"It doesn't matter what you eat, IIFYM."



  • andyxbear
    andyxbear Posts: 269 Member
    I follow IIFYM.

    I'm sensible in my choices, but I allow room for the things I enjoy like wine, cookies, etc. And I hit my macros quite nicely


    I agree with the above. It's def better if you're getting proper nutrients, but you can still lose weight by eating junk food and staying within or under your calorie goal. I know many people who have proven that. Many don't like veggies or healthy food and only eat fast food and other junk. They've lost a lot of weight.
  • LetsgetfitJC
    Eating foods in natural form, would be best all the time, but sometimes fruits aren't as rewarding as a fat free ice cream bar from walmart.. IIFYM is great to a certain extent and I don't see the harm in getting 1 item a day such as a light ice cream bar that is fat free in your daily intake or even a couple for that matter.. Keep things in balance
  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    I follow IIFYM.

    I'm sensible in my choices, but I allow room for the things I enjoy like wine, cookies, etc. And I hit my macros quite nicely


    I agree with the above. It's def better if you're getting proper nutrients, but you can still lose weight by eating junk food and staying within or under your calorie goal. I know many people who have proven that. Many don't like veggies or healthy food and only eat fast food and other junk. They've lost a lot of weight.

    Just to clarify though - IIFYM isn't just about hitting calorie targets - you have to hit your macro targets as well - IIFYMacros
  • fieldsy4life
    My only problem with IIFYM (mainly due to what I see on this site) is it gives people who are morbidly obese an excuse to crush pints of Ben and Jerry's because they saw a thin person post it in their diary. Many of the proponents of IIFYM on this site were never fat. Nothing against them - they were blessed with a healthy metabolism and they do hit the gym every day (and by gym, I mean a gym with weights, not a DVD). However, they could always eat 4000 cals a day and not gain a pound for whatever reason.

    I've seen some people make great progress following IIFYM, but I can tell from their transformation that they probably are killing it in the gym every day as well.

    When I crush pints of B&J, I don't try to fit it in my macros or calories or anything - it's just for fun. Yes, I feel like crap a few hours later and no I don't get on the scale haha.

    Just like when I go to the Cheesecake Factory - I go to enjoy myself. I don't ask the server how many calories are in each piece of brown bread.

    But the rest of the time, I make a conscious decision to eat cleaner. I was Paleo for almost a whole year - not saying it's the best but it taught me to appreciate foods in their plain form. I also tried many new food items that are not offered at Papa Johns.

    I do have macros I try to hit but they are a moving target. Today I brought leftover spaghetti (whole grain), that effs up my macros for the day. As long as my protein is in the two-hundreds and my fat is in the one-hundreds, I'm happy.

    I'm rambling at this point...

    The missing link for me wasn't a Paleo diet, Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, IIFYM, etc. It was going to the gym and finding exercises that I enjoyed, what weight ranges to work with, and what rep schemes made sense for what I was trying to accomplish. Right now my weight is staying constant and I'm eating about 2700-2800 calories a day on average. If I want to lose weight, maybe I'll drop a snack and start doing more cardio after lifting. But honestly, I want to get my 1RM squat into the 400s and my bench over 300 (I'm super close). I don't care what I weigh - this is more for personal accomplishment.

    The answer is hard work, discipline, and patience. If you feel like **** after eating waffles and syrup, you might be more sensitive to carbs than somebody else. If you feel lethargic low carbing, then don't do it! We are all different. So instead of combing the forums looking for a magical answer (this is not directed to anyone in particular), hit the web and start seeing how you can revamp your training. Are you afraid of weights? Observe the "bros" at the gym and see what they are doing or ask them.

    I know this topic comes up everyday, and I know I'm a one-man-army in my attempt to stop it, but whatevs - it's slow at work today.

    Good luck all.
  • dangelah
    dangelah Posts: 1 Member
    Can't say that i am 100% on this but I am going with the idea of calories = calories. I once had a Dr. tell me weight loss is simply burning more calories than you take in. That being said....Do I think it is ok to use all my allotted calories on pizza, ice cream & candy? No! But looking at things realistically I know that I will always want a treat now and then and that is ok. Now and then being once a day! (as long as it falls into my allotted calories)
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    Yes, it is a sensible way to structure your eating and keep you in deficit. It allows you a bit of flexibility to have some "non diet" food in your intake.

    However, it is a bit misunderstood. If you are balancing your macros you can't simply have a diet full of junk food and think you are doing IIFYM. The idea is to hit all or near to your macro goals and your calorie goals. If you have a goal of say 2000 calories and 180g of protein and you eat donuts all day you will end up going over your carb and fat goals but leaving only say 300 calories to get say 160g of protein.

    Not going to happen is it...

    300 calories is more like 75grams of protein. Even worse.

