Really work? You're a Jerk.



  • Why are people attacking each other on here?? :ohwell:

    i wonder the same thing! i can relate to this the OP - because i mean.. if it were a perfect world, NO ONE would eat junk around me lol! but there's always going to be obstacles like this. overcoming them is the main thing!! of course - i also believe in moderation. if you really want a doughnut or a chocolate bar, HAVE IT! there's no shame in having treats once in awhile. it will not hinder your progress!

    i don't understand why people bring in junk treats though, i guess so many people love doughnuts and crap food that it's just accustomed and a nice thing to do nowadays (i am one of these people at times because i'm a human with a sweet tooth. no shame. haha)
  • I used to feel that way too at work. Then I kinda realized it's all about my choices, not theirs. Just started this a couple of weeks ago and still struggling with the pain of beginning exercising again, but I do know that I don't want to sabotage that pain with junk food. Even been cooking some special meals for my husband so as not to mess his life up and keep him supportive.
  • bhankiii
    bhankiii Posts: 217 Member
    We have donuts every Friday. I don't eat them. Problem solved.
  • Eat it and log it. If you always log those sweet treats, then are hungry when your calories are up for the day, they look a lot less sweet!
  • It happens, people like to celebrate with food. If you want one and can fit it into your eating plan for the day, have one. I usually will split one donut (or whatever) with my coworker who is also trying to be healthier. We get our sweet fix, get to celebrate, and keep the calories to a minimum.

    Or just make sure you either avoid the break room and/or have some healthy snacks on hand to munch on instead. I like to keep some nuts and fruit in my office for emergency situations :-)

    Stay strong!
  • The woman in charge of planning meals for staff meetings at my work is a bit unfair to me too then... I don't eat processed foods or grain, yet she constantly orders in sandwiches, pizza, pasta salads, and crap like that for every meeting. She ALWAYS ensures there's something there for the one vegetarian to eat though... She actually noticed after 6 months that a few of us never eat what she orders in, ignorantly asked today if a bunch of us were "on diets", and should she just start ordering less food. It's common knowledge around the office what my dietary habits are, and yes, it makes me annoyed that she can accept that one is a vegetarian an accommodate that without question, but never once ask what were some easy options to accommodate me. How do I deal with it? If there's something she picks up that I can eat, like fresh vegetables or fruit, I eat that. And I always bring my own lunch on staff meeting day. Yeah, it sucks that I never get a free meal or treat, but those are not guaranteed in life.

    You speak up! She isn't a mind reader.
  • EatClean_WashUrNuts
    EatClean_WashUrNuts Posts: 1,590 Member
    OMG! A company that attempts to appreciate it's employees! :noway:


    You have the choice to either eat it or dont. Take the gratitude of the company, eat the doughnut and work it off later.
  • rextcat
    rextcat Posts: 1,408 Member
    1 shouldent hurt
  • solson61
    solson61 Posts: 6 Member
    Since you know they are bringing donuts, bring something healthy for yourself, so you aren't tempted and feel like you are missing out :smile:
  • subtlewhisper
    subtlewhisper Posts: 31 Member
    It's a doughnut... not the end the world. If you don't want one, then don't eat it... that simple. If you do want one, then eat it, log it and move on.

    I think it's more ridiculous that people freakout about food in the office. People like to celebrate things... and generally that involves food.

    This is actually a problem that a lot of us deal with. This is a situation where someone needs support.

    ^^^What she said.^^^

    The OP came to a safe place to vent her frustration. Thats exactly what she should do.
  • BrianSharpe
    BrianSharpe Posts: 9,248 Member
    Are they twisting your arm and trying to force feed you? If not, what's the big deal? You're an adult capable of making decisions......
  • mdmcmillen
    mdmcmillen Posts: 97 Member
    I know them feels. I had to watch a co-worker eat the most delicious looking brownie i've ever seen today. I reaaally wanted to go get one, but I settled for just smelling his from across the table lol. Just think of your goals and if the donuts fit in there somewhere have one, if not, resist the temptation! We're here for you :) To the people in here with a bad attitude or acting all high and mighty ... try to enhance your calm and maybe offer some encouraging words? Just putting that out there ;)
  • dyannajoy
    dyannajoy Posts: 466 Member
    I used to work in a HOSPITAL on the OB floor......and there was ALWAYS a file cabinet filled with candy:grumble: along with regular PLATTERS of donuts, cookies, take name it around:angry: ! In a hospital!!!!:noway: SOOOO glad I do not work there was very very hard! You have my sympathy! :flowerforyou:
  • My job frequently has stuff I shouldn't eat - I just don't eat it. My gym has pizza on tuesdays I don't eat that either. If you are looking at this as a life style change you need to address what make you dread this so you can move forward with the constant food you will be subjected to the rest of your life.
  • kiltiemacbagpipes6
    kiltiemacbagpipes6 Posts: 10 Member
    I know just what you mean. I work in a hotel and I recommended a sweet Mexican restaurant to a guest last night. He took a chance and went there and was so pleased with it that he brought me back a freakin' awesome-smelling pork burrito. I'm so not mad at him for that, in fact it was a very appreciative and considerate thing to do. Unfortunately this was at 9pm, meaning that I didn't have a lot of calories left. I took it home. Probably gonna eat half for dinner tonight, and the other half for breakfast tomorrow. But as stellar as it was that he thought of doing it, I also wish that he hadn't.

    I'm not complaining, but this happens all the time. And it's usually really awesome food that I like (I did recommend the restaurants after all). Fried chicken, burritos, non-chain pizzas, etc. This stuff, however, is how I got to 289lbs. I work in customer service and simply cannot offend a guest. Seriously, I've had people write letters about really stupid stuff, and I can get in trouble for anything. I daresay that the overnight guy who comes in after me has been eating well lately.

    People trying to quit smoking avoid being around smoking, likewise with drinking. They do that because they WANT to be smoking or drinking. Those of us not accustomed to not being able to eat whatever we want also try to avoid watching people eat the foods that we don't let ourselves indulge in anymore.
  • PaleoRDH
    PaleoRDH Posts: 266
    what happens in an office behind a closed door stays in that office).


  • junodog1
    junodog1 Posts: 4,792 Member
    Take they long way around - you are missing the temptation AND getting more exercise.
  • know_your_worth
    know_your_worth Posts: 481 Member
    It's a doughnut... not the end the world. If you don't want one, then don't eat it... that simple. If you do want one, then eat it, log it and move on.

    I think it's more ridiculous that people freakout about food in the office. People like to celebrate things... and generally that involves food.

  • Ok I understand that it's harder because there is temptation however other people have a right to bring the sugar rewards and if you choose to eat it (trust me , I understand the sugar weakness) then count it and look at the calories. When you see how much it is , perhaps next time you'll pass your turn.
  • Erisad
    Erisad Posts: 1,580
    Why are people attacking each other on here?? :ohwell:

    It's the internet, everyone hates everyone on here. Especially on a fitness website where a lot of people seem on edge because they can't eat the foods they want to. (I'm joking OMG please don't kill meeeeee) Gotta get that disclaimer in there...:wink: