Milk does NOT do your body good!



  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Please keep the forum guidelines in mind:

    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation
    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic
    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.

    Thank You,
    MFP Moderator
    Why was my post deleted, i didn't attack anybody? And the post i was replying to was also deleted, and she didn't attack anybody either.


    MFP mods are going crazy lately. I don't know if they hired a new mod fresh from catholic school or what. A friend of mine got a 1 year ban for a photo that "showed too much cleavage" - the photo was her whole body(so it wasn't a close-up) and she was wearing jeans and a tank. Figure that one out!
  • MaraDiaz
    MaraDiaz Posts: 4,604 Member
    Is milk healthy? No. Is meat healthy? No. Are vegetables and fruits healthy? No. Not unless you live on your own private island far from land and grow all your own food without chemical fertilizers or pesticides.

    If you can afford to buy organic, lucky you, it probably helps. But it still isn't as healthy as it would be if our planet wasn't drenched in chemicals.
    The article singles out one food (dairy) and details the man-made health hazards in that food without mentioning that the foods we 'should be eating instead' (fruits and vegetables) have similar manmade hazards.
  • tommygirl15
    tommygirl15 Posts: 1,012 Member
    As it's said a million times: everything in moderation.
    Unless you are lactose intolerant, I don't see a problem with drinking milk or consuming dairy products in controlled portions, as long as they are ORGANIC. Low fat doesn't hurt either :)
  • x+face+plam.jpg
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Also.. please note. I know the OP. She feels that anyone who disagrees with her is "attacking her" and "closed-minded." She says she posts topics to "enlighten people" and says she never returns to read the comments or respond to replies because she doesn't want to see all the negativity. She just posts crap like this and runs. Frequently. If anything, the mods should be banning HER posts.
  • Here are some of the high points I have read on dairy:

    Milk is designed to make us have the fastest growth spurt of our lives. Double our weight in 6 months, triple at a year, and quadruple at 2. By design it does the same for cows. A 90 lb calf doubles its weight in 47 days and grows to over 2000lbs in 2 years. By design the mother's body is able to detect the nutrients the baby is void of or needs the most of and tailors the milk to meet those needs. So why do we drink the milk of a cow, a mammal 250 times the size of an 8 pound baby. We are the only specie on earth that drinks milk as adults.

    Between the ages of 18 months and 4 years we lose 90-95% of the lactase enzyme to digest milk. Undigested lactose and acidity of milk encourages the growth of bacteria in our intestines, and cancer thrives in acidic conditions.

    A study done at Harvard, Yale, Penn State, and the National Institute of Health did a study and found dairy to be a deterrent to osteoperosis and the high protein content of dairy actually takes calcium from the body. A Yale study found the countries that consume the most dairy, meat, and other animal products are the countries with the highest osteoperois rates. 40 million Americans have osteoperosis but only 250,000 African women have bone disease, infact only one tribe in Africa has osteoperosis sufferers and that is the tribe that drinks cow's milk. Dairy has also been linked to a host of other diseases as well: acne, anemia, arthritis, ADD, ADHD, fibromyalgia, headaches, heartburn, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, joint pain, poor immune function, allergies, ear infections, colic, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, autism, Crohn's disease, breast, prostrate, and ovarian cancers.

    Cows by nature produce up to 10 pounds of milk a day, but the cows the produce the milk we drink are injected with a hormone so they can instead produce a 100 pounds a day. When you ingest dairy you are ingesting the same antibiotics, pesticides, steroids, and hormones as you would if you digested the meat directly. The udders become sore and infected, and the antibiotics given to them for this goes straight into our milk. By the way, by law they are allowed to have up to 750 million pus cells per a gallon of milk. Pasteurization destroys beneficial enzymes and calcium without killing all the viruses and bacteria.

    An adequate amount of calcium can be ingested by eating a healthy balance of fruits and vegetables. Consuming high amounts of dairy blocks iron absorption leading to iron deficiency. Vitamin D can be received by 15 minutes of sunlight a day. 70-80% of the calories in cheese alone comes from fat, and low fat cheese still accounts for 50% of the calories from fat.

    There are many resources out there. has every disease known linked to milk and studies done for each of those diseases. Skinny ***** by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin is a great book. also has some hardcore truths and eye opening resources.

    Add me on MyFitnessPal.

    So milk is designed to make us fat, culture bacteria inside of us, make our intestines acidic, leach calcium from our system, and degenerate our bones - and you say therefore that this is only good while we're children? It sounds like it's terrible for us as children too. I don't want no calcium-deprived acidic-intestined bone-degenerating fat baby. If anything, it sounds like milk is murder. Murder by mothers!

