

  • jb_2011
    jb_2011 Posts: 1,029 Member
    Good afternoon and happy Sat. Gorgeous day here in Portland, mid-80s with a few clouds floating around. :love: I've been super busy all day and my legs finally said stop! :grumble: so I thought I'd rest a bit, log my foods and take a minute to say hi.

    I peeled enough tomatoes this morning to feed an army for a week, ended up canning 5 quarts and have close to 3 gallons of pasta sauce still simmering away on the stove. It'll cook down quite a bit more by this evening. Love the smell of it in the house, it's just the greatest recipe. There's no oregano in it, just fresh Italian parsley, fresh basil, a couple of bay leaves, a pinch of red pepper flakes and a bunch of garlic. Mmm-hmm! When it's done and cooled I bag it up in quart zip locks and freeze it. Makes for easy dinners come winter time, and it's easy to turn into pizza sauce by cooking longer to thicken and adding Greek oregano.

    I made applesauce, too, and got it all canned. I added just a tiny bit of sugar, about 2 teaspoons per pint. Probably didn't even need to do that, but the apples were Gravensteins and weren't terribly sweet. Delicious, though!

    I'm having problems with numbness on the tip of my middle finger that's been bothering me for over a week. And no, it's not bad karma from flipping off the idiot neighbors! :laugh: They're horrible, foul-mouthed renters, I wish they'd dry up and blow away. :explode: Anyway, on the GOOD neighbor side, I found out last night that the new gal who moved in across the street is a massage therapist and would gladly trade massages for guitar lessons. :bigsmile: I'm going to take her up on it and see if she can locate the pinched nerve or what have you that's causing the numbness. She did a bit of work on my arm last night and immediately the tingling went away. I've had this before, years ago, and I'm thinking it has to do with overuse of my hands. I do too much in the summer with all of the gardening but I just can't help myself. :blushing: There won't be as much digging to do now that harvest time is here.

    DeeDee, size 12! That's wonderful. I recently fit into them, too, and was shocked! :noway: I bought a new pair the other day that seemed a little too big, but when I tried on size 10 there was no way I could cram myself into them. Believe me, I tried. :ohwell: I guess I'm a tweener. When I tried the jeans on today to make sure I'd be happy with them before washing, I found a white spot in the threads on the knee, so my excuse for returning them. Back they go. And back to the hunt for some that fit.

    Lin, Skinny Pop at Costco, oh boy. Sounds really good! But it's dangerous territory for me since I can't stop eating popcorn once I start. I wonder if I dare trust myself to buy a bag. :huh: I'll probably be making a trip there tomorrow.

    Jen, great job with the peppers, yay, success! I really enjoy using ground turkey. My hubby balks a bit when I make turkey burgers for the grill, but he eats them without complaining. :wink:

    Kackie, hi! Thanks for the sweet compliments. :flowerforyou:

    Well, time to stir the sauce and move the sprinkler. Everyone have a great evening! Drink lotsa water, it keeps you feeling full.

    :smile: jb
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,371 Member
    gardengail - I make these pumpkin spice muffins. What it is is you take a box of spice cake mix and a can of pumpkin (that's all), mix the two together and bake it as muffinis. Comes out very moist.

    happylady - I love to try new, healthy meals. Let me know if you come across any good recipes.

    cj - at least there were berries in those treats. Let's look on the bright side.

    DeeDee - I have no idea why my ankles are swelling. I suspect some of it has to do with the heat and humidity. I seem to feel it more in the hot humid months (like July and especially August)

    Lin - that Skinny Pop sounds intersting. Never heard of it. Is it something you microwave? Or is it already popped? Does it have any artificial ingredients in it?

