Wii Etc (Fit, Fit Plus, EA....) Team for January



  • sarabear
    sarabear Posts: 864
    Just did my second of my 30 challenge on EA Active, it's so much fun it doesn't feel like exercise! After I'm done somtimes I play with the kids, it's a great time!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Boston - That is awsome! Congradulations on loosing 30 pounds.

    It looks like those of us still posting regularly are doing well. That is really great.

    I did not get on the Wii at all today. I was one of the designated drivers bringing high school kids skiing today and I skiied with them. It is funny, but these kids don't seem to mind having us parents around. They are all excited to ride up lifts with us and help us carry things. We had a great time and I look forward to driving them again for our two trips in February.

    Have a great evening everyone!

  • Thank you for the advice and it is really working. I just wanted to ask how do i get friends here. i would love all the support i can get. also i played the wii fit today for about an hour and burned 202 calories. is that good. i know we arent suppose to skip meals but its really hard for me to eat breakfast and lunch. any advice. i need help.
  • Boston01810
    Boston01810 Posts: 2,267 Member
    Thanks jam0520
    Today I did 20 mins on the treadmiil, the 15 mins of yoga, then 10 mins of super hoola hop, then a 4 min run. Now I am off to work- I have meeting until 7:30pm tonight.
  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
    Good Afternoon,
    Today was the first day of my 3rd week in the EA 30 day challenge and I have lost 4 pounds since starting and can officially fit into my size 5 jeans:noway: . Super exciting! Definetly a motivater to continue to push threw the challenge. EA Active is addicting and I'm lovin the results:love:
  • Good job rachi20024! That rocks. It really is addictive. I have the more workouts "game" and I'm fully addicted. I finished my first 6 week challenge yesterday :)
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I've been gone, but I have not forgotten about this post. Unfortunately, I've been so busy at work, that I have been forced to bring work home and still have homework to do. I don't know what I was thinking to take 3 classes! :sad: (really not sad, just crying!)

    I will make a better attempt to use my Wii on the weekends, which is Friday and Saturday. I will check in then. But despite my distance, I am still working out and checking-in! Everyone are such great supports:smooched:
    Night all!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I've been gone, but I have not forgotten about this post. Unfortunately, I've been so busy at work, that I have been forced to bring work home and still have homework to do. I don't know what I was thinking to take 3 classes! :sad: (really not sad, just crying!)

    I will make a better attempt to use my Wii on the weekends, which is Friday and Saturday. I will check in then. But despite my distance, I am still working out and checking-in! Everyone are such great supporters:smooched:
    Night all!
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Kornbaby - If you really can't eat the 3 meals try to find something quick down and easy to eat in just a few bites for mini meals. According to our nutritionist at work you should never go more than 4-5 hours without eating something. My quick breakfast is a banana or a piece of cheese. Just a few bites and they are gone. As far as the exercise calories go if you are just starting out anything is fine. Try to focus on 20-30 minutes a day. Once you get in shape you can up it more.

    Teetee- Working full time and three classes? Such dedication and drive! Hopefully work will settle down for you.

    I missed 3 days on the Wii. It acted like it didn't know who I was. Tonight I did 10 minutes boxing (set a new record for me of 1261), 10 minute Island Lap and another 10 minutes boxing. I also did 50 minutes of yoga in a class today.

    I'm doing OK on my calories and staying under my limit.

    Have a great evening/day everyone,

  • Played Wii fit plus today for 20mins tonight, biggest looser on the wii for 10mins and played various challenges on wii sports resort for about 30 mins plus climbing stairs and ladders all day at work.