    Your well documented research and long list of reputable scholarly reports makes a clear argument and I agree completely. You've convinced me that women(aka mothers) are trying to kill their children with breast milk. I think we should ban breast feeding. Sure you say it's good to help the little buggers grow, but if it has so many adverse effects then they trump the good ones. Women are obviously evil and trying to destroy our lives, one sipped nipple at a time.

    Your information has changed my life. One MFP user and one hack website devoid of valuable and transparent research is just what I needed to give my life new guidance. All along this milk has been rotting me away. Maybe I should switch to those Beach Body products you recommend. After all, mankind makes much better products than nature.

    It would be pretty weird if a human mother was producing cow's milk.
  • BodyByButter
    BodyByButter Posts: 563 Member
    This poster's formula appears to be, based on other posts:

    Post something that sounds helpful
    Make sure to get people to friend her
    Build Beachbody downline.
  • Rocbola
    Rocbola Posts: 1,998 Member
    Please keep the forum guidelines in mind:

    1. No Attacks or Insults and No Reciprocation
    a) Do not attack, mock, or otherwise insult others. You can respectfully disagree with the message or topic, but you cannot attack the messenger. This includes attacks against the user’s spelling or command of written English, or belittling a user for posting a duplicate topic
    b) If you are attacked by another user, and you reciprocate, you will also be subject to the same consequences. Defending yourself or a friend is not an excuse! Do not take matters into your own hands – instead, use the Report Post link to report an attack and we will be happy to handle the situation for you.

    Thank You,
    MFP Moderator
    Why was my post deleted, i didn't attack anybody? And the post i was replying to was also deleted, and she didn't attack anybody either.


    MFP mods are going crazy lately. I don't know if they hired a new mod fresh from catholic school or what. A friend of mine got a 1 year ban for a photo that "showed too much cleavage" - the photo was her whole body(so it wasn't a close-up) and she was wearing jeans and a tank. Figure that one out!
    I'm thinking it was either an honest mistake, or she disagreed with my opinion and let her little bit of power go to her head and used it to delete opinions she didn't like. But since the person who i was responding to also got her comment deleted, and that person had a different opinion than me, i have to think the mod probably just messed up. Still lame, though.
  • Pookylou
    Pookylou Posts: 988 Member
    We are the only specie on earth that drinks milk as adults.

    We are also the only species on earth to build space shuttles. Coincidence? I think not.

  • Rubie81
    Rubie81 Posts: 720 Member
    We are the only specie on earth that drinks milk as adults.

    We are also the only species on earth to build space shuttles. Coincidence? I think not.

  • bellanena
    bellanena Posts: 70 Member
    I think we are the only animals who keep drinking milk after birth. Think about it, all animals are breast fed until they are weened from their mother. But we keep drinking it? And all of the growth hormones in it! YIKES! I occasionally have a splash of milk in things or a small glass of skim milk, but I do not drink it everyday!
  • Austin1988
    Austin1988 Posts: 243 Member
    :drinker: <
    me drinking my milk, even after reading your one sided post
  • meggwyn
    meggwyn Posts: 226 Member
    I've read some stuff about milk from the milk industry vs raw milk from grass fed cows. I agree with what you've said about the majority of the milk industry. Hormones, antibiotics, pus...the whole 9 yards. Also, the fact that it is pasteurized and homogenized is bad, too. We need the enzymes from raw milk in order to break down the proteins in it. When milk is pasteurized, those healthy bacteria and enzymes are killed and we are unable to break down the proteins as easily. Also, homogenizing milk supposedly causes the fat globules to be broken into tiny sticky pieces, which can in fact contribute to clogged arteries. Not homogenizing the milk, though, causes the fat globules to stay in one piece, which is passed through your system. Its not going to get stuck in your arteries. Lastly, I've read that a lot of lactose intolerant people are able to eat raw dairy with no problems! This is due to the good bacteria and enzymes in the raw milk that break down the proteins for them .

    Anywho, I got this info from The Untold Story of Milk and my favorite book, "Nourishing Traditions". I think raw dairy and especially fermented raw dairy are very good for those of us who are able to digest it! And of course, there are those people who have acquired such a sensitivity that they truly cannot digest dairy, even raw dairy.

