Meat eater, vegetarian or vegan?? Which are you?



  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I dont discriminate (fruit, meat, veggies, fish, chicken, eggs, milk, etc) however I REFUSE to eat organs (heart, lungs, liver, you get the gross pic).

    I don't really understand what makes one muscle tissue delicious and one muscle tissue disgusting simply because of what function it serves. At least in America, there is so much waste when it comes to eating meat - a whole cow is slaughtered, but the majority of his or her body parts are disposed of because they're just yucky organ meats. It all comes from the same animal.

    I personally am trying to strive to eat more of every animal that I consume. I have ordered a cow that is being raised and will be butchered for me this fall and I will be making sure to get all the suet to make beef tallow, bones for soups and broth, organ meats (they are PACKED with nutrition!!) in addition to all the meat. I think that by not eating the whole animal any more we are selling ourselves short nutritionally in the US.
  • Just look really closely to the meat you are getting. The fat content? Look for lean meats, such as chicken breasts, turkey 85/15. Stay away from beef as much as you can. It has the highest fat content. Load up your diet with seafood. Wild caught Alaskan salmon is my favorite. It has your protein, your omega fatty acids(great for your skin), and tastes so fresh! Watch for mercury levels. They say no more than 3 servings a week. Be careful with meats that have been imported from asia as they would have higher mercury levels, and other pollutants. Free range meats are really great for you, because the animal roamed free and ate naturally (creates better muscle in the animal) Hope that gives you some great ideas! :)
  • kddruckenmiller
    kddruckenmiller Posts: 114 Member
    I am a vegetarian who has been cutting out dairy as much as possible lately. I do not eat meat (or fish, for those of you who think vegetarians eat fish for some odd reason) for ethical reasons, but putting those aside to answer the question, I believe a small amount of lean, white meat is healthy. I do not think dairy is healthy for humans; yes, it has calcium but that can be obtained from veggies in a way that the body can use more efficiently. Since I've cut back on dairy I've noticed that I've had more energy and I feel sick to my stomach much less than I used to. That's just my experience.
  • KatieCarr29
    KatieCarr29 Posts: 1 Member
    90% vegan. I rarely give in to my cheese cravings and always regret it. Mine is ethical (hate to eat animals although I understand that others do - no preaching!). But my stomach doesn't agree with dairy much of the time. I am more than willing to share recipes or information.
  • AngelUpSideDownCake
    AngelUpSideDownCake Posts: 10 Member
    i'm a vegetarian, but it's not for a health reason, or even because i didn't like it, i just don't want to eat meat.

    i don't need it, i get plenty of everything without it

    I'm the same way! I'm a vegetarian and have been four four years now. I love it! I never feel like I'm missing out on anything. :D
  • jazee11
    jazee11 Posts: 321
    meat eater here...but I have been looking at vegetarian cookbooks.

    The Occasional Vegetarian is a good one and so is Veganomicon.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    meat eater here...but I have been looking at vegetarian cookbooks.

    The Occasional Vegetarian is a good one and so is Veganomicon.

    My first two that I used when I still ate meat were Vegetarian cooking for Everyone and Vegan with a Vengeance.
  • hubkal
    hubkal Posts: 125 Member
    Just started Paleo today. It is basically very clean eating. No grains, sugar or processed foods. I was doing very little meat and seemed to be hungry and trying to fill in my calories during the day with grains and snacks. With this i am not hungry during the day most of the time. Check it out online.
  • syrynn
    syrynn Posts: 1
    I eat meat. But I also drink soy and almondmilk, and don't eat steak/red meat nearly as much as I used to. I go for the leaner white/dark meats and seafood if I can, with a somewhat varied diet. Plus, I think it helps that I don't eat restaurant/fast food portions of meat as much as before.

    Also, I don't eat many dairy products other than ice cream and cheese. But even that's at a much lower rate than it once was. Almond/soy products seem to taste better, especially soy in my Starbucks drinks, that I get for free because I'm a gold-card carrier. Every little bit helps!
  • celticcateyes
    celticcateyes Posts: 71 Member
    I am currently an omnivore striving to be a flexitarian-"one whose normally meatless diet occasionally includes meat or fish" as NOW defined by Merriam-Webster :laugh:

    When I am on my own or with my gal pals I prefer to eat vegetable-based meals (my BFF is a vegan). My husband is hard-core carnivore. So, meals we have together tend to be meat-based. I am hoping to encourage a more plant-based diet for both of us in the next few months, but I suspect meat will always be part of our diet somehow. And EVENTUALLY, once we can afford it, I am hoping the meat we do eat will be organic, free-range, ect. Happy chickens make tasty chickens :)

    I don't drink milk. Makes me sick. Bleh! I drink almond milk. I try to avoid cheese but I do eat greek yogurt.
  • Patovader
    Patovader Posts: 439 Member
    I am omnivorous :)
  • EccentricDad
    EccentricDad Posts: 875 Member
    I love meat!!!! LOVE IT! Its delicious!!!!!