    I started off playing wiifit plus tonight but had a disc problem so thats why only 20mins got completed; tomorrow I will be doing at least an hour a day on wiifit plus.
  • skyrunher
    skyrunher Posts: 3 Member
    My goal for February is to do a minimum of 15 -20 minutes a day of Wii exercises. I plan to shake things up using my Wii Fit, Wii Tennis, GoldsGym Cardio workout and EA Active work outs. I didn't do as much in January as I wanted and missed some days so it's time to get back on track!
  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
    Good job rachi20024! That rocks. It really is addictive. I have the more workouts "game" and I'm fully addicted. I finished my first 6 week challenge yesterday :)

    How is the more workouts game for EA? What is different/better? I may be interested in purchasing it.
  • Well it's set on an island! Hee-hee! It is a mix of "island activities" and the usual strength type stuff with the resistance band. Some of the island activities are squash, cardio boxing, paddle surfing, water skiiing, follow the leader,obstacle courses. Things like boxing, paddle surfing, water skiing and step aerobics can be done with or without the wii balance board.
    Mixing those fun things in with the strength sets really adds variety. I've been going since 12/14 and I'm not sick of it yet!
  • rachi20024
    rachi20024 Posts: 229 Member
    So yesterday was a workout day for me on EA active and I have to say I was dissappointed.For the first time since starting EA I didn't even sweat or feel challenged(the workout was only 15 minutes long). Today on my "rest day" I decided to workout and put it in "hard" mode. I am feeling it! Hopefully todays workout makes up for yesterdays lack there of.

    Thanks Buzzkitty1 for answering my questions, More workouts is definetly going to be my next purchase for the Wii:drinker: :flowerforyou:
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    Thanks Jam. I sure hope works gets light for me soon, if not, I'll find myself working out even more not for the health reasons, but to calm and relax myself. That is why I got on my Wii this evening. I got just under 30 mins in, not too much of a sweat at all with the activities I chose, but hey, I still burned calories!
    Not mention, this morning, I ran in the wind, and was only 5 seconds off from my Fall time. I'm thinking (no believing) that without the wind, I can do better than the Fall. I will continue to practice.

    I'm still thinking of a new game, I think I am Wii Fit + burned out, and I never really got the feeling for My Fitness Coach, the warm up are always the same, and then she even includes them in the workout. (I think I am rambling on now... :laugh: )

    Have a great day all!
  • eclairuk
    eclairuk Posts: 130 Member
    Hi all, hope you're meeting all your Wii goals :smile:

    Thankfully my knee is feeling better. I've held off doing any exercise this week to let my knee rest. I think I'll start back on Monday doing upper body workouts on the EA Active and will throw in some sit ups to help. I will then in 2 weeks try doing the full workouts again on the lowest level.

    My aim, eventually, when my knee is better is to be like Buzzkitty and complete a 6 week challenge :happy: WTG by the way.

    Enjoy the rest of your week everyone.
  • Tibur86
    Tibur86 Posts: 24
    Oh my gosh BuzzKitty that sounds so fun! haha I went and got my Wii last night and got the active game. I was thinking about getting that one but since the original one came with all the extras I went with the original...but now I want to go get the other one. And I've only had it for 24 hours! LOL
  • jam0525
    jam0525 Posts: 1,681 Member
    Hello everyone and welcome to anyone new to this forum,

    I did 40 minutes on the Wii Fit: 10 hula, 10 step, 10 run and 10 Hula and I was sweating at the end. My next purchase will be a DVD and not something for the Wii. I have a trip coming up and I want something I can do in the hotel room. I'll have my laptop with me so I can just put the DVD in. After that I might look into the EA Active. It seems like everyone who has it likes it.

    I gained 1 pound when I weighed in today and I'm not sure if I really believe, but I updated it anyway and will see what happens at the next weigh in.

  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I did it! I went and brought the EA Active More Workouts. I looked over the two, and I was unsure, but then I thought how the Wii Fit Plus was and you got the original workouts and new ones. So I just decided to go along and get the More Workouts and the accessory pack.
    I'm looking forward to playing it tonight since I skipped out on going to Zumba this evening. Of course, I will post my activities and opinions later. Until then, everyone have a great morning/day, and happy Thursday!
  • teetee1281
    teetee1281 Posts: 1,076 Member
    I am completely happy with my purchase. It was already better than My Fitness Coach, I'm going to send that to my DH to trade in! I got just over 30 mins, and burned 218 calories. Of course, that is 70 more than it counted for me. I'm pretty sure once I get the hang of it, I'll get a better workout, but I started the 6 Week Challenge. Wish me well!
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