    I can't believe where the time has gone to. Went to farmers mkt, then yoga, the store to get ice, home and talked with the pool workers (I'd thought they were going to be here longer), cooked the corn on the cob I got and froze it, made shrimp gumbo for this week so all I have to do is heat it up, went to church, stopped at WalMart for pork chops, home for dinner and then made oatmeal cookies for the workers (in one sense I'll be glad when they're not here any more), chicken and pork chops for us. Tomorrow I'll do hula hoop on the Wii. Made these mini donughts, ever since Jessica gave me the pan I've been dying to try this. I love, love, love them. Not very bad on the calories either. Just haven't figured out the best way to ice them, tho

    Polly - my children were from China, you know, the ones who would love to have my food (never did tell me how I could ship it to them, tho)

    Meg - I usually plan out what we're going to have for dinner, print out the recipes, I have a notepad on my cell phone so I put what I need to buy in there.

    welcome everyone who is new

    Need to go take a shower. Hope everyone has a great evening. Really rushed.

  • poohmarsh
    poohmarsh Posts: 11 Member

    I was reading your post from 8/31. Don't know if this helps, but I started having trouble with my big toe when I increased my walking to 5 days a week. Turns out I have arthritis there. The doctor sent me to a shoe store that deals with orthotics. They told me that I was wearing the wrong size shoe! He measured my feet and said for athletic shoes, you buy a size larger. The new shoes are really helping and were cheaper than the orthotic.

    Keep up the good work!

  • LindaS175
    LindaS175 Posts: 186 Member
    Just dropping in to say Hi.

    This is my weekend off, so I don't want to spend too much time on the computer!:laugh:

    My DD and I went to the gym and rode the recumbent stationary bikes for 40 mins. My knee is killing me, but I just did it anyway!:sad: :sad:

    I must confess, that I went to Costco today and bought some fresh wild Atlantic salmon! I love salmon but have not bought it for some time because the kids got sick of eating it! We used to have it at least once a week.:bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    So, since you all made me crave it , I will have a nice salmon dinner tomorrow with broccoli or green beans and some brown rice or quinoa. :tongue: :tongue:

    I read everyone's post and I just wanted to say , have a great Sunday! :drinker: :drinker:

    Do something kind and loving for yourself! :drinker: :drinker: Hugs, Linda:heart:
  • margieparkins
    margieparkins Posts: 591 Member
    :smile: hi all, my name is margie, I am new to this so I find all your cooments encouring, I am in Victoria, Australia. Have a nice day: flowerforyou:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Good Evening Ladies,

    We are enjoying some very pleasant weather here in Idaho. Air is still smokey but not as bad as it was.

    @Lila "Happy Birthday"
    @Meg-A Margrita sounds good and glad you and your DH had some time last night to unwind. I also like the idea of a tricyle have thought of it but as far as it has gone. I never knew they made a bike rake to hold them.
    @Lin - I love Football, My Dad always had it on didn't quite got into it than but my DH loves it so when we got married I decide to learn about it so I could at least hold a conversation about it with him. By doing this i have become a fan. Football season is a fun time in our family. -- Also Lin Praying for you & your Dad"
    @Dixie-- How are you managing ? Glad to see you pop in now and than- you are in my thoughts & prayers. Hug
    @Barbie--I want to look into that book "The Happiness Project" after I finish reading the book I am reading now. I love reading.
    @Michelle I have heard grapefruit
    @Dee A Complaint Free World sounds interesting too. and Yay on the size 12.
    @Jen I hope your feet feel better
    @Kathy-what a nice way to spend a day with DS walking the mall I like Bath and Body works too.
    @Lin - I do have a Costco Card and will need to look into A skinny PoP"@Meg congrats on 2.2 lbs and @ginny on 3lbs
    @JB = wow canning--I have never learn and yet its something I can remember my Grandma and Mother doing. Now I am older would like to learn.

    Today was a good day had a slow start didn't want to get going just want to stay in PJ's read sitting in my Lazy Girl Chair but luckly I have Bella Jo who is use to her walks and likes them a lot. So we went on her 1st walk than that got me moving came home caught up on housework. Took my Daughter out today she had some errands to do and I am her taxi don't mind we get to hangout. We went to Golden Corral for lunch and I did ok really stuck to a plan 1st plate had a rositere chicken breast, small baked sweet potato, 4 brussel sprouts ( I love them & everyone else hates them in my family) had 1/2 cup of zuchinni/squash medley.. My 2nd plate was a healthy salad. That was it. Left feeling full but not stuffed till I am ready to explode which is normally how I am when I leave there.

