

  • katejkelley
    katejkelley Posts: 841 Member
    Hi, everyone! September started out great - reached my 20-pound goal! Now I've reset for 5 more, but I'm very happy with where I am right now if nothing else changes. The better news is my husband is so impressed with my weight loss, he's starting to eat better, too. Maybe we'll be one of those old couples who lives to 100!:laugh:
  • lizmil79
    lizmil79 Posts: 566 Member
    Happy Sunday to Everyone,

    Up and out already Sunday is normally my day to be at church (which we did), meetings with and during summer fairs, festivals, this weekend its been Art in the Park but we did it Friday , also family time etc. We did bulk that already but today the of TV is on, Healthy snacks are out but some regular chips for my hubby & daughter, It is Football time!!

    My DH has his fantasy picks in..

    So wishing everyone a good day will be back later today to catchup on all the posts.

    Liz:drinker: :drinker:
  • mazaron
    mazaron Posts: 329 Member
    Hello everyone, Happy Sunday.

    Oh zippideedodah! :drinker: Fall Fair was a great success for me. I entered eight items and got 4 firsts and 2 third place ribbons, including the “special prize” for dill pickles. That make me the Pickle Queen of Creston. :laugh: Such fun!

    The spin class on Friday was cancelled because they didn’t have an instructor, but I’d told everyone here that I was going so I had to do something. Did my own workout at the gym instead. Look at how you all keep me on track. :ohwell:

    The weekend was a total bust for food,:blushing: I ate pizza on Friday and had a bratwurst sausage on a bun for lunch at the Fair. Lots of wine too. Dear me. Back on the bandwagon today.

    The new barbeque is a hit. :love: Totally grand! Last night I did ribs and tonight I am “spatchcocking” a chicken. That’s the big test because I need to set the grill so I have a hot side and a cool side.

    Deb A: “My Smart Board has become a DUMBoard”. You poor thing. :noway: There’s nothing worse than flakey technology. Well, perhaps a full on power failure… I hope you’ve been able to get some exercise in too.

    Glenda, great news about the bike. Spin on!

    Cracked, ridged fingernails—I use an old-fashioned nail buffer. Does the trick for me & adds a little shine, too.

    Texasgal22 congratulations on your consistent loss – you are doing it right!

    Cathy in Nova Scotia, I’m so sorry to read of you disappointment with the knee brace. :cry: Chair aerobics on UTube can get a bit dull!

    DeeDee, congratulations on the smaller pants! :flowerforyou:

    Clothes are a super motivator for me and I keep telling myself I can’t gain the weight back because I’ve given away all my fat lady clothes.

    Oh Kate, “non-plussed by my weight loss” :laugh: Being a BC girl through-and-through I’m not taking sides but was there joy or despair in Edmonton after the game?

    JB, Your story of working outside at 40 below trigged a few memories for me. My DH and I homesteaded in northern BC, up by the Yukon border. We lived in a trailer with a log house added on. We’ve got lots of good stories of those days.

    Meg I am sorry your health screen was frustrating, things should improve as you work your way along. :flowerforyou:

    Jen, it sounds like you take good care of your Mum. Stuffed peppers are marvelous.

    Cpsoroff I am going to look for “Fitness Beyond Fifty”, I need all the inspiration I can get.:ohwell: It sounds like you have a pretty good routine going.

    Amanda, did you say “blue sky” in London??? Great to know you got out into the sunshine. Thank you for the good thoughtwaves.:flowerforyou: I got it. I found “The Happiness Handbook” on my Kindle for $1.99, so it’s downloaded and waiting for me to read.

    Meg, your tricycle sounds fantastic. And matching helmets. Oh my. :noway: DH and I have matching motorbike helmets…too geeky for words. We don’t have matching bikes, though.

    JB, your pasta sauce recipe sounds like mine, and it won first prize. Aren’t we clever? :drinker: I can’t resist that last sprinkle of red pepper flakes.


    September goals:
    No bedtime snacks, no second helpings!
    Get the routine chores done – no procrastination!
    24 hours of exercise in the month. Total to date: 4.8 hours
    Be a role model of healthy living for my students.
  • megblair1
    megblair1 Posts: 1,225 Member
    Hello all. It is a beautiful Sunday here. We went to church, DD#1 went to her new job, and the other 3 of us went to the nursing home to visit dad. We took him fruit and yogurt parfaits from McDonalds. They are actually pretty good. Then when we got home we all passed out LOL. Nothing nicer than a nice long nap. :love: I just hope I sleep tonight!

    Jen: well at least you got your massage. I’m glad you did!

