didn’t it? My heart is aching for her. :brokenheart: :brokenheart: :brokenheart:

    Dixie: if you come here and read posts, we are all thinking of you and sending you our best thoughts and wishes. We are here when you come back. :heart:

    All the newbies: welcome welcome! You will find great support here. Check in often and let us get to know you. As you can see if you’ve been reading, we are very supportive.

    Just got an email from hubby. He went to the foot doctor and got all his dressings off and can shower! YAY for showers. :drinker: OK this was way too long, thanks for letting me vent! Have a great day everyone! Meg