TOPIC: Opinion on Gay marriage?



  • Substances
    Substances Posts: 120 Member
    Who gives a damn?
    If I want to marry a woman, I will.
    Frankly, it's not hurting anyone else.
    If me and my girlfriend are hurting your eyes because you're a close-minded individual who believes that love is wrong if it isn't widely accepted, screw you and your philosophy, look away if it's that bad. Stop staring or take a picture, it'll last longer and you'll have something to remind you of your ill-aimed hate.
  • Jan72002
    I happen to be against it. Not a religious thing, just think the definition is one man and one woman. Also think the argument that it doesn't impact my life what other people do is a strange one. What would it matter to my life if 5 people married each other or a brother married a sister? Does the board support those things?

    I know they aren't the same as gay marriage between two people, but gay marriage isn't the same as interracial marriage either.
  • PaleoRDH
    I think people should be true to themselves and live their lives happy, regardless of what other people think. When you have to hide who you really are, then there is a serious problem. If others don't like it, then its their problem, not yours.
  • shierrarobin
    I am a full blown gay marriage supporter. I have several friends who are gay, and I was raised to be accepting of everyone regardless of religion, sexual orientation, race, gender, etc.

    I was also introduced to a transgender man when I was a teenager. I still see "her" from time to time. I put the " " because "she" hasn't made the full transformation yet. So yeah, I'm one of the most accepting people in the world.
  • angieleighbyrd
    angieleighbyrd Posts: 989 Member
    I dream of living in a world where equal rights really are equal.

    To every one.

    That is all.
  • BondBomb
    BondBomb Posts: 1,781 Member
    No one has ever given a reason against is that makes sense. The only reason I have ever heard is that the bible describes marriage as being between a man and a woman only. But the bible says a lot of other very specific things that those same people do not adhere to. I don't unrderstand how you can pick and choose which portions of the bible you are going to follow. It seems it should be all or nothing.
  • Debbe2
    Debbe2 Posts: 2,071 Member
    I'm all for marriage as a choice for two people in love and committed to one another.
  • kennethmgreen
    kennethmgreen Posts: 1,759 Member
    I don't really care which two people are bound by a legal civil union to protect their rights and freedoms and to declare their relationship publicly to friends and family... just please don't insist that a church or other religious institution that doesn't support same-sex relationships conduct the ceremony.
    I agree with this. Personally, based on what I believe from the Bible, I believe it is a sin. But, I am not going to stand in anybody's way. Just don't try to force the ones of us who don't believe it is right to condone it.

    Since this calls for an opinion, that is mine. Now, I will politely leave.:smile:
    Too bad you are leaving. This discussion needs more reasonable people like yourself.

    I support marriage equality, and I support people's right to express their opinion about it (both for and against). There is nothing inherently wrong with believing homosexuality is a sin. There is nothing wrong with saying that. As long as it stops there. If that opinion drives discrimination, shame, hatred or denial of human rights, then I have a problem with it. But I wouldn't deny anyone their right to their own beliefs any more than I would deny anyone to love who they love and marry who they want.
  • Elzecat
    Elzecat Posts: 2,916 Member
    well I for one am going to hope that my gay son will someday find a mate and be able to be "married". I too feel any couple deserves to be considered married and offered the same benefits (e.g health insurance , etc) that a "normal" *coughbull****cough* couple gets. So yes to gay marriage , yes to straight marriage, and yes to interracial marriage.

    Agreed!!! I hope this for not only your son, but my several good LGBT friends. :drinker:
  • sixrings
    sixrings Posts: 96 Member
    yawn....who doesn't affect me..
  • sleepytexan
    sleepytexan Posts: 3,138 Member
    are you surprised that people are against the idea of interracial relationshiops, or are you surprised that people actually SAID they were against the idea? Will you be surprised if people say they are against gay marriage?

    You seem like you might be surprised by a lot of things in life. You must be very young.

    I'm just surprised by the fact that they were against it. Not that they actually stated their opinion. It's 2012. I thought that discrimination against interracial couples was a thing of the past.

