

  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Welcome ndbirdbom! lovely flower. I'm one of the newbie's to the topic thread but I have enjoyed it much. :happy:
    Jane, sounds like the wedding was a huge success and a wonderful blessings; congrats to all.

    I love the long weekends but it seems like it takes two days to adjust and wham - here comes the weekend. Not complaining, I already know my accomplishments for the week will suffer. Off to get some exercise; dinner is in the crock-pot. I am sure hoping to have another loss to share on Friday.
  • cmbalint
    cmbalint Posts: 71 Member
    Thank you Amanda I have gotten that feeling from alot of women i have talked to about HRT that of I can find alternatives to try that first.We will see Thursday
  • djhobs
    djhobs Posts: 200 Member
    Hi ladies...good news I got a PHONE CALL from ds...I told him he sounded like he was next door..he said yeah, but I'm not...it was good to hear his voice nevertheless. Had a good day...actually was up early and started the kettleworx Dvds today. Willndo the core and resistance Dvds..I don't like the cardio ones so will use recumbent bike, row or walk for cardio. Tennis was cancelled tonight...we are still waiting for the remnants of isaac...was supposed to rain all day...still waiting. We will try to play tomorrow depending on the weather. I also got on the scale this am and am still in my 3 up/3 down range...I guess my transgressions weren't as bad as I thought...I expect a gain tomorrow because I think I will be quite sore from today's workout...all part of the journey.

    One of my brothers lives in Dallas...one of his friends is gravely ill with west Nile virus...for everyone in the prone areas...please, please, please be vigilant.

    Have a good evening...hugs and high fives and prayers for our challenges..it truly helps to share the joys and sorrows
  • classilady
    Good evening everyone. Had a great day stayed under my 1400 calories and I am not even hungry. Still need to drink more water.

    Hope everyone has a great week.
  • Gardengail
    Gardengail Posts: 596 Member
    Just back from a long weekend trip and marking my place on the thread. It's going to take me quite some time to catch up on 8 pages - just since Saturday!

    My August goal was to workout 4-5 times a week. Here is what I did:
    23 cardio sessions for a total of 17 HOURS and 36 minutes, and
    7 strength training sessions, lifting a total of 85,375 pounds

    September's goal is the same for workout frequency, but.... I'm starting to increase the weights for strength training now that I am 5+ months post-surgery.

  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,397 Member
    wessecg - the only way I can name a person in my post is the fact that I have two windows open, one just a wordpad document and then the topic here. If I didn't do that, there is NO WAY that I'd remember everyone individually then I just copy and paste the document. Yup, I do exactly what barbie said to do.

    barbie - thanks for the link to posting a pic in photobucket. I have no idea how to post a pic and I know that I'll want to post one after the pool is finished. Honestly, I might have to ask you again for the link.

    12774 - I ALWAYS prefer mall browsing. Only problem is that *I* don't work up a good cardio, I look at too many things (and buy too many things, too)

    Welcome everyone who is new! Come back often

    Julie - so sorry to hear about your mother. Good for you in the eating dept! Wonder why you haven't been stress eating? Maybe it's because you're too busy with other things. When is your daughter getting married?

    Isobel - what a great goal -- to "have fun". That's what life's about

    Rachel - OUCH!!!! You poor thing

    DeeDee - 50,000iu, wow! That's a big dose. Glad it's helping you.

    One guy was here today moving dirt around and he did a little work on the pool. I was at mahjongg and Vince was here. He said that one of the treads on the excavator came off so he and the guy who ws running it put it back on. He (Vince) was running the excavator while the other guy worked with a crowbar to get the tread back on. Gee...we should charge them for labor. At the rate we're going...we'll be getting the pool for free.....lol I don't think so but it's fun to just kid around about it.

    jb - thanks for the help in posting pics. Honestly, don't be surprised if I need to ask you again. The guy (for the pool) said he'd probably be here tomorrow and then Thurs and Fri they're going to work on putting in the spa. Then they won't be here for a while. FANTASTIC pics

    lentigogirl - happy birthday to you son

    nanasgt - great walking. You should be very proud

    youngfleur - where are you planning to go this winter?

    Did some running around today. Exercised, then had something more to eat, went to the post office to mail a package for Vince, to the soup kitchen, to a pool supply store but they didn't have a webbed lounge for the pool, played mahjongg, went to this one lady's house because last time we played mahjongg at her house she doesn't have pushers, just racks, so I let them use my pushers since I had them in the trunk of my car and she was supposed to bring them today only she hurt her back and wasn't there. I did want my pushers -- never know when you'll need the set. Then, since I was that way, I went to Aldi's and got some mushrooms for my salad, some more cukes, bought baby carrots and then saw that one store has them on sale. I hate when that happens. Came home, had dinner, made cookies to take to the hairdresser on Fri (I don't know that I'll have time Wed. or thur). I have extras, Vince doesn't care for butterscotch so I put them in a bag and will maybe give them to one guy working here. Gave him a bag of these other cookies that Vince won't eat. He'd told me that his wife really liked them so I gave the bag to him for his wife.

