Any other nerds/geeks dieting?



  • nphillips0124
    I'm about as nerdy as they come. I love comics, video games, regularly attend conventions, etc. Also I am here trying to lose weight so FRIEND MEEEEEE

    For purely posterity's sake here is my Rogue costume from this year (like 15 ish lbs ago :D )

  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Yay! And by nerd/geek I do mean more of the sci-fi, fantasy, video games, comic books, ect <.< But their are also the literary nerds or political nerds, and whatever ^^ I tend to like anyone who associates with the word.

    I'm a political nerd. And a regular nerd. I like comic books, Star Wars, Star Trek, anime, sci fi, video games, cosplay, and all kinds of other stuff. Doing cosplay is one of my biggest reasons for wanting to lose weight.
  • KaleidoscopeEyes1056
    KaleidoscopeEyes1056 Posts: 2,996 Member
    Epic nerd here. Born and bred trekkie, studyholic, gamer (Guild Wars 2 anyone!? It's amazing!), electronic musician, programmer, graphics designer, web designer, history nut, neurology nut, physics nut, astronomy nut, shiro lolita at cons, crazy cat and snake lady :P I'm not really the fangirl type of nerd, more the "You couldn't stop me from studying and learning new things if you tied me to a chair in a dark room" kind of nerd :P

    Fellow nerds feel free to add me!

    I love that - not a fangirl nerd either though a fan of lots of the cultural touchstones mentioned here (currently jittery to get my kids in bed so husband and I can watch Dr. Who in peace). No,I am a research and knowledge nerd. I wanna know it all and try it all.

    I'm a huge information nerd as well. Right now I'm in college, double majoring in Social Science Education and Political Science because I couldn't choose between the two. I really want go back to major in ASL, and then again to major in Philosophy, and maybe once more for Biology. Oh, so many things I want to do! And so much potential loan deferment!
  • LCgymnast
    A loving mathematics minor who enjoys anime and every comic movie! Oh yea and a losing weight nerd.....right here!
  • banshishi
    Interesting...I mean...if you've "got someone on the inside" as it were with Syfy, or the production people at Warehouse 13, then you would know. But Season 4 is on *right now*, and scouring the internet, gets me nothing on Season 5 cancellation--and as you said it raked in the "Portal Awards" this year. So unless you're going off everyone's vague speculation that Syfy almost never let's shows go beyond season 5 (which would be next year), you're just causing unnecessary nerd panic. LOL! But, ya know, clearly we're nerds that we're willing to argue about renewal of our favorite shows. :D

    But for what it's worth, Warehouse 13 fans, there really isn't any way to substantiate the claim of cancellation, at least not at this time.

    Also, feel free to friend me in all my nerdy/geeky goodness. I'll be kind I swear.

    Hence my edit, because I sat and tried to remember where I had read that it was ending, and I have a vague notion that it was in a totally deepest apologies for all panic caused :flowerforyou:
  • kiddoc88
    kiddoc88 Posts: 244 Member
    right here!
  • T34418l3angel
    T34418l3angel Posts: 474 Member
    my Profile pic says it all
  • marvelscale
    Video games and cosplay :smile:

    And it looks like I'll have to retire this one once I reach my goal weight :sad: I spent so many hours on it...

  • NYChick84
    NYChick84 Posts: 331 Member
    <----Nerd - but a totally cool one at that! :)
  • Laurelaas
    Laurelaas Posts: 31 Member
    Video games and cosplay :smile:

    And it looks like I'll have to retire this one once I reach my goal weight :sad: I spent so many hours on it...


    why would you have to retire it? It looks awesome!
  • MelbourneBelle
    MelbourneBelle Posts: 105 Member
    this guy. But I'm not stopping at 42 pounds. And I'm going to need more then one towel for all these workouts... And i'm pretty sure this isn't a holodeck.

  • FoodPwnr
    FoodPwnr Posts: 153 Member
    I'm a totL fps gamer nerd ... I pwn noobs
  • rickgomez2003
    Systems and network engineer. i think i fit in lol.
  • MelbourneBelle
    MelbourneBelle Posts: 105 Member

    I'm also trying to lose weight to look hot at next year's nerdy conventions (Comic con, Wonder con, Comikaze expo, ect). I've never felt confident enough to cosplay, but I *really* want to!

    Other nerdy interests: Star Trek: TNG, MST3K, World of Warcraft, everything Batman.

    Hee hee, this is why I love my Starfleet uniform - Tasha Ya, Capt Janeway, Deanna Troi, Jadzea Dax all look sexy and confident in pantsuits, IMO.
  • marvelscale
    Video games and cosplay :smile:

    And it looks like I'll have to retire this one once I reach my goal weight :sad: I spent so many hours on it...


    why would you have to retire it? It looks awesome!

    because that's me at 155 pounds and my goal weight is 120 ish :( I probably won't be able to bring it in any because of where the stripes are

    and thanks :)
  • Ceres77
    Considering I just finished watching a classic Tom Baker Doctor Who, exercise every day while watching MLP:FiM, and I'm getting fit so I can start cosplaying again....yeah, I'd say I'm a nerd.

    I'm also fairly new and looking for new friends--feel free to friend me, nerdy comrades! :-)
  • schlange11b
    schlange11b Posts: 105 Member
    Started playing Dnd since there was an A before it. Back when elf was a class (the blue box). Avid tabletop and PC gamer, still have my Magic:The Gathering sets dating back to Arabian Nights, played everything from 7th Sea to L5R.
    One of the few who has an equal love for both Trek and Wars, grew up with Stan Lee teaching me how to read, and I've attended the big 3 conventions (Origins, GenCon, and Winter Fantasy).
    So, yeah, I may be a bit of a nerd. :)
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    If you know these characters, Friend Request me.... :)

    He's Arnold, Arnold, Arnold Rimmer... without him life would be much grimmer... :bigsmile:

    (Coincidentally, that song went through my head some time a couple weeks ago.)
  • DCS7
    DCS7 Posts: 3
    YUP! Right here.

    Anime, cartoons, comics, videogames and stuff like that. I even do a podcast about Anime called "Animeal". So feel free to friend me.
  • nammer79
    nammer79 Posts: 707 Member
    nerd gamer complete dork and spreadsheet lover might be enough to sum it up but it could be something I'm missing

    working on getting my sexy on and ditching my pocket protector LOL ... okay I don't really have one but if I did I would rock it