Any More Chubby Twenties?



  • MreneCA
    MreneCA Posts: 42
    Good afternoon everyone!
    Wow there's been a lot going on in this thread lol. I had a crappy day yesterday so I slacked off and had some junk food, but I think I got lucky, I just weighed myself and am down a pound from last week :) My husband has been gone for the last week so it's been easier for me to workout during the day.
    I drink A LOT more water while im working out so I've noticed that my skin has improved over this past two weeks as well. You can do simple workouts while watching tv. I do lunges, crunches and squats. It pays off over time :) I used to snack in front of the tv!
  • Hi everyone!! It seems like it's been a busy couple of days for all of us. My Eris' b-day went great except family sort of invited themselves ( I don't care much for my siblings, but LOVE my neices and nephews) so I decided I wasn't making lasagna for everyone and we went with pizza. I had a salad and was doing really well when I realized that I was eating pizza and there was already one crust on my plate!:noway: How in the world did this happen! Oh well. Could be worse. I didn't let myself cut the birthday cake so I couldn't oversize my piece. My husband gave me a little piece and kept me from jumping onto the corner frosting like a spidermonkey! LOL! I started brnging over the gifts to my daughter and she yells out, "now that's what I'm talkin about!" Goofy.

    Carrie- What a rough day. You deserve a mommys day off. Don't you wish those existed. they have all sorts of national days, why not that! I declare January 20th national mommy's day off!! I know what you mean about the whiny hubby. It seems like they think it's okay fro us to be up with sick kids and not tear our hair out or get no sleep and then go to work and come home and listen to how tough their day was!! I feel for you:flowerforyou:

    Mandi- Sodium sucks, but you're right. If you're working out and you aren't getting a lot of water and you're overdoing sodium, all of your muscles are holding onto that water for dear life. If you increase your water and decrease your sodium, don't be surprised if you drop 3 pounds this week or next. that being said, fruits and veggies (fresh not canned) are the very best thing to cut down on sodium. It's more work, but less pricey to buy whole broccoli heads and cut and steam them yourself, or fresh fruit. fruit is always a little pricey but an amzing fruit salad is pineapple strawberries, blueberries, raspberries and blackberries. 3 full cups of it has 184 calories and only 3 grams of sodium. It is a lot of carbs, but if you space it out during the day it really helps to fill you up. Oh and it has 15 grams of fiber!! That will help with the water too. Best thing is all of those things grow so there's usually enough for a few days and kids love it!! Broccoli and carrots are great with cheez wiz for kids. My daughter loves veggies with cheese wiz or sweet salad dressings ( briannas blush wine dressing is her fav) and grape tomatoes are always fun. crazy low in sodium and all very filling. I stick to butter spray and low sodium salt on my veggies though. Yep- low sodium salt. Good luck!! Hope this helps

    Jenn- you are amazing girl!! Way to go. Makes me wanna go get on the elliptical again. Not really though. But I'm still crazy happy for you!!

    Kayt- You are so great! You always have good advice and great support. How is the swimming going? The pool less crowded yet?

    All of our new folks, welcome to the best thread with the best ladies ( and gentleman ) ever! Keep posting and we'll always try to hit you back. These ladies have become some of my top advisors and cutest cheerleaders!!
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    chubby twenty

    to many beer and pizza in college, not to mention dorm food which is nothing but fat and carbohydrates

    Hey thats what happened to me! Except I prefer martinis, Crown Royal, and Tequila..... hmmmm hahaha

    Mmmmm Crown. :tongue:
  • RachVR6
    RachVR6 Posts: 3,688 Member
    So I did well, in general today. Going from a desk job to my new one, where I climb around a chemical plant all day, is sure taking a beating on my body. I'm covered in bruises and a few burns, but going up and down stairs and ladders on tanks and columns that are sometimes several stories tall, sure is gonna help get my butt in shape. I can't even explain how sore I am right now! Not to mention running after work yesterday too! I look at all this though, and there is NO way the scale is gonna be stuck for long.:bigsmile:
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Thanks ladies for all your help! I really needed some good ideas. I guess it wouldn't be a bad idea to precook meals and do it that way. If Im only doing it a couple days a week it won't be so bad! Processed foods are the worst for me. It's so much more convenient, but I really need to just MAKE the time to make good meals because otherwise I'm going to take in WAY too much sodium. Thanks Jenn for the websites, I'm excited to look them over!!!