    Tomorrow...water aerobics, stop at one store, and then senior bowling

    We have been having unseasonable humid weather. Heat I can stand, but I DO NOT like humidity.

    Jen - so happy you heard from ds

    Hope everyone has a great evening

  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Evening,

    This one is a shorty. Ready to fall asleep now I did read everyone's posts. Today is my clients volunteer day We walked and walked today. It is so good to help them help others but the extra bonus is I get a a nice walk out of it.

    Well that is it for now will try to come back in a bit.

    Take care,
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hi again ladies. Warning*****major rant about to occur:explode: :explode: :explode:

    The 19 year old was supposed to cook tonight and DH was going to help her since I was working on my book. Very, very long story short she completely ruined dinner (again). It was a wonderful rigatoni with eggplant, tomatoes, and fresh parmesan that I had been looking forward to all week. I was asking her questions about what happened and she would answer one way, so we would talk for 3-4 minutes, then she would totally change her response to the original question. It was soooooo frustrating. We ended up having bacon and eggs and I sent her to the store to price all the ingredients we just threw away.

    I am at my wit’s end with this child. It is nearly impossible to converse with her because 1) her English is bad and 2) she panics and just says anything, then later retracts it, so by the time you are done you have no idea what went on. OR she refuses to speak. Either way, I end up feeling like I am actually going crazy.

    DH was in the den (right by the kitchen, you can look in and see the whole kitchen from the den) and he told her he would help her if needed. DD thought he would come in to help and DH was waiting to be asked, so that’s part of what went wrong…miscommunication.

    It’s just so frustrating because it never gets better. She’s in counseling but is making no progress. She is really very low functioning in many areas, but no one else sees it but us. GRRRRRRRRRRRRR

    Sorry, I had to get this off my chest somewhere and poor DH is beside himself too. Thanks for putting up with me! Meg
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello everyone,

    Oh zippidy-do-dah! :laugh: Not just the first day of school, but my first day back to work since foot surgery last April. I do love my job! Told my students I’m working on being “complaint free” (inspired by the book Complaint Free World, mentioned here) and they’d better watch out or I’ll make it a complaint free classroom! :laugh: We are studying the brain/learning & exercise connection, so they have two mornings a week of fitness circuit with me. Oh ho we are going to have fun. It’s grade 7, by the way, 9 boys and 13 girls.

    I can’t believe 8 pages of posts while I was away at the cabin. :ohwell: Even with two windows open I can’t respond to you all.

    It certainly is berry season. I picked blackberries on the beach yesterday, and got lots for the freezer. Lots of scratches too. Made DH and J’boy blackberry pancakes this AM to celebrate the first day of school did NOT eat any myself :drinker: – you see, Michelle, I’m learning to enjoy the cooking and not indulge.

    Oh Meg, how heartbreaking & frustrating that your daughter can’t manage a meal for you. :cry: Is her English bad because she doesn’t like to talk or because she can’t? I worked for several years with a family whose daughter was adopted from a Romanian orphanage at about age five. She has a lot of “hidden” disabilities, all lumped under a diagnosis of “attachment disorder”.

    Got to the gym and did my “Tia’s Training” workout. Whew! :explode: That woman has high expectations. It felt great to unwind by getting sweaty after a busy day at school.

    Jan, are you a school leader? Tell me more! Congratulations on 30 days smoke free. :flowerforyou:

    Wessecg – your joke about mid-life crisis children made me smile and salute. :drinker: I call mine “the bonus baby”. He’s 14, we’re 54. Our daughter is 25.

    Faye – have fun in Idaho. Sorry you’re not coming up north.

    JipsyJudy – I can be your wine buddy! I am trying to log consecutive AFD’s (Alchohol Free Days) from Sunday to Thursday each week, and it’s a challenge for me. :noway:

    Kate & Glendalight, I’m “almost” an Albertan, just across the border and down the Crow’s Nest Pass in SE British Columbia.

    Meg, we were in Russia a couple of years ago when J’boy was 12. He still talks about the great candy & chocolate!

    Slowspud, you’ll be back on track now. I can feel it.

    Go Kathy! Keep moving on that foot but don't do too much.

