40+ Club : Where the Cool Kids Are



  • almostmotivated
    almostmotivated Posts: 2 Member
    I think this is my group. I am 51 and struggling with weight. Last year, I trained and walked/rain a 1/2 marathon (13.1 miles). I am so proud of that accomplishment. The disappointing part was that I did not lose one pound or clothing size. I get it...food choices and portions...so here I am.
  • abbezen
    abbezen Posts: 405 Member
    Hey Cool Kids~ I will be 53 in September. My 2 kids and 4 g'kids all think I'm pretty cool. I started this journey in March and am loving life!
  • nc_moon_beam
    nc_moon_beam Posts: 38 Member
    I'm 42, pushing 43...

    I just broke up with my scale and started dating the measuring tape. The scale was a lyin', playin' SOB who kept me coming back again and again, only to break my heart with what he had to say. The measuring tape is going to be my new friend forever, although I only plan on seeing him once a month.

    Friend me! :)
  • bsix3
    bsix3 Posts: 291
    Hey everyone I am 47 will be 48 on June 7 and I consider myself pretty cool!!! LOL! I have reached My "goal weight " around October 2011 doing Jillian 30 day shred,Ripped in 30and running and riding the stationary bike. But the scale lies!! I have been strength training for about 5 months now, I am down one pants size to a size 2 but gained 3lbs!! Very happy with my lifting progress! My one year anniversary coming up in 13 days! I want to live a life that is quality filled!!

    43 here!!
    Congrats on your accomplishments! Thatls great! Happy Anniversary.
  • AWDGhostRider
    Hi kids! I'm 41 and still feel like a kid at heart. Just got started on my journey to a healthier me.
  • Rowan813
    Rowan813 Posts: 170 Member
    I am 44 and this is the coolest I have ever been, if cool=fit. I am back on track with clean eating and currently work out 6 days a week. I mix lifting, spinning, bootcamp, and a little yoga when possible.
  • nxd10
    nxd10 Posts: 4,570 Member
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hello all and welcome to the new cool kids on this block. :wink:

    Beeps - that darn movie theatre popcorn is so hard to resist!

    The day got better as it went along yesterday. I was busy and the day flew by, which is always bonus. Managed to get a 5m run in with my g/f. It started slow and when I was finally getting into it, my g/f started having issues, so we walked some on the way back. No problem, we were still moving.

    Not sure I'm going to get a workout in today. My bff is coming to visit, so we usually end up chatting and drinking wine. :tongue:
    Maybe we can go for a walk first! lol.

    I really need to start getting up in the MORNINGS to get my workouts in...that way they are done and out of the way. If I go for a run or walk after work - bonus!

    Have a good one.
  • etajr
    etajr Posts: 49
    I am 54 and can always use the encouragement.. I am half way to my goal.
  • tbskipp
    tbskipp Posts: 184 Member
    Hi Kids! I am sure i have commented on here at some point but i thought i'd drop in and say HI!
    I'm 40 and determined to make it fabulous. I discovered MFP right before I turned 40 back in January. Loving it and all the support.

    Happy Tuesday every one!
  • ElleBee66
    ElleBee66 Posts: 128 Member
    Morning Cool Kids!

    Well the sun is shining here in Ireland which is unusual!

    Hope you didn't do too much wine and chatting Sdereski!

    Have a good day everone! x
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    sdereski - I used to work out EVERY morning. Then, my schedule at work changed and now, the best I can do, is try and get my work-out in over the lunch hour. Usually, I do pretty well. If I wait until after work, it's never gonna happen!

    Today, I have a mediation over the lunch hour, but am going to try and sneak out, afterward, and still get my work-out in. Cross your fingers for me!

    Oh yes, and it's my 2nd day of REALLY low-carbing it. I've got to take month-end photos/measurements/scale this weekend and I'm DESPERATE to flatten my tummy by then!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    Hi Beeps - you certainly do a good job of geting your noon workouts in. I really think mornings are the best time for me, but darn, I have a difficult time getting up. Then, if I have B&B guests, I would have to walke up that much earlier again as I would need to try and get it in before I have to prepare breakfast for them.
    We'll see...I keep trying to get up early.
    Am planning on running tonight after work. Having to meet someone to go is great accountability that gets me out the door.
    My bff was visiting for a couple of days and we did a couple of great hikes. We ate and drank, but we made sure we also got our exercise in as well.
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    How fun with your bff!! Good for you!!

    I did get my heavy-lifting in yesterday. So, I'm nicely sore today! Today is a rest day.

    Tomorrow I'll do my cardio work-out and I'll get back to the heavy lifting on Sunday or Monday. Enjoy your long weekend, cool kids! I'll check back in on tuesday.
  • jbad9
    jbad9 Posts: 5
    Yesterday I completely my 49th work out since July 4th! I set a goal for myself of 50 workouts by my 50th bday. My bday is still over a week away so I will exceed my goal! Yeah!!! I am going on a mini-yoga retreat this weekend so that should be awesome!
  • sdereski
    sdereski Posts: 3,406 Member
    jbad - congrats on meeting and probably surpassing your goal of 50 workouts by your 50th birthday. Cool goal.
    Have fun at that yoga retreat!

    Beeps - love that soreness from a good workout.

    Got my run in yesterday. Was one of my best runs since my ultra. Yay!

    Not sure if I can get one in today, but am going to try. We're invited out for dinner, so I really, really want to get a workout in. I am going to need the extra cals. :tongue:

    have a great long weekend all. :flowerforyou:
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    It's soooooo funny when a long weekend becomes my UBER-WORK-OUT time!

    Saturday - long cardio
    Sunday - weight-training
    Monday - step-aerobics

    I'm hitting it on all fronts, just now. My diet is extremely good - I do plan on losing weight over the next 8 weeks as my birthday approaches and, even after a family gathering last night - I stayed 100% on plan!

    I'm proud of myself and feel like I'm on a mission that just isn't going to quit! Yay!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    First day of school - had my grade 6-er and grade 5-er in tow. They are settled in and I think they will have a good year.

    Arrived at work late - yay! Any second NOT spent at work, at this time, is a "win" for me, lol.

    I'm going to try and get my lifting session in today. But, if my work-out time is cut-short, then I'll just do a little cardio and STRETCHING.

    What's on your agenda for this week, cool kids?
  • bikinisuited
    bikinisuited Posts: 881 Member
    Hello beeps. Wishing you a great! Happy to check-in, I am officially 3 pounds away from my goal and I hope to get bikinisuited! Today is eight resistance training but I am going to walk as I have Baker's cyst on my knee and it freaking hurts.

    I posted a topic (Be proud post a pic of bikinisuited...) hoping to get those who are closer to their goal to post pictures of getting bikinisuited, any volunteers! My topic is empty...;0(!
  • Beeps2011
    Beeps2011 Posts: 12,003 Member
    If that is you in a bikini, bikinisuited, in your avatar, then I'd say that you are doing just fine and likely the 3 lbs won't make much of a difference - congrats!

    My bikini days are over....I don't think I've worn a bikini since I was 16. I will also add that I don't think I've wanted to wear one - I just like to feel a little more covered, even when I was in my "prime"! Tankinis = fine. Bikinis = not my favourite thing.

    I didn't get a work-out in, today, so I am watching my calories VERY closely!