Eat Healthy; Get Fit; Lose 100+ New Group 1st Weigh in Jan.



  • Ok so when I first started I was pretty much starving myself with only eating about 1000 calories and had lost 9 pounds in 2 weeks. I have read more about eating my calories and have been pretty good. I always make sure to eat at least 1200 calories and this week when I weighed I weighed 297. The first couple days I didn't lose anything then bam 3 pounds.

    On another note, when I first started the first week I worked out 6 x second week 4x third week 3x. I just am not motivated to work out. Dont get me wrong after I am done I have more energy and feel great. Its putting the workout clothes on, knowing I am going to feel like a drenched rat, and just not having the energy to get started.

    What I work out too, Biggest loser Wii Gold's Gym Wii and Fit Plus Wii. The first 2 are get me just a sweating and fit plus I dont feel like its a big enough challenge, but the others are almost to hard. I need something inbetween so I dont get frustrated. Anyone have suggestions.
  • Someone mentioned that they thought we needed a chart, so i thought i'd give it a try. it isn't really my thing, so it isn't the best (i'd be glad to let someone who knows what they are doing help). My wonderful husband helped with getting this started.

    Please forgive mistakes. i tried to look back through our posts. Some of you never have given a weight, i can't measure 4 lbs lost against 0. some folks haven't weighed in since they first posted. And some had a different number one week to the next.

    So, bear with me- kindly post the correct information and i'll to get the chart corrected or you added to the list.:flowerforyou: katie


    My starting weight is wrong (scale was off) SW 310 not sure other weeks but this week down to 297
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    i had trouble with my computer yesterday morning, dinner over at friends place last night and very busy today. It just left me no time to check in with all of you.:frown:

    i did weigh yesterday morning and was 231. :happy: So this week's loss was 4.2, i certainly can tell i got more exercise time in and the weight training that i haven't done the last 3 weeks.

    i will work at updating our chart and try to get it up by tomorrow evening. thank you to those who've helped make corrections for me.
    we have a few folks that didn't get checked in yet, hopefully we will hear from them before i post the new chart.

    congratulations to everyone that dropped weight this week. :bigsmile: it feels good to be moving in the right direction.-katie
  • pgmorgan
    pgmorgan Posts: 8 Member
    yes!! i'm in to
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    Just wanted to say hi and see how everyone is doing..its good to see everyone is so successful this week!
  • brendar
    brendar Posts: 11
    Hi everyone! I joined MFP in the beginning of January 2010 and I also have over 100 pounds to lose. I'd like to join this group too to read your success stories, to see that it is possible and to share encouragement as well. Bless ya'll in your journies! :flowerforyou:
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    welcome pgmorgan and brendar-:flowerforyou:

    we have been weighing in on Fridays. We have started a chart to help us track this great life changing effort.
    Please post your starting weights and we'll put you in the group.:bigsmile:

    last week's chart is on the last page on thicansxy's post ...i will be posting this week tomorrow and would be glad to add you. -katie
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    hey everyone soooo pleased lost another 5lbs when i weighed in today woohooo! :bigsmile:

    start weight - 260
    week 1 - 255
    week 2 - 253
    week 3 - 248!! (just to update the chart katielouhoo :smile: )

    the second week i was a bit disappointed with losing 2lbs cos i know at first it is water weight u lose. so i looked back at my diary to see what was different, i ate alot more carbs the second week so this week i cut them down a bit and changed what i did eat to wholemeal, that with increasing my water and veg intake seems to have done the trick. plus im still due TOM so im really pleased with the boost cos this coming week is going to be a hard one im already craving chocolate! lol

    welcome to brendar and pmorgan btw :flowerforyou:

    congrats to everyone else, keep going :smile:
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    well- here is this week's chart.:happy: hope i got all the corrections included. we still are missing a couple of folks, but hopefully they will get checked in soon. Congratulations on all the great work.:drinker: It looks impressive all added up. Just 3 weeks into this we've really put away the pounds already. Keep up the good work.
    (and once again, feel free to let me know what corrections are needed. :flowerforyou: -katie

  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    :yawn: dont see my name and my 6lbs lost
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    sorry tearose:embarassed: - i had you on last week, but you've never given us any weight in your posts.
    i have to have a number to subtract 6 from.:frown: the first chart i made is on page 8 and you are one of the ones on it without information entered, because i didn't have any numbers (or missed them).

    when you came back this weekend and said you just wanted to say hi, without sharing your weigh-in; i (wrongly) assumed you wanted to chat here, not weigh-in with us.

    my bad, and i apologize. :embarassed: I will add you back in. Do you know your starting weight, the 8th, 15th, & 22nd? i will plug the numbers into the chart & correct it.