    Carrie- What workouts do you typically do?? I like variety too so I don't get bored, but right now it's pretty much the treadmill and once a week I'll throw in a p90X Ken-po. I need a little flavor!

    This is going to be a short one....Biggest Loser is on right now and I'm missing it!! Have a great night ladies (and men?? :) I thought I saw a couple join!)

  • Hello! I'm 26, have 2 kids of my own (3 and 6mo.) and I definitely am catagorized as a chubby twenty. It is my goal to lose at least a pound a week until I hit my current weight loss goal of 130 by my daughter's first birthday, which is June 29, 2010. My wedding anniversary is the following day, and I would love to go out with my husband in a cute dress that makes me feel good about myself.
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    And go out with your very best friend in the whole wide world so we can look cute together right Lis???
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Thanks Carrie and Keri, lol! It's actually easy to go everyday now (well not everyday, but you get what I mean), because it's FUN! The boss is away Thurs Fri, so I'm leaving early and getting in a 5:00 class Thurs and am actually going to be able to go Friday, normally I can't cause class is at 5 and I work 'ill 5! You are right Carrie, on the days that I don't go I feel like I'm being lazy! I've started doing my Wii Fit on the weekends because I lose my balance a lot when we are doing stationary kicks so I figure the balance games on the Wii should help with that, I hope! I hope your day is going better today!
    Good for you Keri for not over indulging at her b-day party! A little bit never hurts! You do AMAZING on that elliptical, so I wouldn't worry! I work with a girl that solely does the elliptical too, but all she can manage is 15 mins, and she's been doing it for months, so I would be proud if I were you that you are able to do it that long, and that you do! You = Awsome!
    Mandi I hope the web sites help, good luck girl! Keri mentioned more water too, that's a great thing to flush out the salt can do it!
    Rach congrats on the new job, sounds VERY interesting! And like you'll get a great workout! It does sound kind of painful though, lol...hopefully you won't get so beat up once you get used to it!
    Welcome Mwenthe! Good luck getting into that dress, you can do it! This is a fantastic group of people who almost make it easy to stick to your goals, it's not as hard when you have support and I couldn't think of a better group for it!
    Ok, off to write some reviews...2 more to my reps better appreciate these, sooo much work!
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member

    I have the same issue myself with making separate meals for myself and my family. Flat-out, they will not eat what I eat. And I don’t blame them. I eat basically the same thing every day. What I do is pre-cook my food three or four days ahead. So I really only cook dinner for myself twice a week. I prefer to do it this way because it makes it easier to plan my day calorie-wise (everything’s already pre-portioned). By doing this, it means I don’t have to worry about cooking for myself when I get home, and can just make my family whatever they want.

    So then what kinds of meals stay good when you preportion them?? Do you put them in the freezer or just in the fridge??
  • Heya hey ladies!

    Mandi-- In terms of keeping sodium low, I think mine's been down the last few days because I've been eating just straight food... :/ that sounds weird, but I mean that I'm not adding too much stuff to it, you know? I don't generally put dressing on my salad and opt for a dash or two of worchestire sauce, and the last two days I've eater a lot (and I mean A LOT) or plain, raw broccoli and oranges. Rarely use added salt, and I only use a little BBQ sauce or this ketchup/cilantro/mayo blend that's a local thing when I make fish or tofu. Then, last night, I had some soya sauce for salad dressing and WHOAMMO 1000mg in one tablespoon. As for making foor that your family will eat with you, maybe if you find out what it is they're picky about oyu cam make accomodations. Also, when i lived at home (way back in the day, now,) make your own pizza night and taco night were good for my mom when she was dieting--lean ground beef or turkey, lots of veg and salsa, you can skip adding the cheese and sour cream--even skip the shell if you want to scale it really way down and have taco salad. Just an idea! :)

    Carrie -- I want to kick your keyboard, LOL! Or, maybe, just replace it for you. All weekend I was thinking, "Gosh, where's Carrie? I hope she hasn't forgotten about us! Gonna have to poke her and check in if I don't see her for a week!" Glad to see you, miss! Sorry to hear about your day the other, I really hope it improved and that you're feeling better today <3

    Jenn -- I love hearing about how great you kickboxing is going. Makes me so pleased that you found something that works and is fun for you! Yay!

