Forced flu shot at work



  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    I'm a nurse too and I think it's a terrible practice! We should be able to decline the flu shot if we don't want it. The flu shot is not 100% effective. There have been quality control issues that have led to shortages in recent years. It should be entirely elective. I have had employee health nurses chase me around with a needle and a piece of chocolate as if I'm a wild animal that is tamed by a fun sized kit kat bar!
  • cgarand
    cgarand Posts: 541 Member
    It bothers me that drugs are the answer to everything. Why don't they enforce healthy eating and exercise. They would rather put donuts and pizza in the breakroom for everyone and then mandate a shot. It makes no sense to me!!

    I love this post, you don't even know how much!
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I work in healthcare right now and they do their best to push you into having it.

    I have already advised Employee Health that under no certain terms will I ever have the flu shot. The first (and only) time I had the shot was about 8 years ago and I was dreadfully sick, stuck in bed for three days. Made our PCP aware of it to get it documented . My daughter had her first along with me and she was sick as a dog. You simply cannot tell me you cant get sick from having that shot.... sorry, not when both my daughter and I cant function.

    I had communicated that to the Nurse Practitioner performing my work-related physical that I am exercising my right not to have the flu shot as I do not get involved with direct patient care in my position. I would rather wear a mask while working. There is nothing in our new-hire package that states we are required to have the shot and I reminded her of that as well nor is there a law in our state that requires it. She did not like that, but I cannot afford to take another three days sick in bed to satisfy this woman's urge to prick everyone with the flu shot.

    Oddly enough, I just received an email this morning stating "Employee Health will be traveling to all campuses to administer the flu shots - please sign up for your designated times" - blah blah blah... Ill be signing the waiver well before they arrive at my campus.
  • athensguy
    I'm a nurse too and I think it's a terrible practice! We should be able to decline the flu shot if we don't want it. The flu shot is not 100% effective. There have been quality control issues that have led to shortages in recent years. It should be entirely elective. I have had employee health nurses chase me around with a needle and a piece of chocolate as if I'm a wild animal that is tamed by a fun sized kit kat bar!

    You are a nurse and you think that any medical procedure that is not 100% effective is not worthwhile?
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I'm a nurse too and I think it's a terrible practice! We should be able to decline the flu shot if we don't want it. The flu shot is not 100% effective. There have been quality control issues that have led to shortages in recent years. It should be entirely elective. I have had employee health nurses chase me around with a needle and a piece of chocolate as if I'm a wild animal that is tamed by a fun sized kit kat bar!

    Its one thing if said pt/person is in the high risk category - I definitely understand that. But - if you have no history of having the flu, you make the right choices about your health, stay active, eat a healthy diet, stay well hydrated and seek medical care when needed and as needed, there should never be a push for this at all.... ever.

    I wont even begin to quote some of the comments of families I used to help treat (In my early years as a clinical medical assistant) who were quite vocal about the flu shot... and I sure didnt blame them at all!
  • athensguy
    I work in healthcare right now and they do their best to push you into having it.

    I have already advised Employee Health that under no certain terms will I ever have the flu shot. The first (and only) time I had the shot was about 8 years ago and I was dreadfully sick, stuck in bed for three days. Made our PCP aware of it to get it documented . My daughter had her first along with me and she was sick as a dog. You simply cannot tell me you cant get sick from having that shot.... sorry, not when both my daughter and I cant function.

    I had communicated that to the Nurse Practitioner performing my work-related physical that I am exercising my right not to have the flu shot as I do not get involved with direct patient care in my position. I would rather wear a mask while working. There is nothing in our new-hire package that states we are required to have the shot and I reminded her of that as well nor is there a law in our state that requires it. She did not like that, but I cannot afford to take another three days sick in bed to satisfy this woman's urge to prick everyone with the flu shot.

    Oddly enough, I just received an email this morning stating "Employee Health will be traveling to all campuses to administer the flu shots - please sign up for your designated times" - blah blah blah... Ill be signing the waiver well before they arrive at my campus.

    Unless you're union, they can probably fire you with cause for refusing if they want to.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I would be fine with it. It's the same as jobs requesting Hep B vaccinations. This is for your safety and the safety of the patrons.