    Heelstead: welcome. You can either work the ‘baddies” hubby brings home into your eating plan OR you can ask him very nicely to stop. That’s what I had to do to my DH. He was always bringing me treats. I finally asked him to quit and he did….for the most part. Every once in a while now I get something but usually its non-food. Yesterday he brought me daisies from the grocery store.

    Gail: isn’t it wonderful to have such a good friend? Your flowers sound pretty cool!

    Jb: what time did you say dinner was? I’ll bring the wine! :bigsmile:

    Michele: that’s all for the pumpkin muffins? Spice cake mix and one can of pumpkin? On my list for next weekend!

    Linda: hi and hope you had fun in the gorgeous weather! Take care of that knee :flowerforyou:

    Margie: welcome

    Liz: good job on staying focused at Golden Corral and great news on your weight. I’ve always done weekly weights, but don’t know why LOL

    Barbie: that’s so sweet….the doggies miss DH! :happy:

    JypsyJudy: I often have 2-4 critters on my lap. They compete to “clean” me the best!

    Wanda: I think everyone deserves a “free” day. We concentrate so hard the rest of the time, it is nice to let go and eat things that are real treats!

    DeeDee: you take care of yourself. You don’t want that pneumonia to come back. And put that tiara back on! :flowerforyou:

    Deb: welcome

    Carolyn: knock ‘em dead on that bike. I’ll be joining you Saturday when we get ours.

    Lin: ewwww c diff. Wash your hands very, very carefully before you leave his room. If he’s in isolation, wear the gown and the gloves. If he’s not, just be very careful. It’s highly contagious, lives on surfaces for days to weeks, and is hideous to have. I got it once and got septic (went to my bloodstream). I hope he gets over it soon. Yes the treatment is antibiotics.

    Leelee: welcome!

    Tigress: seems like a long time since you’ve been here! Nice to see you :flowerforyou:

    Tinteardrop: welcome! Realize that weight takes a while to go on and come off

    Kate: good news on reaching your goal :flowerforyou:

    Nancy AKA Pickle Queen: congrats on your fair wins! That’s fabulous! And the eating…don’t worry about it, you celebrated your coronation, now just get back on track!

    OK ladies. DH is ready to tackle the taxes. I know…don’t laugh.:glasses: Our CPA files an extension every year without us asking LOL. It’s nice out so there is a dog walk coming up soon,, then early to bed for my 4:30 wakeup call and clinical. Take care, meg
  • glendalight
    glendalight Posts: 127 Member
    Oh my, it has been a wild weekend full of eating obstacles:sick: - an "In n' out burger" themed birthday party on Friday (yes, the menu was homemade fries, burgers and milkshakes!! - avoided the shakes, limited the fries and indulged in the burger!) an all day workshop (packed a lunch) and wedding reception (with Chinese food!) on Saturday, and a church dinner today! yikes - time to get back to some regular eating! and maybe a little exercise ?

    Kathy - loved the John maxwell quote - so true. Thanks

    Anne - I understand that feeling of being overwhelmed at the prospects of poor health and losing 50 pounds. My advice is to settle in for the long haul and take it slowly. I think it is better for health and has more lasting and sustainable results. I had a great doctor in the past who led me through a 70 pound weight loss over several years, and another supportive one now who is helping me with these pounds that I let creep back on. Find someone who will challenge you but also encourage you. You CAN do it!!

    Nancy - the pickle queen of Creston :flowerforyou: - that is a great title. and thanks for the headsup on the kindle deal on the Happiness Project. I will have to see if I can find it.

    Enjoy the remaining hours of the weekend and here's to good practices this week! g
  • kathyszoo
    kathyszoo Posts: 311 Member
    Happy Sunday,

    Well, I got my walking in today at the grocery store and Kmart and will get some more in the auto parts store with DH in a little bit! My knee is flaring up again but I'm trying not to let it get me down. I'm debating trying Osteobiflex but think I'll check with my doc first.

    I did read all of your posts but unfortunately don't have the time to write more now. Hope everyone enjoys what"s left of the weekend!


    P.S. I have no idea why my ticker changed and now says 0 lbs lost.:grumble:
  • jo3y20
    jo3y20 Posts: 89 Member
    Happy Sunday lovely ladies--

    Met DD and SIL after church for dinner to celebrate their 20th wedding anniversay.

    Still haven't been able to walk for exercise. :cry: :cry: I think I'll have to breakdown and go to the chiropractor tomorrow. Hopefully that will help and I'll get back to normal. After my wonderful 6 mile walk on Labor Day I was so looking forward to a long walk this weekend.

