Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 1st Weigh in Jan.



  • marlemcdougal
    marlemcdougal Posts: 17 Member
    Hi Everyone,

    I'm a little frustrated with myself. :noway: I had two bad days of eating, and now I'm up a little. I know its probably just the salt because I was still under or really close to my calories for the day. I need to give myself a little kick in the rear so I can end the week on a better note.
  • marlemcdougal
    marlemcdougal Posts: 17 Member

    I also LOVE my heart rate monitor. I highly recommend people who exercise and are trying to lose weight get one with a calorie counter. I exercise pretty intensely, and I love to know that during a good workout I burn about 1200 calories. It makes the workout seem worth it. It also explains why I'm starving afterwords and lets me know that I can eat a little extra those days. Good job on the 2000 calories, that's impressive.
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Well here is a kick in the rear! OK time to move on! Stop beating yourself up! You can't go back and change it~ you can only remember it for next time when it rears it ugly head again. Remember the choose you made and how you felt after making that choose. We all slip but it is what we do after we slip that matters! So chin up! Cheers! Here is to you getting back up and going strong full steam a head. HUGS!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    okay- how about a small success story.:flowerforyou:

    i have been resisting doing any shopping for new clothes. there is something about shopping for new stuff that says you've arrived, and i have such a long way to go that i do not feel i have arrived anywhere. But, my daughter needed slacks, so i looked at jeans since mine don't fit anymore.

    so.......drum roll please.....i bought a new pair of jeans 4 sizes smaller than what i have been wearing. Wow. :drinker:
    i still have lots to lose, but dang that felt good.:bigsmile:
  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    Today I feel like giving up but instead of stuffing my face I am coming here for some support.

    I had a bad weekend and I gained 1.5 big deal, Monday I had a good day, stayed within my calories and yesterday when I woke up I was down half a pound. Yesterday was my son's birthday and he requested tacos for dinner and a red velvet cake. I was nervous about having cake in the house since that is what got me in trouble over the weekend, especially since my youngest son's birthday is Sunday. I decided to make ONE cake in two round pans and we decorated half the cake for my oldest and I stuck the other half in the freezer for my little guy this weekend. That way I couldn't go crazy and tear through two cakes this week. I wanted to eat tacos with my kids so I planned ahead and ate small meals throughout the day. I also spent over four hours really cleaning the house, scrubbing tubs and bathroom tile, floors, vacuuming and dusting everything. According to the exercise calculator I burned 1082 calories. So I went ahead and had two tacos with very little meat and cheese and 1/16 of the cake ( a serving is 1/12) and I was under my calorie goal for the day. I woke up this morning and got on the scale...up 1/2 a lb! What the heck?!

    Meanwhile, my husband who is dieting with me has lost 32 lbs. I try not to compare myself to him since he is NOT doing it right., he's pretty much starving himself to drop the weight quickly and I know that it will more than likely come back as it always has in the past. Still, its frustrating to see the lbs falling off him and witness his restraint when it comes to eating. I am trying to do this the right way this time but still be able to indulge a little on special occasions. I planned, I exercised I ate in moderation and still I gained! I'm just so frustrated!
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    Christie- the scale can be a mean thing some days. Don't forget your weight can vary 2 lbs or so each day, it does help not to weigh each day, you can make yourself nuts if watching that constant fluctuation bugs you. Since you did indulge a little with rich food yesterday evening, be sure to get at least 8 to 10 glasses of water in today. do some exercise, go for a walk and it will improve.

    My husband did not start dieting with me, but as i moved up to 50 lbs lost he started to work harder at it. i was rather glad he wasn't trying to compete (men just lose more easily) but now that he is, he does not make good calorie choices all the time or snack reasonably. i imagine he'll lose some anyway, since our evening meals are lower in calories & he is avoiding seconds.

    with your husband there it is hard, but remember this is about you. and you are right your loss will lead to a better life and new habits that will carry you forward not yo-yo you back to this point.

    as for the cake- serve it, let everyone have a 2nd piece next day and get rid of it. send it with your husband to work or take it to your work. it will disappear and you won't feel compelled to "finish it".
  • hsc5690
    hsc5690 Posts: 8 Member
    Christy, You are doing just great. I will almost bet the weight you thought you gain was actually water retention as the seasoning for the taco's were very high sodium. To flush it out of your system please drink plenty of water( more than usual) and stop fretting. I agree I only weigh in once a week. But anything high sodium like that or ham will do the same thing. You haven't gained weight you are just retaining the water.
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    C'mon Christie -- you know better (edit: than to be discouraged by this).
    Tacos = sodium, yes? Sodium = water retention, yes? Water retention = temporary weight gain, yes? So, it follows that tacos = temporary water weight gain, yes? No big deal. Drink some water & get on with it. :wink:

    And, on top of all of that logic, it's also possible your body is just readjusting. Or maybe you weighed yourself when you were dehydrated last time. Or who knows, it could be a multitude of reasons! I was down to 223.2 last Saturday. Then Monday I was at 224, then 225 Tuesday AND today! Does it bother me? Nuh uh. Why? Because I'm still doing everything right and it's going to happen and TOM is in town and that's most likely the reason for the fluctuation.