    Must get back up and finish making lunches and tidying the kitchen. Yes, I know, they could make their own lunches, but I enjoy doing it for them, most days.


    September goals:
    No bedtime snacks, no second helpings!
    Get the routine chores done, put away clothes and make the bed.
    Total 24 hours of exercise – 1.8 total so far.
    Be a role model of healthy living for my students.
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,997 Member
    :sad: Jake has gone back to his housesitting job and the house is quiet and lonely without him......I spent two hours on my yard project, cleaned the bathrooms, and walked the dog a lot since he left at noon....now I can go to bed and read my book....I'm reading a mystery now called "Holy Guacamole" about a woman who writes a food column and seems to get in the middle of murder mysteries wherever she goes.:bigsmile:

    :sad: Julie, I'm sorry about your mom......my mom died twenty years ago and I still find myself starting to buy a gift for her when i see something she would have liked.....I thank her every day for the great things she taught me.

    :heart: :heart: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: :yawn: Barbie from NW Washington

    September Resolutions:
    *walk the dogs for an hour or more every morning
    *100 Warrior III poses or squats a day
    *17,000 steps a day
    * finish the rock project in the yard
    *Act the way I want to feel
    *Come from a place of love
    *Don’t take things personally

    I got some of my best resolutions from reading "The Happiness Project" by Gretchen Rubin
  • auntiebk
    auntiebk Posts: 2,521 Member
    Good evening, lovelies!

    Julie my heart goes out to you. It is the very hardest thing to lose your mother. Sounds like it was sudden? After your daughter's wedding, take some time out to grieve, you'll need it.

    Thanks for all the kind comments about my purge struggles. Going to fall back on yesterday's hour when I don't meet my 10 min decluttering goal, like today. Neither have I gotten down on the mat despite finding the yoga treasures, nor have I done SWSY despite getting new adjustable weight dumbbell set.

    BUT I carried 2 bags of chatchkes around at lunch hour waiting for the thrift store to open, and danced 105 minutes at class tonight, so don't feel too guilty.

    Too sleepy to respond to you all tonight,


    Barbara, the AHMOD who WILL be size 10 one day

    September I resolve to be good to myself:
    eat 7 servings fruits + veggies
    invest 20 minutes in SWSY or on the mat and 10 minutes decluttering
    moderate to 1 glass wine per night (Sat + Sun allow 2 beers/day)
    figure out this darned HRM and uset it at least once
    smile, don't yell...
    2012: dance more, bark less and check in!!!

    SWSY or matminutes: 4=0 3=0 2=0 1=35
    steps: 4=13656 3=6156 2=3567 1=7822
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    Happy Wednesday ladies!!

    Middle of the work week, Decent weather and a new Yoga class this afternoon. Here's to being able to move tomorrow LOL
    ore tonight after yoga.

    Jan, happily smoke free for 44 days!!
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Another day at home, yesterday I mopped the floors, got dishes out of the dishwasher, folded laundry and thought now what do I do:frown: ????? There is nothing on TV during the day (actually I think there is nothing on TV ever, all the channels and nothing to watch:huh: ). I played "angry birds" on the iPad, beat all the boards and went back to try to improve my score, got bored with that, took the dog out for a walk, the humidity was so high it was miserable, get back inside and it's only lunch time:huh: , ate lunch, still nothing on TV:grumble: , decided to take a nap, slept for about an hour and a half, took the dog back out for a long walk, we got caught in a rain storm, she looks at me as if to say "why would you do this to me":angry: , the dog does not like being out in the rain, I wasn't too thrilled to get wet either. I used the blow dryer on both of us when we got in. Then I talked on the phone for awhile, my best friends husband is at Duke right now, they're getting ready to harvest his stem cells, and hopefully next week reintroduce them, he'll then be in isolation for at least 2 weeks, probably more:cry: . That gave me pause to be thankful that I only have pneumonia, nothing here to complain about!!!!! I do have to go to the grocery store today, I only ever buy enough for a couple of days at a time, I usually don't like going, however today I'm looking forward to at least getting out for a short time!!!! Maybe today I'll feel like going through my closet, yesterday it just didn't appeal to me. I think I would like being at home if I didn't feel like I HAVE to be here, I have plenty of projects I would like to do, but that just means I would be just as busy here and not rest at all:ohwell: . I'm trying to just be, I never thought it would be this hard:noway: .

    Meg:smile: I'm so sorry about your dinner and your disagreement with your daughter, sending you a hug. Wish I had words of wisdom, but words just fail me now.

    Janehadji:smile: welcome back!!!! I'm sure you looked just as amazing as your daughter!!! Congratulations on the wedding!!!