    NSV-- for the first time EVER I weigh less that DH. Even when I weighed less when we were dating, he was a skinny thing. It may only last a few days as he is trying to loose weight also, but I NEVER thought I'd see the day. :bigsmile: :bigsmile:

    :flowerforyou: DeeDee - congratulations on the smaller pant size. I know what you mean about sizing. I'm still wearing some of my 24W's but then I have a pair of 16W's that I can wear and several 18W's that won't close. :noway:

    Have a great evening and Monday!!

  • Sasha4427
    Sasha4427 Posts: 196 Member
    Well, this weekend was full of good intentions but they pretty much got sidetracked.:bigsmile:
    It was my birthday yesterday and my sister took me out to dinner and stayed for a day or so. The dinner was excellent but I ate too much pasta and feel very slow today. Then of course, we had two full breakfasts in the visit (she is very thin and needs to eat more, I’m the opposite). The good news is that I haven’t gone up, bad news I haven’t gone down. Today after the end of the visit I thought I would do some outside work, but it’s thundering and full on lightning storm. Bah humbug!!! So I thought I would take this time to catch up with all you ladies.

    Its challenging trying to type around a cat, she is very affectionate so if there are typos, blame it on Mookers.

    DeeDee – I agree, why do antibiotics have to smell so rotten.:sick: After all the complaining about water, all of a sudden I have no problem getting it down, I’m starting to crave it. :drinker: Glad you are feeling perkier and more like yourself. What a great motivator the size change was.

    Kathy – I love Bath and Body Works too, the fragrances are always beautiful. Some stores are overpowering but that one is always just right Love the Maxwell quote.

    JB – wow, what energy you have to get all that canning and sauce and freezing done. Give yourself a pat on the back for being so productive.:flowerforyou:

    Cathy – must be disappointing about the brace and the messed up week, but today is the start of a new week – and I’m sure it will be a better one. And good on you for taking responsibility for working on your attitude. We all have attitude problems at time (some of us more often than others and that is likely me…) Your turnip, carrot and canned peas comment almost made me gag – just replace the carrot with parsnip and I’d feel queasy….:sick:

    Kate – I’m sure you will break through that brick wall very soon. Just the thought of being trapped in the memory foam topper brought out my claustrophobia. I will definitely see how I can test something before I buy (do you think they would let me nap in the mattress store?)

    Meg – sorry to hear about the health centre from hell. Some people just can’t handle a little authority… and so glad to hear the weekend was better.

    Gardengal – pumpkin,,,,mmmmmm, I have a recipe for pumpkin orzo that I just love. Must tweak it so it's more pumpkin than orzo....

    OK, gotta run, sun came out again, thunder is gone, time to work outside.
    Will check in later but the dog walks will have to take precedence and they sort of have their noses out of joint from the sister visit (she brought Spike the Parson Russell terrier and they were so polite to put up with his nonsense without putting him in his place – Evie should have just sat on him!)

    Later -- Lila
  • texasgal22
    texasgal22 Posts: 407 Member
    Hello Ladies, I've decided to keep commenting on few posts as I get to know you in this group. It will help with my memory and hopefully I will get to know everyone quicker. I notice new posters all the day so I know the 50's ladies are thriving. :bigsmile:

    I was outside for a little bit in this gorgeous autumn like day doing some yard clean-up. My grandson did the work and I did the clean-up. I :heart: those grandsons! And happy Grandparents Day too!

    Micki (jo3y20) - sweet about the loss and your DH - keep up the good work; you are certainly on the right path. I hope all goes well for you @chiro tomorrow.

    Kathy (kathyszoo) - it is a beautiful day for walking here too but I opted to do a little yard clean-up. As for your knee, I hope it better quickly.

    Glenda(light) - you came to the right place to find support when life throws us a food bash. I joined here in August 2012 too.

    Meg - I've fallen into that tax extension too but I still find myself doing it last minute. I never did this before 55 - ugh! :laugh:

    Liz - football is on here and that's why I'm in the other room on the computer. I do like to watch the Cowboys though.

    Nancy - thank you for the encouraging words. I hope to be outside more now that the temp is live-able. Congrats on making Pickle Queen - sounds like a lot of fun to me.

    I have truly read more posts than I commented on so I wish a good evening to all and a wonderful start to the new week ahead.

  • cjspensley
    Lynn, Yes, Skinny Pop is a regular item at Costco - I LOVE IT! I keep a bag at the office for that 2:30 pm craving...and I eat it one piece at a time.