    I would like to see those studies done using raw milk, from grassfed cows. I wonder what the difference would be?
  • maggiemay365
    maggiemay365 Posts: 181 Member
    I am lifting my very tall glass of ice cold milk and saying "Happy Saturday MOOrning to You" Cheers..Delicious!:drinker:
  • AKosky585
    AKosky585 Posts: 607 Member
    Up until about a year ago, I drank non-fat milk almost daily. I then reduced my carbs, and started to drink unsweetened almond milk. After 6 months of this, I tried to eat a yogurt, and got the most intense pain in my stomach. Same thing happened when I tried regular milk again. I thought maybe it was just a one day thing, but it happened every day for a week, so I switched back to my unsweetened almond milk and eat cheeses. No stomach pain/issues again.

    Wondering if I making the switch for an extended period somehow made me intolerant to diary milk?

    Either way, I can see a lot of valid points from your post.
  • Nhymeria
    Nhymeria Posts: 9 Member
    Here are some of the high points I have read on dairy:

    Milk is designed to make us have the fastest growth spurt of our lives. Double our weight in 6 months, triple at a year, and quadruple at 2. By design it does the same for cows. A 90 lb calf doubles its weight in 47 days and grows to over 2000lbs in 2 years. By design the mother's body is able to detect the nutrients the baby is void of or needs the most of and tailors the milk to meet those needs. So why do we drink the milk of a cow, a mammal 250 times the size of an 8 pound baby. We are the only specie on earth that drinks milk as adults.

    Between the ages of 18 months and 4 years we lose 90-95% of the lactase enzyme to digest milk. Undigested lactose and acidity of milk encourages the growth of bacteria in our intestines, and cancer thrives in acidic conditions.

    A study done at Harvard, Yale, Penn State, and the National Institute of Health did a study and found dairy to be a deterrent to osteoperosis and the high protein content of dairy actually takes calcium from the body. A Yale study found the countries that consume the most dairy, meat, and other animal products are the countries with the highest osteoperois rates. 40 million Americans have osteoperosis but only 250,000 African women have bone disease, infact only one tribe in Africa has osteoperosis sufferers and that is the tribe that drinks cow's milk. Dairy has also been linked to a host of other diseases as well: acne, anemia, arthritis, ADD, ADHD, fibromyalgia, headaches, heartburn, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, joint pain, poor immune function, allergies, ear infections, colic, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, autism, Crohn's disease, breast, prostrate, and ovarian cancers.

    Cows by nature produce up to 10 pounds of milk a day, but the cows the produce the milk we drink are injected with a hormone so they can instead produce a 100 pounds a day. When you ingest dairy you are ingesting the same antibiotics, pesticides, steroids, and hormones as you would if you digested the meat directly. The udders become sore and infected, and the antibiotics given to them for this goes straight into our milk. By the way, by law they are allowed to have up to 750 million pus cells per a gallon of milk. Pasteurization destroys beneficial enzymes and calcium without killing all the viruses and bacteria.

    An adequate amount of calcium can be ingested by eating a healthy balance of fruits and vegetables. Consuming high amounts of dairy blocks iron absorption leading to iron deficiency. Vitamin D can be received by 15 minutes of sunlight a day. 70-80% of the calories in cheese alone comes from fat, and low fat cheese still accounts for 50% of the calories from fat.

    There are many resources out there. has every disease known linked to milk and studies done for each of those diseases. Skinny ***** by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin is a great book. also has some hardcore truths and eye opening resources.

    Add me on MyFitnessPal.

    So milk is designed to make us fat, culture bacteria inside of us, make our intestines acidic, leach calcium from our system, and degenerate our bones - and you say therefore that this is only good while we're children? It sounds like it's terrible for us as children too. I don't want no calcium-deprived acidic-intestined bone-degenerating fat baby. If anything, it sounds like milk is murder. Murder by mothers!

    Your well documented research and long list of reputable scholarly reports makes a clear argument and I agree completely. You've convinced me that women(aka mothers) are trying to kill their children with breast milk. I think we should ban breast feeding. Sure you say it's good to help the little buggers grow, but if it has so many adverse effects then they trump the good ones. Women are obviously evil and trying to destroy our lives, one sipped nipple at a time.

    Your information has changed my life. One MFP user and one hack website devoid of valuable and transparent research is just what I needed to give my life new guidance. All along this milk has been rotting me away. Maybe I should switch to those Beach Body products you recommend. After all, mankind makes much better products than nature.

    OMG! Idk who you are but you just made my life!!! XD Srsly my favourite person right now. I lol'd hard! This made my morning!
    God I love intelligent people who troll!
  • MinMin97
    MinMin97 Posts: 2,674 Member
    Dairy is delicious. Eat it everyday!

