Ladies and Men Opinions on Makeup



  • S1NN3R
    S1NN3R Posts: 452 Member
    I can leave the house without makeup if I need to, but I always at least try to put on some foundation so that my skin is at least even.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    I rarely wear make-up unless I just feel like getting dolled up and going out with my husband, most days I feel like I look better without it and I get lots of compliments on my complexion (which seems odd to me, but w/e) so I don't see the need to gunk it up with make-up
  • Toxictwist
    Toxictwist Posts: 274
    I usually always have make-up on, feel naked without it. Unless I am at the gym/just lounging around at home.
  • magj0y
    magj0y Posts: 1,911 Member
    I rarely wear make up, maaaybe 4 times a -month-. Even then, it's powder foundation, eyeliner, mascara, lipstick and blush. No goopy liquidy stuff.

    Just look at my avatar, and you'll see how well I'm doing.
  • jnite
    jnite Posts: 108 Member
    I never wear makeup, never have other than a little mascara. Confession time........I don't even know how to put it on properly, other than the easy stuff like mascara and lip gloss:ohwell: :embarassed:
  • ChevyChick88
    ChevyChick88 Posts: 356 Member
    It is a rare and special ocassion that I wear make-up. Well, eyeliner and lip gloss are more regular. I am lucky enough to have a good complexion and not have to use powder or foundation! My hubby has always like me without. It does help my skin out lots and I tend to break out more when I do put it on.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    When I was younger I wore eyeliner every day but that was about it. I'd do fun make-up for going out at night but almost never anything during the day.

    I picked up rosacea a few years ago, though, so now I wear foundation to help even out my skin tone. I also wear eyeliner, mascara and some kind of lip color every week day.

    On weekends if I'm just hiking or biking or doing errands or just hanging around the house I don't wear any make up - I like to give myself a break. If I'm meeting friends or going out I do my usual daily and if I'm going out at night I'll do up the eyes and lips a little more.
  • SirZee
    SirZee Posts: 381
    I acutally find it funny to hear all of the guys saying they prefer little or no make up. The funny thing is the women that you are normally breaking your necks to look at while out on the town are made up as well as the celebrities, the lovely ladies in your "magazines and movies", etc. Men nomrally are not checking out plain jane amish looking women.

    We are. We just don't gawk. We know that the lay-it-on-thick girls want us to look, so we do so freely. The ones that are subtle, we can't tell whether its ok to look, so we do it on the down-low. We LOVE to look, but get in trouble for it sometimes.

    Also, we don't care for looking stupid/gawker with the celebrity gal, since we know the chance of success is so small, might as well blow it up front. With a nice regular gal, we try not to give the "that guy is staring at me" impression at first.

    PS. The breaking neck magazine girls/celebrities, its NOT the makeup that we are really looking at ;)
  • kmbrooks15
    kmbrooks15 Posts: 941 Member
    It's refreshing to see a lot of the guys saying they prefer no makeup or, at most, minimal makeup. I wear minimal makeup and usually only for church or going out. I use mineral makeup because my skin is sensitive and it's so much easier to apply and have it look natural. I don't wear it to work because I work in a church office in a position that has me pretty much by myself most of the day. I also was blessed with good skin (thank you, Mom!), so I really only use it to even out my skin tone.

    I have seen some women who wear WAY too much makeup. To me, it actually makes you look older, not younger. Makeup should be used to enhance your natural features and smooth out flaws, not to cover up who you are. There's a reason people made fun of Tammy Faye Bakker...
  • kburns0709
    kburns0709 Posts: 297 Member
    my skin is fine so i just wear a little mascara and lip gloss, i never wear stuff on my face unless im going out
    i think its sad that young ladies think they have to wear tons of foundation and zillions of different products, save that for when your skin actually needs it
  • MinnieInMaine
    MinnieInMaine Posts: 6,400 Member
    I very rarely wear makeup and when I do, it's only mascara and maybe tinted lip balm. I may look marginally better with some liquid foundation but my skin is so sensitive that I get itchy and wipe it all off in a manner of hours so why go through the time and expense? And since several folks have mentioned their spouses - Hubs prefers me without it.
  • AlbaAngel25
    AlbaAngel25 Posts: 484 Member
    I love makeup. I do believe like some OP's that you as long as you know how to put it on properly without looking gross then do it. I also leave the house without makeup on a lot of the time too. I usually wear it on the weekends when we go out and do things and to events etc...

