

  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Lisa, I didn't quite understand your question. Do you mean you used to have 1260 calories and now it's only giving you 1200? If that's the case, it's because you've lost weight and when you went in to change your exercise goals, it reassessed your calories based on your new weight.
    I started being allowed 1340 calories before exercise. Now I can only eat 1200 without exercise because I weigh less so that means I burn less just existing (my BMR is lower).

    Calories: 1258
    Exercise: Couch25K week 5 day 2, baby! :happy:
    Water: 64oz
    Proud: Yeah, still insanely excited I completed c25k w5d2.

    I know I've mentioned many times I have several really super awesome skirts I bought when I worked at a no-kill shelter thrift store 3 years ago. They're really unique with lots of beading and other detail. They were way too small for me when I bought them (and this was BEFORE I gained the 40 pounds with my boyfriend because we'd only been dating about 8 months :embarassed: ). I remember talking to the lady who donated them because she had lost so much weight & that was the reason she was donating them. Some of them still had tags. They wouldn't even come close to fitting but I thought *some day* I'd lose weight & be able to wear them. Or maybe I thought they'd motivate me to lose weight, so I bought almost all of them. Last year, I came VERY close to donating them back to that thrift store because I thought there was absolutely no way I'd ever be able to wear them.
    Well, ladies, I had a "Holy S***" experience this morning. I was going to try on my favorite of those skirts, as I've been doing occasionally since September, just to see how much farther I had to go. It's a size 14. I put it on, I zipped it up, I clasped it. And then I screamed "HOLY SH**!!!" It FITS!!! So, I pulled out the next skirt, zip, clasp "HOLY SH**!" and then the next, and the next. ALL OF THEM except 1 fit. Do you know what this means? It means I have to go shoe shopping! :laugh:
    I'll probably lose another 10-15 pounds before I wear them out, but woah, I'm still in shock they fit. I honestly never thought I would be able to wear them.

    I use to have 1200 and now I have 1260 and I don't know why. By the way, I am SOOOO proud for you! Congratulations, I know that must feel really good!!
  • amarek
    amarek Posts: 16
    Afternoon Ladies :happy: Day 5 for me and going strong. Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!

    Llowry - I have done that before. I noticed early on anytime I changed my settings, the calorie recommedations take over. I alway have to make that my last change to keep it at 1200.

    Is this about the amount of calories everyone is staying at. Just curious. I feel going below is too much.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Afternoon Ladies :happy: Day 5 for me and going strong. Hope everyone is having a great Sunday!

    Llowry - I have done that before. I noticed early on anytime I changed my settings, the calorie recommedations take over. I alway have to make that my last change to keep it at 1200.

    Is this about the amount of calories everyone is staying at. Just curious. I feel going below is too much.

    Oh, well then I don't know Lisa! I guess you should just enjoy those 60 calories because they'll be gone again before you know it. :smile:

    Amarek - I always try to eat over 1200 calories (1200 is the goal MFP gives me now). Sometimes I go over by 3, sometimes by 200 depending on how hungry I am and how much I work out. But, I do work out almost every day, even if I just ride my bike for 30 minutes.
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Do you think Lisa's cals changed because she dropped to 5x a week instead of 6 for exercise? Just wondering.

    HOLY SH**, jlb!!! That is fanSH**tastic!!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

    Doing much better on the 2000 calories than I was on the 1500. I have more energy. Can't wait til I am off all of the pneumonia meds to see how I will really do. :drinker:

    Going out to eat tonight for a friend's birthday. Ever hear of Hu Hot Mongolian Grill? It's like a do-it-yourself stir fry place. I love it because I am in control of what goes in my stir fry. I am looking forward to it. The weather is better here in STL - no more arctic temps! Whew!
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    Wow, Jlb123 size 14:noway: :bigsmile: :glasses: :laugh: I am proud of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    bluenote, glad you are eating those calories. There is going to be a big pay off by doing it right!!!!!!!!!!