    Keri -- Swimming is going. Still more people around than I'd reaaaaally like, but the rain has been affording me time to myself in the pool :) Yesterday, it was beautiful and I thought "grumbles. I won't get my swim in today" and then fate (aka Jose) smiled on me and he took me on a three or four hour hike to the river, and then up a stream/series of waterfalls to a BIG waterfall with a swimming hole. So, it wasn't exactly what i was planning for, but still fun and great exercise! Rain today, so I'll get my hour in :) Sounds like the party went well (you can never expect yourself to be perfect at those, unless it's an MFP party or something) very sweet of your DH to keep your piece small and protect you from the frosting :)

    I decided I'm going to start adding some pilates to my daily yoga; I've noticed that what I do core work my back hurts a lots less/my posture is better. Gonna give 'er a go for a week or two and then check in with myself. Anyway, gonna finish my coffee and hop in the pool! Happy wednesday :)
  • cryzm
    cryzm Posts: 6
    Hi, so this is my 2nd day on MFP, and Im so glad I found this group! Im 25, and Im looking to lose at least 35 pounds. I started working out last week, and began a diet change this week. So far so good, but I haven't weighed myself. Im terrified to actually, because if I didn't lose weight that would be tough. Anyway, I was wondering if you all had suggestions on how often to do a weigh-in? Im working out 5 days a week, and 3 of those days are in the gym.
  • MercuryBlue
    MercuryBlue Posts: 886 Member
    Good morning my sexy ladies! …And gents, since there seems to be a couple now. Though for the most part, it’s a total boobie-fest up in this place.

    MRobbins82 – Congrats on the one-pound loss! That’s great, even if you did indulge a little bit. I won’t lie- I’ve indulged more than once since joining MFP, but I still seem to be losing weight. That makes me happy, because I believe that what I’m doing now HAS to be a total lifestyle change if I don’t want to go back to how I was before. If it’s going to be a permanent change, I have to give myself some wiggle room. I love treats WAY too much to say, “That’s in, no more cookies or cheeseburgers again- EVER!” That’s just setting myself up for failure. So I believe indulgence is okay, so long as it’s a ‘treat’ and not an every day thing.

    Simple workouts while watching TV are the best! I figure since I gained so much weight sitting on my butt watching my shows, there’s no reason why I can’t lose that weight watching my shows as well! I will admit I’m a complete and utter ‘Gleek’, and I have a few other shows I love to watch as well, so it’s not like I can plug in my Wii or a DVD while THEY’RE on, can I? ;)

    I’m also glad to hear your skin is looking good. I’ve noticed the same thing! My skin has never been prettier. I’m not sure whether to attribute it to all the water I’m drinking, or the fact that I got a bunch of Beauticontrol products for my birthday, lol. Probably a combination of both!

    Keri- Yes, I definitely want a mommy’s day off. Why is this not an international holiday????? I’m glad your daughter had a great birthday. She sounds adorable! My youngest son’s first birthday was about a week after I started here at MFP. I faced the same sorts of challenges! We had homemade burgers and I made a root beer float cake. All and all I think I did pretty okay (small burger, small piece of cake, a handful of chips) but I still indulged. Like I said above, part of learning to live a healthier lifestyle is learning to eat the bad stuff. Because we’re always going to be having holidays, birthdays, etc. And it’s unreasonable to think we’d just stop eating the foods we love. So I’m a firm believer in enjoying the food- just keep your portions small, and only treat yourself once in a while, right?

    Mandi- How was TBL last night? I’m going to have to go online and read a recap because I went to bed before it was over. Was soooooo bagged!!!!!

    I like to keep my workouts varied because I NEED variety or I get bored. Basically I have my ‘primary’ workout, which is the Jillian Michaels Fitness Ultimatum 2010 game for the Wii. I’ve set up a six month resolution within that game, which has me working out five times a week. Saturdays and Mondays are my rest days. Each workout is about 25 minutes long. On top of that, I like to throw in some extra cardio. I either use my stepper machine or I do Zumba (got it on DVD, yeah!), jogging, Tai Bo, or throw in my 10 Minute Trainer Cardio DVD. My FAVORITE form of cardio is my Gold’s Gym Cardio Workout game for the Wii. Oh, I also have a turbo jam DVD and another dancing cardio DVD I picked up at a garage sale, but I haven’t used either of them yet.

    For flexibility, I either do Yoga (10 minute trainer DVD, Wii Biggest Loser Game, Wii Fit, etc) or Pilates (I really love Lara Hudson’s 10 Minute Solution pilates DVDs. I have 2 of them).