    I didn't weigh in last week so I did today and i lost 3lbs very happy I do know mst people go with weighing weekly I find I am so focus on that its bugs me. Sort of thinking trying to weigh in everyother week or monthly not sure if I could handle that. do any of you have an opinion on weekly weigh ins?

    I am sure I am missing someone so sorry about that I do read everyone's posts.

    Wishing everyone a good night.

  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,966 Member
    :flowerforyou: today I was at an all day meeting---indoors and sitting for six hours. i was one of the presenters and had to sit at the front of the room all day so I couldn't sneak out and take a walk :laugh: :laugh: it's also the day I've chosen (on an experimental basis) to not log food or exercise so I ate some things that aren't usual for me....I avoided all the muffins, cookies and other sweet treats, but had two bananas with peanut butter and a cheese sandwich (stuff I never allow in my house)......thanks to the dogs I walked over 20,000 steps :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: tonight hubby called and had me put on the speaker phone so he could talk to the dogs......Brandy licked the phone when she heard his voice.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington
  • poohmarsh
    poohmarsh Posts: 11 Member

    I found it again by looking under "My Topics". Every thread I've posted on showed up there. Since I've only posted on three, it was easy to find. :wink:
  • JipsyJudy
    JipsyJudy Posts: 268 Member
    :flowerforyou: today I was at an all day meeting---indoors and sitting for six hours. i was one of the presenters and had to sit at the front of the room all day so I couldn't sneak out and take a walk :laugh: :laugh: it's also the day I've chosen (on an experimental basis) to not log food or exercise so I ate some things that aren't usual for me....I avoided all the muffins, cookies and other sweet treats, but had two bananas with peanut butter and a cheese sandwich (stuff I never allow in my house)......thanks to the dogs I walked over 20,000 steps :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: tonight hubby called and had me put on the speaker phone so he could talk to the dogs......Brandy licked the phone when she heard his voice.

    :heart: Barbie from NW Washington

    Awwwwwwwww :love: Poodles are the best! I've started taking Sasha with me on Wednesdays when I babysit my 3 month old granddaughter. When I sit down and put granddaughter Andie in my lap, Sasha starts licking Andie's feet and carefully works her way up, cleaning Andie's legs, hands, arms, and ears. And Andie loves it!
  • poohmarsh
    poohmarsh Posts: 11 Member
    Hi everyone,

    Was discouraged Friday. Felt like I was trying so hard for no movement on the scale. Monday is really my weigh in day, but I usually do check it about half way through the week. Went out with my friends and relaxed (and ate way more than I should). Scale was down about half a pound this morning. I think I almost need a "cheat day". Not to get wildly off my goals, but to loosen up a little and give myself a little break. Felt better today. Went to a craft fair with food everywhere - all the fair type fried food. I opted for healthier chicken on a stick although I did eat a couple of cookies when I was still under my calories.

    I am really enjoying this thread. I find lots of encouragement reading other people's success. I've lost and regained weight all my life. I really want to make real changes that will help me keep it off this time!

    I hope everyone has a relaxing Sunday! :glasses:

  • Rosacanina
    Marking my spot. Hi!
  • Rosacanina
    Love the trike! Bet that's fun :)
  • wizzywig
    wizzywig Posts: 1,246 Member
    :flowerforyou: Hi Happy Sunday :flowerforyou:

    :smokin: :smokin: Lovely sunny day here in York UK. We are having a good few weeks of sunshine after all the rain during the "summer". I'm hoping it stays sunny until the end of the month, I'm going to Scarborough on 24th September with my mum and dad (going as mums carer :bigsmile: :bigsmile: - well that's my excuse!)