    Happy Sunday everyone!!! Got home from church, had some lunch and now I am going to go sit through, I mean watch the playoffs with my sweetie. He HATES biggest loser, but he sits with me when I watch it. So I try to at least do a football game on the weekends. Besides I enjoy the super bowl. I know way more about football then I would like. I also will watch hockey with him. I at least I enjoy hockey, especially, when my honey is the one playing:love:
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Hello gals!!

    Hope you all had a good weekend.

    Jib - WTG on size 14...that is awesome.

    I had a bad eating weekend...i went with the idea i would eat great all weekend, and didn't happen.

    Then i got on the scale it said i had gained 7 lbs since friday..that has to be water weight ...right ??? There is no way i ate 24,500 caloires that is what i would had to eat that much ...am i looking at that right>

    I am getting back on track tomorrow though...it will come back off...hopefully this week.

    It did make me feel better thought, my sister in law told me i looked good .

    I got my christmas money from my husband's dad...i ordered my HRM today. It probably won't be here till this weekend or early next week...But i ended up getting the Polar 7. I can't wait till it gets here. I still have like about 70 left of my christmas money and i can't decide what to get.
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Then i got on the scale it said i had gained 7 lbs since Friday..that has to be water weight ...right ??? There is no way i ate 24,500 caloires that is what i would had to eat that much ...am i looking at that right>
    LilDebbie - there's NO WAY THAT HAPPENED! You're full of water from all the fun salty foods and you'll get back on track and this is just a bump in the road:wink: . As we say at the office (every day) LIFE HAPPENS and it's fine! No biggy it happens to us all - just keep on going and you won't even remember this in a month!:bigsmile:

    I got my HRM about a week ago and I love it! You will love knowing so much more about how you're working out (ok sometimes it's bad news :noway: )

    Today's check in:

    Calories - spot on - ate my exercise calories, still have enough left for a snack tonight :)
    Water - uhm... doing OK but learned hard last night that I shouldn't try to catch up and THEN take a water pill and THEN go to bed! I was up every hour :laugh: :sad: :laugh:
    Exercise - I did intervals on the elliptical machine - sprints if you will.. I only did four but I was on the machine for 35 minutes and it kicked my *kitten*!!!:grumble:

    Proud - That it's been two weeks and I'm sticking to the exercise even though I :explode: hate it more than :devil: :devil: Voldemort:devil: :devil: !!!:explode: I'm still doing it. (AND I feel so GREAT afterwards!:bigsmile: )
  • lildebbie
    lildebbie Posts: 2,068 Member
    Then i got on the scale it said i had gained 7 lbs since Friday..that has to be water weight ...right ??? There is no way i ate 24,500 caloires that is what i would had to eat that much ...am i looking at that right>
    LilDebbie - there's NO WAY THAT HAPPENED! You're full of water from all the fun salty foods and you'll get back on track and this is just a bump in the road:wink: . As we say at the office (every day) LIFE HAPPENS and it's fine! No biggy it happens to us all - just keep on going and you won't even remember this in a month!:bigsmile:

    I got my HRM about a week ago and I love it! You will love knowing so much more about how you're working out (ok sometimes it's bad news :noway: )

    Thanks I was thinking there was no way that i could of really of gained that week...HOping i can get back down to 285 by Friday.
  • Momma2four
    Momma2four Posts: 1,534
    lildeb, you could NOT have gained 7 pounds of fat that quick. Water weight!

    Calories: OVER:explode: Day 2 of being over. I ate maintenance cals. That would be great if I was interested in maintaining my present weight.:grumble:

    Water: GREAT

    Exercise:None, It has been sunny and in the high 50's low 60's all week. Today it is raining heavy. So no crazy husband walks today.

    I am proud that I can move forward without kicking myself for making bad choices. I am going to do this.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good evening!