    Strength training depends on my mood. I have this great upper body workout I took from Oxygen magazine. I often take workout routines from those magazines if I need inspiration. Tosca Reno is my hero. I LOVE Oxygen. I will also plug in a 10 minute trainer DVD, or do a circuit with the Wii Biggest Loser game. I’ve got a machine on the porch one of my neighbours gave me (don’t know what it’s called, lol) but I don’t use that during the winter because it’s butt-freaking COLD outside! Haha. All else fails, I just do crunches and pushups and planks.

    So basically my formula is JMFU2010 workout (25 minutes) and a half hour (minimum) of something else.

    In regards to the types of foods I pre-make, I pretty much eat chicken or salmon every night, with rice and mixed veggies. All of these keep really well in the fridge for 2-3 days. So I’ll usually make enough for four meals when I’m cooking. I’ll eat one meal that night, and I have three meals that I’ll pre-portion and store in plastic containers.

    mwenthe – Welcome! Great goal. Your target date is similar to mine- I want to hit 125 by July 1/10. Canada Day, yay! I just want to look hot in a bikini at the Canada Day celebrations. A cute dress for your wedding anniversary…. I think that’s definitely possible! Wishing you success!

    Jenn- WiiFit definitely helps with balance. I think it’s improved my posture quite a bit. My balance has always been pretty good because of Karate (I took it for a few years when I was younger) but it’s been lacking lately. The WiiFit is teaching me to get that back.

    kaytbognar – You’re not the only one who wants to kick my keyboard! I really need to buy a new one but unfortunately at my house, funds are sort of low (I bought my HRM with my birthday $$ from my father back when I thought my keyboard was fixed, lol) and it hasn’t been high on the priority list.

    Actually…. my husband was on worker’s compensation last year for a back injury and his work’s been appealing and appealing and finally their appeal was accepted. Which means (I just found out yesterday) that we’re going to have to pay back the $2000 they paid out to my husband back then. I don’t even know how we’re supposed to come up with that so I’m a little freaked out right now…..

    (Sorry, off-topic. I’ve just got that on my mind and it’s been stressing me out since yesterday.)

    So, uh, yeah. Keyboard. Will happen eventually I promise! In the meantime, don’t worry! Even if I’m not typing I’m always checking, always reading, ALWAYS WATCHING EVERYTHING YOU GUYS DO! (LOL, I sound like a stalker!)

    Your hike, though, sounds incredible. I cannot WAIT until the weather warms up and I can go for a nice hike myself. Ah, I LOVE the outdoors!!! Also, I love the idea of adding pilates to your yoga. I. LOVE. PILATES. Seriously, cannot say enough good things about pilates. I enjoy it so much.

    cryzm – Glad to hear you’re enjoying MFP! I’ve been addicted since November (has it really been so long? Lol.)

    I understand your terror about weighing yourself. Maybe you could just measure yourself? That’s another good way of tracking your process. Don’t be afraid of the scale or measuring tape. It’s just a tool to gauge your success, so you know you’re on the right track. Though, if you totally refuse to measure/weigh yourself, you will always know you’d doing a good job at losing weight when your pants start to fall off!!!

    Sounds like you’re doing great at the workouts so far. Keep it up and you’ll be seeing results in no time!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Kayt, thanks! I'm really enjoying it and am really really glad that I found it too! I am sooo jealous of that hike!! Man that sounds fantastic, man I need a vacation, humm how's the weather there??!! LOL
    Carrie you could technically use the Wii while watching tv, just the stepping though...the one that beeps to keep you stepping to pace..I do that sometimes when there is a show I really want to watch but need to get some exercise in. I agree with you about it being about a balanced lifestyle, I have my 'cheat' moments, but I find if I do it once in a while I crave it less...just get the craving over with and it's gone...just don't over do it :bigsmile:
    Anywho I'd better get some work done before the end of the day here.
    I'll talk to you all later.
    Jenn :bigsmile:

    EDIT: Carrie I am so sorry to hear about your issues with Workers Comp, they are jerks! My sister had the same issue, and they made her pay back more than they ever gave her, figure that out! I really hope things work out for you, that's so tough. Maybe try buying a used keyboard? Much cheaper! I wish you weren't all the way in T.O. I'd give you one of my extras...hey, I could mail you one! :bigsmile: No joke :wink:
  • Carrie, is your HRM waterproof? I know you're still waiting, but maybe you know offhand. I was thinking of getting one as a birthday gift for my moms, but if she can't use it while swimming there's no point, I don't think.