    I'd like to see raw, organic, grassfed dairy be prevalent.
    I try to get it.
    I grew up drinking and eating it, right from our own animals.
    And other people used to get it from us, as well.
    NEVER had a problem.

    I do think that pasteurized, homogonized dairy creates problems,
    but I still use it.
  • NormalSaneFLGuy
    NormalSaneFLGuy Posts: 1,344 Member
    Here are some of the high points I have read on dairy:

    Milk is designed to make us have the fastest growth spurt of our lives. Double our weight in 6 months, triple at a year, and quadruple at 2. By design it does the same for cows. A 90 lb calf doubles its weight in 47 days and grows to over 2000lbs in 2 years. By design the mother's body is able to detect the nutrients the baby is void of or needs the most of and tailors the milk to meet those needs. So why do we drink the milk of a cow, a mammal 250 times the size of an 8 pound baby. We are the only specie on earth that drinks milk as adults.

    Between the ages of 18 months and 4 years we lose 90-95% of the lactase enzyme to digest milk. Undigested lactose and acidity of milk encourages the growth of bacteria in our intestines, and cancer thrives in acidic conditions.

    A study done at Harvard, Yale, Penn State, and the National Institute of Health did a study and found dairy to be a deterrent to osteoperosis and the high protein content of dairy actually takes calcium from the body. A Yale study found the countries that consume the most dairy, meat, and other animal products are the countries with the highest osteoperois rates. 40 million Americans have osteoperosis but only 250,000 African women have bone disease, infact only one tribe in Africa has osteoperosis sufferers and that is the tribe that drinks cow's milk. Dairy has also been linked to a host of other diseases as well: acne, anemia, arthritis, ADD, ADHD, fibromyalgia, headaches, heartburn, indigestion, irritable bowel syndrome, joint pain, poor immune function, allergies, ear infections, colic, obesity, heart disease, diabetes, autism, Crohn's disease, breast, prostrate, and ovarian cancers.

    Cows by nature produce up to 10 pounds of milk a day, but the cows the produce the milk we drink are injected with a hormone so they can instead produce a 100 pounds a day. When you ingest dairy you are ingesting the same antibiotics, pesticides, steroids, and hormones as you would if you digested the meat directly. The udders become sore and infected, and the antibiotics given to them for this goes straight into our milk. By the way, by law they are allowed to have up to 750 million pus cells per a gallon of milk. Pasteurization destroys beneficial enzymes and calcium without killing all the viruses and bacteria.

    An adequate amount of calcium can be ingested by eating a healthy balance of fruits and vegetables. Consuming high amounts of dairy blocks iron absorption leading to iron deficiency. Vitamin D can be received by 15 minutes of sunlight a day. 70-80% of the calories in cheese alone comes from fat, and low fat cheese still accounts for 50% of the calories from fat.

    There are many resources out there. has every disease known linked to milk and studies done for each of those diseases. Skinny ***** by Rory Freedman and Kim Barnouin is a great book. also has some hardcore truths and eye opening resources.

    Add me on MyFitnessPal.

    So milk is designed to make us fat, culture bacteria inside of us, make our intestines acidic, leach calcium from our system, and degenerate our bones - and you say therefore that this is only good while we're children? It sounds like it's terrible for us as children too. I don't want no calcium-deprived acidic-intestined bone-degenerating fat baby. If anything, it sounds like milk is murder. Murder by mothers!

    Your well documented research and long list of reputable scholarly reports makes a clear argument and I agree completely. You've convinced me that women(aka mothers) are trying to kill their children with breast milk. I think we should ban breast feeding. Sure you say it's good to help the little buggers grow, but if it has so many adverse effects then they trump the good ones. Women are obviously evil and trying to destroy our lives, one sipped nipple at a time.

    Your information has changed my life. One MFP user and one hack website devoid of valuable and transparent research is just what I needed to give my life new guidance. All along this milk has been rotting me away. Maybe I should switch to those Beach Body products you recommend. After all, mankind makes much better products than nature.

    It would be pretty weird if a human mother was producing cow's milk.

    So then you'd be fine with people drinking human breast milk all their lives? If so, we should get rid of cows and just pump women. Heck, I could go for some breast milk right now. Anyone have any?
  • O.o oh please, I drink 9 glasses of %2 milk a day and I have since I was in grade school.
  • RotterdamNL
    RotterdamNL Posts: 509 Member
    Every form of liqued is bad for you if you would researched super deep, who cares, it is as with everything, if you don't take to much you be alright :)

    I drink skim milk btw :)