    I've only had a few weeks so far when I didn't lose anything or even (gasp) gained. I consider myself very lucky because my little mini-plateaus only seem to last a week or 2 and then I start dropping again. They're just little bumps in the road, but the MOST IMPORTANT thing is to never quit. :flowerforyou:
  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    Thanks everyone. I did drink more water today and got my butt on the exercise bike for a bit. I probably shouldn't weigh every day, I'm going to try to stay off the scale until Friday.
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    One of the challenges i have faced is how to deal with cravings and have healthy snacks that do not leave me with the desire to eat through anything in the pantry. So I stumbled on this really healthy alternative to potato chips.

    on the today show last week joy bauer mentioned roasting kale as a substitute for potato chips. i looked it up and it was in good housekeeping 2 years ago, so i tried it. and as joy said -- i am not delusional, i do not think it tastes like potato chips; however after eating a couple cups (and i splurged and had a diet coke too, instead of water) :tongue: i felt like i had indulged in salty crispy chips for a snack :bigsmile: (and isn't that the point? my husband liked it too and wants to try it with chipolte seasoning next time) Any way i put it in mfp as homemade- roasted kale chips= 43 calories/cup and loads of vitamins.
    43 calories for a cup as opposed to 120 for 10 potato chips is a trade off i can accept.

    chop kale into 2 inch pieces (cut out stem) spread out on a baking sheet, spray generously with olive oil (like Pam olive oil), sprinkle with kosher salt. bake 400 degrees for 10 min. ( some pieces will have browned, that's ok)

    seriously, you should give it a try. no more, "i ate a half a bag of chips last night" for me. :flowerforyou: -katie
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    hey all hows everyone doing? iv been tryin to up my excercise (which was pretty much zero! so shudnt be too hard lol) iv taken my dog on extra walks, which he is lovin and iv been going swimming,did about ten lengths, was lots of fun forgot how much i enjoyed swimming - i was always too embarressed before but i know i was bein silly n if i want to shift this weight i need to get a grip and be more active!:smile: x
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    hi everyone! Got curious and weighed in this morning

    Woot! I've lost a total of 6 lbs in the past couple weeks!!:noway:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Can't wait for tomorrow's weigh in. I've been weighing in on my Wii Fit every day, and the numbers keep going down and down. My home scale is only 1 lb difference, so I'm very excited. Provided I don't gain anything today, I'm looking at a 3 lb loss! It's a first. Hoping that 3 lbs will stay tomorrow.
    See y'all at weigh in!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    I off to bed can't wait to weigh in~ in the AM! Does anyone know what happen to becca? She isn't on anymore she is deactivated! :sad:
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Well morning has arrived! And the reading on the magic scale was..........239.9.......... that is a 3.9 loss for the week!

    I'm so happy I'm under 240. Yeah me!!! I have reach my first goal 24 days early!!!! Can't waiting to see how everyone else did this week! The only thing I have changed this week is I started drinking a gallon of water a day.

    I hope everyone had a great week! Hugs! :wink:
  • KaeChelle
    KaeChelle Posts: 576
    Lost 1.5 pounds this week, so that puts me at 278! Wasn't sure how it would go since I've been sick all week and have mostly stayed in bed.
  • Wow thats almost 13 pounds lost so far good for you keep up the good work!!!!

    I had a BAD week or well not bad I am trying to shock my body from a Plateau, I started in the middle of November and I was dropping 3-4 sometimes 5 pounds a week and last week I had a 6.2 pound week so I thought still eat healthy but give your body a rest this week and then kick it into over drive next week "for some bigger numbers"

    So last week I was 245.4 to 244 so 1.4 pounds still good but hoping to see the 230's next week :)

    Excited to see how well everyone else did :)!!!!
  • LittleSpy
    LittleSpy Posts: 6,754 Member
    Well, suprisingly I was at 222.0 this morning! I was retaining water thanks to TOM all week and the scale was being pretty rude to me. :laugh:
    That's a 1.8 pound loss for me. And after 2 weeks in the 3 pound loss area, I'll take my 1.8 & run! :smile:

    Looks like next week I may hit the 50 pounds lost mark! :happy: Or at least I better or there's very little chance of me making my Valentine's Day goal on time (which would be okay, but it would be the first goal I've ever missed (Halloween was my first goal date).
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    Just weighed in at 221.8, I think my weight last Friday was 225.8
    That's a 4 lb loss. MY VERY FIRST 4 LB LOSS!!
    Holy toledo, Batman!

    Looks like I'll be hitting 30 lbs by the time I see my doctor on Feb 3rd afterall!
  • Nicmc8
    Nicmc8 Posts: 178 Member
    No change on the scale for me this week:( I had a crazy week, only hit the gym twice and only drank 1 glass of water yesterday! At least I didn't gain! I am off today, so I dropping my daughter off at preschool and heading straight to the gym! Cross your fingers for me this weekend.... I will be out of town:tongue:
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