Need to Lose 100 LBS -Robins Thread !



  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Wednesday wish - that my husbands workers comp settlement would start moving again. We really need to get caught back up after him being off work for 6 months. So my biggest wish is not to be wondering if and how we will meet the bills each month.


    I know how hard it is to be facing bills and living expenses and not having income coming in. I was unable to work for 6 months before starting to get my Social Security Disability. Praying the settlement comes through soon for you.
  • jtconst
    jtconst Posts: 641 Member
    Well it is wednesday and my wish for today is some motivation to do just about anything. I am happy I made myself do my workout today but am getting nothing else accomplished fast. I need to clean my house and still need to get the rest of yesterdays groceries put away. I always stock way up on everything but perishables before my hubby gets home. He is the first to admit he is ridiculous but spending money on food drives him nuts. This way I dont really have to do it when he is home. So now I have bags and bags that need to be put away in the pantry, lol. Otherwise my prayers go out to all those in the path of the storm. While I am a major storm enthusiast I hope you all keep safe and dont suffer from any major damage. For everyone else keep up the great work.
  • monarchris
    monarchris Posts: 262 Member
    Greetings to all, hope your Wednesday is full of blessings. I am having to back off my walking a bit, can hardly walk today. Going back to 2 20 minute walks for a few days and then will try a 20 and a 30 walk. I am not going to quit though in spite of the pain!!! I have both a scale victory and a non-scale victory. My son took me to the Salvation Army store and I got 5 nice pairs of jeans and slacks for $15.45. One of the pair I bought still had the price tag on and had never been worn. The pants were smaller size too!!!:smile: Love bargains.:love: When I weighed in today I lost 2 lbs for a total of 29 since 07/07 and 50 since 04/01. I changed my ticker to the date when I first started attempting to cut back which was my highest weight ever.

    Wednesday wish that I could walk and run without pain, but I know that the pain is the consequence of my years of abusing my body. Also wishing safety for those facing Isaac.
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    @Monachris - Wonderful news on the new smaller clothes and the scale drop! Your hard hard work paying off! SOrry you're hurting, hopefully splitting up your walks will help. I recently did the same thing with my ticker yesterda. Set it to show my weight at my heaviest. HOping it motivates me to keep on keeping on. :laugh:
  • vidvox
    vidvox Posts: 62 Member
    Hope those of you near the storm are keeping safe. Thanks to skinnyjeanz for your words of wisdom! We are going away for a couple of days and my Wednesday wish is to stop worrying about school for those days and just enjoy myself!
  • CathEsh
    CathEsh Posts: 135 Member
    @BohemianCoast ~ I will take your advice and freeze the banana bread in individual slices! I managed to stay out of it today! I think I got my "mojo" back since I've been able to stay away from the tempting treats!

    Wednesday wish: I wish this cold and cough would go away and that I could find time to work on my grad class homework! Can't seem to work everything in!
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    I may switch back to the Fage yogurt - even though it has the sugar, only because it seems to keep me from craving / wanting other sugary treats.

    I don't know how it compares to fage but our local stores here sell a brand call ZOI and I am a hardcore addict. I just love the flavors. The calories are a tad high(er than other lowfat yogurts) but so worth it! It packs a bit of extra protein as well since it's greek yogurt.

    What kind of Fage yogurt are you eating that you are worried about the sugar? I only eat the plain stuff made with 0% fat milk and here are the stats for 1 cup of yogurt: 130 cal, 0g fat, 9g carbs (all sugar) and 23 grams of protein. Personally, I think that is the perfect ratio for sugar and it is way less sugar than other yogurts out there.
  • Lauriek70
    Lauriek70 Posts: 2,087 Member
    Wish- Everyone in the path of Isaac survives the storm with little to no damage. Stay safe everyone.

    I was so tired today that I gave up on attending a meeting tonight and came home instead. I did manage to find the energy to mow the lawn but just did not want to drive for another 30 minutes to make it to the meeting. My original plan was to work late then go get dinner and exercise at the park where my meeting was. Instead I had a healthier dinner and did get some exercise in with the grass cutting tonight. Now, I have plenty of energy and I want to sleep tonight. The kids at school are zapping the life and energy out of me.

    My cat is about to join me so I will cut it short tonight. I also wish that the cats eye gets better. We have been fighting an infection for a couple of weeks. It started in his mouth and has moved to the eyes.
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    @vinsohn: When I run and walk (I have been doing walking at 3.5mph and running at 5 mph) I log the total minutes at each pace separately. so last week I was doing 6 minutes at 5 mph and 24 walking. To me it seems like it would be more accurate that way.

    Wed Wish: For more patience at work. I can get frustrated easily if I go too long long without eating or drinking anything.
  • RobinsEgg
    RobinsEgg Posts: 3,702 Member
    Wishs - I love being able to kick back and make a wish each week. How often do we do that in RL? I am of course wishing the best for those in the path of Isaac, but I figure I still get a wish for me.

    I wish for a better attitude toward money. Just like I've gotten a grip on my calories, I want to have that attitude towards the $5 and $10 items I tend to buy on the spur of the moment.. I was ashamed of backing out on buying the dining table - that really inconvenienced strangers - and was a bad example of impulse buying - at least I corrected myself before I bought it. I want to knuckle down and really control my spending and increase my savings.
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    I may switch back to the Fage yogurt - even though it has the sugar, only because it seems to keep me from craving / wanting other sugary treats.

    I don't know how it compares to fage but our local stores here sell a brand call ZOI and I am a hardcore addict. I just love the flavors. The calories are a tad high(er than other lowfat yogurts) but so worth it! It packs a bit of extra protein as well since it's greek yogurt.