    Ive heard different things.. meat is good for you.. meat is bad for you...


    Meat is wonderful for you. Saturated fats not so much. But you can't have beef or pork without the saturated or trans fats.
    I would eat 6 to 8 oz of fish each meal if I wasn't afraid of mercury poisoning. Instead I eat eggs and turkey whenever I can't eat fish.
  • I am a vegan because I don't think meat is right for my body. I believe we were meant to be herbivores and that is kind of my own religious decision. I have facts from doctors and the bible about my diet and people have theirs from textbooks and different doctors but I don't plan on shoving it down the throats of other people.
  • I'm a vegetarian and have been since I was 13, but it's mostly because I don't want to eat meat (and I never really liked the taste), rather than for health reasons. I think you can easily have a healthy diet with or without meat - my sister and I are both vegetarians, whereas my parents and brother are meat eaters, and we all have pretty healthy diets. The only thing I'm deficient in from having a meat and fish-free diet is iron, and I take an iron supplement every day, so that's not a problem.
  • gshoemaker06
    gshoemaker06 Posts: 264 Member
    I'm a vegetarian. I don't believe that meat consumption/production at it's current state in America is very sustainable. That's the main reason I don't eat meat, however the health reasons and cruelty to animals would be #2 & 3 respectively.
  • MarisaLWood
    MarisaLWood Posts: 44 Member
    Lacto-ovo vegetarian for 2 years here, for health and ethical reasons. I'm not interested in pushing my diet on anyone else. If someone comes to me for advice (as in, "What are some good sources of plant-based iron or protein?"), then I'm quite happy to share information.

    Work lunches were a bit of a challenge in the beginning--but now there's almost always at least one vegetarian option. There have been a couple of times I've had to correct misconceptions, e.g. the assumption that "you eat fish, don't you?"
  • Marll
    Marll Posts: 904 Member
    I love meat!!!! LOVE IT! Its delicious!!!!!

    Ive heard different things.. meat is good for you.. meat is bad for you...


    Meat is wonderful for you. Saturated fats not so much. But you can't have beef or pork without the saturated or trans fats.
    I would eat 6 to 8 oz of fish each meal if I wasn't afraid of mercury poisoning. Instead I eat eggs and turkey whenever I can't eat fish.

    There is a minute, negligible amount of trans fat in animal meat. The biggest sources of trans fats are from food processing and vegtable oils/shortenings, which is the result of peope stupidly trying to outsmart nature.

    There are no real problems with saturated fat from animals, but trans fats wreak havoc on the human body. It sure is great that the government and other "agencies" forced most food producers to change to using vegtable oils.....
  • redraidergirl2009
    redraidergirl2009 Posts: 2,560 Member
    I love meat!!!! LOVE IT! Its delicious!!!!!

    Ive heard different things.. meat is good for you.. meat is bad for you...


    Meat is wonderful for you. Saturated fats not so much. But you can't have beef or pork without the saturated or trans fats.
    I would eat 6 to 8 oz of fish each meal if I wasn't afraid of mercury poisoning. Instead I eat eggs and turkey whenever I can't eat fish.

    There is a minute, negligible amount of trans fat in animal meat. The biggest sources of trans fats are from food processing and vegtable oils/shortenings, which is the result of peope stupidly trying to outsmart nature.

    There are no real problems with saturated fat from animals, but trans fats wreak havoc on the human body. It sure is great that the government and other "agencies" forced most food producers to change to using vegtable oils.....

    We have to remember meat you eat not isn't the same meat that was eaten 200 years ago. It wasn't pumped full of hormones to speed up it's growth, or dunked in ammonia before it was packed to sell to you.
  • nibbynoo
    nibbynoo Posts: 250 Member
    I'm a meat eating vegan! lol
    I eat meat but not dairy or eggs :)
  • I am vegan.I love vegetables & fruits.