    Jlb: Great job on the W5D2 of C25K. I had to do W5D3 twice to get past it and now my next workout is W6D3, which is 25 minutes running without walking. We can do this!

    lildebbie: Congrats on ordering you HRM. I have a Polar F6 and absolutely love it!

    mstahl: Good job on ordering your workout video. I have the 10 minute Solution Kickboxing and LOVE it! I have the weighted gloves that go with it and they make all of the difference in burning more calories and feeling the upper body workout. I'm also so glad you're close to riding your horses again! Even when I got up to 220, I didn't stop riding, but I have a stout half draft horse so I didn't feel like I was going to break her back. I figure she'll like me even more as I keep losing weight, though!

    This weekend was a busy one, but so much fun. Friday night I went out to karaoke with the girls and sang a bunch. What a blast! I stayed below my calories, even with the two beers. Saturday night was the Brad Paisley and Miranda Lambert concert, which was awesome. It was best concert I've been to, so full of energy and fantastic guitar playing. Today was a lazy day with sitting around watching football. I went over my calories last night and today, but I don't feel too bad about it because I'm still making better choices overall.

    I'm holding steady at 198.8 even with going over on the calories and I think once I flush out the extra sodium from the pizza today and get past TOM, I should see another drop. Woohoo!

    Hope you are all having a great weekend!
  • Solandra
    Water - over
    Calories - under, but only because I did some yard work
    Exercise - the aforementioned yard work - shrubs got a haircut!

    Proud of: It was cold wet and nasty outside today, but I got out with the pruning shears anyway.

    Hats off to all of you lovely, sexy and amazing ladies, May Monday treat you gently!
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    OMG!!!! I have got to get back to work! my calories are waaay over!:mad: I have got to get a grip on what I eat ove the weekends. It is just so easy to go out and eat, rather than cooking and cleaning up. My calories are over by 1000 and that is me earning 260 with excercise. Sorry, just had to let it out!

    Checking in:

    Calories: out of sight
    excercise: Done
    water: almost
    proud: I started not to post what I ate today but, I managed to do it anyway!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Calories: 1264
    Exercise: None other than dancing around like an idiot pretty much constantly (a norm for me these days)
    Water: I'll probably be a cup under somehow. I think I drank too much diet soda today.
    Proud: I made spanakopita -- low calorie spanakopita -- and it was awesomely delicious! Mmmmm. My boyfriend is eating his 6th serving right now... :ohwell: Good thing it's (relatively) healthy!

    I'm eating a light 2nd dinner right now because TOM is really kicking my butt today (good thing ibuprofen doesn't have calories...) and I haven't been able to eat much at once. I looked at my plate and saw a piece of toast with 1 tbs peanut butter, a small granny smith apple cut into wedges, and a pudding cup. And now I feel like I'm 4 years old. :laugh:
  • bluenote
    bluenote Posts: 2,930
    Lisa - glad you logged even though you didn't want to. Plan, plan, plan for those weekends, sister! :tongue:
    (Says the girl who eats like a wildwoman on the weekends! Easier said than done! :sad: )

    calories: under (I know I know I know - I ate so many veggies at the stir fry place, and when I came back to log it was barely any calories, but now I am too full to eat! And I am going to bed! I ate 1700 - close to my goal of 2K!)
    water: 64
    exercise: none (rest day)
    proud: my winter coat fits! I can button it all the way down without a big gap! :laugh:

    Woah, epiphany: soy sauce has a bazillion mgs of sodium! :noway:
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    mstahl: Good job on ordering your workout video. I have the 10 minute Solution Kickboxing and LOVE it! I have the weighted gloves that go with it and they make all of the difference in burning more calories and feeling the upper body workout. I'm also so glad you're close to riding your horses again! Even when I got up to 220, I didn't stop riding, but I have a stout half draft horse so I didn't feel like I was going to break her back. I figure she'll like me even more as I keep losing weight, though!
    Heather, I have a 15'2" Arabian mare who physically should have no problem with a 220 lb rider. But Dream believes she's very delicate like a flower!:laugh: She kinda sags way down when you get on her... It's not a back problem - she forgets and does fine after you get going but it's a very strong reminder that i need to lose weight!!! I just feel unsafe at 220 (because I was sooo out of shape) - I think at 180 I'll be fit enough and flexible enough to ride her safely. She's better than the average Arabian but still capable of jumping off a cliff to avoid a gum wrapper :noway:

    OK girls - today I just didn't want to get on the elliptical. I have a serious case of "The Mondays". I managed to get in 35 minutes of a reasonably hard work out (HR avg 80% of max) and stayed on the beast for a total of 45 minutes. I'm super glad I stuck it out but why oh why is it SO DARN HARD:angry: some days?

    I used to get into work between 7-7:30 now I'm wandering in around 8 - 8:30... My boss doesn't show up until almost nine and I'm sure he just assumes that I get there when he does so really, aside from no longer getting a primo parking spot, what's the down side? I like having a quiet morning and a few minutes to chill after the workout/shower/dress rush!

    Bluenote - please do me a favor, next time you're a few calories short, not that hungry and heading for bed - grab a spoon full of peanut butter and say "This is for mstahl and jlb!":bigsmile: (then EAT it:tongue: )
  • HonestOmnivore
    HonestOmnivore Posts: 1,356 Member
    Of COURSE the boss got in early today :embarassed: but that's OK he's pretty busy putting out fires...

    I got on the scale at work today (It's the scale I use to track my weight on MFP) and I'm DOWN to 195.6 WHOOOOOT:bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    I'd said I'm only going to update my ticker on Wednesdays (work weigh in for biggest loser) and Fridays (our weigh ins) but I'm updating mine NOW! :) With my five day average I'm back at 197.5 which is almost as low as I was just after the new year! I'm blaming the temp bounce back up on working out:tongue:
  • BarbG
    BarbG Posts: 12 Member
    Hi Folks,
    Starting again just can't get motivated. Lost 1 pound this week at least I didn't gain. I just need to start exercising and drinking more water.
  • llowry
    llowry Posts: 144 Member
    Lisa - glad you logged even though you didn't want to. Plan, plan, plan for those weekends, sister!
    (Says the girl who eats like a wildwoman on the weekends! Easier said than done! )

    Thanks Bluenote, I'm working on that. lol! No, really I am.:grumble: I just don't understand how some people can take a day off and be done with it. Me, I take a day off and I have to fight for two days to get back on track. Well, I guess the answer to that would be to control myself.:sad:
  • Solandra
    Then i got on the scale it said i had gained 7 lbs since friday..that has to be water weight ...right ??? There is no way i ate 24,500 caloires that is what i would had to eat that much ...am i looking at that right>

    Having popcorn as a snack 2 nights in a row will do that to me to some degree or another - there's two factors involved: the water retention from the salt and the water in the fiber that's trucking through your colon. Once both the water and the fiber process through (ahem), you should be back on track.
  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    mstahl: I have a 14.3h Percheron/Mustang mare who is build like a brick outhouse, so I've never been too worried about riding her. She's built about as solid as they come. I've had two adults on her (weighing a total of 400 lbs.) and she acts like there's a little kid on her back. Gotta love it. It's so great you enjoy your horses...they're just so good for us!

    Checking in for yesterday 1/17/2010:
    Calories: 98 calories left over
    Water: 32 oz., had too many diet sodas
    Exercise: Very leisurely walk through the snow, but didn't burn many calories.
    Proud: That I didn't snack last night when I wanted to, but had a glass of milk instead.
    Bad: My sodium was higher than I'd like, which probably accounts for the increase in weight this morning. Now I'm trying to flush it all out with lots of water today.

    Tonight is my BL weigh-in, so I'm hoping all is good. I have to had lost more inches being that I can now fit into size 12 jeans, so we'll see what the hardcore numbers say tonight.

    Have a great day, everyone!