    :embarassed: I really must try and check in every day to read everything, I'm so far behind with everyone's news. :embarassed:

    I went to the theatre to see Legally Blond the musical on Wednesday, thoroughly enjoyed myself went with friends and we said we'll have to make it a regular thing. I've seen the movie and wondered how they'd fit everything in to the musical, but they got the main bits, even the little dog made an appearance to lots of awwws from the audience and the other dog was so cute too, but must have been a bit shy as I'm sure he was pushed on stage and was put on a lead almost straight away (so he wouldn't run off??) :bigsmile:

    Well I must go and check on the dinner, don't want burnt offerings. Have a great day everyone!

    Viv x
  • DeeDee2211
    DeeDee2211 Posts: 1,133 Member
    Good morning beautiful ladies:flowerforyou:

    Lynn:smile: I check in with MFP every morning, log my food for the day and then catch up on reading the posts. Seems to start my day off right.

    Lin:smile: Skinny Pop sounds so good. I don't have a Costco membership either, but I have friends that do:bigsmile: . Saying a prayer for you and your dad.

    Lentigogirl:smile: congrats on your NSV, keeping up with younger dancers WOO HOO!!!!!

    12774:smile: congrats on your 10 pounds gone, and for buying yourself something good for your skin:flowerforyou: !!!!

    FitzyFitzpatr:smile: welcome to the group :flowerforyou: , come in often and chat with us!!!

    Polly:smile: I tend to do better with structure in my life, however sometimes it's just fun to go with the flow:bigsmile: .

    Kathy:smile: congrats on the 2 pounds gone!!! I like Bath and Body Works too, especially the candles:heart: , I'm ready to get some pumpkin scented ones for this fall.

    Eileen:smile: hope you have some luck finding a dress for your picture!

    Meg:smile: I LOVE the tricycle and the matching helmets:glasses: , you'll have to post s pic of you and hubby all ready to ride!!!

    Jen:smile: it's good to wear a tiara every once in awhile, I wear mine quite often:laugh: . Glad your peppers turned out good and hubby liked them.

    Heelstead:smile: welcome to the group:flowerforyou: , you joined just by posting. Come in often and chat with us!

    Texasgal:smile: hope you got to enjoy every minute of your beautiful day:glasses: .

    Gail:smile: the flowers you made sound beautiful! I have a fabulous friend like yours too, we've been friends for about 15 years, we say we're twins from different mothers:laugh: .

    Jb:smile: wow, you're busy in the kitchen!!!! It all sounds wonderful too. I did have to laugh at the story about your neighbor and the numbness in your finger:laugh: . At least you have a good neighbor, and trading guitar lessons for a massage, sounds fabulous!!!!

    Michele:smile: My hands will sometimes swell from the humidity, I am so ready for cooler and drier weather!!!

    LindaSundanceB:smile: enjoy your weekend off and your salmon:glasses: !!!

    Margie:smile: welcome to the group:flowerforyou: come in often and chat with us.

    Liz:smile: congrats on doing great on your meal out! Congrats on the 3 pounds gone!!!!!!

    Barbie:smile: I've wanted to sneak out of a meeting before too, it makes me feel like I'm back in high school skipping a class, and to all the teachers here...NO, I NEVER did that :laugh: . You were in a meeting all day and still got 20,000 steps in:noway: , I am amazed!!!

    JipsyJudy:smile: bath by dog, it'd the best kind:laugh: !!!

    Wanda:smile: I love going to all kinds of fairs, my favorite foods are roasted corn and the dreaded elephant ears:love: .

    Rosacanina:smile: welcome to the group:flowerforyou: , come in often and can't with us!!!

    Well I have something I need to say about those size 12 pant:embarassed: , I was so excited about them I decided to go try on some more pants in size 12, the sales lady must have known those particular ones ran big, because every other size 12 I put on would not come close to buttoning:mad: , oh well, that kind of crushed my bubble for the day, knocked my tiara off too:explode: . However I am grateful I'm still wearing a couple sizes smaller than I used to, the real size 12s will have to wait a bit longer:sad: .
    I think I might have over exerted myself a bit too much yesterday, I took my last antibiotic last night and this morning I'm feeling a bit icky, my chest is back to feeling a little full, not really tight, just not quite normal yet. Guess I will take it easy today.

