How Wrong I Was! 600 Days of MFP. Lotsa pics.



  • islandnutshel
    islandnutshel Posts: 1,143 Member
    This is to bump this back into circulation.
    So educational
  • Dawna954
    Dawna954 Posts: 183 Member
    Wow! You look absolutely stunning!!!!! What a great story. Without the words, the pictures tell it all! Congratulations on your achievement. What an incredible inspiration you are to us here on MFP!
  • LorinaLynn
    LorinaLynn Posts: 13,247 Member
    I'm honestly so touched by all these comments. Really. Truly.

    And I also want to say, "What the hell is wrong with you people?!" :laugh: I only lost 26 pounds. It's not that big of a deal. I feel great and I'm happy with my progress, but I never expected this thread to get this much attention. :blushing:
  • FammaMel
    FammaMel Posts: 293 Member
    Well, I am glad this was bumped back into circulation. What an inspiration and such a well written, captivating, and motivating story. Could relate on so many levels, as many of us can. Thank you for taking the time to bring your story to life for all of us to follow and learn.

    I'm in awe.
  • Oceanpumpkin
    Wow! I've just started a new "way or life" programme yesterday and yours is the first blog I've read.
    What a great start and your story is so inspiring.
    You look fantastic and congratulations on your running achievements.
    I too enjoy a good race and hope to participate in a few more in the future months.
    Keep up the good work.
  • Letters24You
    Letters24You Posts: 263 Member
    Truely amazing!
  • mehapp
    mehapp Posts: 132
    Awesome! Inspirational - and I love your advice! thank you!
  • joannathechef
    joannathechef Posts: 484 Member
    You are so amazing! well done
  • kimg68
    kimg68 Posts: 64
    This is my first post on MFP, I have used it on my phone for the last few months, but just got it online the other day, so get ready for me :)

    To the OP: I wish I would have read your post 10 years ago when I first started trying to lose weight, I probably would have been done in a year, but here I am 10 years later, sitll in the same spot, not much has changed. And now I know why. My thinking was all wrong. Of all the posts I have ever read on any message board, on any subject, this one was by far the best. Thank you for "flipping my switch."

    To the person that posted about reading your story 3 or 4 times, 2 things;
    1) It would have taken you less time to simply hit the back button on your computer and move on to another post, then to reply to this one.
    2) Had the OP not posted her story again, I would probably have spent the next 10 years spinning my wheels, since this was my 1st time to see it.

    Ok, how was that for a first post.....I'm I banned yet?
  • perfect10isha
    perfect10isha Posts: 200 Member
    LOVE your story and your outlook on life. While we may not be friends I have stalked you for quite some time:heart: . I've actually taken the time to read most, if not all, of your blogs:flowerforyou: . You are one of my biggest inspirations on here, on top of your flare for writing. I enjoy reading your comments and hearing your story again and again. Thank you for being so kind to share your journey. You've done a great job cataloging your journey, I only wish I had taken more pictures of myself to really see my progress as you did. So glad you are a part of this community, you one of the reasons people like me can find inspiration in on a daily basis. Thank you, and huge congrats on your accomplishments and lifestyle.
  • glenn1011
    glenn1011 Posts: 17 Member
    Nice job.
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Awesome job, I LOVE that you ate and didn't starve yourself. You look gorgeous :)
  • urloved33
    urloved33 Posts: 3,323 Member
    Congratulations. You must be very, very proud of yourself. Kudos!
  • polo571
    polo571 Posts: 708 Member
  • Jennifer_Lynn_1982
    Jennifer_Lynn_1982 Posts: 567 Member
    Thank you so much for sharing your story, I have so many similarities to yours so thank you!!
  • evereadysmile
    You look amazing! So inspiring. I hope to be where you are in a year or so. Fantastic. Thanks for sharing.
  • JodieP13
    JodieP13 Posts: 94 Member
    What a great story! Thank you for the inspiration! You ROCK sister!
  • jessc923
    What does it mean to eat your exercise calories? I gotta admit I was pretty much working on a low cal thing but I don't want to just shed pounds. I want to feel strong and healthy. Your post is very convincing and inspiring. Amazing!
  • ThePilotsGirl
    ThePilotsGirl Posts: 30 Member
    Amazing job!! Thanks for sharing and the reminder that my weight lifting is important. Sometimes I look at other woman doing tons of cardio and it falls off, but you're right they don't look fit. Just a number smaller! It's why even though I'm "heavier" in numbers than the last time I was at this weight, I fit into smaller clothes and look thinner. ;) thanks again for the post of motivation and your amazing work!! ;)
  • Fitwam
    Fitwam Posts: 275 Member
    I always love to read your post!! And although we are not friends..I do stalk you and read your blogs often:blushing: ...if not to remind me that it can be done! You don't have to starve yourself! and to enjoy the journey along the way...and get rid of the scale!! (that one is a tough one for me though)!
    You look fantastic! We're about the same height and I use you as a role model!

    Thanks for sharing your stories with us! :flowerforyou:
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