
  • I am "HOT MOM" of 52. Sufferinfing from hot flashes that is!:laugh: Does that count? Lol!

    Okay, that's funny :laugh:
  • LLaceFace
    LLaceFace Posts: 101 Member
    I'm a mom, does that count? I have a 15 month old and am a stay at home mom. I really started watching what I eat and exercising at the end of July so I'm still new to it. I have been getting up at 6am every morning to work out and it was great because my daughter was waking up at 8. The last week she has been getting up at 7. :frown: I can NOT get up any earlier than 6. I was trying to work out during her nap but it wasn't working out well for me. I'm a bit OCD and we have 3 dogs so I use most of my "free" time cleaning. It's also impossible to eat when she's awake unless I feel like sharing. I think we should get an extra 100 calories a day to make up for the amount our kids eat of our meals.

    My husband got me a shirt that says Hot Mama on it when I was pregnant and I'd like to be able to wear the shirt. I also want to look hot for my 40th birthday at the end of December.

    I completely understand! I have no magic way of making my workouts fit into my day.
    Luckily I am fairly spontaneous and I am able to just get up and start working out as soon as I see a moment available.
    My 4 month old just laid down for a nap and my son was completely into Nightmare Before Christmas. I saw the opportunity and jumped on it. I got a 75 minute elliptical run in. Now I have the baby sling on and we are all "cleaning together" lol
    If I make my 4 year old feel important around the house he absolutely LOVES to help me!
    I am also OCD... My house looks like its staged to be on the market 90% of the time lol
    I have no idea how I can find the time and energy to keep it that way, but my OCD must just take over lol
    I know it is hard but even if it means pushing a stroller while wearing a baby sling, I am determined to get a workout in. Results are powerful... If I see a little weight loss it's like throwing a can of gasoline into my fire for fitness :)
    I'm always here for support... Just add me :)
  • Fantastic thread! :)
    add me if you want moms
  • cardsfanlv
    cardsfanlv Posts: 110 Member
    I'm not hot, but I'm a dad and I'm trying to get healthier!

    BTW, I went to college in the Ohio Valley(Wheeling), always cool to see people from there on this site.
  • crazy4lulu
    crazy4lulu Posts: 822 Member
    i am a mom. i work as a trainer and i am a mom. i get up at 3 45 in the morning and get my cardio in and im a mom. i work out with weights 5 days a week and im a mom. my kids go to school and say " my mom can beat up your dad ". and i love it. Just kidding on that one!! i love nothing more than being a mom. we must put up with sooo much,but as they get older it seems like the time to do the mom things is running out. i need to stay healthy for them. and if being hot must come with the territory, then BRING IT ON!!!!!
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    I'm just a mom, will that suffice?
    My youngest is ten months now, and I'm carrying the baby weight then some.
  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    Getting a little hotter every day!:blushing: I am a mom of two beautiful, fit, active girls, aged 14 and 12. I work full time, and spend my after work hours chaufferring my lovelies back and forth to gymnastics and horseback riding. Meanwhile I have to try to feed them, keep house, and get my take home work completed. I started changing my habits around Easter after deciding that I had gained my last pound! I am now 34 lbs lighter and sooo much more fit than I was 6 months ago. I am very lucky to have a very supportive husband. He is :love: over the new me and I love him all the more for it!
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    Oh, what your day is like? I've been counting my calories, and am just having a coffee before I hit the gym tonight. I dont want to lol I want to sit home and write, but unfortunately, writing and sitting doesnt melt pounds off your butt. Who knew?
  • reztib
    reztib Posts: 151 Member
    It's really about how you feel about yourself. Not what other do. People might think I am not "hot" but I don't care. There is at least one person who does and that is all that really matters to me.

    Don't what to be the guy who brings this post down. It's intentions were good.
  • Krizzo87
    Krizzo87 Posts: 14,186 Member
    Mom to 2 girls :)
  • Rawr1978
    Rawr1978 Posts: 245 Member
    I think it's a common occurrence for moms to want to feel "hot". It can be a huge motivator when it comes to getting an out of shape, overweight, stressed mommy onto the treadmill.
    That said, everyone has different tastes, so no, it doesnt matter what others think of you. But, if you feel attractive, it does show.
  • I'm a mom of 2. :) I have a 6 year old little boy and my daughter will be 6 months on the 16th!
  • irishscorpio66
    irishscorpio66 Posts: 22 Member
    I'm a mom of 2. :) I have a 6 year old little boy and my daughter will be 6 months on the 16th!

    Ummm Dang! You are on the wrong post! You are a smoking hot Moma! :smokin:
  • BodyCombatGirl73
    BodyCombatGirl73 Posts: 96 Member
    I am a full-time working mom and I have two kiddos (an 11 year-old daughter and 9 year-old son). For me, the goal is not at all about being hot, but rather being fit and healthy :smile: . I know for a fact that I am the strongest I have ever been and it feels GREAT! I love being able to do regular push-ups (no girlie knees for me anymore!) and to hold a plank forever!