    Hope every one has a wonderful, blissful day!!! Drink your water:drinker: :drinker: :drinker: , and log your food!!!!!

  • Tobefitalways
    Hi everyone! My name is Deb. I am interested in joining this group. My September goals are 1) swim 30 minutes + every day and log 2) lose 9 pounds from 9/9/12 .. Good luck everyone in your challenges.
  • carojrrn
    carojrrn Posts: 69 Member
    Good Morning ladies,

    Hope everyone is enjoying their Sunday.... Nice to read all the posts and see how everyone is doing.... Keep up the great changes and progress!

    I had another "no change" week in my weight and am trying to move on with it. I have gained and lost 25 pounds so many times in 25 years trying one thing or another. I am trying to be "real" this time as I honestly do not want to deprive myself. I know that means the weight will come off slowly but I believe the mentality of "I can't eat that" or "I can't drink that" will only sabotage me in the long run. I also admit I do not enjoy exercise. I have to realistically incorporate it into my lifestyle. DVD's are great but I would rather ride my bike or take a walk....

    I am off to enjoy the cooler weather with a short bike ride with DH. Then it is FOOTBALL! Hope all those fans enjoy their game day!

    Take care ladies. Here's to keeping it real!
  • linder4866
    linder4866 Posts: 11,125 Member
    Once again a quick fly-by!! I need to go and find some slacks for my dad. I'm told he's not eating and they think it's because his pants don't fit him right and it's bothering him. For you folks with a medical background, I'm also told he picked up *c. diff.* while in the hospital and will be on 3X a day antibiotics for an extended period. Difficile indeed---tough to get rid of??

    Meanwhile, my salmon experiment continues. I did have salmon and green beans yesterday and was down an additonal six-tenths of a pound from the prior day. Six pounds in total from 2 weeks ago. I know, again, probably coincidence but this is prompting me to eat a bit of meat every week and it is full of omegas right? All in all, not a bad thing.

    Skinny Pop is an already popped product and has nothing artificial in it Michele. I blame this new fixation on my friend who raved about it and purchased multiple packages in my presence (and yes, I was indeed hungry). At least you can just get one cup at a time......if you can limit yourself to one cup. They show a serving as 4 cups; I went with 3 cups the other day.

    I hope and pray your weekend is going well. Thanks again for being here............hugs, hugs, and a couple more hugs.

  • leeleedc
    Hi ladies I would like to join. I have used MFP before but didn't join in the community. I think this will be great motivation for me.
    September goals: track daily
    Do better about stress eating
    Drink more water
  • Yardtigress
    Yardtigress Posts: 367 Member
    Wow, I didn't realize that the show took so much time. I am so behind. The show went good, we were down about half from prior years, but folks are nervous and it is an election year. My interchangeable earring were a hit and the pendant sets too. We still made a profit. So it was good. I forgot my fitbit so I don't know how many steps I took on those days. But it was a long way to the beginning of the show and we were at the other end. I didn't eat that good while there, but tried to stay on track. Now I have to get ready for the next one later this month, but my plan for Sept is

    Walk at least 40 mins everymorning or swim for an hour
    Do at leat 20 mins of a video in the afternoon
    Do 10 mins of strength training daily
    Eat wheat free.

    I'll catch up on all the posts later today. Happy September to all. Tigress
  • tinteardrop
    Hi - I've been off the site for a while and I'm back... I had a physical this week, I'm 50 pounds overweight and have some problems with the left ventricle of my heart. I was pretty much read the riot act by my doctor. Menopause really blew me away - I gained 30 pounds in what seemed like minutes. I do take responsibility for using food emotionally and that all has to stop. I need to show some progress by the next time I see my doctor (when all the bloodwork is back). So... I guess I'm just coming here for support - I feel overwhelmed by how overweight I am. It also seems like it is going to take forever to get rid of - I know that's not the way I should look at it. I think once I start to lose weight I'll feel better about the whole thing. There's a healthy person screaming to get out of this body! My 55th birthday is the 23rd, I'd like to make it to my 56th! Thanks ladies! Ann