    Now Hep B is a whole different situation. If you are working in Phlebotomy, Lab, Cardiac Care, Nephrology, GI (for liver), or any field of medicine where the liver is concerned, Hep B is vital. You dont get sick with a Hep B series as some experience with the Flu vaccination.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I work in healthcare right now and they do their best to push you into having it.

    I have already advised Employee Health that under no certain terms will I ever have the flu shot. The first (and only) time I had the shot was about 8 years ago and I was dreadfully sick, stuck in bed for three days. Made our PCP aware of it to get it documented . My daughter had her first along with me and she was sick as a dog. You simply cannot tell me you cant get sick from having that shot.... sorry, not when both my daughter and I cant function.

    I had communicated that to the Nurse Practitioner performing my work-related physical that I am exercising my right not to have the flu shot as I do not get involved with direct patient care in my position. I would rather wear a mask while working. There is nothing in our new-hire package that states we are required to have the shot and I reminded her of that as well nor is there a law in our state that requires it. She did not like that, but I cannot afford to take another three days sick in bed to satisfy this woman's urge to prick everyone with the flu shot.

    Oddly enough, I just received an email this morning stating "Employee Health will be traveling to all campuses to administer the flu shots - please sign up for your designated times" - blah blah blah... Ill be signing the waiver well before they arrive at my campus.

    Unless you're union, they can probably fire you with cause for refusing if they want to.

    You cannot be fired legally for refusal to be vaccinated where I reside. If it was a requirement, it would legally have to be in writing upon filling out new-hire paperwork. People who work on the clinical side still have a choice if they want the vaccine.

    Ive worked in Healthcare for well over 15 years and am very well aware of what my rights are.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    vacines are a good reason why we live to 80/90 years old.

    I guess whooping cough is not enough for people.

    I can't wait until Small pox comes back and people wonder why? even though it is believed that only two known viruses for Small pox are left in Atlanta and Moscow, I bet it comes back in the next 20 years, even though it was thought to be wiped out.

    Thought the black plauge was wiped out too, but look and behold a case in's back.....

    I just don't get it, I simple shot for the betterment of society. :ohwell:
  • MouseFood
    MouseFood Posts: 169 Member
    You work in a hospital. You should get it.

    I have asthma, and I get a flu shot here in UK because i'm considered 'at risk'

    I don't LIKE getting it, and it does make me feel a little ill after, but I'm sure it's worth it.
  • MellowGa
    MellowGa Posts: 1,258 Member
    I work in healthcare right now and they do their best to push you into having it.

    I have already advised Employee Health that under no certain terms will I ever have the flu shot. The first (and only) time I had the shot was about 8 years ago and I was dreadfully sick, stuck in bed for three days. Made our PCP aware of it to get it documented . My daughter had her first along with me and she was sick as a dog. You simply cannot tell me you cant get sick from having that shot.... sorry, not when both my daughter and I cant function.

    I had communicated that to the Nurse Practitioner performing my work-related physical that I am exercising my right not to have the flu shot as I do not get involved with direct patient care in my position. I would rather wear a mask while working. There is nothing in our new-hire package that states we are required to have the shot and I reminded her of that as well nor is there a law in our state that requires it. She did not like that, but I cannot afford to take another three days sick in bed to satisfy this woman's urge to prick everyone with the flu shot.

    Oddly enough, I just received an email this morning stating "Employee Health will be traveling to all campuses to administer the flu shots - please sign up for your designated times" - blah blah blah... Ill be signing the waiver well before they arrive at my campus.

    Unless you're union, they can probably fire you with cause for refusing if they want to.

    You cannot be fired legally for refusal to be vaccinated where I reside. If it was a requirement, it would legally have to be in writing upon filling out new-hire paperwork. People who work on the clinical side still have a choice if they want the vaccine.

    Ive worked in Healthcare for well over 15 years and am very well aware of what my rights are.

    depends on what state you live in, some states you do not need any reason to be fired. Such as Georgia
  • kregerems
    kregerems Posts: 100 Member
    Our Hospital is going to require it next year. However, I've had the Flu shot in the Military and got sick, no record, because it
    was 2 decades ago. Now for those of you who insist we should have it because we work in a hospital, need to know that the
    flu shot you get this year is for the flu that we had last year and what they think might be this years strain.

    Whether or not we get a flu shot should be left to each person, not dictated by a employer or government.
  • cramernh
    cramernh Posts: 3,335 Member
    I work in healthcare right now and they do their best to push you into having it.

