Black Team Challenge Week #3!!!



  • iamladibeast
    iamladibeast Posts: 451 Member
    I'm back, my daughter is doing much better...did not do challenge this week and have not kept up with my log :angry: but tomorrow starts a new week:grumble:
  • TiffTerry
    Ahh I have kinda fallen off the food posting wagon! But the good news is I have maintained the eating habits along with the water and I have been trying to exercise. Hello to everyone and I hope you have a great day!
  • afergason
    afergason Posts: 14 Member
    Hello All,

    Sorry I've been so bad with posting, but I read faithfully.

    I did my 5 min of squats yesterday (with a 15 pound baby on my chest). We were both amused. I think I've hit a plateau weight wise which is a bummer since I have so far to go. But I need to remind myself that this is a life change and that plateaus are just part of the deal.

    Have a great weekend.

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Good explanation Andrew! Just for the record, I wasn't saying your challenge was silly. I didn't even think about it until I was doing my second day and then my friend got on my case so it sort of confirmed it for me. Even though I complained about 5 minutes of squats, it wasn't bad and I wasn't sore after the first day or the second day.

    I did the same thing to Roni and myself with the push ups and pull ups. I said, let's do them every day! Not even thinking about giving muscles a break at the time.

    Anyway, Andrew, I think you are doing a great job keeping us up and rolling. I feel like I've busted your chops this week with the challenge. Sorry. I didn't mean any of it that way. (I'm claiming temporary insanity from a hormone storm. LOL.) You are the best! Thanks for all you do.

    Same with me Andrew. It was my daughter that got me. You are doing a great job with us, please keep up the good work.
  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Going to have a heat wave in Ohio today...49 degrees. Time to go for that run. We are doing Week 1 again...not moving on until I can do all 8 segments as easy as the first three. TTYL
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    day six of exercising and I have burned 3800 calories. Tomorrow is my off day and weigh in day so we will see how that goes. not holding my breath though.

    Today I did 60 minutes and burned 400 calories. At least I burned something.

    Hope everyones day is going swell!!!:smile:
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Morning guys. I just made the kids a big cooked breakfast and ate it myself. :noway: Yep. I did. Pancakes, potatoes, turkey bacon, lots of syrup. I never do that, but sometimes you have to. I have been good with my eating lately for the most part and every once in a while I have to say, I'm just eating. I'm not loggin first, I'm not measuring, I'm not counting, I'm just eating it. It was good but I feel full!

    The news we have figured was coming, but kept hoping didn't come, came yesterday. Hubs deploys again toward late summer. It has been our life for the last 3-4 years. Training for 2 months, deploy to Afghanistan for 6 months, home for 8 months, training for 2 months, deploy back to Afghanistan for 6 months, (got orders while he was gone for Florida, moved a month after he got home), home for 7 months that time but with moving and getting settled it sure felt short, training for 3 months, deploy for 6 months to Iraq...... He's been home since May, so he will actually be home for over a year (new record) before he has to leave for training. Back to Afghanistan again.

    I can never decide if it's good to know so far in advance. It's good because we can plan and think ahead. It's bad because you dread it until it gets here. Even if you don't 'talk' about it, it's there. It's in the back of your head, you know it's coming.

    Anyway... that's the newest on our home front. We had been waiting for our orders to do a few things to the house, we are staying where we are for another assignment (so 'they' say), but we didn't want to buy the new furnace and heat pump we need until it was 100% in writing. If something changed and we have to sell our house we will already take a loss, so we would rather not put in an 8K dollar heating and cooling unit for the next person. This deployment puts a whole new spin on it. He won't go to his new assignment until closer time for him to come home, so orders won't come for a while.

    I guess we just do it and pray it all works out the way it is supposed to. In the meantime we will enjoy our reduced energy bills and actually being able to cool our house to the temperature we desire. Our heat pump isn't big enough, it's hot in Florida, we can set the temp to 76 and it will never cool to it, it can't keep up, so it runs all the time, never to get where it is supposed to.