    What food contains 75 grams of protein and only has 300 calories?
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My only problem with IIFYM (mainly due to what I see on this site) is it gives people who are morbidly obese an excuse to crush pints of Ben and Jerry's because they saw a thin person post it in their diary. Many of the proponents of IIFYM on this site were never fat. Nothing against them - they were blessed with a healthy metabolism and they do hit the gym every day (and by gym, I mean a gym with weights, not a DVD). However, they could always eat 4000 cals a day and not gain a pound for whatever reason.

    I've seen some people make great progress following IIFYM, but I can tell from their transformation that they probably are killing it in the gym every day as well.

    When I crush pints of B&J, I don't try to fit it in my macros or calories or anything - it's just for fun. Yes, I feel like crap a few hours later and no I don't get on the scale haha.

    Just like when I go to the Cheesecake Factory - I go to enjoy myself. I don't ask the server how many calories are in each piece of brown bread.

    But the rest of the time, I make a conscious decision to eat cleaner. I was Paleo for almost a whole year - not saying it's the best but it taught me to appreciate foods in their plain form. I also tried many new food items that are not offered at Papa Johns.

    I do have macros I try to hit but they are a moving target. Today I brought leftover spaghetti (whole grain), that effs up my macros for the day. As long as my protein is in the two-hundreds and my fat is in the one-hundreds, I'm happy.

    I'm rambling at this point...

    The missing link for me wasn't a Paleo diet, Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, IIFYM, etc. It was going to the gym and finding exercises that I enjoyed, what weight ranges to work with, and what rep schemes made sense for what I was trying to accomplish. Right now my weight is staying constant and I'm eating about 2700-2800 calories a day on average. If I want to lose weight, maybe I'll drop a snack and start doing more cardio after lifting. But honestly, I want to get my 1RM squat into the 400s and my bench over 300 (I'm super close). I don't care what I weigh - this is more for personal accomplishment.

    The answer is hard work, discipline, and patience. If you feel like **** after eating waffles and syrup, you might be more sensitive to carbs than somebody else. If you feel lethargic low carbing, then don't do it! We are all different. So instead of combing the forums looking for a magical answer (this is not directed to anyone in particular), hit the web and start seeing how you can revamp your training. Are you afraid of weights? Observe the "bros" at the gym and see what they are doing or ask them.

    I know this topic comes up everyday, and I know I'm a one-man-army in my attempt to stop it, but whatevs - it's slow at work today.

    Good luck all.

    How can you "crush pints of Ben and Jerry's" and still meet your macro-nutrient goals?
  • AnvilHead
    AnvilHead Posts: 18,343 Member
    Can't say that i am 100% on this but I am going with the idea of calories = calories. I once had a Dr. tell me weight loss is simply burning more calories than you take in. That being said....Do I think it is ok to use all my allotted calories on pizza, ice cream & candy? No!...
    Of course not. But once again....this does not fit the concept of IIFYM. IIFYM means "If it fits your MACROS". Macros (macronutrients) are carbohydrates, proteins and fats. "Fitting" them means hitting the targets you have set on MFP for each of them. Unless somebody has some really screwed up macro settings, nobody is going to hit their macro targets eating all their allotted calories in pizza, ice cream and candy.

    "IIFYM" is not synonymous with "gorge your guts on whatever crap you feel like eating all day".
  • waldo56
    waldo56 Posts: 1,861 Member
    Can't say that i am 100% on this but I am going with the idea of calories = calories. I once had a Dr. tell me weight loss is simply burning more calories than you take in. That being said....Do I think it is ok to use all my allotted calories on pizza, ice cream & candy? No! But looking at things realistically I know that I will always want a treat now and then and that is ok. Now and then being once a day! (as long as it falls into my allotted calories)

    Unless your macro goals are 70% carbs, 25% fats, and 5% protein, chances are you aren't fitting pizza, ice cream, and candy into your macro goals.

    When you have a macro goal like 30% protein (or 200g protein, the way I do it, by weight not %), practically everything you ingest has to be to the end of meeting that goal. Candy becomes cottage cheese, greek yogurt, and beef jerky. Ice cream becomes sugar free frozen yogurt. Pizza....heavy on the meat, but it is fairly high in protein (pizza is much easier to deal with than pasta).
  • missmayeb
    missmayeb Posts: 182 Member
    The missing link for me wasn't a Paleo diet, Atkins, South Beach, Weight Watchers, IIFYM, etc. It was going to the gym and finding exercises that I enjoyed, what weight ranges to work with, and what rep schemes made sense for what I was trying to accomplish. Right now my weight is staying constant and I'm eating about 2700-2800 calories a day on average. If I want to lose weight, maybe I'll drop a snack and start doing more cardio after lifting. But honestly, I want to get my 1RM squat into the 400s and my bench over 300 (I'm super close). I don't care what I weigh - this is more for personal accomplishment.