    What kind of Fage yogurt are you eating that you are worried about the sugar? I only eat the plain stuff made with 0% fat milk and here are the stats for 1 cup of yogurt: 130 cal, 0g fat, 9g carbs (all sugar) and 23 grams of protein. Personally, I think that is the perfect ratio for sugar and it is way less sugar than other yogurts out there.

    I haven't heard of ZOI, MyM0wM0w, but I will have to look for it. Thanks :)

    nicholsvj- I get the kind with the tasty jellied fruit... I enjoy the plain, with fresh fruit, but have a hard time with the prep... <insert nice way to say how lazy I am, here>. I did try a couple of other things, and decided to stick to my guns about the Fage with fruit. I found a yoplait greek that someone had mentioned, and will give that a try. OR maybe I will end up being less lazy. ;) I really enjoy the flavor of the Fage plain.

    Kelley- I finally got the chance to check out and wow! Very interesting and helpful! Thank you! :) Refined flours are on there too... my theory about sugars and flours may be spot on. For years I have been in pain and wouldn't it be silly if all I had to do to get rid of it was to change my diet? :tongue:

    mnwalkingqueen- YAY on the house!!! I'm excited for you. Congratulations. :):happy:

    Jana - I know you CAN do this. You have the tools to be whatever you want to be. You are already heading in the right direction. Just breathe and move forward. If you trip over a rock, kick it aside and step a little more carefully on that part of the path. You got this. Have fun at your family reunion and take some healthy snacks with you! :):bigsmile:

    Lana - TERRIFIC on the smaller size! I bet that felt awesome! Keep going! :drinker:

    Christine - It sucks to have to slow down, I know! Good job listening to your body and doing what is best for it. I am usually pretty bad at that and wait until I am in too much pain to walk at all. Keep going- you are doing terrific and I am so inspired by you! :flowerforyou:
  • nicholsvj
    nicholsvj Posts: 220 Member
    yeah, I find it hard to find yogurts that I really like. I have tried several fat free yogurts and Fage is by far the best flavor and texture profile I have found! I really love the Greek Gods yogurt, but the fat free one is gross and the good stuff just has way too much fat to make it worth while for me!

    I like my plain with a tablespoon of raw honey (mostly for my allergies), fruit and some walnuts. My favorite lunch!
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    yeah, I find it hard to find yogurts that I really like. I have tried several fat free yogurts and Fage is by far the best flavor and texture profile I have found! I really love the Greek Gods yogurt, but the fat free one is gross and the good stuff just has way too much fat to make it worth while for me!

    I like my plain with a tablespoon of raw honey (mostly for my allergies), fruit and some walnuts. My favorite lunch!

    I started doing local raw honey for my allergies also... but find that it triggers allergies for me instead of helping. Have you done that long? I am wondering if maybe I just have to use less.....
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Wednesday Wish: That those in the path of Issac will be ok.

    Also to be more organized at home.

    Wishingeveryone a good night
  • MyM0wM0w
    MyM0wM0w Posts: 2,008 Member
    Feeling pretty frustrated and stressed tonight. The scale hasn't moved in nearly 3 weeks. I pulled my food logs and checked to make sure stuff isn't sneaking in. They have some slips but overall I've been not terribly bad. I know I need to move more but 3 weeks and not a single lb? WTF? What's the point of this if all these changes aren't making a difference?!

    Ugh! Annoyed!
  • skinnyjeanzbound
    skinnyjeanzbound Posts: 3,932 Member
    Wed. Wish:
    That I could spend more time chatting on the thread, but it's bedtime for me. Will try to check in more thoroughly tomorrow. :heart:
  • naceto
    naceto Posts: 517 Member
    Feeling pretty frustrated and stressed tonight. The scale hasn't moved in nearly 3 weeks. I pulled my food logs and checked to make sure stuff isn't sneaking in. They have some slips but overall I've been not terribly bad. I know I need to move more but 3 weeks and not a single lb? WTF? What's the point of this if all these changes aren't making a difference?!

    Ugh! Annoyed!

    MyM0wM0w - Stay strong!!! Maybe it is your excellence at sticking to plan that is keeping things as is... what can you do to mix things up a bit? Change up the veggies and fruits (or add more), perform a different exercise activity, or maybe your stress levels are higher than normal? Don't let that silly number on the scale get you down... you are worth much more than that number.

    Take care of you and everything will work out. ~hugs~
  • LAMypie
    LAMypie Posts: 127 Member
    I forgot to write down who had the losses and bought smaller clothes. Whoever you were...YAY!!!

    @Vinsohn - me personally, I picked a pace in between my walk and jog, (I walked at 2.5 and jogged at 3.5, so I put 3 for 30 mins.). I know, probably not the best way, and I may not do it that way tomorrow, but I was lazy. :blushing: Wrapping your ankle could be a good idea. But maybe waiting a bit to run and working up to it to strengthen it along the way may be good too. Awesome job on the program though! Isn't it exciting?

    @MyM0wM0w - You've lost 93 lbs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! How awesome is that! Plateu's are part of the process. Look at how far you've come and realize how much of an inspiration you are to the rest of us! Keep it up! Change your workout routine. That could be all it'll take. Your body is used to what you're doing, so change it up. But don't get discouraged! You've lost so much, and I can't wait until I'm as awesome as you are!
  • tekavincent
    tekavincent Posts: 160 Member
    bump, very very slee.....zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
  • regojess
    regojess Posts: 28 Member
    Wed wish.... that I had more time to read all my homework assignments and to still be able to go for my walk everyday.

    Thurs truth... I hate sharing a house with my sister. That's just been on my mind today and it was the only thing I could think of to write.

    Here's hoping tomorrow is a better day and that my teacher doesn't give me too much crap for the paper I quickly wrote tonight so i would have something to show tomorrow. HEhehe. Ever the procrastinator.

    Til next time...goodnight!