    And you're right, human ignorance and stupidity always surprises me

    You are fortunate to live in the United States. Always remember that. If you are passionate about equal rights for all do not just post polls on MFP, get involved with human rights organizations such as Amnesty International, or the myriad of other good organizations out there. Help change the world, there are horrors going on every day in most of it. Right now, in 2012.


    Well I live in Australia. But thats hardly the point.
    What makes you think all I do is post polls on MFP?
    I do have a life off the internet. A life which you know nothing about.

    OK, you are obviously taking this the wrong way. You said you were surprised. I'm pointing out that in most of the world, yes, MOST of the world, people, and especially women, are likely to be abused or even killed for expressing such opinions. We on this board enjoy freedoms that many could never imagine. I hope that is not a surprise to you. sometimes we forget there are battles that seem long over at home, still raging across the world.

    We are blessed, and you are blessed. I am simply pointing that out. No offense intended. If you choose to be pissed about my suggestion that you might direct your passion toward the world outside our borders where there are no choices, no rights, no ability to love who you love without fear for one's life, so be it. Perhaps others will hear the call and help.
  • Nefetete
    Nefetete Posts: 343 Member
    I have an issue with marriage, regardless of parties involved. It's an outdated and archaic not to mention unnecessary social oddity. Down with marriage, we should ban it all together.

    ^^^ this. Why ppl still insist on signing a pice of paper is beyond me especially after being together for years.
  • DocCollins_SFA
    You willingly opened this 'junk' and read it in the "chit-chat, fun, and games" section... :sad: :noway: :grumble:
    Am I still on myfitnesspal??

    My thoughts exactly, I hear some other free calorie counting web sites don't have all this junk going on, like and among others.. I'm going to check it out.
  • Reesecup312
    Reesecup312 Posts: 277 Member
    I don't really care which two people are bound by a legal civil union to protect their rights and freedoms and to declare their relationship publicly to friends and family... just please don't insist that a church or other religious institution that doesn't support same-sex relationships conduct the ceremony.

    This ^^^^^^
  • nikilovesaxl
    100% for it.

    Love is love :smile: .

    I'm also so glad to see so many supporters. You guys are wonderful :drinker: .
  • WickedBean
    WickedBean Posts: 244 Member
    Am I still on myfitnesspal??

    My thoughts exactly, I hear some other free calorie counting web sites don't have all this junk going on, like and among others.. I'm going to check it out.

    This is the chit-chat fun and games forum... meaning its talking about ANYTHING but calorie counting if you don't like it stay out of the chit chat forum... weight loss doesn't have to suck. I dislike people like you.
  • Qarol
    Qarol Posts: 6,171 Member
    I don't care what anyone else thinks...

    when someone loves someone else and that someone loves the other back? I think that's a beautiful thing. *le happy sigh*
  • saragato
    saragato Posts: 1,154
    Hey if celebrities can get married for 24hrs then null it just because they were drunk/wanted attention why shouldn't two men or two women get the same right if they actually can stand being around the person they're with?

    I mean geeze people act like just because someone's a homosexual they live in a glass house and air their dirty laundry everywhere. No one bothers with a heterosexual's sex life or gags at the thought that they might actually, y'know, HAVE sex, why should the gender thing change all that?

    Live and let live.
  • john44111
    john44111 Posts: 11 Member
    Dont care (meaning Im not interested in stopping them) Dont care about gays (they dont bother me one bit)

    You could actually call me PRO-Gay Marriage.

    I mean cmon, could you imagine Gay Divorce Court? That show would be awesome.
  • cardsfanlv
    cardsfanlv Posts: 110 Member
    Am I still on myfitnesspal??

    My thoughts exactly, I hear some other free calorie counting web sites don't have all this junk going on, like and among others.. I'm going to check it out.

    Ok, then lets put this in terms we are all familiar with.

    Telling 2 people who love each other they cannot get married because its against their religion would be the same as me telling someone they can't have a donut because its against my diet.

    Donuts don't fit into my lifestyle these days. But I mean, if donuts fit into your lifestyle, who am I to say no?
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