    The answer is hard work, discipline, and patience. If you feel like **** after eating waffles and syrup, you might be more sensitive to carbs than somebody else. If you feel lethargic low carbing, then don't do it! We are all different. So instead of combing the forums looking for a magical answer (this is not directed to anyone in particular), hit the web and start seeing how you can revamp your training. Are you afraid of weights? Observe the "bros" at the gym and see what they are doing or ask them.

    I know this topic comes up everyday, and I know I'm a one-man-army in my attempt to stop it, but whatevs - it's slow at work today.

    Good luck all.

    Thanks for this. I tried the South Beach and even after 2 weeks of "being good" I felt like crap. I found out my weight loss struggle was more hormonal then just food and exercise, so South Beach/diet was not the real problem. I think everyone needs to find a niche that works for them and keep tweaking as they progress. I don't follow a diet or macros. I just eat what I know will do well for my body and I do slip up and have a fun meal here and there. I also try to constantly stay active through the day.

    I tend to look to those on here, like yourself, that understand this type of lifestyle for inspiration. So thank you for your one-man-army stance.
  • SouffleBoy
    SouffleBoy Posts: 65 Member
    "If doesn't matter what you eat, as long as it fits your macros, is in your calorie limit, etc". (and assuming you are getting your nutrients somehow) -- You will still lose weight.

    Do you think this is true?

    I don't think it to be true, I KNOW it to be true. Its just a fact that human body will lose weight if they are in a calorie deficit (most of the time), you don't even have to have the right macros.
  • SouffleBoy
    SouffleBoy Posts: 65 Member
    If only I could survive on peanut butter, potato chips and chocolate chip cookies. What a great thing it would be.

    You can. You wouldn't survive for as long as others but you'd still survive.
  • Huffdogg
    Huffdogg Posts: 1,934 Member
    Yes, it is a sensible way to structure your eating and keep you in deficit. It allows you a bit of flexibility to have some "non diet" food in your intake.

    However, it is a bit misunderstood. If you are balancing your macros you can't simply have a diet full of junk food and think you are doing IIFYM. The idea is to hit all or near to your macro goals and your calorie goals. If you have a goal of say 2000 calories and 180g of protein and you eat donuts all day you will end up going over your carb and fat goals but leaving only say 300 calories to get say 160g of protein.

    Not going to happen is it...

    300 calories is more like 75grams of protein. Even worse.

    What food contains 75 grams of protein and only has 300 calories?

  • chrishgt4
    chrishgt4 Posts: 1,222 Member
    Yes, it is a sensible way to structure your eating and keep you in deficit. It allows you a bit of flexibility to have some "non diet" food in your intake.

    However, it is a bit misunderstood. If you are balancing your macros you can't simply have a diet full of junk food and think you are doing IIFYM. The idea is to hit all or near to your macro goals and your calorie goals. If you have a goal of say 2000 calories and 180g of protein and you eat donuts all day you will end up going over your carb and fat goals but leaving only say 300 calories to get say 160g of protein.

    Not going to happen is it...

    300 calories is more like 75grams of protein. Even worse.

    What food contains 75 grams of protein and only has 300 calories?


    Pure protein.
  • mitsando88
    So many idiots in this thread. Of course IIFYM works. If you are eating so called 'clean foods' and hitting your daily goals of fats, proteins, carbs, then you are following a IIFYM principle and it will have the same affect on body fat composition as someone who is hitting their macros with so called 'junk' food.
  • mitsando88

    What food contains 75 grams of protein and only has 300 calories?

    egg whites, protein powder
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    These threads are so frustrating.

    Why do people think that IIFYM means ONLY "junk" food?
    Why does it have to be all or nothing?

    I go by IIFYM and eat decent, but have my treats and junk. Flexible dieting is easier, makes me happier, easy to stick with, and easy to maintain my weight with.
  • ToughTulip
    ToughTulip Posts: 1,118 Member
    My only problem with IIFYM (mainly due to what I see on this site) is it gives people who are morbidly obese an excuse to crush pints of Ben and Jerry's because they saw a thin person post it in their diary. Many of the proponents of IIFYM on this site were never fat. Nothing against them - they were blessed with a healthy metabolism and they do hit the gym every day (and by gym, I mean a gym with weights, not a DVD). However, they could always eat 4000 cals a day and not gain a pound for whatever reason.

    What makes you think we have a blessed metabolism and wont get fat?
    I follow IIFYM and used to be chunkers.
  • dallen388
    Not enough people using MFP even look at their macros...they think as long as they are within their calorie goal all is fine. It KILLS me. KILLS me ;-(
  • WendyTerry420
    WendyTerry420 Posts: 13,274 Member
    My only problem with IIFYM (mainly due to what I see on this site) is it gives people who are morbidly obese an excuse to crush pints of Ben and Jerry's because they saw a thin person post it in their diary.

    There is NO way to fit "pints of Ben and Jerry's" into your macros when you are losing weight. I've been able to fit in a cup of vanilla with 2tbsp of chocolate syrup. That's as much as I've been able to fit into my macros on a given day.

    I think IIFYM does not mean what you think it means.