    I'm fighting that pound on/pound off thing too...frustrating. I need to watch my fat grams more closely. Hovering around the 20 pounds lost mark and happy about that. I will need to replace some pants soon...have started wearing the next size down, which I still had in the closet. Even better...on the BMI index, I think the thing that kicked me into action to lose was realizing I was considered "obese" according to my BMI. I figured I was a bit (OK, a LOT) overweight, but would not have labeled myself as "obese." That was a shocker. I needed it. I am now 2 pounds from "overweight." Doesn't sound like a glorious goal, but it is certainly progress.

    Still tired after the busy weekend. My knees hurt. I took a 3-hour nap this afternoon. A LOT of running for work, worked a full day yesterday and I always work a half day on Sundays. I get Wednesday mornings off, but I'll take Friday if I can swing it. The hard part about my job is that everything I do goes into the next Sunday. You can't put off what is not done on Friday...you come in on Saturday! I work for a large church, so Sunday is our big day. I work in worship and creative arts, on the team that plans and carries out all the worship services...so Sunday is our big day!

    Sunny and cool in Chicago...only got up to the mid 70's today. Very nice!
  • 1234exercise
    Hey Ladies! It's nice to read everyone's daily news. I'm sorry It's been a while since I checked in.... I've just been so busy, and then I got a bug or something. Now I'm feeling much better. Today I went out and walked and did some stretch exercises outside...very relaxing to do that...and later I even did sit-ups. My eating this past week has been pretty much on track. I decided that since I have some unusual stress this month, maybe this isn't the best time for me to embark on a totally strict diet. But I've tried to keep to veggies, fruit, and healthy carbs and proteins. I was surprised this morning to find that I've lost weight since last Sunday. Part of it might have been due to the bug I've had, but I'm still happy about it, and I think it's a good start for me.:happy:
  • sandhillsmom
    sandhillsmom Posts: 319 Member
    HI Ladies!

    I've had a major stress weekend yet came out on top today with over 5 miles logged in walking plus a full circuit workout!! I feel like I'm eating more and more each day and yet still staying well within my plan. Woohoo!!

    One day I'll get the time to get all caught up and really read posts. That is my plan for tomorrow at least.

    Still smoke free, still feeling fantastic about that. :)

  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    I have a question. My fitbit adds tons of calories that I can eat to my daily total. I am making certain though that I keep close to my 1620 calories. Am I really burning as many as the fitbit says I am? It is recording over 20,000 steps a day (at least for the weekend when I'm not stuck to the desk.)
  • barbiecat
    barbiecat Posts: 16,986 Member
    I have a question. My fitbit adds tons of calories that I can eat to my daily total. I am making certain though that I keep close to my 1620 calories. Am I really burning as many as the fitbit says I am? It is recording over 20,000 steps a day (at least for the weekend when I'm not stuck to the desk.)

    :flowerforyou: I started eating some of my exercise calories the day that I came home from a two hour walk and felt weak and almost dizzy.....that's when I realized that if I were more active I'd need to provide my body with the necessary fuel for the activity.:bigsmile: I've been doing that for more than three years years and it worked while i was losing weight and it still works for me now that I'm maintaining my new weight..:bigsmile: ...start by eating eating only some of the calories to see how your body feels and how your weight loss continues......be sure that the extra food you eat is nutritionally dense, don't let the extra calories be an excuse to eat sweets or chips or something that has no nutritional value.
  • wessecg
    wessecg Posts: 410 Member
    Darn. I actually did eat a 330 calorie Little Debbies Oatmeal Creme pie today because I wanted to add some calories. :ohwell:
  • danne32339
    danne32339 Posts: 155 Member
    Welcome! Wow, two surgeries in 14 months. Bless your heart. I hope you're recovering quickly. Feel free to add me to your friend list.
    Good luck and God bless,
  • sutts
    sutts Posts: 35
    Hi there,
    I would love to join this group! I am a 52 year old special education teacher in northern Ontario,Canada. I need to lose 100 pounds. I am really inspired by the large amount of weight that some of you have achieved!!