    I know I'm missing a lot of people, I didn't take notes this time. However I did read all the posts. Maybe I will try to catch up with everyone later today.

    Hope you all have a wonderful, exciting, funfilled day!!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , and log your food!!!!

  • mollymaxjudy1
    Hi I fit the over 50 tag and definately went to school and now working in a education linked organisation. I took Voluntary Redundancy in late April this year and after 3 months at home decided being a full time housewife was not for me hence the working again and I really missedf the interaction with my colleagues.

    I had ballooned and at 50+ realised I was far from healthy and wanted to live long enough to see my grandchildren grow. So diet started mid June with myfitnesspal and I have now lost 20lb. My husband joined at the same time as me and he has lost 36lb which is fantastic but I am so jealous - how does this man loose 16lb more than me and we both eat the same - I know its all about metabolic rates but heyho still want it to be me as well.

    My goals for this month are to do more walking, keep losing weight at least 1lb a week and try new recipes.
  • lorarock
    I have been struggling since returning to work to fit the take home work, dinner prep, and exercise in. I set the alarm on my cell phone as a cue for TIME TO WORKOUT. It worked! I did a 30 minute dvd, and then proceeded to get back to the computer to finish typing educational stuff for an hour. (set a timer--when it went off, I was "done") Hopefully this will hope me regain focus and get the scale going down again. I have 5 weeks until fall break and a hiking trip, so I really need to work on building endurance and getting into shape. Great day to all!
  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good morning everyone.

    Sorry to hear about your mother, Julie. It's just so sad. :brokenheart: My mom is 87 and failing a bit. unsteady on her feet and becoming a little confused. She's visiting my sister in GA for a few weeks, we're thinking it's possibly time for her to move there permanently. The other option is to find a home-care person to help Mom at her place in San Diego. It's hard to know exactly what to do. My sister told me that when she picked Mom up from the airport last week she had to wheel her through the terminal in a wheelchair, something my mom begged us never to do. Well, she didn't balk at it this time, and said to my sister, "I guess this is the beginning of the end." :cry: I'll be on the phone a lot this week with my brother and sister, discussing what we can all do to make Mom as comfortable and happy as can be. I'm a bit teary-eyed this morning.

    I got after the huckleberries yesterday morning and ended up making a full case of jam. There was a big bag of berries left which I put in the freezer for a pie during the holidays. More canning today, hubby roasted about 4 dozen Anaheim chilies on the grill last night, so this morning I'll be peeling, seeding and dicing them for processing in 1/2 pint canning jars. Fire-roasted diced green chilies, oh they are so good. There are tons more chilies in the garden yet, we'll be pickling some, drying some, canning and freezing others all month long. Poblanos, jalapenos, serranos, bells, sweet Italians, sweet cherry and cayenne.

    Michele, feel free to message me if you need additional help posting photos when the time comes.

    Thanks for the compliments on my pics! It's really important to look back and compare every once in awhile to see how far we've come. Here's my most current photo, taken in my backyard in July, at 65 lbs lost.


    Have a wonderful day, time for me to make some phone calls.

    :smile: jb
  • janemartin02
    janemartin02 Posts: 2,653 Member
    Happy Hump day!!
    had some bad storms last night and this am.
    JB,you look great in your pic.Huckleberries sound so good.
    Welcome all the newbies.
    make it a good day!!
  • tiarapants
    tiarapants Posts: 1,015 Member
    Hi Ladies

    I'm having 'one of those days' - you know the ones when you think you should have just rolled over and stayed in bed!

    Hope you are all doing ok, I have to go and make the umpteenth phone call to try to sort out problems for other people. Still, it's nice to be needed!

    Have a good one my friends.

    Back later.
    Love to all.
    Amanda x
  • drkatiebug
    drkatiebug Posts: 1,947 Member
    Bump so I can find later. Just now checking in for Sept. busy, busy.
  • rorae
    rorae Posts: 34 Member
    hay me, me, pick me.....would like to join in here also. Not a current or past teacher, did attend school and loved the whole back to school vibe of a new adventure and expectancy.

    I am back after a summer long pity party of eating what ever and when ever and now 21 lbs later ...

    so my goals are:

    Take that pottery class, cuz I deserve to do something I want like this, just for me and for no particular reason ! so there.
    Continue to log on everyday, prompting better choices at all times.
    Pack my lunch to work, insuring I know what I am eating vs mystery food from cafeteria.
    Do what ever soul searching/personal inventory/past life regression it takes to get to the bottom of the emotional eating.
    Start moving, some way, every day

    have a peaceful day !