    Please forgive me:ohwell: i mean well, but sure can make some big mistakes. -katie
  • Hi..1/22 I was 243... down 1 for the week :)
  • Christie422
    Christie422 Posts: 120 Member
    I was up 2 lbs for the week...up even more today. I am so puffy and bloated I'm not sure how much is actual weight gain and how much is water. I did eat like food was going out of style though. I took my little guy to his first movie for his birthday and I ate handful after handful of cherry nibs...I kept saying "they're fat free" as I was shoveling them in. Sigh...that was just the tip of the iceberg too.

    Fresh start today, I'm going to try to get re-motivated and excited about this again but I'm afraid it will be hard. I'm a stress eater...and I have a lot of stress lately. Wish me luck!
  • ltlhmom
    ltlhmom Posts: 1,202 Member
    Christie~ Hugs! Full stream ahead! We are all here for you if you need to chat about what is going on. I believe in you. I know that you can do this and turn it back around. Don't that the number on the the scale get you down. Maybe grab some gum when you feel like you are going to stress eat. :flowerforyou:
  • wow Katie I am loving your chart :) make me really see the weight loss!!!!!!

    Christine - I went to the movies this weekend and ate a hole bag of popcorn (no butter) and was thinking about those cherry nibs as well, and was probably up this morning from it but instead of feeling bad about it I said "I enjoyed it" now its a new week BACK ON TRACK :) Everyone has to teat them selve every now and then as long as you get right back at it you'll be fine :)

    Good luck this week ladies, I'm hoping for a 5-6 pound drop this week!!!

    Hey does anyone no what the gum that Bob from the biggest loser always tells the contestants to eat?!?!?
  • hsc5690
    hsc5690 Posts: 8 Member
    Extra sugarless gum - he says that his favorite is the watermelon flavor.
  • katielouhoo
    katielouhoo Posts: 676 Member
    extra is good, but orbit gum has xylitol for sweetener. it is better for tooth & mouth health.

    xylitol is an interesting sweetener, because the germs in your mouth that eat sugar (then keep eating at your tooth enamel & make cavities); they think xylitol is sugar & eat it. But, because it is not sugar they cannot process it. So, they die.

    I had a dentist tell me i should try to use xylitol 3 times a day in gum, mints or mouth wash.

    :bigsmile: ha- science lesson for the day :laugh: - katie
  • Heather_b1986
    Heather_b1986 Posts: 125 Member
    hey katie i think the charts great, its really nice seein how well everyone is doin!:smile:
    plus i liked the info bout the chewing gum sweetener - i chew gum alot so its good to know i can chew sumthing even better for my teeth

    Heather x (lol just realised no one knew my name ) :laugh:
  • tearose
    tearose Posts: 94
    sorry tearose:embarassed: - i had you on last week, but you've never given us any weight in your posts.
    i have to have a number to subtract 6 from.:frown: the first chart i made is on page 8 and you are one of the ones on it without information entered, because i didn't have any numbers (or missed them).

    when you came back this weekend and said you just wanted to say hi, without sharing your weigh-in; i (wrongly) assumed you wanted to chat here, not weigh-in with us.

    my bad, and i apologize. :embarassed: I will add you back in. Do you know your starting weight, the 8th, 15th, & 22nd? i will plug the numbers into the chart & correct it.

    Please forgive me:ohwell: i mean well, but sure can make some big mistakes. -katie

    hmm i thought i did post it? i must be in too many threads to keep up:noway: ..but i was just kidding anyway no biggie really! and youre right i havent shared the rest of my info (kinda shy about it) but i'll get more comfortable so maybe down the line ..thanks:smile:
  • DrBorkBork
    DrBorkBork Posts: 4,099 Member
    My HRM gave me my weekly report. Torched over 2300 cals last week, working out. Will probably be less this week since I've been under the weather.
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