    In terms of fitting it all in, I am lucky in two ways: 1) my hubby does 95% of the cooking and he is a GREAT cook, 2) I have awesome workout classes at my company every day at lunch time, so I get to do Bootcamp, Tabata, Circuit Training, BodyCombat, yoga, etc. I then supplment with going to the gym at least twice a week for BodyPump weight class and some more Combat.

    I think the key for us parent's is having a partner that will support you and making sure that you carve out that exercise time. It also doesn't hurt when you have dogs, because you gotta walk them everyday no matter how tired you might be! :yawn:
  • All moms are hot! Moms have the toughest job in the world, good luck to all of you!!!!
  • All moms are hot! Moms have the toughest job in the world, good luck to all of you!!!!
    Thanks! You've got it right about being the toughest job! :)
  • katrinkap
    katrinkap Posts: 443 Member
    i'm still drunk enough to think i'm hot! :)
  • i'm still drunk enough to think i'm hot! :)

    LMAO I needed that!
  • I'm a mom, does that count? I have a 15 month old and am a stay at home mom. I really started watching what I eat and exercising at the end of July so I'm still new to it. I have been getting up at 6am every morning to work out and it was great because my daughter was waking up at 8. The last week she has been getting up at 7. :frown: I can NOT get up any earlier than 6. I was trying to work out during her nap but it wasn't working out well for me. I'm a bit OCD and we have 3 dogs so I use most of my "free" time cleaning. It's also impossible to eat when she's awake unless I feel like sharing. I think we should get an extra 100 calories a day to make up for the amount our kids eat of our meals.

    My husband got me a shirt that says Hot Mama on it when I was pregnant and I'd like to be able to wear the shirt. I also want to look hot for my 40th birthday at the end of December.

    I completely understand! I have no magic way of making my workouts fit into my day.
    Luckily I am fairly spontaneous and I am able to just get up and start working out as soon as I see a moment available.
    My 4 month old just laid down for a nap and my son was completely into Nightmare Before Christmas. I saw the opportunity and jumped on it. I got a 75 minute elliptical run in. Now I have the baby sling on and we are all "cleaning together" lol
    If I make my 4 year old feel important around the house he absolutely LOVES to help me!
    I am also OCD... My house looks like its staged to be on the market 90% of the time lol
    I have no idea how I can find the time and energy to keep it that way, but my OCD must just take over lol
    I know it is hard but even if it means pushing a stroller while wearing a baby sling, I am determined to get a workout in. Results are powerful... If I see a little weight loss it's like throwing a can of gasoline into my fire for fitness :)
    I'm always here for support... Just add me :)

    My daughter loves to help clean too. She might be a bit OCD also, haha. She does help me work out too if I have to do it while she's awake, she loves to lay on me as I try to do jack knives and bridges. Nothing like helping mommy work out by adding 20 pounds to her. My biggest thing that makes it more difficult is my husband is not supportive. He doesn't understand that I'm trying to get healthy. He thinks the whole thing is silly and can't believe I get up early to exercise. He also doesn't help much around the house so it's as though I have a 1yr old, a 15 yr old son and 3 dogs.

    I do totally love seeing some weight loss. I know they say not to weigh every day but I do and even if it's 4 oz different it makes me smile and gives me more motivation to keep doing it. I was one of the lucky few that didn't have to do anything to lose the baby weight. I just can't believe how different my body is after having a baby. I really should have done that much younger in life, haha. I'm going to send you a friend request, I need all the support I can get.
  • quietasariot
    quietasariot Posts: 198 Member
    Me! Two daughters - one is almost 8, the other just turned 4. I've lost 76 pounds (see ticker, lol) over the past year and 5 months, and have about 9 to go until "goal" (or, just whatever my body plateaus at...). I work out and eat right to set a good example for my girls! I don't want them to think they need to starve themselves to be skinny, nor do I want them to think that they can just eat whatever and not be concerned. I exercise, and it's proven to be a good example to them. They both like to go with me to the lake nearby while I jog and they ride their bikes. They know that when Mommy slips on the workout clothes and the Vibrams, she's going for a run. My husband seems to be more attracted to me than ever (I didn't even know it was possible) and we've been married for 8 1/2 years. I run and lift weights, along with other calisthenics, about 4 or 5 days a week. It depends on what's going on, but I try to make time for at least an hour of "me" time to work out!
    For the first time in my life as a mother I feel like a hot mom! I know I've still got work to do, but I look and most importantly FEEL the best I ever have. I look GREAT for having two kids (finally) if I do say so myself ;).