would you discipline someone for disciplining your child?



  • ironanimal
    ironanimal Posts: 5,922 Member
    it's NEVER cool for anyone other than me or my husband to discipline OUR children. you try that, or telling MY kid what they should or shouldn't do, i will fly off the handle and you won't be around my kids anymore.
    Can't say not being around kids that need discipline from strangers is necessarily a punishment.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    If my kid's bothering someone else, or about to physically endanger themselves, of course they have the right to say "stop that".
  • Iceman1800
    Depends on the situation. I yelled at a kid who said crude things to my daughter. His father called me and told me I shouldn't have done that and should have spoken to him instead. I politely told him to go f himself.
  • sixrings
    sixrings Posts: 96 Member
    Kind of an odd question but for the most part I have no problem with someone correcting my kids if they are doing something wrong and I have no problem doing it with other people's kids. I would never physically discipline them but I've been at playgrounds with my kids where other kids are cussing and I'll tell them to cut it out. or if they are swinging a bat around willy nilly I'll tell them to be careful. If their parents have an issue with that then bring it on :angry: If my kids were cussing/smoking/or behaving inappropriately around other little kids and I weren't there to correct I would have no problem having an adult telling them to cut it out...and if word got back to me that an adult said it to them then they'd hear it again from me!
  • Fox_n_sox
    Fox_n_sox Posts: 283 Member
    If a total stranger came up and disciplined my child, ie: smacked her hand, yelled at her in a hurtful manner or what ever I'd go all

    on them. But with my friends and family, they know they can reprimand her. My friends do it all the time. If my daughter is getting into something, they tell her no. They know how I discipline my daughter. If they took it too far, I would say something to them.
  • GypsysBloodRose26
    GypsysBloodRose26 Posts: 341 Member
    Did your child do something wrong? Were you there to correct that behavior? If you weren't, and someone else was and they implemented an appropriate punishment, no. If it wasn't appropriate, then there would be hell to pay.
  • gemmalianne84
    It would depend on how it's done. I'm not going to stand for someone just shouting at my daughter, but if it was something like "Don't do that because..." I would be okay. But my daughter is only 18 months old lol. And I never let her out of my sight. My daughter = my responsibility.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    Teachers and friends of ours may discipline my children. However a stranger > serious consequences for them. Not cool unless my kid was in a life threatening situation.
  • alsunrise
    alsunrise Posts: 386 Member
    Depends on the situation. I yelled at a kid who said crude things to my daughter. His father called me and told me I shouldn't have done that and should have spoken to him instead. I politely told him to go f himself.

    I see this happening in my husband's future. lol
  • meg7399
    meg7399 Posts: 672 Member
    it's NEVER cool for anyone other than me or my husband to discipline OUR children. you try that, or telling MY kid what they should or shouldn't do, i will fly off the handle and you won't be around my kids anymore.
    As a teacher I know this is the wrong attitude to have. These are the parents that usually have the kids with the worst behavior.
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    Depends on the situation. I yelled at a kid who said crude things to my daughter. His father called me and told me I shouldn't have done that and should have spoken to him instead. I politely told him to go f himself.

    This... When it involves you or your own children, you have every right to speak up. If the parents don't like it, tough. Let them deal with it later in private. At least you said something.
  • cheerforsteelers
    cheerforsteelers Posts: 686 Member
    I don't have children myself, but I do say something to my friend's kids ONLY because I know certain friends are okay with it. I don't ever try to discipline out of line. I do like the "it takes a village" mentality but sometimes there are people out there who just get all crazy over a kid being a kid so if someone tried to discipline my kids I would look at them funny or say something depending on what my child is doing and if it really needs a word from the peanut gallery.
  • taylor5877
    taylor5877 Posts: 1,792 Member
    Kind of an odd question

    made a lot more sense when the other 2 threads about others disciplining a child were on page 1...
  • NeonRainbow83
    NeonRainbow83 Posts: 118 Member
    If it is family or close friends and I am not around, I am fine with it. Teacher at school, OK, within reason. If I am around, let me do the disciplining. If you are a stranger and choose to discipline one of my kids, I am going to choose to bury you were you stand.

    ^ This
  • secretlobster
    secretlobster Posts: 3,566 Member
    it's NEVER cool for anyone other than me or my husband to discipline OUR children. you try that, or telling MY kid what they should or shouldn't do, i will fly off the handle and you won't be around my kids anymore.
    As a teacher I know this is the wrong attitude to have. These are the parents that usually have the kids with the worst behavior.

    No, these are the parents with precious angels who can do no wrong
  • mscurvydiva1920
    It depends on the person. Sometimes, raising kids really does take a village. Other times, how things are phrased by other people irks me, and I'm like, I'll discipline my own kid thankyouverymuch.

    This. I'm only 25, and when I was growing up, it was the neighborhood AND my parents who raised me. I knew that if I was acting a fool around the corner, Mrs. So and So would be after me, and then when I got home my parents would be after me, too. I didn't experience the "you bet not say anything to my child" phenonmenon until I was much older and out of my community. But, I'm from Mississippi and I'm African American....so....it was a different village I grew up in.
  • DonniesGirl69
    DonniesGirl69 Posts: 644 Member
    I work at a sporting goods store part time and every SINGLE shift, parents come in and head off into the store to do their shopping, allowing their children to run WILD and climb all over the fitness equipment, clothing racks......some even get bikes from the display racks and ride them around the store.

    If I weren't afraid of getting fired, you bet your *kitten* I would snatch those kids off those machines so fast it would make their heads spin. I observe parents all the time, in many situations, any store, restaraunts, offices...wherever.....allowing their children to run around like wild animals and I promise you, my child did NOT behave that way.

    IF she were to behave that way, I'd have THANKED anyone who put her in her place if I weren't present to do so myself.
  • mnwalkingqueen
    mnwalkingqueen Posts: 1,299 Member
    If any of my 3 kids are acting out of line whether at school or another person's house. Please discipline them but that does not mean verbally abuse, spank or hit them. It takes a village to raise kids and over the last 5 years fear of discipline has cause some kids to think they rule the world adults need to gain control once again. If a spanking is warranted than we as a family unit will deal with that.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Umm, if your kid is annoying me, I will say something. Don't like it, then learn to discipline your kid without him annoying me. We live in a culture where the parents obey their kids. This is not the case where I come from and misbehavior is not tolerated from our or others kids. We used to speak gently to the kid telling them to calm down and/or tell the guardian to make the kid pipe down.

    That being said, there is a bit if finesse required. You cannot go around screaming at kids or raising hands. You gotta be gentle. Gently tell them to calm down or something to that affect (sorry can't be specific, not a parent just telling what I saw as a kid myself). If you raise your hand or even your voice to my nieces or nephews you better have good running shoes because I'm chasing your *kitten* to hell.

    BTW, I believe restaurants should ask the patrons who's kids are screaming uncontrollably to leave or atleast step outside while they resolve the issue. Sounds mean but I'm outside to have good time and paying good money for it. I'm paying no less than the folks with kids so why do I have to have my evening ruined because of you or your kids?
  • ilovemybuggy
    ilovemybuggy Posts: 1,584 Member
    I don't have any children but if I did, I would discipline someone that disciplined my children. I would also expect to be disciplined for disciplining someone for disciplining my child, and I would expect the person disciplining me for discipling the person that was disciplining my child to be disciplined.

    head hurts- you win.