    I'm not scared to go out in public with no make up on, but i do usually feel more put together when i have my hair and makeup done! Whatever floats ur boat!!
  • aippolito1
    aippolito1 Posts: 4,894 Member
    Since it's summer and SO hot in Texas (not recently - but usually), I typically just wear eyeliner on top, in my waterline, and mascara only on the outer edges of my lashes. I never wear powder or foundation, and haven't since I was probably 16 or so, just because it makes me break out, and I don't have the time, energy, or money, trying to figure out what foundation will "work for me" when I am okay without it. So... usually I'm just a lips and eye kinda girl. If I want to go all out, I'll do a smokey eye and lip gloss or tame eyeshadow and a dramatic lip. It varies depending on my mood. Unless I'm just running an errand or about to workout or have JUST been working out, I typically can leave the house with just eyeliner in my waterline and feel okay about myself.
  • carriempls
    carriempls Posts: 326 Member
    I hate when people put makeup on their actually cheek/all over face looks sooo fakey and i don't get why so many people think it looks okay. It looks horrible. I think people look nice though when they wear lip gloss and a small amount of eye make up though. Just be yourself!

    Those are the people who don't know how to wear make up correctly. I wear foundation on my face every day and most people would never guess I wear it - I've been told that often.
  • SouthernSweetie74
    I can take it or leave it. It doesn't bother me a bit to leave the house with no make-up on or my hair in a pony tail. I'm not one of those women who always feels the need to wear make-up.

    I look better with make-up, though. Don't get wrong. I am pretty sure that people appreciate it when I do wear make-up. But I am just ME. Take it or leave it. LOL
  • MsMurrayinMO
    I rarely wear makeup and that is only if I'm going to a party where I'm dressing up. I will maybe put on mascara and tinted lip gloss for work if we have important people coming in. Otherwise it's no makeup and chapstick for me. I hate looking at women that have makeup that is caked into the the lines on their face by the afternoon. I want to say something but never do. I on the other hand would like it if someone would tell me if I was looking rediculous.

    I have had very little skin issues my entire life and really my mother never showed me how to do my makeup so I just think I do a bad job of it.
  • MissyMissy18
    MissyMissy18 Posts: 315 Member
    Boy do I hate makeup!

    I mean, a little mascara, eyeliner, blush and lipgloss make me look about 1,000 times better... but I just can't be bothered most days.

    Same goes for my hair!

    My daily routine is usually face wash, moisturizer, wash my hair, put a little defrizzing serum in and let nature do the rest. I like to think I look natural and beachy (I have wavy hair)... but in reality I probably look tired and frumpy hahaha

    I've always wondered if this makes me seem less professional at work.... but when I can hardly be bothered to come in on time most days, I certainly can't be bothered to put on makeup :bigsmile:

    But my clothes always look nice!!
  • allisonmrn
    allisonmrn Posts: 721 Member
    I wear minimal makeup, I don't like how heavy makeup feels on my skin. To work I wear tinted moisturizer(Neutrogena, Whoop), a little eyeliner, and mascara.. Always, some lip balm or lip gloss, I hate dry lips. I have usually sweat it all off by the time I leave the gym anyway....
  • Amber82479
    Amber82479 Posts: 629 Member
    I slap on mascara every day because my lashes and brows are blond, so I look sick without it. Otherwise, no makeup for this girl. Hubby hates it and so do I!
  • miadvh
    miadvh Posts: 290 Member
    I almost never wear makeup, aside from the occasional lip gloss and maybe some mascara if I'm going out. I'm just fine with how I look without..and I'm too lazy haha. Thank goodness my husband doesn't really like makeup. Once I was going to a birthday party..dressed in jeans and a tanktop, hair in a side braid, and only lipgloss and mascara on and he asked why I was so dressed up! Gotta love him haha. I also don't do much with my hair. It's curly so sometimes I just let it go natural or I put it in the side's down to my bum and I am in now way, shape or form patient enough to do it every freakin' day.