    I have already advised Employee Health that under no certain terms will I ever have the flu shot. The first (and only) time I had the shot was about 8 years ago and I was dreadfully sick, stuck in bed for three days. Made our PCP aware of it to get it documented . My daughter had her first along with me and she was sick as a dog. You simply cannot tell me you cant get sick from having that shot.... sorry, not when both my daughter and I cant function.

    I had communicated that to the Nurse Practitioner performing my work-related physical that I am exercising my right not to have the flu shot as I do not get involved with direct patient care in my position. I would rather wear a mask while working. There is nothing in our new-hire package that states we are required to have the shot and I reminded her of that as well nor is there a law in our state that requires it. She did not like that, but I cannot afford to take another three days sick in bed to satisfy this woman's urge to prick everyone with the flu shot.

    Oddly enough, I just received an email this morning stating "Employee Health will be traveling to all campuses to administer the flu shots - please sign up for your designated times" - blah blah blah... Ill be signing the waiver well before they arrive at my campus.

    Unless you're union, they can probably fire you with cause for refusing if they want to.

    You cannot be fired legally for refusal to be vaccinated where I reside. If it was a requirement, it would legally have to be in writing upon filling out new-hire paperwork. People who work on the clinical side still have a choice if they want the vaccine.

    Ive worked in Healthcare for well over 15 years and am very well aware of what my rights are.

    depends on what state you live in, some states you do not need any reason to be fired. Such as Georgia

    Im very well aware of that. I only spoke for the state I live in.
  • martymum
    martymum Posts: 413 Member

    I worked in the NHS on wards then in the emergency department for 20 years. I smoked 30 a day, was overweight and worked permanent nights and I have never had flu...not once!!

    I would refuse because it only protects against one type of flu and only this seasons flu, universal precautions will protect against skin contact,and lets face it someone could sneeze on you in the street/shop/hairdressers etc.

    This is not a permanent immunisation so herd immunity is not relevant...I do believe those at risk should be OFFERED the jab, but normal healthy people are not at risk.

    As it involves piercing the skin I do believe it is an invasive procedure and it cannot be forced on you or it would be assault.

    I suppose it comes down to personal choice..i would declare I am a Jedi and its against my religion...its up to them to disprove it lol

  • deanna_bond
    deanna_bond Posts: 104 Member
    First just saying it is madatory gets under my skin i dont care where you work. I wouldnt get it. That flu shot is genetically engineered for the exsisting flu that is already out there. Dont you think that flu is already mutation into a different form by now. I took a survey who did and didnot not get the flu shot and what happened? everyone who recieve the flu shot GOT SICK AND lost work time. Are they guarteeing you that if you DO get sick after this sadi "flu shot" that they are going to pay sick leave for it? Does it count against your hours because it IS mandatory to alter you body to work there.........This is all kinds of screwed up and frankly makes me upset. DO NOT TAKE THE FLU SHOT
  • emtb319
    I'm an EMT and dispatcher and I work for a nursing home. I refuse the shot every year, signing the religious conviction thing. IMO, the flu shot is a crap shoot. It may or may not protect you against a strain or two of the flu that might be around this year. If you want to protect your patients, wash your hands and take care of yourself. I've been exposed to everything under the sun, but because I took proper precautions and followed bsi protocols I've never gotten sick from my patients nor have I spread anything to them. The worst thing I suffer from is allergies.
  • beckyinma
    beckyinma Posts: 1,433 Member
    I'm all for it. If you chose to work in a hospital than you should do everything you can to not get sick and spread illness. If you don't want to follow those rules, go into home healthcare were you can be your own boss.


    Like your job? I suggest you keep it in the economy we are dealing with and an 8.1% unemployment rate.
  • Ruthe8
    Ruthe8 Posts: 423 Member
    I think you are incredibly selfish to refuse a flu shot when you work with people who have compromised immune systems. Those people have no choice but to be around you and you're putting them in danger. You should be ashamed of yourself.
  • lilmisfit
    lilmisfit Posts: 860 Member
    I work in a hospital, too, so I see absolutely no problem with it. Besides, it's free. What's the big deal, anyway? You can't actually get the flu from the shot. :huh:
  • MSeel1984
    MSeel1984 Posts: 2,297 Member
    I wholeheartedly agree with it.

    I work in a medical environment with elderly's vital for all of us-to protect ourselves and the residents.