    Alrighty, enough rambling for now. I"m making DH help clean the attic. He throws everything he doesn't know what to do with up there. It's like a garbabe dump right now. If I can't find it, I figure it's been sent up above. It's his way of keeping the garage clean, he pulls down the attic steps and give it a toss where it can't be seen.
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Hey Donna--

    He wasn't physically stalking her, more just online nonsense-- friending her through facebook (which she shouldn't have accepted since she had no idea who he was-- ) commenting on her facebook status all the time, and he started emailing her trying to "help her" by offering her a startup money package to help her get to practice and enter into some tourneys. But, he also said he wanted to be her "life coach." Huh? Sir, are you for real? In turn, she will "help" his academy out giving clinics, so he says, blah, blah, blah-- yeah, sure, you're gonna help her for nothing? Yeah, and I'm Aunt Jemima.

    My daughter has officially turned pro and qualified for the "Futures Tour," which is an LPGA developmental tour-- sorta like the minor leagues. Unfortunately, right now there is no money to enter her into events, or get her south to practice-- and sponsors disappeared when she failed to qualify in December for the LPGA.

    So this guy wants to "help" he says-- even though we've never heard of him or his academy. So, bottom line we told him to get lost, and told a friend of ours he's a nutwad. The friend apparently told him my husband called him a nutwad, and this guy then starts a nasty e-mail exchange with us yesterday-- how he'd heard what a control freak my husband is, overbearing parent, blah, blah, blah-- great business sense, eh?

    In over 10 years of junior golf nationally, we'd never heard this guy's name, and he throws a hissy fit when we call into question his methods, his name recognition, and lack of history or former students to tout as proof that he knows what he's doing. We kept saying, "Just give us one name-- one well-known student that you can claim."

    In the world of golf coaching, a coach is only as good as his students-- obviously. In the professional world, everybody knows Tiger's coach-- Hank Haney. Butch Harmon coaches Phil Mickelson-- the coaches proudly announce their successful students-- otherwise, how can anyone know how good the coach and swing teacher is? Duhhhh--

    This guy was basically giving us the, 'I don't have to dignify that with a response," line. Yeah, okay buddy, then we'll continue to consider you a fake and a nutwad-- thanks for proving us right.

    But, as I said, this e-mail exchange went on all day yesterday-- I'm hoping there are no repercussions on Sarah, but she's out of the junior golf world now, so things get nastier now when people want to make money off of her.

    Heading to work-- never squatted-- instead, actually, I ate even more fried, yummy stuff-- must run today.


    Marla- Sara is a lucky girl to have parents who are watching out for her best interests. Scarey to think this guy thinks he knows what is best for her. Nice friend to repeat your comments. Doesn't he know you have her best interests..geez...Does Sara go stir crazy in the winters? Are you and dh golfers as well? I think it's awesome she officially turned pro. I remember when I was in high school....about the time indoor plumbing was invented :laugh: :laugh: all my brothers (4 of them - all golf) wanted me to be the first girl to go out for the golf team. I wasn't brave enough. There was no way I could be put in the spotlight. My one brother works for Wakefern. They are one of the sponsors for the LPGA down near AC, the last few years anyway. He is one of the fortunate ones who gets to play in the practice rounds with the women. Maybe he can play a round with Sara one day!

    Rebekkah is next WNBA look out :flowerforyou:
  • zippy111
    zippy111 Posts: 2,241 Member
    Morning guys. I just made the kids a big cooked breakfast and ate it myself. :noway: Yep. I did. Pancakes, potatoes, turkey bacon, lots of syrup. I never do that, but sometimes you have to. I have been good with my eating lately for the most part and every once in a while I have to say, I'm just eating. I'm not loggin first, I'm not measuring, I'm not counting, I'm just eating it. It was good but I feel full!

