Partner hates me using MFP :(



  • lousoulbody
    lousoulbody Posts: 663 Member
    This is your thing, and like you say, you love it....don't give in to him, he could be jealous over the time you spend, obsessive is ok, I'm only 4 days in and i like it to,,,,it makes me feel in control with myself, eating habits and exercise, it keeps me in check and most of all its my support vehicle. Your decision, good luck!
  • RiversideBabe
    RiversideBabe Posts: 75 Member
    If you love it, keep doing it. It does feel a little obsessive at times, but when it feels like that, just take a step back and enjoy life without logging for an evening or something. I think you will have success by tracking everything, but you need to find the balance for your relationship. Is he upset bc your attention is on here and not on him? That can be fixed. You two need to have a talk and he needs to know this is important to you.
  • healthybabs
    healthybabs Posts: 600 Member
    So let me guess....does your partner also try to sabotage your weight loss efforts? God forbid you should get some support and encouragement for your efforts. I find that to be an important quality in my spouse/partner!!
  • MsMandy23
    Everyone is being so mean about your partner, but there is a possibility hes just trying to look out for you. It can become an unhealthy obsession. A few months ago I was basically letting this website and counting calories run my life and it was terrible. Maybe just dont talk about it as much? Log your calories on your own personal time and when youre with him you can just talk about other things...
  • shesquats
    shesquats Posts: 91 Member
    Logging is NOT obsessive but I do know that several of my friends (not my husband) think I'm obsessive about this too. I've tried to explain it and they just don't understand so the only thing I can suggest is that you just do what you feel is the right thing and that's all that matters. They are not living your life. You are! If I did not log everything I ate, I know I'd eat much more because that's what I was doing before I joined MFP. Logging holds me accountable, which is what many people need. :) Good luck!
  • emmie0622
    emmie0622 Posts: 167 Member
    What concerns me is your statement, "now I am thinking maybe I should stop using it".
    Why would you stop doing something that is good for you because your partner disapproves?

    Totally agree - this is something good you are doing for yourself, why would you want to stop using MFP?
  • classicalcrespin
    You should not just stop logging and try to be 'more conscious' of what you are eating and exercising. You are trying to do something for you and your health, your partner should appreciate that. He should want you to be happy and he should support you in whatever you choose to do. This isn't some fad diet or something that is dangerous so there is no reason that he should be so against it. I have tried just 'being conscious' of what I eat and, for me, it did not work. Sometimes you just don't realize what the actual calorie amount is or you forget things you have eaten. Maybe he is upset because you are on MFP all the time? In that case, I would try just logging at the beginning of the day. Choose what you are going to eat for the day and log it. It will keep you accountable throughout the day because 1) you know exactly what you are taking in/burning and where your calories will be at the end of the day and 2) you have already logged everything so you will want to stick with what you have put in. Ultimately, I think that your partner should be supporting you. Don't give up! I hope it all works out for you :)
  • Chagama
    Chagama Posts: 543 Member
    If it works, then it's not obsessive, it's being thorough and diligent.

    While I'm the only one in my house using MFP, my wife and kids are supportive of my constant weighing and measuring and logging. They know I'm doing this for my own benefit, and they've seen the results. I don't see how you logging every little thing impacts your partner. Why should he want you do stop doing something positive for your health and well being that really has no impact to him? I'd find that a bit worrisome, myself.

    I see some of the suggestions about logging things only when he's not around, and I strongly disagree. Why should you have to "sneak" around behind his back to take care of yourself. Unless he can show something real where your constant logging is causing a problem in your life, he needs to support you. Period.
  • Rinkermann
    Rinkermann Posts: 108 Member
    My partner and I have just had a huge row over me using MFP - he says it is making me obsessive and doesn't understand why I can't just eat healthily and exercise like 'normal people'. I log everything, down to a mint or cup of coffee, and he thinks it is crazy. I love MFP, it helps me stay on track and I know that without it I would over eat because I wouldn't be so conscious, but now I am thinking maybe I should stop using it and see how I go just estimating calories and exercise - or as he suggests stop thinking about it and just 'exercise and stay away from burgers' - what do you guys think? Anyone ever feel like logging everything is a bit obsessive?

    if MFP is working for you, he should be supportive. at best, he just doesn't understand. At worst, he sounds like he's trying to derail your efforts.

    of course, if you count calories meal-by-meal you'll constantly be by your pc, and that's not great. i say plan your meals at least 1 day in advance. i actually plan my food one week in advance. some people scoff at that idea, but it means i spend just 15 mins a week sorting out my meals, i then go to the supermarket and buy what i need. i can also then plan ahead for parties and nights out. as a result, i never have to think about calories because its all counted in those 15 mins at the start of the week.
  • subtlewhisper
    subtlewhisper Posts: 31 Member
    What you want is negotiable, what you need is not.

    If you are willing to give up what you need to get healthy then you have bigger issues then getting to a healthy weight.
    There could be a lot of reasons why your partner is having the reaction that he is. You won't know until you have a heart to heart. BUT, that you are willing to essentially sabotage yourself for the sake of his displeasure is a huge red flag.