    My September goals are:
    -to plan my meals for the day so that I eat within my calories each day
    -to walk at least 40 minutes each day
    -to have a positive attitude in all that I do

    I would really appreciate your support and ideas. I am going to be a grandma soon and want to have the energy to enjoy children at the school and at home for years to come!
  • danne32339
    danne32339 Posts: 155 Member
    I just got back from spending two weeks with my mother helping her out. She's had a couple of mini strokes and I try to go back once a month to help her out. It is beginning to get kind of stressful. Anyway, I joined 24 Hour Fitness and my goal is to go five days a week while I am here. My mom has an exercise bike at her house and I am going to try to use it when I am there. That's my goal for ths month. Oh and to try to get all of my calories in.
    I hope everyone is doing great. I just love this group.
    Good luck and God bless eveyone,
  • manleymann
    manleymann Posts: 8 Member
    I am new to this sight but I love all the great motivational posts and goal setting. I have just started using my fitness pal regularly and love it...:flowerforyou:
  • exermom
    exermom Posts: 6,396 Member
    Wanda - that's very interesting about your toe. A year ago I could easily do an hour of HIIT, but now after 1/2 hr the fronts of my feet start to "burn/hurt". Wonder what's changed?

    Linda Sundance - how do you cook your salmon? I usually bake mine but every time I do (unless it's a Gorton grilled) it always seems to come out dry

    Welcome margie, deb, leeleedc, Ann (happy birthday) and anyone else that I may have missed

    Liz - I like football, too. Don't understand it at all. Don't know the difference between offense and defense. But watching those guys in the tight pants running around the field....that I can go for....lol Isn't it always the way that when you are older you want so much to do the things that you could have learned easily when you were younger? I remember my grandmother was a fantastic crocheter. But me being the know-it-all teenager didn't want to have anything to do with that "old lady" stuff. Today I regret it and am trying to learn on my own. The reason I like weekly weigh ins and not biweekly or monthly is because it gives me an indication that my weight is going up and I can start to do something about it. If I only weighed in monthly, my weight could start to go up the entire month and I might not even know it. Congrats on the loss

    Did an hour of hula hoop on the Wii, read the paper, called ds, vacuumed the pool, had lunch, then went in the pool. My timer is broken, twice it hasn't gone off but just stops. Vince looked at it and said "you have a piece of chinese junk". Well, tomorrow is supposed to be nice and I will probably start stringing the popcorn for the tree. Popped it tonight

    DeeDee and everyone else - I noticed my feet swelling a bit before I went in the pool, then after I got out my feet were back to "normal". Now I've been out of the pool for a while and they are starting to get a little puffy. You know, every manufacturer's sizes run differently, even the same manufacturer but in different colors. I remember having to get 8 Wrangler blue jeans, but in colors I had to get the 10. That was quite some time ago. Now I have to have a 6P, depending on the cut sometimes a 4P (which is really hard to find)

    Yesterday I made these mini doughnuts. I love them. Jessica was upset that she'd gotten me the mini doughnut pan, but I really like it, so much that I've added it to my wish list at Amazon.

    Nancy - I knew that the judges would love your pickles! You know, I have these downloadable workouts. You get them at cardiocoach.com, they go on my ipod. So when I can't get to a spin class, I use these. Actually, they aren't dedicated to spinning, but they say things like "we'll climb a hill for one minute, then sprint for one minute". It's really to be used on any piece of cardio equipment, but I use it for the spin bike. What's spatchcocking a chicken?

    We had a substitute yoga teacher yesterday. He was quite good, he'll be teaching a yoga class at 9 on Wednesdays. The only thing is, that's when the deep water aerobics class is. But if this instructor doesn't work out, I just may go to the Y earlier and do my own thing (laps) and then take this yoga class.

    Meg - the McD fruit and yogurt parfaits are quite good. That's one of the few things that I get there, I think they now have apple slices so I get them sometimes if I need to buy something from there. Yup, that's IT for the pumpkin spice muffins, just spice cake mix and a can of pumpkin. I used to just mix it by hand but found that to get any lumps out of the mix, I needed to use the beater. Also, that's a good excuse to lick the beater....lol Many times I make them into mini muffins. About 4 equal one full size muffin.

    Micki - congrats on weighing less than dh!!!! That is truly a NSV

    Lila - does Mookers like to follow the mouse on the computer too?

    You know, for some reason I thought chickpeas were higher in protein than they are. Didn't realize that they're high in carbs. Oh well.....

    tomorrow I'll do a little yoga at home and then take the extremepump class. I need to remember to talk to the instructor to please let me know when the class is cancelled. Then, on my way home, I'll stop at this fruit & vege stand, hope they have some tomatoes. their's are really good. Then I'll probably stop at Food Lion on the way home to get yogurt and ground chicken breast (this is the only store that has it). Later in the day I do need to go to Aldi's to get a few things and some veges. We're supposed to be having the bonding inspection for the spa tomorrow. It's supposed to be nice, not humid, so I will probably start stringing the popcorn for the tree. I like to do that on the deck since the small popcorn pieces can just blow away and I don't have to clean them up.

    Hope everyone has a great evening.