    The news we have figured was coming, but kept hoping didn't come, came yesterday. Hubs deploys again toward late summer. It has been our life for the last 3-4 years. Training for 2 months, deploy to Afghanistan for 6 months, home for 8 months, training for 2 months, deploy back to Afghanistan for 6 months, (got orders while he was gone for Florida, moved a month after he got home), home for 7 months that time but with moving and getting settled it sure felt short, training for 3 months, deploy for 6 months to Iraq...... He's been home since May, so he will actually be home for over a year (new record) before he has to leave for training. Back to Afghanistan again.

    I can never decide if it's good to know so far in advance. It's good because we can plan and think ahead. It's bad because you dread it until it gets here. Even if you don't 'talk' about it, it's there. It's in the back of your head, you know it's coming.

    Anyway... that's the newest on our home front. We had been waiting for our orders to do a few things to the house, we are staying where we are for another assignment (so 'they' say), but we didn't want to buy the new furnace and heat pump we need until it was 100% in writing. If something changed and we have to sell our house we will already take a loss, so we would rather not put in an 8K dollar heating and cooling unit for the next person. This deployment puts a whole new spin on it. He won't go to his new assignment until closer time for him to come home, so orders won't come for a while.

    I guess we just do it and pray it all works out the way it is supposed to. In the meantime we will enjoy our reduced energy bills and actually being able to cool our house to the temperature we desire. Our heat pump isn't big enough, it's hot in Florida, we can set the temp to 76 and it will never cool to it, it can't keep up, so it runs all the time, never to get where it is supposed to.

    Alrighty, enough rambling for now. I"m making DH help clean the attic. He throws everything he doesn't know what to do with up there. It's like a garbabe dump right now. If I can't find it, I figure it's been sent up above. It's his way of keeping the garage clean, he pulls down the attic steps and give it a toss where it can't be seen.

    Lori - I'm so sorry to hear the deployment news came down. I know it is NOT easy. I know how strong you have to be when he is away. What base will he go to? Bagram? Kandahar? DH was in Bagram. He is lucky though as his deployments haven't lasted more than 60 days.He was over there when Fox Sunday NFL Pre-Game crew with Terry Bradshaw Jimmy Jones, Strahan etc. He said it was unbelievable. I can't even imagine what 8 months is like. Do the kids just think of this as a normal routine at this point? I forget you have all boys right?

    I know its still awhile away but I will already keep you in my prayers. Is he in charge of a unit? If there is anything I can do, please let me know.
  • 72lori
    72lori Posts: 6,759 Member
    Donna- He will be back in Kandahar. The funky thing was, that's where he went first, came home for a few months, right back there, same address, same office, same room, like going to your 'home away from home'. He did spend the last part of that deployment in Bagram though, things were slow in Afghanistan then, not so much now.

    He's an officer, so he does spend the majority of his time in an office. He coordinates all his teams who are out there, doing the job. He's in EOD, (Explosive stuff) so they are the ones who get called to all the road side bombs and other stuff that goes boom. Basically he does what they do in the movie the Hurt Locker... which I haven't seen yet and am sort of afraid to watch, but he did mention renting it last night.

    3 boys and 1 girl and unfortunately, yes it's sort of routine at this point in the game. When he gets home, family (our mothers) always says, "Well, surely you won't have to go back!" Don't we all wish that, but we know better. Like I said, I'm thankful we got him home for a whole year this time.

    Thanks for your well wishes!

    I'm also thankful because when he got 'the call' he was told they were considering him for a 365 day one. That makes 6 months seem short. Training has also been shortened to 3 weeks, another benefit this time around.
  • Nonibug
    Nonibug Posts: 1,214 Member
    Hi all!