    Created by - Nutrition Facts For Foods
  • AudreyinNC
    My husband has been super supportive of MFP. He looks at what I read, gives his two cents sometimes. This is a guy who is 5"11 165 lbs and has never worked out a day in his life. The other day he looked over my shoulder while I read an article about drinking warm water with half a lemon in the mornings, and yesterday at the store he pointed to the lemons.

    BUT, my co-workers have had a few dumbass comments. I have the app on my phone so I log everything I eat there (of course).
    One of the them who actually wants to lose weight himself actually said "enough with calorie counting already, your making me feel like a fatass". I may seem a bit obsessive at work, because I'm always "no I cant eat that" or "cant we order from somewhere more healthy?". Or I just bring my lunch and dont eat with them. BUT its because it was like a constant gorge fest at work ALL the time, it was one of the things I had to change in order for me to change. Everyday it was pizza, or chinese, or Thai, or BBQ. Every day. Sometimes twice a day depending on if my guys were hungry first thing in the morning. I'm not being obsessive, I'm just serious about changing my life. There is a difference.

    Anything that makes a POSITIVE change in your life is.....positive. Enough said.
  • fairestthings
    fairestthings Posts: 335 Member
    It can appear obsessive to a lot of people. I've had friends (even ones who use this site as well) who think I have become way too obsessive about it. Thing is, using MFP has been the only way for *me* to be able to successfully (1) lose weight, (2) work out consistently, (3) have readily available support nearly 24/7, (4) face accountability and (5) learn what REAL healthy food eating is like.

    My husband never said much, other than if I panicked about something. Then he worries. Other than that, I just let people say what they want to and I keep doing what I'm doing because... it's working. If it wasn't working then maybe I'd move on.
  • chubbygirl253
    chubbygirl253 Posts: 1,309 Member
    I can't speak for you, only for myself. But he doesn't get to speak for you either. If it keeps you on track what is the harm? So what. I can't imagine my fiance weighing in on how much mfp logging I do. Maybe some people think it's crazy that I set my clothes out the night before, but they don't get to tell me I have to wake up every morning and stare blankly at my closet and wing it. I know for me if I was not logging everything on mfp I would be going over everyday. Its definitely an accountability thing for me. I remember once I wanted fresh raspberries for a snack at the end of the day but I was short on available calories so I made myself walk 10 mins on the treadmill so I could affford those calories. Before mfp I woulda eaten the raspberries and told myself its ok because they're healthy and I didn't get fat eating raspberries! But I did get fat making those kind of excuses and giving in to temptation. (like that 10 mins on the treadmill killed me? hardly.)
    If you are considering not logging I would do it experimentally for 1 day. Don't log. Do your normal routine. But the next day go into your food diary and go back and enter everything for that day and see if you stayed within calorie budget. You'll know whether your instincts are correct about how much you would eat naturally.
  • appleholtz
    I what is necessary to take care of you!
  • CarmenSandiegoInVA
    My man is not a big fan of me using it either, but I tell him straight up, it's like this. Either you shut up and let me use this tool or I could gain back what i lost. And he alrady said he wouldn't have asked me out if I was my old size.
  • msemejuru
    If he is otherwise supportive and just started complaining, you may want to make sure you are not putting MFP in his face all the time. If it is the subject of every conversation and he has to be overly aware of everything you eat and shape his life around your eating habits, it may be alot for him. I logged for months on my ipod and computer without anyone knowing. I looked up low sodium choices before going out to eat with friends etc. Just make sure that MFP isn't the third person in your relationship. He may be missing all the old hobbies you two used to do together.
    If you know that you are not making your healthy lifestyle the main attraction in your relationship, you may have found a dud. Keep MFP and lose the partner.
  • donsmiller
    I'm a guy with a lot to lose yet, but I know guy's psyches, you're looking good and beautiful and pretty damn hot and he's jealous, he'll say he likes you big and lumpy and bumpy, it's a control thing, me Tarzan you Jane only Jane is looking pretty hot in her leopard-skins and he's afraid other elephant-hunters are going to bag him as wild game and take you away. Tell to take a flying friar (tuck) if he doesn't like it, you didn't say his age, but I'm betting he's in his 20s, goes to the gym, goes to the bar with the boys, can drink a 12 pack of beer, fart and it doesn't end up around his middle, eat a whole horse raw belch and it magically disappears, he's more conscious of his appearance in comparison to yours, don't let him screw your progress up
  • Dandawa
    i log it all, all day long. if i do not i eat of this childs plate, eat while l preparing this dinner eat extra snack at snack time. mfp contols my mindless eating. Mind u I do not look up each foid i calculate calories n often just enter calorie amount for ex. peice bread 90, plus soup can said 220 so for dinner i will just enter 310 faster for me. I do not share duary cause mostly just totals saves me time fir others n myself. i love mfp n if i had to give up fb or mfp good bye fb lol
  • sonjarogers72
    sonjarogers72 Posts: 110 Member
    You have to do what works for you! My boyfriend laughs at me too, but I told him to SHUT UP!!!!
  • waronmyfat
    waronmyfat Posts: 322 Member
    i log everythin n i mean everything... tell your partner to stop been an *kitten* and support you...