Why I closed my diary.



  • lisasowndiet
    lisasowndiet Posts: 10 Member
    Great post! I am fairly new to this site but I chose to keep my diary closed when I started because it is just personal to me. I have enough to deal with just avoiding the carbs barking at me as it is! If I decided to take advantage of them it is my business. You have done a great job and can clearly state "I Did it My Way!" BRAVO!!:wink:
  • dfborders
    dfborders Posts: 474 Member
    Makes sense to me - however, maybe instead of closing your diary if you liked that accountability you may want to look at your friends list and do some purging there (or have your diary open only to your friends). Whichever way you go it sounds like if you want to do it you will so good luck and wishing you the best:flowerforyou:
  • KellyBgetsfit
    KellyBgetsfit Posts: 1,713 Member
    Wow, what a great story! I really hope you make your goals and find the "3" by Christmas. You Have to make MFP work for YOU and if that means closing your diary, then DO IT! Best of luck!
  • Jerseygirl248
    I didn't know that I would read through your entire post but once I started I couldn't stop. I was touched my your story and I completely understand about the diary thing. Do what works for you! Not for anyone else. We are all different. As long it's coming off and you are making better choices for YOU than you win!!!
  • jtjunkie
    jtjunkie Posts: 59 Member
  • bluebird321
    bluebird321 Posts: 732 Member
    Good job and interesting life story about the price a person can pay in order to be successful.

    What you eat and how you do it is your business. The fact that you are being mindful, logging and thinking about what you are eating is a huge victory.
  • gkrash
    Excellent decision I think. Do what you can with what you've got, it's all you can do. Also, if you're anything like me, I can promise you that once you get the weight down and start exercising regularly, the "bad" foods fall off the want list pretty quickly, simply because your body won't want them. Best of luck!
  • DawnieB1977
    DawnieB1977 Posts: 4,248 Member
    I really enjoyed your post! Sounds like you've done well for yourself, and worked hard to get where you are. I started doing a Law degree, but then changed my mind :smile: I studied French instead and I now teach at a secondary school. I'm sure being a Lawyer would pay more, but I get lots of time with my family.

    As for the diary, I was undecided about whether to leave it open or not, but then decided to. For me I like knowing that I have to not eat certain things. On the other hand, as I think you mentioned, being healthy is for the rest of your life, so it shouldn't put you off having a treat now and then. It's perfectly possible to lose weight with a closed diary too :smile:

    I do like reading other diaries though, especially American ones!
  • jfrog123
    jfrog123 Posts: 432 Member
    I had my diary open at one point, and I also got comments from well-meaning friends who were concerned about my sodium intake, how I was spacing my meals out during the day, etc. While I knew their intentions were good, it was not something I wanted to deal with on a daily basis. I felt that just logging in here and being honest was a huge step, and I did not want to be judged. I made my diary private and felt a lot better. I have recently added a key to my diary and shared that key with two mfp friends. Knowing that they can view my diary at any time does help motivate me on days when I feel like caving to a craving, but I don't have to worry about the judgement I felt before. This works for me because I am at a point where I am comfortable opening up my diary to these two people. You have to do whatever works best for you.

    When it all comes down to it having friends on mfp is great, but you (and I) did not come here just to make friends. You came here to take steps to improve your health and fitness. And as for the guy who feels it is weak to "care if other people picked apart your diary", he is entitled to his opinion, but you did not come here to impress him either. Keep doing what you need to do.
  • ndnmomma
    ndnmomma Posts: 466 Member
    This is exactly why I don't open mine, but with me its not so much I eat a lot of refined sugar or go over sodium, but I feel more pressure and stress about the back lash you get from eating not exactly as others say you should. HELLO I did not get to where I am today, 60 pounds lighter, by eating terrible. I'm not a clean eater, but I enjoy my food. If I wanted a well meaning opinion I would ask for it. I do my food tracking for me, and when it was open I felt more tempted to lie about what I was putting in my mouth. It keeps some accountable, and thats great, but for me it was an overwhelming desire to hide. This wasn't helping me to move forward, so I closed it. Good for you for bettering your health, and good luck on the rest of your journey!
  • gracia124
    gracia124 Posts: 41 Member
    Really enjoyed your post - especially as a law student trying to be healthy. Way to go!
  • mscoco10
    mscoco10 Posts: 527 Member
    Good for you. I had an open diary but also rec'd comments like instead of 3 oreo's try fruit instead. I'm like you really don't know me. Only 3 oreo's is excellent for me. I use to eat 13 or more. Do what's best for you. Don't worry about what the food police has to say. We are all here b/c we are trying to loose weight or keep the weight off. Proud of your success thus far.
  • shelbyweeeee
    shelbyweeeee Posts: 154 Member
    Scott R. (who is 136 sticks of butter lighter than he was 7 weeks ago).

    This is what matters most!!

    I admire people who stand firm to their own beliefs and do what is right for them! Each of us has our own way of doing things, no matter if it's weight loss or not. If you have to try a bunch of different ways, then do it!

    Loved reading your story (didn't think I'd make it to the end, but I did!) Congrats on all your success's thus far! You've got a whole more waiting for you!

    (Btw, I don't close my diary each day. I don't need validation or criticism on the choices I've made. If I want to eat an entire can of frosting, then so what... it's my choice and my body!) :tongue:
  • hanniejong
    hanniejong Posts: 556 Member
    You sound like a wonderful family man and provider, congratulations on making your life changes for the better of your family.

    You need to do what is right for you and what works for you, seems to me that you are doing really well and obviously if you are losing weight you are doing something right.
    May the rest of your journey go really well for you.
    Thanks for sharing.
  • saustin201
    saustin201 Posts: 270 Member
    Congrats on the weight loss. You are definitely ambitious and you'll achieve your goal.

    You need to do what is best for you and dump the negative people who are constantly criticizing.
  • fldiver97
    fldiver97 Posts: 341 Member
    I had my diary open at one point, and I also got comments from well-meaning friends who were concerned about my sodium intake, how I was spacing my meals out during the day, etc. While I knew their intentions were good, it was not something I wanted to deal with on a daily basis. I felt that just logging in here and being honest was a huge step, and I did not want to be judged. I made my diary private and felt a lot better. I have recently added a key to my diary and shared that key with two mfp friends. Knowing that they can view my diary at any time does help motivate me on days when I feel like caving to a craving, but I don't have to worry about the judgement I felt before. This works for me because I am at a point where I am comfortable opening up my diary to these two people. You have to do whatever works best for you.

    When it all comes down to it having friends on mfp is great, but you (and I) did not come here just to make friends. You came here to take steps to improve your health and fitness. And as for the guy who feels it is weak to "care if other people picked apart your diary", he is entitled to his opinion, but you did not come here to impress him either. Keep doing what you need to do.
  • RealWomenLovePitbulls
    do what works for you. good luck and great job, buddy!
  • LifeIsNotADressRehearsal
    Love your post. You are going to be a big success in your weight- loss journey - just like everything else you've set your mind to :smile:
  • penniemh
    penniemh Posts: 124 Member
    Congratulations. I keep my diary closed as well...I don't "track properly" (as in, I don't necessarily divide what I've eaten for the day into its separate 'meals') and I get enough comments IRL about my eating habits, good and not so good.

    Keep up the excellent work...Glad you are being gentle with yourself!
  • atsteele
    atsteele Posts: 1,358 Member
    You go this. Keep up the good work! :D