    Just got home from the gym and getting ready to eat some lunch. The legs are much better today, still sore but better. I still took it kind of easy today on the treadmill, I dont think Im ready to tackle the elliptical again just yet:ohwell:

    I got my arm workouts done today and did some more pullups on the assisted chin/dip machine. Ive got it to where Im lifting around 70 lbs of my body weight and I can do 10 of those. Its still tough, but its starting to get easier. Im going to give it a few more days or so and then increase to where Im lifting 80 lbs of my body weight. Baby steps!!:happy:

    Hope everyone is having a great Saturday. Tomorrow is my off day with working out and we're having Alexs birthday dinner and cake tomorrow. I will behave.:blushing:

    Lori-- Im so sorry to hear that your husbands deployment came down. Im sure that although you were expecting it, it isnt easy news to get.:frown:
  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Donna-- thanks for the kind words. It was an interesting exchange with this guy, for sure-- most business people, even if they'd heard you'd called them a nutwad to your friend, would have basically said, "You're not interested? No problem." The fact that this guy went ballistic on us, and then emailed Sarah, to boot, telling her how sorry he feels for her for having such a controlling father who won't let her be an adult and make her own decisions, blah, blah, blah-- truly showed us that he IS a nut, and that we were wise to politely decline his offer.

    Through the whole beginning of the exchange, both hubs and I were polite-- hubs even apologized when he found out that his words had been repeated and that the guy was offended. Who does that? This guy even mocked our religious beliefs in the exchange-- truly remarkable.

    Sarah emailed him back separately and spanked him for badmouthing her father to her-- it was sweet.

    The notion that this guy clinged to, which is common, that somehow magically when a child wakes up on their 18th birthday they're equipped and free to "make their own decisions since they're now an adult" is laughable.

    Yo, offspring, you can make your own decisions and live your own life when you're living in your own house, paying your own bills. Until then, obviously we're going to continue to play the role of PARENT and guide you.

    Yes, believe me, our hands-on parenting is most unpopular-- my husband has been hated in junior golf for being so controlling-- (also read as involved)-- "these kids need to find themselves-- " yeah, yeah-- whatever. We got one shot at raising our kids, people, we're not about to shirk the responsibility.

    LORI-- I'm sitting here reading your tale with tears in my eyes. I'm so proud of you and your husband for the sacrifices you make for us-- I know it must be gut-wrenching. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

    Roni-- way to work it, woman. (that's a lot of W)

    Yapping too much, folks-- sorry--

  • jimswmn
    jimswmn Posts: 1,350 Member
    Lori..I too am sorry his deployment came down. I'm sitting here thinking what a strong woman you are. I know its not much comfort but remember if you need to talk we are here. Thank you for what you have to do and please thank your husband also.
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    Hey everyone checking in,

    Doing pretty good except when someone asks me how I am doing or when I hear a song that we played at my dads funeral..

    I was telling my husband it was odd that when I got the call I called my mom and said mommy daddy died, I reverted back to a child, which is odd because I never ever called my parents mommy and daddy. I know he is watching over me, keeping me in line.

    I have been back eating good for 2 days now and went to the gym for the third day in a row today, I seem to be starving though probably because my stomach is used to eating a lot more..

    I also have been extremely tired. I have logged for the last 2 days but havent done my squats sorry batman!!! Maybe i will get back on it, fully monday, gotta go to the dentist monday wish me luck, I either have a tooth ache or ear ache...If its not one thing its another..

    Well gonna spend some much needed time with hubby, have been going through all dads important paperwork today, boy thats exhausting.

    Lori- Sorry to hear about your hubby, and heating and air conditionier ( we own our own business, wished we lived closer)

    Marla- Yep he is crazy, hope you enjoyed cracker barrels fish fry I love it, did you get catfish or cod??

    Batman and Beth- Hopefully ya'll get called, ya'll deserve it if anyone does

    Roni- Good job in working out

    Bobbi-zippy-tammy- and I know I missed a BUNCH of people sorry I promise to get better.

    Have a great night everyone!!

    I bought some wheat pancake mix I am so ready for in the morning, I cant wait to have them. I will let ya'll know how they taste I might put some pecans in them!!!
  • Girlmom282109
    Girlmom282109 Posts: 2,643 Member
    I bought some wheat pancake mix I am so ready for in the morning, I cant wait to have them. I will let ya'll know how they taste I might put some pecans in them!!!