    I LOVE PILATES TOO! I used to have this Giam AM/PM pilates set of videos (they're in storage somewhere at home now) that i did every day, religiously. I have one now that's a 30m pilates/ 45m cardio split (haha, i usually skip the cardio part, too much like an 80's aerobics class!) I did that today before my yoga, OM MY GOSH getting my core warmed up and "awake" made such a difference in my yoga session. DIVINITY! Wound up skipping the pool, it was cold, and I am planning on getting cozy with a good movie or TV show on dvd and doing some cross stitch with some tea.

    Sorry to hear about your financial setbacks, I really hope you're able to work things out and keep the stress of everything from getting you down. I'm always here if you wanna PM me to vent <3

    cryzm -- Carries advice is pretty sound. Start with measurements is the scale makes you nervous. Especially as you get started, I think they're possibly more accurate in terms of losses, since a lot of you initial loss is going to be water weight, glycogen, etc. I spent two.5 months tacking only with a tape measure, becuase I didn't have a scale. When I finally did weigh in (santa brought me a scale, LOL) I had only lost 10lbs, but I'd gone down 5 inches on my hips, 4ish on my waist, and similar decreases on other measurements too. It'll help you ease into things, and once you gain a bit more confidence you can battle the scale.

    Augh, I'm SUPER tempted to buy this waterproof mp3 player for the pool. It's 2Gb, only $40 (USD I think) and shipping is free. I think it'd make laps a lot more interesting, and if I ever catch a lift to the coast, it'd be fun to use when I give surfing a shot! What do you guys think? Sound investment or silly splurge?
  • Jenn, weather here's a little rainy lately, but still nice and warm. I'll save you a chair by the pool if you wanna come and visit ^.^;
    Hahaha, actually, I'm just DYING to ahve someone come and see me (thinking it likely won't happen, though, everyone's got their money going to other trips, grumbles) so I can have an excuse to hit the beach and learn to surf. GOSH I SUPER DUPER WANNA GO SURFING! Come visit! Come visit! We'll go surfing together!
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Oh man Kayt, do you know how tempting that sounds??!! I would love to try surfing!! And nice warm weather....oh my....:tongue:
  • I'm 5'9" and I'm teetering right around 170 right now. This morning the scale said 168 and I was actually happy. This is the heaviest I've ever been in my life. I'm glad there are other women out there my same size. =)
  • mandijo
    mandijo Posts: 618 Member
    Thanks Carrie. I'll have to do that with those meals. I just have to be more conscious about taking in sodium and actually looking at the label before putting things in my mouth. I'm sorry Workers comp is being such a pain in the *kitten*. I really hope things turn around!! TBL was pretty good last night. I was ok with who went home although I am still trying to get a feel for which teams I love and which ones I despise. I'm not a huge fan of red or green and would have preferred to see one of them leave. But I don't know who I love yet. We'll see!!

    Kayt- Oh I so so so would love to come visit you. I need a vacation and an exercise buddy would be a bonus! You are only there for a little bit though aren't you?? Otherwise I'd say, let's all save our "money" lol and make it a reward when we lose a certain amount of weight!! Oh dreaming!!!

    Jenn- I looked through some of those websites today (freezing rain here so no school....AGAIN, my daughter will be going through the summer I'm sure of it) and I found quite a few recipes I want to try so thanks again!!

    Well I just got done with an hour walk on the treadmill. Time to head upstairs and tackle the laundry pile and make sure my little man is actually sleeping. He's such a stinker! Have a great day ladies!!

  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    No problem Mandi, glad to help! :bigsmile:
    Kickboxing was awesome tonight, the teacher was this tiny little thing, but she kicked my *kitten*. That was a hard class, I'm a bit owie tonight now, and will probably be in the morning too...but soo worth it! However I am exhausted now! So I'm headed to bed shortly.
    Nite nite.
    Jenn :bigsmile:
  • jb_sweet_99
    jb_sweet_99 Posts: 856 Member
    Yup, I was right, sore this morning, but oh so worth it. It's going to make class tonight more difficult, but I'll go and give it my all! I allowed myself a grilled chicken wrap from McDonalds...and a mcflurry! Damn TOM!!! It hasn't even shown up yet but it was supposed to be yesterday so the cravings have taken over already! But...I still had 450 calories left AFTER I ate it, so I'm not allowing myself to be upset about it...It was a treat, I cured the craving and now it's gone and this is a new day :bigsmile:
    Where is everyone?? Still sleeping? Lol. Wish I was!
    Jenn :bigsmile:
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