    I make my own whole wheat pancake mix. If you like this I can give you my recipe you get a whole lot more for your buck.
  • retrobaby
    retrobaby Posts: 613 Member
    Good Evening Black Team,

    I havent worked out in 3 days. I've been on a chocolate binge and I've been feeling sick (darn weather in the south). I hope to be up and running tomorrow. Anywho that's whats up with me.

    Sending out warm wishes to the Black Team!I

  • Marla64
    Marla64 Posts: 23,120 Member
    Tamara-- hugs, my friend--

    And, I got cod-- not a fan of catfish. LOVED it.
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Donna- He will be back in Kandahar. The funky thing was, that's where he went first, came home for a few months, right back there, same address, same office, same room, like going to your 'home away from home'. He did spend the last part of that deployment in Bagram though, things were slow in Afghanistan then, not so much now.

    He's an officer, so he does spend the majority of his time in an office. He coordinates all his teams who are out there, doing the job. He's in EOD, (Explosive stuff) so they are the ones who get called to all the road side bombs and other stuff that goes boom. Basically he does what they do in the movie the Hurt Locker... which I haven't seen yet and am sort of afraid to watch, but he did mention renting it last night.

    3 boys and 1 girl and unfortunately, yes it's sort of routine at this point in the game. When he gets home, family (our mothers) always says, "Well, surely you won't have to go back!" Don't we all wish that, but we know better. Like I said, I'm thankful we got him home for a whole year this time.

    Thanks for your well wishes!

    I'm also thankful because when he got 'the call' he was told they were considering him for a 365 day one. That makes 6 months seem short. Training has also been shortened to 3 weeks, another benefit this time around.

    Tired and forgot to log in ................but wanted to send you my hugs Lori. You are such a strong woman...........and must be so proud of your wonderful hubby. Give him a hug and tell him Thanks from the Weir family :heart:

    As for you........{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{{hotLori}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}}
  • arewethereyet
    arewethereyet Posts: 18,702 Member
    Hey everyone checking in,

    Doing pretty good except when someone asks me how I am doing or when I hear a song that we played at my dads funeral..

    I was telling my husband it was odd that when I got the call I called my mom and said mommy daddy died, I reverted back to a child, which is odd because I never ever called my parents mommy and daddy. I know he is watching over me, keeping me in line.

    I have been back eating good for 2 days now and went to the gym for the third day in a row today, I seem to be starving though probably because my stomach is used to eating a lot more..

    I also have been extremely tired. I have logged for the last 2 days but havent done my squats sorry batman!!! Maybe i will get back on it, fully monday, gotta go to the dentist monday wish me luck, I either have a tooth ache or ear ache...If its not one thing its another..

    Well gonna spend some much needed time with hubby, have been going through all dads important paperwork today, boy thats exhausting.

    Lori- Sorry to hear about your hubby, and heating and air conditionier ( we own our own business, wished we lived closer)

    Marla- Yep he is crazy, hope you enjoyed cracker barrels fish fry I love it, did you get catfish or cod??

    Batman and Beth- Hopefully ya'll get called, ya'll deserve it if anyone does

    Roni- Good job in working out

    Bobbi-zippy-tammy- and I know I missed a BUNCH of people sorry I promise to get better.

    Have a great night everyone!!

    I bought some wheat pancake mix I am so ready for in the morning, I cant wait to have them. I will let ya'll know how they taste I might put some pecans in them!!!

    Again, tired but really wanted to say I am praying for you and think about you all the time. I hope your heart is beginning to heal.

    :heart: Jeannie
  • familygirl37167
    familygirl37167 Posts: 2,088 Member
    I bought some wheat pancake mix I am so ready for in the morning, I cant wait to have them. I will let ya'll know how they taste I might put some pecans in them!!!

    I make my own whole wheat pancake mix. If you like this I can give you my recipe you get a whole lot more for your buck.

    That would be amazing thanks!!! Do you have nutrional value so I can add it to my log???